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Obama is starting to lose now with the women voters out there. I really hope the USA wakes up before this man destroys us from within.


Romney would not have been my pick for President on the Republicans side either. But, he can not do as bad as Obama.



NO. Just....no. Pres. Obama's approval rating with women is higher (51%-41%), and that isn't goin to change. I sincerely doubt that Mitt Romney, who wants a constitutional personhood amendment and a ban on abortion, is going to see much support from women, especially not those who are informed on his party's position.

Add to that all of the nonsense that has been coming out of the mouths of members of his party ("legitimate rape", misunderstanding of how the female body actually works, weirdly specific situations in which abortion would be grudgingly accepted as maybe, possibly okay, saying that women should have to birth dead babies because farm animals do it, etc.), and I really, really don't see him being too popular with the ladies.


And once again, this is a chunk of the Republican platform:


A ban on abortions. A constitutional amendment that says life begins at conception (affording zygotes all the rights and protections already given to actual born people), which could effectively outlaw certain forms of birth control. A ban on gay marriage. Turning Medicare into a voucher system and taking away billions from recipients. Repealing the ACA (an action which would literally kill people). Tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class. Cuts in funding to programs that quite literally help keep people alive (food stamps, welfare, etc.). Reforming the FDA (which will really benefit nobody but Big Pharma-it certainly won't do much for the people of this country). Less regulation on corporations. Reining in the EPA (because apparently, regulations that hinder companies' bottom lines are bad, and pollution is totally not a problem). Slashing the federal workforce. A move to keep women off the front lines in the military.


How is that going to be better?

Edited by LascielsShadow

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I am now listening to Julian Castro, Democratic Party.


Seems like he really resents the rich people as a lot of you do as well. We are a free market in the USA. Not all can be or get rich, and not all middle class can be rich either. Everyone in the USA is required to go to school. Every kid has a chance. Some get it, and some do not. Just like Julian Castro says about the Republicans, lol.


ylangylang, I want to see the origional copy of his birth certificate. I am not going to get the links, as it is the morning for me. If you do not believe me that is ok to.


I have never looked down at people who made it rich or got things I wished I could have, but can not. You know, you have to work hard and earn it, or it be handed down to you from your parents, and that is their right to give their kids their wealth. Now what the sons are daughters do with that wealth if they did not earn it, is up to them.

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Everyone in the USA is required to go to school. Every kid has a chance. Some get it, and some do not.


Santorum admitted not too long ago that Europe has better income mobility than the U.S.

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ylangylang, I want to see the origional copy of his birth certificate. I am not going to get the links, as it is the morning for me. If you do not believe me that is ok to.

Uh....go to Hawaii? Ask the bureaucrats there? Feel free to do so.

Edited by ylangylang

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ylangylang, I want to see the origional copy of his birth certificate. I am not going to get the links, as it is the morning for me. If you do not believe me that is ok to.


Unless you want the president to hand-deliver a paper copy to you personally, the link is the best you're going to get. It's the morning for me, too. That's not an excuse to not click a link. It will take you approximately .5 second.


ETA:Or, alternatively, fly to Hawaii, go to the hospital he was born in, and ask *them* for the original. I'm sure they'll not mind at all.


This racist bull needs to stop. I don't recall any other president EVER having to deal with this sort of thing.

Edited by LascielsShadow

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Uh....go to Hawaii? Feel free to do so.

Pretty much what I was thinking. You are only going to get links and images of it. No one will be able to see the original.


I am now listening to Julian Castro, Democratic Party.


Seems like he really resents the rich people as a lot of you do as well. We are a free market in the USA. Not all can be or get rich, and not all middle class can be rich either. Everyone in the USA is required to go to school. Every kid has a chance. Some get it, and some do not. Just like Julian Castro says about the Republicans, lol.


ylangylang, I want to see the origional copy of his birth certificate. I am not going to get the links, as it is the morning for me. If you do not believe me that is ok to.


