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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Hiruzo quickly turned and chucked a darkness crystal at the Stone dragon. "F**k off, you b**ch!" he yelled before continuing to run. As soon as he was hit with the telepathic message from Stonesworthy, he sent one back with his exact thoughts. "Do you WANT them to get another innocent dragon possibly killed?" he thought back.

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Harold heard the harsh reply in his head and sighed.

"You won't be of any help to the egg if your acting like a maniac. You need to calm down, hold your pursuit, and come up with a plan of attack. If you do not, your going to dash right into Fangclan territory exposed and vulnerable, and all that is going to happen is you're going to die and the little nebula is going to get turned into a vampire. We can't have that so try to come up with a way to catch the thief before he enters Fangclan territory, cause once inside he will be safe. So move quick think clear and stay calm, and don't enter the Fangclan territory anymore then you have too."

He thudded into the glade with the other dragons just as the effects of the crystal wore off.

"Skyshiek isn't it? How have you been?"

His tone was cheery, friendly even, as was his approach to just about everything. He figured he would need to at least get them to leave Hiruzo alone so as to avoid the failure of this rather sudden mission.




After much trekking Scrap and Reial arrived at the Skyclan camp. Reial was beat and beaten, still sore from his conflict with Skyshriek. He slumped on the softest patch of dirt he could find and sighed looking at Scrap.

"You should probably grab some rest Scrap. Even if you don't join me for the patrol, you will no doubt be buy tomorrow going through all kinds of training."

He said in a half sigh from exhaustion. He curled his tail around his body and rested his head in the cradle of the shield, slowly falling asleep.

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Scrap nodded, and curled up not too far away. His tendency to sleep in was horrid, and he hoped somedragon would wake him up... With a sigh, he easily fell asleep.

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Hiruzo nodded and thought for a second before smiling. He quickly launched a succession of barrier crystals around Django, large enough to dwarf even the tallest tree. The then quickly capped off the top and bottom and had the item return to crystal form, making it incredibly lightweight. As soon as he got close enough to said hatchling, he dropped the crystallized cage.

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((*comes in ubber late* I'm so sorry to keep you waiting talyhawk D: ))


Breeze continued panting, but lifted her head when the house door opened and her person came out. She blinked, then chirped before looking back at the Green Dragon. "Mor-de-ka-i-ser," she tried saying slowly then hopped up. "Mordekaiser!" she said, much more quickly the next time. Then hopped around, energy regained, pleased with herself for speaking her first word. Her scales flashed brightly as she bounced like a spring.


Lin nodded and exited as well, glancing at Breeze and the Green Dragon a moment before he started walking toward the barn. A gray-blue nose for Blue greeted him and seh whinnied softly before a moo followed. "Well hello to you again too," he said and smiled before stroking the mare's nose. "This is old Blue, a great riding mare, and that is Buttercup, the only milk cow on this farm. Their stalls aren't really much of stalls, but they stay dry," he added, looking behind him for Ryoka.

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((Don't worry I don't mind the late posts.))


Mordekaiser's attention was quickly turned away from his rider upon hearing Breeze say his name. It was an accomplishment that had obviously made her very happy. "Very good Breeze, you'll be able to carry on full conversations in no time at this rate," he said proud that the young dragon was starting to signs of maturing. Her happy bouncing was at the very least entertaining to him.


Ryoka followed silently behind Lin to the barn only pausing for a moment to look back at the dragons upon hearing Mordekaiser's name. It wouldn't be long before the pair of them would potentially need proper training. Shaking her head Ryoka went inside the barn just in time to catch the animals names, which was followed by the comment about the barn. "To be honest we thought we were going to cause this poor building to come crashing down when landing. I don't know how it is still standing, but at least it keeps them dry," she said, hoping that she hadn't offended Lin in anyway.

