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Question about a trade?

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So, uh. I clicked on a CB Green Copper and through some miracle of luck and the lateness of the hour, snagged it.

What might be a reasonable trade to ask for this? (doubt I could get two ;3)

Edited by Sinsdaemn

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Had a thought last night, when it comes to lineages particularly on tinsels/shimmers. Is there better trading value or should I say want on stair over spiral?

I just wondered since spirals are seen much often?

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@green copper: anything bred, multiple cb uncommons, and might get lucky on a 1:1 switch with cb silver. with luck, 3g prize, but 4g is a lot more likely.


@stair/spiral: well, stairs are what everyone DID a while back, so they are more common in older lines. many people have since decided they want something new, so we see a lot more spirals nowadays. All in all, though, i'd say stairs have more trading value in low gens, starting at 5g it does not matter much anymore.

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So, how much would a Winter, second gen, mate for this, would be worth?

I realized I had not traded for one and I'm a bit of in a hurry to get one.


I have this silver, but I really wanted to keep it. Could do an exception tho if nothing else works.

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Is it worth it for me if I trade a CB Copper/Blusang for a Dino/Chicken?

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A blusang seems fair, a copper might be a little overpayment. But all in all, those four are in the same vicinity of worth.


as for the winter, its more the problem of finding someone who can breed for you and whos dragons produce, than of value. Most breeder will give out pairings like that for free, if you can find those who have yules. smile.gif

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So, how much would a Winter, second gen, mate for this, would be worth?

I realized I had not traded for one and I'm a bit of in a hurry to get one.


I have this silver, but I really wanted to keep it. Could do an exception tho if nothing else works.

Like whitebaron said, the problem is not what you are offering but finding a person able to breed what you are looking for.

Since time is against you, I'd try directly PM someone with a cb yule asking if they can breed a winter for you.


For example you can try asking to people listed in the Special Release Offspring Gifting Group thread



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What would you say a second Gen Prizefail is worth if it is a Winter egg from a silver Shimmer x spring? My instinct is that since the seasons are off the value drops quite a bit...

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Say if I had a CB Thunder, could I feasibly ask for a CB Gold for it?

You can ask. But you won't get it tongue.gif Even if you had a full set, you wouldn't get a bite.


Rumor: yep. The value drops significantly.

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Is it fair to ask for a 4th Gen Tinsel for a Paper, or should I add more to it? I don't have much experience offering on lower-Gen Tinsels, and I've heard that Papers have been fluctuating lately. x-x

Edited by 11th

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Okay, new question! How rare are CB Nebulas? I always seem to pick them up easily in the cave but I see them up for trades a lot in the forums. Would trading one for a copper or trio be fair?

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Okay, I'm back!


  Is it fair to ask for a 4th Gen Tinsel for a Paper, or should I add more to it? I don't have much experience offering on lower-Gen Tinsels, and I've heard that Papers have been fluctuating lately. x-x


I'd say it's fair and I'm going to point you towards ZzelaBusya as I know she sometimes has 4th gen tinsels up for trade for papers if my memory is correct. It may take a while though as not many who have 4th gen tinselsare looking for papers atm and vice versa.


  Okay, new question! How rare are CB Nebulas? I always seem to pick them up easily in the cave but I see them up for trades a lot in the forums. Would trading one for a copper or trio be fair?


Cb nebulas aren't that rare, the reason you see them up for trades a lot is because of miscolorings. Trade about 3 for a cb trio, you won't be able to trade them for a cb copper.

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Okay, new question! How rare are CB Nebulas? I always seem to pick them up easily in the cave but I see them up for trades a lot in the forums. Would trading one for a copper or trio be fair?

Not at all, they're pretty common. They're up for trade a lot because like Sarah said, for miscoloring. But also, people do like CB Nebulas because they look nice. Same goes for Blusangs. Anyways, a trio is pushing it and a CB Copper is just not going to be happening anytime soon. I'd say 3-4 CB Nebulas = 1 CB Trio, but you'd have to hatch the nebulas.


Is it fair to ask for a 4th Gen Tinsel for a Paper, or should I add more to it? I don't have much experience offering on lower-Gen Tinsels, and I've heard that Papers have been fluctuating lately. x-x


I get CB Metals for my 4g prizes (and a few others have reported they have gotten CB Metals for theirs too on here), however, I know that a few trade off their 4g prizes for unbreeds or just some cb uncommons. Just try your luck.



