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Viden looked with pride upon his masterpiece, it was far from complete, but he had managed a lot. It hadn't taken him very long, not long at all. He smiled happily and went back to work. He looked sadly upon the scratched-out remains of his first ship. Though he would at times wish he could, he would never forget the events that conspired last night. He turned his thoughts away from Aladdin and tried to concentrate on finishing his wall.

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Rico let out a high pitched yelp of pain as Sindri make two gashes in his throat. They weren't close to any major veins or arteries, but he was still bleeding quite a bit. The smell of his own blood made him hungry, yet nauseous. As he heard Alvin thank him, he was tackled to the ground by the vampire dragon. When Bathory pinned him to the ground, she pinched a nerve in his damaged wing, causing him immense pain. Rico yelped in agony as she sat on him.

Although it was hurting him, a slight sensation of pleasure trailed behind. 'It hurt so good' as the expression goes (which he may or may not have made up on his own). Even though it kinda felt good, Rico had had enough of the girl on him. He tried to whip his tail at her as she applied the leaf to his neck.

"Get that thing off of me, and you too!" He demanded. "You smell of dung and elder berries!" He said chuckling. It was kinda funny how quick his emotions changed, but more so worrying.

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Medea barely refrained from rolling her eyes at Favian's showcase of his size, knowing that had she done so that the chances of getting information would be less likely. However, it did not stop her from wondering why other hatchlings thought size was everything. Wings would twitch at her sides as she passively wondered what the his reaction would be if she flared them out in reply, but Aerix speaking broke her musing and Medea dropped the idea all together.


"Yes, switching by what appeared to be birds. Though I don't think normal birds go in one's chest and switch things around in dragons," she'd reply to the comment of being more specific, tail flicking to the side in clear view. Her head would tilt towards Aerix before adding in, "I like to switch it back before this one dies on me." Mentioning the reason why she would like to keep Aerix from dying would be well kept to herself since right now she was not sure how she would fare in a fight. Telling someone that they don't want you to die because they don't want to be chance being stuck with barb tails and lose their original ability was a low blow, but also adding in not getting that sparring partner was adding salt to the wound.

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Raven returned Rue's grim smile nastily, letting go of her arms but still standing right be here side. "Lets go now, shall we?" Without waiting for a reply, she stopped abruptly to let the young hatchling step a few paces in front of her. She narrowed her eyes against the harsh sunlight, even with the cover of the leafy trees, and seemed to shrink a bit. I haven't been out here in a...long time, she realized with a sudden jolt of surprise. The Raven dragon shook the feeling of uncertainty off quickly and followed.

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"Birds?" Favian echoed as he rolled back on his haunches. His eyes stared off into the distance and moved ever so slightly. "What was so special about birds?" Favian asked himself as he lost his foreign aggressiveness to a more familiar state of curiosity and wonder. "I know nothing about birds specifically, but I do know someone who's capable of this" Favian motioned towards the barbed tail on Medea. "Rakushun. He's the only one sting enough to do something like this. Though, no one seems to remember him." Favian sat down and tilted his head back and forth ever so slightly. "People don't seem to pay attention to the small things." Favian mumbled under his breath. Edited by Doctortear

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Bathory hissed at the Black Marrow and kicked his tail away. "I'm barely on you. Don't be an imbecile." She pressed the leaf back onto his neck with a savage strength. Unsurprisingly, she didn't appreciate the insult.

This is ridiculous. It's like his mind is deteriorating.

She had never really been conscious enough after her feeding, so she had no way of knowing if this was "normal". Under the circumstances, at least. His sudden mood swings and violent behavior were unnerving. Something had to be done, and if that thing was sucking out all the extra blood in his system, so be it. A part of her would do it with pleasure.

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Observing the vast and beautiful moorlands meant nothing to Sindri, who didn't care for anything anymore after Aladdin's death.


My only wish.....my only wish is to be with him again.....to be with him forever and forever and forever.......


Her mind had transgressed from insane rage and relentless sorrow to suicidal thoughts and desires. Noticing a rock nearby, she used the little energy she had to roll on her stomach to her destination. Lifting her bloodly and tear-stained face, she smashed her head onto the rock. An excruciating pain dominated her senses, and the Lumina let out a faint but blood-curdling scream. Blood streamed from the large gash on her face to her neck. Her arms could not hold her body up any longer, and she collapsed to the ground, waiting for her moment to perish.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Rico squirmed and wiggled as Bathory insisted on staying on top of him.