I have never looked down at people who made it rich or got things I wished I could have, but can not. You know, you have to work hard and earn it, or it be handed down to you from your parents, and that is their right to give their kids their wealth. Now what the sons are daughters do with that wealth if they did not earn it, is up to them.


People who hand it down that's just fine. It doesn't matter to me but a lot of the ones in political positions have never ONCE in their lives lived like a normal, average, working individual and seen it from our end.


They won't see the issues we see all the time. They get to live in their big houses, own as many as they want, buy whatever they want.


Very few common citizens can actually afford that at all.


Unless you want the president to hand-deliver a paper copy to you personally, the link is the best you're going to get. It's the morning for me, too. That's not an excuse to not click a link. It will take you approximately .5 second.


Exactly. I don't even need to see it and I could click on it so easily. Links are the best anyone will ever do.

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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I'm just curious, how do you prove that you are you when people keep making accusations? For example, Kat, if I say that I don't believe you are a real American, how do you prove that?

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NO. Just....no. Pres. Obama's approval rating with women is higher (51%-41%), and that isn't goin to change. I sincerely doubt that Mitt Romney, who wants a constitutional personhood amendment and a ban on abortion, is going to see much support from women, especially not those who are informed on his party's position.

Add to that all of the nonsense that has been coming out of the mouths of members of his party ("legitimate rape", misunderstanding of how the female body actually works, weirdly specific situations in which abortion would be grudgingly accepted as maybe, possibly okay, saying that women should have to birth dead babies because farm animals do it, etc.), and I really, really don't see him being too popular with the ladies.


And once again, this is a chunk of the Republican platform:


A ban on abortions. A constitutional amendment that says life begins at conception (affording zygotes all the rights and protections already given to actual born people), which could effectively outlaw certain forms of birth control. A ban on gay marriage. Turning Medicare into a voucher system and taking away billions from recipients. Repealing the ACA (an action which would literally kill people). Tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class. Cuts in funding to programs that quite literally help keep people alive (food stamps, welfare, etc.). Reforming the FDA (which will really benefit nobody but Big Pharma-it certainly won't do much for the people of this country). Less regulation on corporations. Reining in the EPA (because apparently, regulations that hinder companies' bottom lines are bad, and pollution is totally not a problem). Slashing the federal workforce. A move to keep women off the front lines in the military.


How is that going to be better?

Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.

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Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.

Bull. That's a racist stereotype perpetuated by the right. Give me some REAL stats on this supposed rampant abuse.


ETA: Here, let me provide some for you.

Less than 2% of all people on welfare in the USA commit fraud.



Awesome, enforced sterilisation of the poor/minorities! When do we start rounding them up and putting them in camps? Should we start preparing scarlet letters?

Edited by LascielsShadow

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Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.

Omg... I myself WAS on Welfare and food stamps. So thank you very much for saying I keep having babies when I was underage at the time.


Not EVERYONE who uses that is an abuser and my parents and myself can verify that. So thank you for stereotyping everyone who uses Welfare and food stamps!


Getting a hysterectomy is up to the person. It should never be mandatory to anyone no matter what the situation is. You want to talk about a violation, honey that right there is.


Oh and FYI I am a 21 year old, female, only child, who has no children at all. So thanks a bunch for that accusation!

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.

This sounds like...eugenics to me....


*runs away*

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LascielsShadow, no, what I said is true about a lot of people on welfare.


demonicvampiregirl, please read my last paragraph, I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps. I did not stereotyp everyone who uses Welfare and food stamps!


Some of you feel your young age is not a factor, but it is, that you are not aware of some of the things I post about.

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LascielsShadow, no, what I said is true about a lot of people on welfare.


demonicvampiregirl, please read my last paragraph, I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps. I did not stereotyp everyone who uses Welfare and food stamps!


Some of you feel your young age is not a factor, but it is, that you are not aware of some of the things I post about.

