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Trials and Travels OOC

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Yeah, sorry I couldn't help with that Silver. ^^ I was so sick and busy life was just bleh. But, looks like Eirikr picked up the slack afterwards. Poor Zepheena! That was so brutal. o.o Aketsu blames it all on himself. There goes the healer!


And now Aketsu punched Eirikr. Any ideas why? wink.gif


@Lach: I don't mind. ^^ Usually I'm LN or Lady, but Gnat--I mean Nat--works fine. xd.png


@Gist: Congrats! As for how hard approving is, it depends on the RP. Always be thorough! ^^ But as I've been told, don't post pages and pages of critique at once.


@LL: You're crying? You made over half of them die! o.O You're strange, almost scary.

And thanks for pitying me while I was sick. xd.png


The Marshal and Laurence are some NPC I would like to introduce, if that's okay with you love.

If not, then I re-make my post. From what I saw of your posts, you were all "Kill all shadow people, they are nothing yay, kill all surrenders!"

Hey, Aketsu doesn't want them all dead! But... seems it's too late xd.png Poor shadow peeps. The beginning of his post pities and somewhat honors their deaths. And as I love to tell my enemies and comrades; 'fear not, for not all death was in vain... but yours will be.'


Just kidding, just kidding.


Edit: Oh, I remembered why I posted this now. I edited Jahanshah into the post FYI. :3 Seems he knows Aoi from somewhere!



I love this roleplay.

Edited by LadyNatasha

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Yep, this RP is the best. tongue.gif


Thanks so much, Nat! Well I can't post today; I've got to go to sleep, but I'll get on tomorrow and post away~

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Aaaand I was mean to Luna again. I have way too much fun messing with her. Anyway, Renzo is caught up (I hope!). And, LN, it seems like you're all better now, so yay!

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@LL: You're crying? You made over half of them die! o.O You're strange, almost scary.

And thanks for pitying me while I was sick. xd.png

Did not....only... *counts and says like a toddler* five wink.gif


But I liked all of them, however, they needed to die because homework is taking over my life.


Leith: So, you killed me to ease your burden?

Me: eeeyup

Creevian: and you did the same to me leaving my wife alone and broken.

Me: Uhm....

Ayame: I understand dear, but you let me die after my daughter found out I was her father? tsk tsk tsk.

Me: OKAY!!!


Yeah, I feel bad about it, but then again, the drama was needed wink.gif and Lore helped considerable in that part as well wink.gif


EDIT: I will try and post as soon as I can. And one thing for ya'll to know, because I don't think I told you. The soldiers were trained uppity up soldiers, not your casual every day footmen. At least most of them were. SO! That being said, Zillah also made an unwise move. That was a large part of her army wink.gif Not many people live in Element.

Edited by LoveLost

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We worked under the assumption that most of them foot soldiers, not actually trained fully. And that it was around 30% of the army.

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Did not....only... *counts and says like a toddler* five

*Also like a toddler* Well I meant half of the ones who actually did die, so hmph!



Aaaaand... I hate to say it, but Lore's right. Well, I don't hate to say he's right, but I hate to say that yes, I was working under the assumption they were less trained. Though I suppose it makes sense they were trained well because it's true there aren't that many peeps in Element.


But Zillah did get rid of two Beast people, broke the bond of two twins who always worked together, and got rid of the group's only element-healer. :3 If she sends her other two-thirds, who knows what she'll accomplish? Of course, getting rid of us wouldn't mean the war was over so she does have to be careful. :3


And poor Luna. She's always feeling like she's accomplished less than she has. There are several songs that young lady needs to listen to!

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Um.. Lovey, question: Was Naomi accepted or not? O.O


If you deleted my PM here's her character sheet again:


Username: lachrymation

Name: Naomi Sendagile

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Looks: http://www.zerochan.net/724530 Naomi is short and has green hair that reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are a soft green. Her hair colour was inherited from her father and her eyes from her mother. She has a very soft voice due to her precedent health problems.

Personality: Naomi is a peaceful and innocent kid most of the time. She rarely voices her own opinions to others, so no one knows much about her. She is very pacific. Naomi is very caring about everybody, but she is quite shy and doesn't talk a lot. Sharing her father’s opinion, she doesn’t think that there is a point to the war because she believes that the Shadow people have changed since the rebellion. Because of these opinions, she hates it when she sees people that are from the Shadow Alliance get hauled off to jail. She sympathizes with them.

History: Her father is originally from Natura, but he felt neutral in the war, unlike his city, and so he decided to move out around more unbiased city, Cumulus, where he met her mother. From when she was little, Naomi had very poor health, and she had to stay in the house all the time with her little brother and her mother and father. When she got a little better, she loved playing outside in the small wood glade near where they lived. Her father was a country doctor and he often taught her how to heal and she would often travel into the glade to collect herbs and remedies for him. When her father announced that he got a more stable job in the city of Cumulus, their family moved, much to the chagrin of Naomi, who had fallen in love with the forest at their old home. The house that they moved into was more crowded, and she fell into illness once again, although it wasn’t as extreme as when she was littler. Once her health stabilized, but her voice remained soft and almost lifeless, she began to roam outside. She couldn’t stand being around so many people on the main streets so she ended up travelling around the city by means of walking through the alleyways.