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Skyshriek closed her eyes quickly so that when the crystal broke onto her head, the shards wouldn't get into her eyes. Then a cloud of darkness engulfed the four Fangclan dragons and Skyshriek yelled, "Somebody get rid of this da**ed smoke!" The gray dragoness and the ridgewing dragon quickly flapped their wings to blow away the dark clouds. Once their view was clear again, they noticed that the boy was gone and saw the stone dragon from before in his place. Skyshriek growled, "Fine, not that it's any of your business, thank you very much!" Then she told the purple dorsal and ridgewing dragons, "You two go find and kill that human boy, we'll deal with this nincompoop here ourselves!" The purple dorsal bowed and replied, "As you wish, Skyshriek." Then he and the ridgewing raced off away from the others as they followed the boy's scent. Skyshriek cracked her knuckles and said to the gray dragoness, "Look around and see if he's brought others with him!" The gray chuckled lightheartedly and said, "As you wish!" Then Skyshriek went in to deliver a punch to the stone dragon, while the gray went to wander the area that surrounded them.


As Django ran as fast as he could, barrier crystals surrounded him and trapped him and the canopy egg inside. The sunrise hatchling tried to bang on the crystal barrier with his paw as he shouted, "Help! Let me out of here!" He was worried and scared about being trapped inside of something that he didn't know what it was about. Soon the crystal barrier disappeared and saw the human boy near him. Django shrieked and took his chance to run away before the boy could catch him. Then the two dragons that Skyshriek sent came to where they were at. The ridgewing tackled the boy and shouted to Django, "Run while he's distracted!" "I am," Django who was now 20 feet away said. Then the purple dorsal looked at human with a sadistic grin on his face and said, "Hahaha, you didn't think one cloud of darkness would stop us from finding, did you? We, dragons, don't need sight to follow you. We have sharp noses to track and hunt down our prey, so that we'll catch them at the end of the chase."

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((I'm going to add something incredibly dangerous to the fray- a growth crystal! Oh, it works for only about a half hour. Afterwards, the body is put underimmense strain.))

Icefire found a small stash of crystals after Hiruzo was knocked back. This one swirled, so he tossed it out to Hiruzo, who hit it with the back of his head. It was a tingling sensation at first, but Icefire's body soon turned into...Well, what seemed to be a Nebula dragon, fully grown up. Hiruzo sighed, smiled, and jumped on before the Fanclan dragons could react. The temporarily fully-grown Icefire quickly flew up andshot off in front of Django, picking the Canopy egg from his grasp. Unfortunately, they picked Django up along with it.

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Harold Reial watched the sleeping Scrap for a bit before falling asleep himself. He would have to remember to visit his new friend from time to time after patrols.




Harold parried the punch with the same sided arm before striking at Skyshriek with the tip of the opposite wing and one fluid motion. While speaking at the same time in the continued friendly manner.

"I am not here to fight Skyshriek, we just don't want you to have the canopy egg is all."

Despite the friendliness, he spoke so that it seemed like there should be a 'duh' right after he finished.

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((Blargh, I'm going to be gone for a few days, so I won't be posting much. And plus: when is it day to come?)


EDIT: (And if it doesn't bother any of you, could someone PM me if anything absolutely MAJOR happens?)

Edited by DeerHunter908

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((Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy working on my Halloween fanfic. So next time you don't see me for a day, that means I have been busy doing it.))


As Django ran through the woods, a nebula tried to snatch the egg out of his grasp, but Django held on tightly to it as they picked him up as well. "Let go!" Django yelled as he tried to take the egg away from the nebula's talons. Then the ridgewing and dorsal dragon appeared from the woods and flew after the nebula dragon and human. "You're not going to get away that easily," the purple dorsal said before he started to spit poison at the nebula dragon. One of the poison spits almost his Django on his tail, but the hatchling quickly managed to move his tail out of the way in time at a millisecond. "Hey, watch it!" Django shouted at the dorsal.


"Well too bad, because talking isn't gonna make us leave that egg alone!" Skyshriek hissed. Then the gray dragoness came back and reported, "I don't see anybody, Skyshriek." The stone dragoness smiled confidentally and said, "Ah, so he came alone, huh? Well go catch up with the others. I'll deal with this bozo here myself." It was going to be a one on one fight between stone dragons, because there was nothing the gray dragoness can do to damage the foe's stony body. "Suit yourself!" the gray said before she flew away to catch up with her comrades.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Icefire quickly spun around, avoiding every bit of poison, and quickly twisted the egg out of his grasp before making a U-turn and tossing the egg to Hiruzo. Hiruzo quickly caught the egg and placed it in his pack, which had miraculously not ripped after Icefire's transformation. "Okay, now let's get back to the others," Hiruzo said.