Stop it. I'm getting really sick of this "oh, you're young" crap. I am not a child. I am 24 years old, and I am not ignorant.


I will ask again: provide real statistics to back up your claim of rampant welfare abuse. If you can't, stop saying it.


You DID sterotype. This is what you said, not fifteen minutes before this post:

Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.

That is stereotyping. "The people on welfare are lazy and don't want to work/keep popping out babies." "All X are Y."


Edited by LascielsShadow

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LascielsShadow, no, what I said is true about a lot of people on welfare.


demonicvampiregirl, please read my last paragraph, I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps. I did not stereotyp everyone who uses Welfare and food stamps!


Some of you feel your young age is not a factor, but it is, that you are not aware of some of the things I post about.

You did stereotype it! If they want to have children it is up to them. Not you. Them. Forcing them to be "fixed" is so freaking wrong. If they can't get on food stamps and welfare obviously they seem to be doing well enough on their own.


Age doesn't mean anything. People can be 40 years old and be dumb as a box of rocks. Don't use age as an accuse to ignore someone else.


You flat out just said that everyone on their did not want to work. That is a stereotype.




something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially : an often oversimplified or biased mental picture held to characterize the typical individual of a group

Edited by demonicvampiregirl

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Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.

Uh, wow. I really, really, hope you are not serious about that one. The implications of that sort of policy are far too frightening to contemplate.


Santorum admitted not too long ago that Europe has better income mobility than the U.S


Which is also quite worrying given that I know ours in the UK has declined in recent years.


Edited to add: I'm 28. And while, yes, I do currently live in England several family members (including my Grandparents) are United States Citizens, and I have spend a rather large amount of time in the US over the course of my life. I have an Uncle and a Cousin in the US military as well.

Edited by TikindiDragon

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Some of you feel your young age is not a factor, but it is, that you are not aware of some of the things I post about.

Fuzzbucket disagrees with you and she's older than you are. My grandfather has lived through Japanese colonization, WWII, the Korean War, was born when Korea as a Kingdom still existed, and he supports welfare.

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I know a lot of people are applying for SSI, but a lot of that has to do with the economy.


"Some members of Congress have begun leveling accusations that rising enrollment in Social Security's disability insurance program is evidence of growing American dependence on the government, and even a "slave" mentality.


But a new report out Monday says the rise in America's ranks of disabled to 8.3 million in 2011 stems from an aging population, a surge in women workers, changes in the law in the 1980s and a terrible economy in which disabled people can't find jobs."

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I know a lot of people are applying for SSI, but a lot of that has to do with the economy.


"Some members of Congress have begun leveling accusations that rising enrollment in Social Security's disability insurance program is evidence of growing American dependence on the government, and even a "slave" mentality.


But a new report out Monday says the rise in America's ranks of disabled to 8.3 million in 2011 stems from an aging population, a surge in women workers, changes in the law in the 1980s and a terrible economy in which disabled people can't find jobs."

Wait are you for SSI or against it? I don't know your opinion on it.

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I am an American citizen, with the right to vote how I see fit.


I am not a walking incubator for the hell-spawn of whatever man decides to have his way with me--since rape is the only possible way I'd get pregnant in the foreseeable future what with being asexual and all (but then, according to Fox News, asexuals don't exist, guess I'm a figment of all of your imaginations~ ;D). Oh, but then, if I got pregnant it wasn't really rape, since my body can shut that whole thing down in a legit case of rape and all!


And then, of course, the father can take the child--not that I'd want to raise a kid, but I sure as hell wouldn't want the kid raised by a man who thinks he can do that to a woman. (Or anybody, really).



I am not a walking incubator. I am a person, and I demand to be treated as such--not be told what I can and cannot do with my body by some person I have never, and likely will never, end up in the same room as much less speak to.


One of my best friends is gay--and I refuse to vote for a man who would alter our constitution to make his ability to have a happy family of his own illegal.