"I'm warning you vampire, if you don't get off now you're going to regret it" he snapped at the female. Rico was weak, at the moment, which meant his powers were weak too. Rico's eyes turned a dark shade of blue as he attempted to lift a nearby rock. He managed to carry it a few feet closer, but he just couldn't get it close enough.

Damn you... he mentally said to the rock.

Rico had finally had enough of Bathory at the moment, so he decided he wanted her off of him. Now. Rico rolled onto his back and pushed Bathory away from him using his feet. He stood up, then glared at the group.

"That's not a proper way to stop the bleeding. You need something that is clean , not something you grabbed off of the ground. Then, you need to apply a sufficient amount of pressure to the wound. Then finally, you need to re hydrate the victim, which in this case would be me!". He concluded with a grunt of pain as his cold blood ran down his neck.

This can't end well...

Edit: Edited for redundancy and the fact that I misread...

Double Edit: I still can't read... ;n;

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Rue stepped in front of Raven as she let her past. She took in a small, shallow breath and stepped outside. It was bright- too bright; but she had to admit, it was a beautiful sight. And even though she didn't have paws, the ground felt good under her small, developing hooves. Countless flowers sprung up from all directions, dancing as the wind flowed through them and ruffled their petals. Rue inhaled and drank in the sweet tinge of vegetation and prey. The long grass shot up from the ground and tickled her underside as she trotted past at a fast pace. Her dark-purple hide glittered oddly in the sunlight and bounced off of her scales. But she didn't like the idea of being exposed out on a moorland; it was just too risky. Up ahead, she spotted countless of dark brown trees in the distance. 'That must be the forest.' she snorted quietly to herself. She knew that she was just suited perfectly for the area. Thoughts of hunting, building a den and protecting her territory raced trough her mind. Rue's long, black tongue ran over her lips as she imagined the warm prey, sliding down her throat and into her belly, savoring the warm blood, she could just already taste it.

Edited by XxDragonletxX

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Upon realizing that she was many rocks short of trying to complete her last idea, Skylene shook her head in disappointment. I thought for sure there'd be enough......oh well. Maybe I'll head back to the cave now, and try to forget about.....that...... The memory of Tasimi reappeared in the Blusang's mind, filling her with uneasiness and nervous thoughts. She dreaded being near him after learning of his true feelings for her. She feared the awkwardness, she feared the conversation, she feared the possibilities of what could happen. But for some reason, she couldn't allow herself to hurt him or his feelings. Unlike herself, she cared for the Tsunami. After the events of the storm, eternal gracefulness had to be given to him. He had saved her life, after all, and felt responsible to repay him in friendship.


Deciding to return, Skylene exited her cave and began to fly back to the cave, not noticing a small speck from below in the nearby moorland.

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Her lip curled back, exposing her ivory fangs. She rolled back onto her feet quickly and gracefully; her serpentine body easily handling the shock. "I wasn't particularly concerned about the cleanliness of the leaf, Rico. I was concerned that you would bleed out! Excuse me for interfering." The hurt seeped into her voice unbidden. Her fangs still bared, Bathory retreated a few feet. "Not to mention, I didn't have the resources or the time to 're-hydrate' you!" Her forehead was wrinkled with concern, but the expression didn't reach her eyes. She was hurt and confused more than she liked to admit.

Calling yourself a victim does not justify this, worm. Something is wrong with you.

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Tasimi sighed as he sat in a dark corner of the cave. He was tired, but couldn't seem to sleep. He moved his nest to the dark corner to sleep; hoping that maybe the darkness would help. But it didn't, he could still hardly sleep at all. His mind was just too active. He couldn't stop thinking about Skylene. Skylene... He sighed. What was he going to do? The things he said obviously made things awkward between them, and no doubt it would be really weird the next time they talked. 'What am I going to do?!' He exclaimed in his mind for the 23rd time. The thought of never talking to Skylene again scared him to his very bones! He didn't want to stay away from her, he wanted to be with her! He loved her, and that was that. There was only one thing he could do, he decided. 'I'm not gonna be shy, and I am not gonna hide. Why should things be weird now? Now that she knows, that gives me all the more reason to try harder!' He stood up with determination in his eyes. 'I love you Skylene, and nothing will change that!'