Element: Plants

-All she can do is grow small herbs from her palm to attend to wounds and sicknesses.

Other (optional): Her mother is from Cumulus.

Sendagile means doctor in Basque. ^^

Edited by lachrymation

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Hewy guys, I'll post as Isis when i get back or tomorrow morning i'm packing for camp right now, so i'll be gone until monday afternoon.

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Ooh! Have fun at camp Silver! And don't get sick. tongue.gif


@Lach: Aww Naomi's cute! I sat next to a gal named Naomi last year in band (she's graduated now), but she has a very different personality from your Naomi. wink.gif Probably a good thing. I noticed she's Jahan's age. :3


Poor Luna and Loren. You guys sure know how to make someone feel bad for your character. xd.png Though I'd say Loren is in a more comfortable bed than any of his allies will be seeing for a while.

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And she one of two people that's actually younger then Loren xd.png


Too bad he won't be able to enjoy it, with being on the brink of death and all.

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@Lach: O_O Her picture is of Gumi Megpoid. O_O I love Gumi. So. Much. *is a Vocaloid nerd*

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Alright~! I'm baaaaaack *until TJ, Khallayne, and Walker tell me how to do my job*! I'll finish this RP, then wait to learn how to do a good critique. Can some tell me what happened? In the week I ran away, everybody died... ohmy.gif I'll look for a power that doesn't have a guide yet.


Edit: OHAI new button! How do I use it? Does anyone know?

Edited by gistofeverything

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Alright~! I'm baaaaaack *until TJ, Khallayne, and Walker tell me how to do my job*! I'll finish this RP, then wait to learn how to do a good critique. Can some tell me what happened? In the week I ran away, everybody died... ohmy.gif I'll look for a power that doesn't have a guide yet.


Edit: OHAI new button! How do I use it? Does anyone know?

You can ask about the pretty new button in the All About Approvers topic, Gist. wink.gif We'd be happy to help you there.


Not much happened! Sorry we kinda finished the battle; Leith died saving Neiro, Zepheena was trapped by herself and died, Kai lost an arm while killing a Shadow Elementian, Battlemate died while sucking a bunch of baddies into a vortex... did I miss anything? Oh yeah, Luna broke her ankle. And Loren was captured and taken to Cumulus. But the good guys won.


On the dark side, Jahan just met with Aoi, an old-time friend of his he knew from three years ago. The group is traveling towards the local high-class Inn where they shall better get to know Aoi. That's pretty much it!

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Nothing much happened? xd.png

Okay, so a few things happened...





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@Lach: Aww Naomi's cute! I sat next to a gal named Naomi last year in band (she's graduated now), but she has a very different personality from your Naomi. wink.gif Probably a good thing. I noticed she's Jahan's age. :3

Nat: I love the picture too! And about that age thing... I was going to make her twelve, but Lovey said that wouldn't be too convenient. So I was forced to make her Jahan's age. Coincidence, I swear. xd.png

Oh how I love innocent little characters. >8D


Apo: Well, I guess the picture is supposed to be GUMI, but she could be a regular girl too. :3


I just need to know if she's actually accepted or not. :/

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* cries * sloooow doooowwwnnn!!!!


lac she was accepted. STOP POSTING!!!! just for a few hours to let me get in there and post please? * starts trying to swim through posts*

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o.o Sowwy LL, we got carried away. xd.png I shall wait until you post, take your time and make it good. :3

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ma'am yes ma'am! thank you!


*breathes easily now*

Ahaaa whoops. Our bad. tongue.gif


Anyways, should I make Naomi join them here? Hmmm I've got so many ideas...

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>_> I didn't realize we were posting that much....oops. Ehehehe....I'll hold off until LL posts for now (and I'm interested in what her characters are going to do, anyway).

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Yup. I guess I'm a little biased towards them, actually. It's also because they're already in Cumulus, and also due to the fact that I have no idea what on earth is going on with the Light Alliance. O.O

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* pants and rubs fingers/wrists * There....it's...done..... over 2,000 words.....gah!


Okay so yeah, Z'fan is the old Queen of Natura, and since Battlemate was older than she is, he is the first prince of Element, prince Creevian! Now deceased.


Hmmm, yeah, I don't think I GMD anyone, and if idid, let me now because right now my giners aren't opperaitng.....see? Bad spelliinng....


anywho....no worries about posting....just not too fast wink.gif lol!

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You missed Yuaki's interaction with Isa, but that's okay. We'll say she flashed away too quickly. ^^ Nice post!

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