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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((You mean Mark X? With Roman numerals after VIII it goes to IX then X for ten))

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((You can only bump 24 hours after the last post. 8:12 PM is just last night. It hasn't been 24 hours yet. By the way, you should decide whether you want your OoC thread or not. If you continue to do OoC discussion here then I'll just close your OoC thread.))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((Just found wifi. I'm in the middle of no where I think, and if I'm not I can probably see it from here))


Eria marched straight into the light ahead of them. Her precognition wasn't picking up any danger but then again it hadn't before, and that left her on alert. She entered straight into the light, keeping track of Marcus behind her as she did so. What she found trough the light was a very, very large and well light room full of computer machinery. "Seem like we're getting close Marcus?" she asked.

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((You can only bump 24 hours after the last post. 8:12 PM is just last night. It hasn't been 24 hours yet. By the way, you should decide whether you want your OoC thread or not. If you continue to do OoC discussion here then I'll just close your OoC thread.))

((Since when did all these bull crap rules get added to the DC forums, last time I was here you wouldn't get warned for double posting until someone told you to stop doing so and you kept doing it. Bumping should be allowed any time a thread falls off the first page... this place is getting too strict, no one is going to want to be here if they are getting told they're breaking some kind of rule every post they make...))


((@Jaina, it's actually the core. The fusion reactor. If you want to know what it looks like then follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v2WAnrcUHA but it's on a much larger scale than this.))


Marcus looked at the reactor and knew something was wrong, the base of the dark energy mass in the center was being eaten away. "That's not supposed to be happening. The containment field is down." He said.

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"So this is the reactor..." Eria muttered having heard Marcus's pronouncement. She advanced closer to the core and watched, spiking occasional "burps" of matter leaping forth before dissolving in the air and falling back into the core. Again she reached out with the Force, the world around her almost felt like a pit into which she could pour her Force energies with no effect. After a bit she sat down, folding her legs beneath her as she said, "I want to try something, Marcus bear wig me here. With that announcement and without waiting for reply, she began extending her mind into the machines around her.

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Marcus looked at her in confusion as she began the process. He figured she knew what she was doing and he looked back into the reactor. He was looking around, looking for the sources of the containment field.

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"Amazing..." Eria whispered quietly. As she had pushed herself further into the empty machine in the Force, she could feel what almost seemed like little pings against her mind every so often. The more she did so, the more aware she felt. Occasionally she saw little flashes of feed from cameras mounted in various places, even catching sight sight of the other group and Marcus and herself. Eventually, she felt only a bare connection to her own body as she said, "This is astounding..." What put shock to her was she heard her voice not only normally from her mouth, but echoing from speakers hidden in the walls and ceiling. To confirm for herself she asked, "Marcus you're hearing me through speakers, right?"

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"More like inside my head." He said putting a finger in his ear and wiggling it around. "I see you've gotten yourself inside the machinery." He said.

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((Since when did all these bull crap rules get added to the DC forums, last time I was here you wouldn't get warned for double posting until someone told you to stop doing so and you kept doing it. Bumping should be allowed any time a thread falls off the first page... this place is getting too strict, no one is going to want to be here if they are getting told they're breaking some kind of rule every post they make...))


((@Jaina, it's actually the core. The fusion reactor. If you want to know what it looks like then follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v2WAnrcUHA but it's on a much larger scale than this.))


Marcus looked at the reactor and knew something was wrong, the base of the dark energy mass in the center was being eaten away. "That's not supposed to be happening. The containment field is down." He said.

((We will not discuss this here. If you wish to talk about this, PM me. If you have a problem with your warn, PM the mod who gave it to you. Complaining here does not achieve anything. This conversation moves to PM or we don't have it at all.))

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"Yea... I'm in..." Eria replied quietly. She expanded her mind even further within the machinery till she touched the controls for the reactor. Instantly she was assailed by warnings and list of damage occurring in the construct. She gently began sifting the damage reports from major to minor, doing the same with the warnings. "You picked a good time tocome, Marcus, thisplace isn't going to be here much longer. The reactor has a day left, maybe, but I should be able to fix that... At least temporarily." As she spoke, long, flat rods extended into the reacor from the top and bottom till they hemmed in the core. There was a surge of energy and varying energies as the system kicked in, forcing the core into a slightly more stable state.

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Marcus nodded as he felt the temperature cool a bit. He sat down next to her sighing a bit. He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled. "You're doing great." He said in encouragement. ~I thought we would have much time, I guess not." He thought.