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Letting her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness outside of the birth cave, Raven slowly drew up to Rue's side, remaining silent as she let the newborn dragon observe the moor, forest, and distant mountains that looking like dark jagged teeth jutting up from the horizon. She watched Rue carefully, the tiniest hint of an amused smile appearing on her face as the Hellhorse licked her lips with her eyes shining with a sense of longing. "Want to go out hunting, eh?" she asked abruptly, breaking the silence of rustling leaves and softly twittering birds. "If that's what you want, that's what we'll do first. Come on." Raven set off towards the dense forest, realizing with a jolt that she was warming up to Rue. Ah well, she definitely seems like a smart one. I could use a good companion. She shook her head vigorously, as if tossing away her thoughts, and increased her pace into a breakneck run, not looking back to see if Rue could keep up.

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Rue swept her tongue over her lips one last time before she hurled herself after Raven, the wind rushing past her face and ruffling her soft, delicate fur. She opened her mouth to drink in the scent of the forest as she jumped over rocks, logs and low-hanging branches, dodging trees from all sides as she pursued the purple and black hatchling. Her silver delicate hooves pounded heavily on the forest floor as she caught sight of Raven's plumed tail trailing in the distance. Her muscles tensed as she picked up extra speed, her tail now trailing behind her and her neck now level with her shoulders. The wind flattened the fur against her back as she picked up speed, now a perfect pace to pace with Raven.

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While in the air, Skylene observed the change of temperature. She gave a small frown upon realizing what was happening. It's much cooler than usual......it's always pretty cold up in the sky, but now it's even colder than before! I can't remember a time when it hasn't been warm..... Not sure what to make of the change, the Blusang decided to report it to Favian the first change she got.


Descending down to the ground, Skylene could see the Purple was engaged in coversation with Medea and Aerix. She was immediately repelled from the scene. I'm not very fond of Aerix, and Medea being there as well definitely doesn't help.....I'll get back to him later.... Flying past the three, Skylene landed softly onto the cave entrance, where she saw a most peculiar sight: Tasimi alone in a corner of the cave. She expected him to talking with others, so why was he away from everyone? Did someone do something to him? Although she knew that Tasimi still had feelings for her, she decided to go ahead and ask anyways. It's probably the right thing to do anyways... "Tai?" she said, flying over towards the Tsunami, "Is there something wrong? Why aren't you with the others?"

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Alvira hesitated, confused. Rico just saved my life! What... What is she talking about? Is... Is she- No. Not possible. Or is it? Maybe she's a spy for Glas! I'll have to watch her closely... Still, the Black Marrow was acting a bit odd... Didn't Bathory say something about him being drunk on blood? Her emerald eyes narrowed as her mind put two and two together. I see. Rico ate Aladdin. But Rico just saved me from Sindri, which means he's good. So Aladdin must be bad too! Ahhh. I get it now.


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Tasimi noticed Skylene coming over. "Nope! Nothing's wrong, I was just trying to take a quick nap. But that didn't really happen..." He said. Another smile formed on his face. "So, what did you do at the Coast?" He was happy to see Skylene again, and was determined not to chicken out or make things weird again.

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Rico snorted at the girl, then looked to the silent Sweetling. He smiled at him warmly, but it was tainted with his "crazy".

"What's the matter Lucifer? Wolf got your tongue?" he said freakishly.

It truly wasn't like normal for the Sweetling to be so quite. By now, Lucifer would have scolded him for being so stupid, and perhaps even beaten him. Yet, all he did was stand there. Rico gave Lucifer a slight look of worry before wandering over to him.

"You alright tough guy? I'm sure you've seen more dramatic things before, that with the bear attack and all".

Rico nuzzled his blood stained beak under Lucifer's chin, lifting it up slightly before pulling himself away. He turned and faced the others before a dark red aura surrounded his body (metaphorically), and his mood shifted from concern to anger.

"What are you all doing just standing here?! Dost thou not have anything wiser to spend their time doing?!".

((Talking Shakespearean/old English is fun :3 ))

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer pulled away in disgust when Rico nuzzled his neck. "Do not speak of those things so indolently," he hissed as he recoiled from Rico's touch. "Need I remind you of what takes place after such tragedies? I suppose I shouldn't remind you of such things. After all, you never seem to care when such things happen." Lucifer flicked his tail to the right. He gazed calmly at Alvi and spoke in a delicate tone. "You are acting quite queer, dear Alvira. I won't ask what has happened to make you act this way. If it brings too much pain to discuss, then I can wait for you to tell me another day." Lucifer's eyes flickered to Rico for a brief second before they returned to Alvi. What was Rico doing? Trying to curl up to Lucifer, following him around like a puppy, nuzzling his neck... Was this suppose to mean something. Lucifer through he knew what was going on, but there was no way his thoughts were correct.But just to be on the safe side, maybe Lucifer could try an experiment. Maybe he could act more kindly to those around him; hopefully getting a reaction out of Rico. But surely, Lucifer's thoughts were wrong. Rico couldn't be.....