I will not vote for a man who will make having a uterus a reason to make you a second-class citizen.


I will not vote for a man who thinks that the wealthy shouldn't pay their fair share of dues. You want to be rich? Then pay the heck up just like the rest of us. I don't care if you're rich--but if you think that you suddenly are above supporting the country like the people who most likely helped make you rich in the first place... I will have zero respect for you.


Some of you feel your young age is not a factor, but it is, that you are not aware of some of the things I post about.

Your ageism is not helping your cause, just sayin'.


You've said lot of things that a lot of people are interpreting in ways you claim to not have meant it. If that many people are interpreting things that way, then either you're doing a poor job of expressing yourself, or you're backpeddling so fast you might overturn yourself.


Or you just don't even realize what you're saying.


This... Seems to be a troubling trend in your posts.



And now, I take my leave, before I say something I will dearly regret.

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Kat, it's a pretty well-known truth that a vast majority of people on welfare are not abusers. The people that do abuse the system are few and far between. So I have no idea where you keep pulling that claim from.

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Wait are you for SSI or against it? I don't know your opinion on it.

Why would I be against it when people can clearly be unable to work?


Republicans like to suggest that food stamps, TANF, etc. is bankrupting the U.S., but the biggest entitlements of all are from Medicare and SS.


The average Medicare beneficiary today collects about three times more money than they paid in. Many of these people paid the teaser rates when it was passed by Congress. It's the height of hypocrisy to whine about programs like food stamps, yet fight any attempt to reform SS and Medicare.

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Kat, it's a pretty well-known truth that a vast majority of people on welfare are not abusers. The people that do abuse the system are few and far between. So I have no idea where you keep pulling that claim from.

It's one of those things that gets spread around by certain parts of the right (generally speaking, at least). It goes along with the "Obama is removing the work requirement from work-to-welfare" meme. It's made up of whole cloth by, well, racists, pretty much, and people who for some reason take the crimes of the very, very few and project that mindset/behaviour onto the whole.

Edited by LascielsShadow

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Why would I be against it when people can clearly be unable to work?


Republicans like to suggest that food stamps, TANF, etc. is bankrupting the U.S., but the biggest entitlements of all are from Medicare and SS.


The average Medicare beneficiary today collects about three times more money than they paid in. Many of these people paid the teaser rates when it was passed by Congress. It's the height of hypocrisy to whine about programs like food stamps, yet fight any attempt to reform SS and Medicare.

I just didn't know where you stood on that issue so I had to ask. I can't see inside your head you know. o-o'


My dad can't work because his leg is becoming increasingly worse. He now uses two canes to walk instead of one. :/

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You want to talk about "hurting our people"? THis is some of what's in the REPUBLICAN platform for 2012:


A ban on abortions. A constitutional amendment that says life begins at conception (affording zygotes all the rights and protections already given to actual born people), which could effectively outlaw certain forms of birth control. A ban on gay marriage. Turning Medicare into a voucher system and taking away billions from recipients. Repealing the ACA (an action which would literally kill people). Tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class. Cuts in funding to programs that quite literally help keep people alive (food stamps, welfare, etc.). Reforming the FDA (which will really benefit nobody but Big Pharma-it certainly won't do much for the people of this country). Less regulation on corporations. Reining in the EPA (because apparently, regulations that hinder companies' bottom lines are bad, and pollution is totally not a problem). Slashing the federal workforce. A move to keep women off the front lines in the military.

That's terrifying. If romney wins I'm moving out of Canada before the US invades us because they see our gay marriage, our universal health care, our welfare program, our access to birth control, and our abortion laws as barbaric and try to 'save' us by killing us.

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That's terrifying. If romney wins I'm moving out of Canada before the US invades us because they see our gay marriage, our universal health care, our welfare program, our access to birth control, and our abortion laws as barbaric and try to 'save' us by killing us.

It truly is frightening. I shudder to think that there are people in my country who have absolutely no problem with some/all/any of that list.

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