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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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man, I am being soo critical. I still have yet to give a 10, and I have only given one 9. I like the most creative trees, and I saw one that was a roaring dragon with outspread wings. biggrin.gif

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@TJ - I screencapped a tree this morning that I definitely did vote on and I got the exact identical tree tonight. I had the pictures next to each other and it was not a case of so similar they might be the same, they *were* the same. So unless my first vote had not registered for some reason (unlikely, because I had no lag, no connection disruptions no nothing this morning and I voted on a lot of trees for a couple hours) , I got the same tree twice.




I also just had one with a tiny tree sitting next to the presents, made of blinking lights with the pine cone as trunk and a bird sitting on top . So sweet <3

I also am certain I had two trees twice which I remembered by very distinctive features (and some more trees possible, but can't tell due to the high numbers of trees I voted today). As long as double votes won't be registered, it doesn't matter much, I guess.

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@TJ - I screencapped a tree this morning that I definitely did vote on and I got the exact identical tree tonight. I had the pictures next to each other and it was not a case of so similar they might be the same, they *were* the same. So unless my first vote had not registered for some reason (unlikely, because I had no lag, no connection disruptions no nothing this morning and I voted on a lot of trees for a couple hours) , I got the same tree twice.




I also just had one with a tiny tree sitting next to the presents, made of blinking lights with the pine cone as trunk and a bird sitting on top . So sweet <3

What TJ is saying, is that even if you did see a tree twice, your vote will only count once in the database - even if your screen said your vote was counted both times, on TJ's end it will only show up once.


In short - people: stop worrying about it! tongue.gif

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I just rated my first ten. happy.gif

It was quite cute, actually. The gold dragon topper had a deer on top of its snowball, and its wings were strung with lights.

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Now I still can't view other people's trees and I now know I won't win because I didn't get the tree topper ornaments :/ Oh well I tried.

Cheer up! I didn't use any of the big toppers at all on my tree. smile.gif


Of course, I may be getting all 1s, but we might as well look on the bright side (that's the side with all the reflective garland).

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)


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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

I'm noticing that too. :/

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

I get them too. huh.gif

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

I'm not having this problem. That's weird!

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Woah ohmy.gif I just saw a tree where only half of thesilver Western Dragon Tree topper and the silver bird tree topper were visible. They were floating in the air on the right, and you could only see the left half! It was like an invisible wall just cut off half the toppers.


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This is very weird, the last 5 minutes I've seen 3 trees where there was a part cut off.

It almost looked like tree had moved away from the ornaments. Has anyone noticed this?? Is the problem of my internet server or is this a glitch??

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

I'm getting it, too. I hope it doesn't mess up anyone's designs. sad.gif

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What do you mean vampire tree?


It was a smiley face, but it had little ornament fangs smile.gif

Edited by Finn_the_stargazer

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Huh, I think TJ must have tinkered with the coding since his last post. Suddenly, ornaments that are visible, but not completely within the borders, are cut off? (I've had several of these things in a row now.)

does that mean that stuff like the dragontrees are not longer visible?

Cut off wings and such? O.o

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I see it too. All ornaments that extend past a certain rectangle are cut off.


I suppose this is to prevent the blocked-voting-button problem

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I gave a 10 to a colour coded tree. Purple ornaments on the bottom-left corner, rising to yellow (I think?) ornaments on the top-right corner. It was so pretty 8D

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This is very weird, the last 5 minutes I've seen 3 trees where there was a part cut off.

It almost looked like tree had moved away from the ornaments. Has anyone noticed this?? Is the problem of my internet server or is this a glitch??

Yes! on my previous post, I cut out the part where I saw a tree that looked like all the ornaments had been shifted about a foot away from their original positions.

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