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The ridgewing heard what the human boy had said and replied, "Oh no you don't!" Then he tackled the nebula's side in attempt to throw the boy and egg off. "You won't get away that easily without a fight," the ridgewing said as he tackled the nebula again. Django was holding on best as he while climbing up from the nebula's leg to the back where the boy was sitting. "Give back the egg!" Django told him. Then when the ridgewing tackled for the third time, Django was shook by the impact and he was about to lose balance and fallen, when without thinking he grabbed onto the nebula's hide with claws and accidentally spat out a light ball which hit the egg and broke it into shells and yolk. The sunrise hatchling saw what he had accidentally did just now and started to feel stomach sinking with guilt and thought, 'Oops, I'm going to be in real trouble later.'


Skyshriek attempted a tail smack on the stone dragon by spinning her body on one foot and using her other foot to kick at the stone dragon by while tail was at the same position as the leg for double hit on her foe.

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((let's make this quick since I don't want to Leave Deerhunter out of it for too long.))




Harold ducked right against the ground and blocked with his wings allowing both attacks to just scrap over his body, he then lifted his wings while Skyshriek was still partially on top and flung her away.

"You need to be more clever then that, if you hope to take me down. But we really should just talk things over I mean we could both just walk away from this unharmed."

Harold simply didn't like fighting but he also knew that just because you didn't know how to fight didn't mean people weren't going to attack you so he had taken the time to train with Reial when they were kids. Still he needed to know how things were going on the boy's end so he telepathically contacted Hiruzo.

"Have you got the egg yet, they just sent another dragon after you. Things are getting hot on your end so don't push yourself too hard."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Icefire rolled and noticed as the egg broke. "Oh son of a-" Hiruzo cursed explicitly soon after. "Agh, you idiot. It doesn't make it a difference now. Let's go back," Icefire said.

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The dorsal and ridgewing dragons saw what Django had done to the egg and they were both very disappointed at him. Django looked at them in guilt and murmured apologetically, "Um... Sorry." The ridgewing growled, "Come on, let's go. You can tell this to Skyshriek when we get back." The dorsal, who was more angrier, hissed, "You're going to be in a lot of trouble soon, kid!" Django hung his head down in shame and leapt onto the ridgewing's back before they u-turned and headed back to Skyshriek.


After Skyshriek was flung through the air and she landed chest-flat on the ground, she got up and growled, "Fangclan does not negotiate with others! Only through strength and might, do we gain what we want!" Then she was about to spit rocks at the stone dragon, when she saw her comrades returning from the chase. "So, did you all manage to get back the egg?" Skyshriek asked, getting her hopes up that they've got it. The ridgewing shook his head and the dorsal growled, "No, that little brat here destroyed it before we could get it and you can thank him for that!" He picked up Django off the ridgewing's back and held him by the scruff. Skyshriek started to get angry and roared at her kouhai, "You did what?!" "I-i-it was an accident! I didn't mean for it to-" Django tried to say before he got interrupted by his angry sempai. "There's no excuse for this, kouhai! You know how important dragon eggs are! And it's your fault that we didn't get to steal it! So for that, you are getting no dinner tonight! Come on, let's go! I want to punish him some more when we get back," Skyshriek roared. Then the Fangclan dragons started to leave for home.

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((hope you all don't mind me making it daytime.))




Harold watched them leave, in the distance evidance that he had been out all night long was beginning to show. He almost felt sorry for the kid although he still couldn't feel too much pity for him after his attempted theft, that was botched in a rather unfortunate manner. Harold turned and steadily made his way back and yawned. He would certainly need to catch up on some well earned rest ASAP.




Reial woke and stretched early in the morning. He nudged Scrap untill the Nightglory woke, while giving a greeting.

"Morning Scrap."

