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Question about a trade?

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so... would something like this although longer gen than most want be worth anything as paired gold?


I wasn't expecting them to breed - at all, so posted things I need I guess but would be interested in knowing due to pairing?

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I think you could get -a- chicken for it (I'm thinking you have it and want to trade it), but I wouldn't hope for two unless it's a friend that doesn't mind overpaying. wink.gif

LOL. Thank you for the feedback. *crosses fingers for a chicken*

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so... would something like this although longer gen than most want be worth anything as paired gold?


I wasn't expecting them to breed - at all, so posted things I need I guess but would be interested in knowing due to pairing?

The problem with this is that a lot of people don't have a CB gold. And like was probably said already, those who do have a CB gold would rather breed a 2nd gen because those are worth more. I have this line too, of a similar gen, and I don't breed offspring anymore because people are very picky about shimmers these days. 5th gens are still allowed on the 'rare' trading thread but hardly anyone wants them except for shimmerswaps. These days, 2nd or 3rd gens are mainly what everyone wants. And unless you're a CB prize owner, getting a 2nd gen is pretty impossible unless you're friends with the right people.

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thanks for that smile.gif well hopefully I have left it very open to any offers - will see if any nibbles.

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Eh? *pokes own post a bit further up* But yeah, the wiki is rubbish for rarity values, definitely... I suppose I should add that I got 2 CB Winter hatchies for a CB Magma egg about a week or so ago, and considered it a reasonable deal.

Lol when you quoted him I just assumed it was a long post about his question. xd.png


Well I'm not saying if you bundle for something better you won't get it. smile.gif I was talking in respect of a 1:1 ratio. ^^


@Lilacamy: As a prize it's worth less, but as a gold fail I've noticed people like to flood around for a metallic shimmer fail. smile.gif But yeah, what zaverxi said, people tend to have none or barely enough to breed it to their only/2 CB Golds when they can make checkers. ^^



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so... would something like this although longer gen than most want be worth anything as paired gold?


I wasn't expecting them to breed - at all, so posted things I need I guess but would be interested in knowing due to pairing?

iirc thats one of the more widely traded lines form that shimmer ...


as others have said, the length of the shimmer makes it worth a lot less than shorter gens, and the metal pairing makes it worth even less (same as a holiday pairing, as not everyone can continue the line)


the best you can hope for imo is a shimmer swap.


but if you're looking for commons then try this thread


i've had good luck with longer gens getting hatchie offers on them from that thrad versus the others or EatW

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@diaveborn:  I think that must be a hang-over from the "Spring That Wasn't" a couple of years ago (though I remember it well and the Seasonal drought actually started at the end of that Winter).  Now though, I see Seasonals fairly regularly in the cave and bred ones show up frequently on the AP.  They don't hang around for ever, but they're certainly not an impossible catch like they were.

Ohh, I see! Thanks so much biggrin.gif


But yeah, never trust the wiki for trade values.

*nod* Yeah, I hear what you're saying about the wiki being better for general info rather than trade values. Was just thinking if it had changed in the wiki at some point, maybe there was something going on that caused it to change, but what you're saying makes sense. Thanks!

Edited by diaveborn

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Would a CB Golden Wyvern go for a CB Winter? Would this be fair or am I going to low?


Also what would a CB Blue Opal go for?


Thanks for the answers~

Edited by lollipop00

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Would a CB Golden Wyvern go for a CB Winter? Would this be fair or am I going to low?


Also what would a CB Blue Opal go for?

A CB Golden Wyvern is worth 2-3 CB Winters IMO. I'm not sure about Blue Opals though, although I'm looking for one recently for gifting (my friend has reached Silver Trophy recently, so I'm trying to gather a pair of CB Green Opals and a pair of CB Blue Opals for her) I would totally trade a UB / CB Trio / CB Golden Wyvern for it, though I'm not sure if that would be sufficient.


Also as Valentine's Day is coming up, I'm wondering where I can trade for Valentine offsprings (since I joined DC only last month, I have no Valentines on my scroll to do bloodswaps)

Edited by Jon_

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I ended up gifting that shimmer but thanks for the heads up on that thread Red2111 - thank you everyone for advice on that as now know for future! Have a 4th gen x silver so that will probably just be a nice shiny for me to look at rolleyes.gif (I love it though and that is the important thing)



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Would a CB Golden Wyvern go for a CB Winter? Would this be fair or am I going to low?


Also what would a CB Blue Opal go for?

I think 1:1 is very fair, 2-3 I'd say is way overpricing.


As for Blue Opals, it depends because I think players are going to want a CB (if at all) if they're new to the game or one of those players that like to freeze CBs because when opals came out everyone kept thinking they could get a color swap and kept abandoning their purple opals into the AP.