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" Hey, um... you guys? I don't feel right about this place. Mandalorians are usually right about this kind of stuff.I don't think any ancient civilization would have left this thing... well... unguarded. Not saying we should leave or anything, but keep your weapons were you can reach them easily." Kalo was worried. He held his blaster tightly. He could feel danger pulsing around this place.

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Aaron looked back at Kalo and just kept walking towards the light. When they reached a large archway that led to where the light was Aaron was amazed. It was a giant Dark Fusion core. It had just recently been stabilized, but temporarily.

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Dark Star's ship had landed on a rather dark planet. Due to the coverage over the planet, it was put into a semi-perminent darkness, except for the two months that allowed light in. The leads he had found, led him to this world and it started to make sense of why the black amethyst would be here. The pools of dark matter he had already found seemed more abundant here than anywhere else and anything shone under a light was almost always black in color.


After several hours of wandering and searching to no avail, he came across a cave located near a range of mountains. Upon shining a light into it, several objects glistened upon the lights impact, but with some investigation they were proven to not be the correct stone. That's when it occurred. A rather large creature barrelled out of the darkness and tackled Dark to the ground. Aside from the monstrous limbs that it used to move, it had a worm-like appearance. Its eyes, if you could call them that, were locked onto the source of the light. One gigantic hand held Dark to the ground, while the other tried to make brutal contact with the source. However, Dark used the force to keep the thing at bay. A matter of seconds later, Dark was replacing his saber back on his belt and walking away from the decapitated corpse. Brushing himself off checking the status of his body. To determine his path, he stretched out his force to locate any other 'obstacles' and determined his course of travel from there.

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((Alright guys, we need to start using the OOC thread for all OOC and updates... No exceptions.))

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"Yea but whatever you did pulled a number on this place. I'm locking down various areas for safety and venting them to cool in vacuum. I still think there's something in the system intelligence wise, but I haven't found it. As for your data go plug in somewhere, I should be able to run it through a translator in the computer." Eria replied, her voice coming from bob her mouth and the station itself. She was keeping track of everyone on he station at the moment, something that was relatively simple given the huge number of vidcameras providing her win information. Her own body was doing well, but when she scanned herself, she could see her heart rate and bp were up and sweat was forming on her exposed skin.

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Jade had gotten up again and followed after Aaron and Kalo to a core, she just looked at it with wide eyes. She didn't really know what to say as she looked upon it so she kept her mouth shut. With still wide eyes, she looked around the room and wondered if Kalo had been right about something guarding this place. She wouldn't worry about that too much right now so she just pushed the thought into the deep recesses of her mind.

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((ack emergency hold please. There's been a plot laid out it's been made clear the place is empty barring our characters and a few other things. Also te computers are not in any readable language.


Concistincy check being done here by your co-mod, just wait we've got something cooked up))


EDIT: ((if you can fix that, I'll se about sensor something your way if you're that desperate))


Eria wondered what all was going on around the station and curiously viewed footage from the other reactors. All of the ones she checked seemed to have closed like the one in her room. And more importantly, she found jade's group in the area of one o the reactors nearby, but still a few km's away.

Edited by jaina

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Jade sat on another lump of circuitry that was nearby and looked around the room that they were currently in. She leaned the crutches against the wall next to her so that they weren't on the ground and wondered where Flint and Eria were. Deciding to use her telepathy ability she sent this message to Flint: "Hey Flint. Where are you guys? Just curious." She was a bit bored right now but she wouldn't admit it to Kalo and Aaron.

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((There is only one reactors, but different levels for maintenance.))


Flint ran off to find the console he had taken the motherboard from. He heard Jade's voice and thought for a moment. "Eria is in the reactor chamber, I'm on my way to get the motherboard back in place." He said.

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"Alright," Jade said in reply with a sigh. She continued to look around a bit more while sitting on the lump of circuitry before getting up, getting her crutches again, and walking around. Or rather in her case, hobbling around. She went up to Aaron and stood beside him, wondering what they should do. "Do you think we should explore a bit or wait for the others?" she asked as she looked over at him.

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Aaron shrugged and continued to stare at the core. He was amazed at it's massive size. He began to walk around wondering who built this place. He occasionally stopped to pick up a piece of junk, stare at it, then toss it aside.

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Jade sighed when Aaron just shrugged and didn't really give her an answer. She sat down again but on the circuitry covered floor, laid her crutches beside her, and then closed her eyes as she started to meditate. She had done this back at the enclave but she decided to do it again now in order to get rid of some of her boredom that she was feeling for waiting for Flint and Eria. She breathed in and out slowly and went into her meditating state.

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