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Is it fair to ask for a 4th Gen Tinsel for a Paper, or should I add more to it? I don't have much experience offering on lower-Gen Tinsels, and I've heard that Papers have been fluctuating lately. x-x

I recently had the pleasure of trading with a CB Tinsel owner. They wanted 5 CB Female waterwalkers and 5 CB Male Nhiostrifes for a 2G egg! I was flabbergasted when they came to me and proposed the trade.


Moral of my post: Ask for what you want, but also leave room for other offers. I was very lucky to have such a kind person approach me, and I'm going to do the same with my offspring.

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Getting CB Metals for a 4G Tinsel is completely dependent on the rarity of its lineage. If its uber common, sometimes it doesn't get any offers at all. 11, seeing as the lowest gen tinsel on your scroll is 7th gen, some kind breeders might even breed you for free/cheap. You just need to find the right person smile.gif

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Moral of my post: Ask for what you want, but also leave room for other offers. I was very lucky to have such a kind person approach me, and I'm going to do the same with my offspring.

I'd say ask for what you'd want, but don't expect to get a bite. And actually, I feel (ratio wise) prize CB Winners are much nicer than the people who own dragons from their lineages. *points to self* xd.png But yes, you did get lucky though. wink.gif


Getting CB Metals for a 4G Tinsel is completely dependent on the rarity of its lineage. If its uber common, sometimes it doesn't get any offers at all. 11, seeing as the lowest gen tinsel on your scroll is 7th gen, some kind breeders might even breed you for free/cheap. You just need to find the right person smile.gif


I've always rated rarity at the bottom when it comes to trading prizes. These are what I believe is the most valuable factors for prizes:


1) Generation

2) Color

3) Type of Prize (Shimmer or Tinsel; Shimmer being > than Tinsel)

4) Ancestor

5) Type of mate (Gold, Blusang, ect)

6) Type of lineage

7) Rarity


(actually I think I'm missing something O_o; )


I've traded an exclusively very uber common lines for just cb metals: https://dragcave.net/lineage/97Kn5 (Well actually, I did trade it for a 2g Shadow Walker Prizekin once xd.png)


Generation is just obvious.

Color is next because usually people do not want "bronze" prizes even if it's a shimmer they'd rather take a silver tinsel. As for prize, that's rated under color because generally people will want a shimmer. Combined with color and prize there are those that say "No bronze Tinsels". Type of mate rated under just because people don't generally want a rare bred with the prize and even holidays too. Type of lineage just because generally Stairstep > Spiral.


Rarity is just down there because I only feel it is so subjective. You can argue my line is not rare because it only has one 2g of it. However, you can argue that it is common because of all the ancestry in all of the 3g+ shimmers as well as the 2g that has contributed to it.


Oh and forgot to explain ancestor. If you get one from Bilbo, Jewel, or Penk, then the values go up because Bilbo isn't bred to much and Jewel and Penk are spriter alts which increase the value, but at the same time can decrease because some are just OCD to see that random color. wink.gif


As long as you get the top 2 of the list it doesn't even matter the rarity of the dragon. It'd only matter to someone that's already built a large number of low gen prize that regularly trades for "rarity" lines. Which isn't that many.



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Could you get a CB silver for a PB 2g alt vine? I have the vine, btw.

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Could you get a CB silver for a PB 2g alt vine? I have the vine, btw.

Probably not. I would add something like two CB Nebs? Although I'm not sure how easy silvers are to catch.

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On-topic of bred metals, what should I offer for a 2nd gen Silver from a specific pairing? I'm looking for a 2nd gen from a Speckle Throat, and one from a Blusang.


Also, how common/uncommon are Blusangs? They got very common at some point but I haven't found any in a while.

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Is Blue Dino worth of a CB Nebula and 4th Gen Copper shimmerkin?


Seems reasonable, mostly based on if you like shimmerkins and cb nebulas.


On-topic of bred metals, what should I offer for a 2nd gen Silver from a specific pairing? I'm looking for a 2nd gen from a Speckle Throat, and one from a Blusang.


Also, how common/uncommon are Blusangs? They got very common at some point but I haven't found any in a while.


You could try a bloodswap or other pretty lineages. People who breed specific pairings usually do it for free though so you may want to put a search out in the breeding threads. Be warned, speckle throats are a pain.


As for the topic of cb blusangs, from my experience they seem to be going on a drought right now, almost as difficult to find as cb coppers but then again they were really common recently so not many people would be looking for them right now. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this :/

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