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Hatchlings OoC Thread

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Question, what happening with Jink? (tis forgot what the plan was with him)


Wondering cause I'm bored and maybe he could have taken a wrong turn (due to being so tired and bored) and ends up near the cave or something.

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He might end up there if he realizes Scuta's working for Thrymzen now?


Thrymzen sent him off to scout a human kingdom to the northeast, in preparation for his assault.

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(Tis attempting to have something happen lol. all other RP's I'm in are not active one bit atm heh. Need ideas to get with you guys seeing as no one else is on.)

Edited by little lost dragon

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If they meet at the same time we could have one of those bloody fights. Though who side wil be who I don't know lol

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Well they'd just fight until one prevails, and we can't have that, being it would probably be Jink after awhile. You know, being bigger and having more stamina. But they's never fought for very much longer than maybe half an hour.

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Bigger ain't always better though. One him being a bigger target REGARDLESS of his speed. bigger will always be harder to dodge. Anyway Crusher has had lots of time to practice as well so I think he'd be up to par with Scuta and Jink again *evil smile*

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I'm thinking no... not Jink. He bigger and has years, around hundreds, over Crusher. Who only recently got his new body, and honestly shouldn't be back to his original power yet. It's been like what? A month in the Rp?

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I dunnu how long its been. For the longest time it was mess after mess so I just pulled my chars out of the messes for plots. In that time I can say he was training at those times. Don't forget Crusher thinks fast. He won't stand by and not try out things. As ya said he's had a month. All he's got to is modify his tactics from vamp form to magi form. That rides bone platting and extended claws and tail weapon but he can make up for that with his magic (which Magis seem to be the next step down from a GoN in terms of magic ability.)

Edited by little lost dragon

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Yeah, but think, Jink and Scuta have fought all their without magic or outstanding physical traits.

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Yes be that never stopped Crusher and Scuta from fighting.... nor Scuta and Crusher and Jink. Really all it is a modification of tactics that Crusher had to do. Just cause he got a new body did not mean he lost all his ways of fighting. They just needed modifying. He's much like Scuta and Jink now in terms of armor (cause he's got non now lol) but that is just replaced with range and stuff. Its just a matter of modifying his old tactics to match what he can do now.


Years of fighting did not stop them before.

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Name: Graystripe.

Gender: Male

Type: Dark/Black

Power: Darkness, fire, and lava.

Job: Fighter/Mentor (If that's ok, if not fighter)

Personality: Caring, Fearice, some times moody.

Appearance: A large gray dragon with wide wings that have blue stripes on them. His eyes are hazel yellow and he has a dark gray stripe on his back.

Age: Grown

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Alright, let's do this.

-Define that power for me, it's not enough detail.

-If your type is black ((The DC dragon type, you have to be one of those.)) Then he wouldn't be gray huh?

-Definitely need more personality.

-Grown is not a stage. The stages from DC are: Egg, Hatchling, Matured Hatchling, and Adult.

-Fix the occasional spelling mistake. ((EX: Fearice?))

-Perhaps add a history?

-Also we abandoned jobs.


Fix and we'll see.

Edited by Dusset

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I'm here, but barely. Just watching and waiting right now, because I don't know what to do. At all.

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Ohh. Same here... cept I'm being noisy and obnoxious about it. You should try it sometime. It's really degrading.


Maybe Nioin got bored?

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If there in the good guy cave my chars are up. Maybe they could intract.

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Ahh ryujin is bored, all the rp's either shut down or weren't going anywhere. Can I rejoin this one?

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1. Awesome! Your back, that's great.

2. Well the RP slowed down but as with most big changes, Crisie is needed. But unfortunately, she's not here and hasn't been.

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