@Mirjana: It doesn't matter if it comes directly form a CB Prize if it's long and have no clear lineage pattern. I would not expect a CB Blusang for that Holly offspring.

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Would a CB thunder, paper, and CB golden wyvern be worth a copper?


@mirjana: maybe like a dino/blusang? Something in that level



@lollipop00: 2 winters is probably about worth a golden wyvern imo. Blue opals are worth not that much. Just uncommons maybe.





Edited by Oasis

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Would a CB thunder, paper, and CB golden wyvern be worth a copper?

Depends on the color. smile.gif I'd gladly trade unless maybe for a cb green copper. Any other color is fine.


Edit: I'll try to add more info before Saynna beats me to it. dry.gif Ahem, cb green coppers are worth a lot, not as much as cb silvers now (it takes longer but you could still do a 1:1 swap) but they're still quite up there. CB brown and red coppers on the other hand aren't as rare, perhaps because their biomes move more, and so I would do a paper and cb thunder trade for one. Adding all three is a bit excessive and people favor papers anyways for collections.


Edit2: Beaten to it by 3 minutes >:I

Edited by Sarah864

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Would a CB thunder, paper, and CB golden wyvern be worth a copper?

Erm, you could a lot more for a Copper still than that. I've only notice that it lowered price value if you try trading it off for prizes/metallics.

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Would a CB Golden Wyvern go for a CB Winter? Would this be fair or am I going to low?

I traded a CB Golden Wyvern recently and wanted to have things from my wish list or 2 CB Winters. I got offers with 2 Winters but I took an offer with 2nd-gens from Christmas dragons, so I`d say definitely try on getting more Winters wink.gif



Also as Valentine's Day is coming up, I'm wondering where I can trade for Valentine offsprings (since I joined DC only last month, I have no Valentines on my scroll to do bloodswaps)


Did you get Christmas dragons? If yes, the same way wink.gif

Put a "I am searching for this and this" in your signature, point to it in your trades and let people PM you.

Or you can grab old Valentines from the AP as soon as breeding season starts and trade them for the offspring you want, there will be a Holiday trading thread which opens during Holiday season.

Or you can ask people to breed their Valentines for you. It's going to be my first Valentine too and I'll get 2nd-gens from all past Valentines and more if the limits are lifted, thanks to awesome people.


Edited by Mondat

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@Mirjana: It doesn't matter if it comes directly form a CB Prize if it's long and have no clear lineage pattern. I would not expect a CB Blusang for that Holly offspring.

It's still a nice line. I'd want at least 2 of those for its offspring, especially if I choose a quality dragon for its mother.

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It's still a nice line. I'd want at least 2 of those for its offspring, especially if I choose a quality dragon for its mother.

It is a nice line, unique. While a lot of people are only into 2 breed stairs, I think there enough people like me that would be willing to give you something semi-rare for it if you continued a nice pattern for it.

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It is a nice line, unique. While a lot of people are only into 2 breed stairs, I think there enough people like me that would be willing to give you something semi-rare for it if you continued a nice pattern for it.

See, thats the point. Something semi-rare aint two blusangs, usually.

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Did you get Christmas dragons? If yes, the same way wink.gif

Put a "I am searching for this and this" in your signature, point to it in your trades and let people PM you.

Or you can grab old Valentines from the AP as soon as breeding season starts and trade them for the offspring you want, there will be a Holiday trading thread which opens during Holiday season.

Or you can ask people to breed their Valentines for you. It's going to be my first Valentine too and I'll get 2nd-gens from all past Valentines and more if the limits are lifted, thanks to awesome people.

Thank you! I got most of my Christmas dragons off the AP, apart from some of the Hollies, which I traded for with CB metallics and other rares. I guess I'll just trade when the time comes biggrin.gif


By the way, I'm recently quite interested in metallic checkers. I wonder how those are priced? As in if higher gen worth more than lower gens, and about what amount should I pay to get a fourth or fifth gen? I'm also wondering if metallic two-breed checker worth more or PB metallics (specifically Golds, and maybe Silvers)

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What are cb blue two head lindwurms worth these days. Any chance I can get a 2nd gen metal? unsure.gif

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What is a CB Red copper hatchling worth? Can I get a 3G prize for it?

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What is a CB Red copper hatchling worth? Can I get a 3G prize for it?

I'd say 4G. I can't even get a 3G with a silver.

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What are CB green opal Lindwurms going for now? Would two or three be worth a CB silver/gold? or a CB copper?

Edited by Psykotika

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What are CB green opal Lindwurms going for now? Would two or three be worth a CB silver/gold? or a CB copper?

copper - maybe, if its not a green.

silver/gold - no. never has been. there were some people desperate enough to make such trades when they were new, but now? not so much.

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