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Skylene glanced over past Tasimi briefly, reflecting on his words. He doesn't need to take a nap so secluded from everyone else,......he's acting very strange. Does this have to do with me?..... Putting together a quick answer to her question, she looked back towards Tasimi and returned a somewhat hesistant smile. "I was at the Coast just to...relax for a little while." she said in a rather convincing attitude. The Blusang still wasn't sure if her cave should ever be mentioned around the others, even if they were twenty feet away. It was of good fortune for the Tsunami to promise not to tell anybody, but she was sure that the others would take it the wrong way. Planned leaving? Abandoning the others? Being here for such a long time and getting rid of it quickly is what they would say. They wouldn't understand my logic.....

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Following the other hatchlings, Cuprum crept back into the cave, not wanting to attract attention to himself. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to explore alone, in this supposedly dangerous world. Still, he hadn't yet experienced anything "evil" and so was still skeptical about the elder hatchling's warnings.


Nonetheless, he decided to keep cool and not stir up trouble.

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Medea's explanation seemed to suffice, but Aerix felt he should add something, "Weird glowing birds that fly into your chest; and apparently hate males." He said, slightly bitter. "They've made the wound given to me by the young one earlier increase tenfold." He indicated his bandage, "Whereas before I barely even noticed it, now it will not retreat from my mind." He hoped he didn't sound too whiny, "Medea appears to have my tail barbs, and I her weather powers." It didn't even cross his mind that Medea might not want anyone to know about those, he certainly hadn't until after the switch.

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Rien saw Favian up ahead, along with several other hatchlings. She looked nervously over her shoulder at the golden wyvern, "There he is." She said, nervously of course. She walked quickly over to Favian and the others, they appeared to be talking about birds, and said meekly, "This is a beautiful gem, I've brought her for Favian." She quickly stepped out of the way. Hopefully now she could go find someone nicer to be around.


(OOC: Rien is terrified of Moss, it's great. HoPe you don't MiND Tala


EDIT: ALSo sorry for the double PoST, I had to write THeM on separate pages)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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The gravelly rumble in the vampire's throat grew in volume as Rico approached Lucifer. Keen black eyes bored into his protruding skull, studying and weighing his every move. The pity and worry had vanished, leaving behind a deep loathing. Everything about the Black Marrow repulsed Bathory. He was cruel, disgusting, and far too changeable. She had been everything but rude to him, and he brushed her off like she was nothing. She was the only one who could sympathize, and he rejected her!

Slowly, her needle-sharp claws extended and dug tiny furrows into the leaf-strewn earth. Slowly, her paws lifted. Slowly, she stalked forward. Ever so slowly, she opened her dripping jaws.

Ivory fangs slid through her gums, oozing with poison. Every movement the Vampire made exuded her anger and frustration. For, in the end, that's what she was. A Vampire. A soulless ghoul bound to the earth, destined to leave a trail of death and misfortune. A tortured monster waiting for its chance to strike.

Gone, for the moment, was Bathory. Her anger and frustration had only compounded over the years; she repressed it past the point of endurance. As the seasons changed, and the life was bled from the world, her struggle grew more hysterical. Her eyes were darkened beyond all recognition and her wings trailed behind her skeletal form like a cloak.

"Destin cheamă la tine, Rico." The hissing words snaked through her teeth. "Sunt aici pentru a pretinde răsplata mea."

Edited by Ayesthine

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It felt like hours. Days, actually. But it had only been half and hour. Sindri's moment was not coming, late to its own party. Her body stung with excruciating pain, and exhaustion made even the simplest of functions seem impossible. She lay on the grass in silence, her blood running down her face to the ground, covering the rich green with thick red. Why was she not dead yet?


I have to be dead.........there's nothing left for me........I've already decided.......


The Lumina wanted to give up, so desperately that she had run all this way and did horrible things to herself. But something wasn't letting her. Perhaps it was something growing in the back up her mind, clinging on to hope. Maybe it was her body stopping her, not ready to give up just yet. Or maybe, even, some greater, unknown force that was letting her live, not wanting her to go just yet, despite all her pain.


Please.........I need to die.....I need to die.....to die......


Sindri pushed aside all the other ideas as merely worthless. She felt that she was in control of herself, of her actions, and of her fate. But death seemed harder to achieve by each passing minute.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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