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New Moon Academy OoC Thread

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Lol, so you did end up hating me for the suspense xd.png


@ND: You'll know when the time comes~ wink.gif



Awww, I'm glad you like my RP that much ;-;


@Kash: You'll get answers soon~ ...Maybe... xd.png

Awwwwww, thank you so much ;-; I'm never confident about my posts, and especially because these posts are plot moving and important, I wanted them to be... well, awesome, but I never thought I quite got there TT-TT

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I was so confused when you called me Kash lol


Usually people call me Oak, or Kat if they know me, so I was wondering who the heck you were talking to. Its okay though, I like it tongue.gif

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Lol, yay xd.png

It was the first way to shorten your name that popped into my mind~~



I also have another question. How come everyone's saying the students are following Xelnus like they were a pack? xd.png

No one mentioned in their post that they were mindlessly following, yet everyone said the OTHERS were mindlessly following. The only ones in that group are us, you know? xd.png

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I'm pretty sure that I said that Lilly felt like a lemming, but I might have forgotten to put that in there. And I also said she mindless followed the others. So I guess everyone's talking about me tongue.gif

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Mindless kids following creepy teacher into a strange white room in the middle of the night are mindless. If this occurred in real life, I would've thrown a book at the teacher and storm off. Besides, someone needs to be the difficult one of the group...(and it's way past Ander's bedtime, so he's probably cranky >_> )



Ah, I might as well go post now...*wanders off to do just that*

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@Kash: You did say she felt like a lemming, but you also mentioned everyone else also following mindlessly right before that xd.png






Why is the white room scary? It would be worse if it was red, don't you think? xd.png

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White rooms...they're too...clean.



And I would run away from battle...only to sneak up on him and take out his knees! >;D

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Take his scarf!! It's his weak point!!!! xd.png


Oh wells, I'm going to go post now, see if I can lure Ander into the tr- I mean... the room <.< >.>

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His scarf? Okay! *sneak attacks and steals scarf* So soft and warm~ *buries face in it*


Ander shall get into car in hopes of candy not fall for any dirty tricks!


You might need to drag him in by his feet in order to get him into that room...he's pretty determined to go back to his dorm and get some sleep...

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Share the scarf!! D: *steals*


Uhm, in the end it wasn't as much luring as... I don't even know what that was xd.png


Oh, also, feel free to make him go to the principal's office, or straight to his room, if it fits his character better. In the end, he'll end up in the night classes with everyone else, no matter what he does *insert evil insane Kira laugh here. Yes, that one.*

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Or else Vance will come and track him down because Vance's powers are epic will have to collect him. Yeah right. >.>

Anyway, I'm going to wait posting as Elias until Shiro unrolls the main event (hopefully soon >.>) in the creepy white room.

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I'll post the main event (kind of) as soon as the Ander issue is solved~


Oh, ND, don't feel rushed by that though. I'm having fun with him being so stubborn xd.png

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What? He has to go by force? T-T I bet he'll try to sneak out of the grounds and go hide out in the woods if he gets told that...


But for now, he'll just...go to bed (because he's a crank and he's some sleep).




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Oh, if he goes to the dorms, he'll find the Headmaster standing in front of the doors to enter the building wink.gif

He's all-knowing like that xd.png

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Well, if the Headmaster guy'll be there, he'll meet him- and then go running to someplace if he's told something he doesn't want to hear. ^^ Man, I'm having way too much fun in making my character's life miserable.

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We all love making our character's lives miserable xd.png


Lol, running away. Let's just say... he... uh... won't be able to X3

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ND, I think your character will have to stay in the night classes. It seems there is no escape. The trap was sprung.

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Noo! Ander will fight until he dies! He doesn't want night classes! >;D Difficult Ander will be difficult...until the very end!

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I'm not surprised. Ander is very difficult, in my opinion. Elias, however, is more likely to follow what he's been told. That means getting into the candy car If a teacher told him to do something, he'd do it.

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Ander should learn from him xd.png

The candy car is gooooood. Whoever told you otherwise is crazy >D





...Or maybe it's all a trap. Up to you guys to guess~ ;D

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IT'S A TRAP!!! It always is.



I just love the headmaster dude. Even though he just showed up, I just want to jump into the RP and hug him. He just has that air to him...


And I'm debating whether or not I should post now or wait until some other people post... Hum...

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Awwie, I lurve him too :3


You should post!!! xd.png After all, the Headmaster needs to explain to Ander everything Xelnus has already explained to everyone else, so we need to catch up smile.gif

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I'll post, but I don't know if Ander will agree with your plans or not...

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I told you not to worry about stuff ^-^ I have means to make him listen~ He'll come around eventually. But this is just more of a reason for you to post whenever you can, since we do have to catch up with the others xd.png

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