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Breeze's tail thumped against the ground rapidly as she heard Mordekaiser's complement. She chirped before saying, "Mordekaiser," again and grinning, showing her little teeth. Then she flapped her wings and tried to get off the ground, managing to hover about two feet in the air before dropping back to the ground again. She chattered and folded her wings, irritated that she still couldn't somehow fly. Most hatchlings didn't have much patience, she was no exception though she didn't really get angry.


Lin smiled and nodded. "These two apparently thought so too, and that they might become dinner," he said and the blue horse took her nose away from his hand to point it at Ryoka. Then she nuzzled at her sleeve gently, wanting to get attention from the new person. "She likes you," he added after the horse's actions. The milk cow made a quick 'moo' and turned around to munch on some hay, lifting her head with a mouth full of the golden brown grass as she looked back at them with large gentle eyes.

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((WOOT! I'm back!))


Scrap opened an eye a slit, glaring at Reial. 'Whaddaya want?" He muttered, rolling over. Suddenly, he bolted upright, his large wings flared with his eyes wide open. Suddenly, he chuckled "Forgot 'bout that!" |D He stretched cat-like, looking up at his friend. "Your off to do a patrol, no?"

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Harold nodded in response to Scrap before standing up and stretching.

"Yep, two days of traveling the border. Not exactly the most interesting work but it is important. You sure you wouldn't like to join me?"

He asked one last time.




Harold arrived at the lake and spotted Lita. He gave her a morning wave before sitting by the lake's edge and getting a drink, he also spoke to Hiruzo telepathically.

"Are you going to be returning to the lake, we would gladly have you around if you chose too."

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Hiruzo listened to Stonesworthy's message and replied unsteadily. After the egg broke, Icefire's transformation had ended, and they hell into the forest. There wasn't much harm, though. "We're coming, just hold on. I've got a bit of a concussion here," he thought back, limping back to the lake, Icefire in hand.

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As the Fangclan dragons were halfway back home, the gray dragoness showed a pink egg to them and said, "Look what I found!" Skyshriek formed a smile on her face and said, "A replacement! Good job, that would really make up for the other egg that the brat here destroyed." "So does that mean I won't get another punishment when we get back?" Django asked, getting his hopes up. The adults glared at him and Skyshriek growled, "Don't bet on it, twerp!" "Ohhh..." Django sighed as Fangclan trekked through the woods. They returned back home and put the egg at the vampire cave to get bitten and transformed. Django had to go without dinner and Skyshriek swiped her claws at him many times, leaving the hatchling with bleeding scratch marks all over his body. "Now think about what you've done and learn not to do it again!" Skyshriek roared at him. Time went by as night turned into morning and Skyshriek took her kouhai out into the woods to hunt. Django was feeling really hungry since he didn't get to eat lunch and dinner yesterday. "Now be lucky that I'm going to give you a few chances to catch yourself some food, because I don't need my kouhai to die of hunger before he becomes a powerful soldier of Fangclan," Skyshriek told him. "Yes sempai," Django replied. Then he saw a rabbit in the distance nibbling on some grass. Django stalked the rabbit quietly from behind so that he would close in and kill his prey.


During the night, Lita waited for Stonesworthy to return home, but he never came back. But then when morning sun rose, he finally came back and Lita waved back to him as she greeted, "Good morning, Stonesworthy. I haven't seen you all night, where were you?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((I think my creativity is starting to wear thin between the 3 RPs I'm in.))


Mordekaiser was rather amused with the thumping of Breeze's tail it made her look more like a dog than a dragon. Upon seeing her hover he grinned remembering when he had first tried to fly and failed many times. "Don't worry you'll soon be flying on your own just be patient," he said reassuringly as possible.


Ryoka smiled and slowly moved her hand towards the blue horse to let her smell it before raising her hand to scratch behind the horse's ear. "What are your plans after Breeze becomes an adult?" she asked as she continued to absentmindedly give the horse attention.

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Scrap actually thought this over some more, but was more hesitant in his answer. "No, I'm pretty sure I'll stay here. Make sure anyone needs help doing anything." He scratched his chest with a claw. "Besides, if there was an attack, I probably would fend them off as good as a snail, if anything."

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Kreen gave up looking for Time and Vanlet and returned with Myse to the Rainclan camp. She greeted Lita with a wave of her tail.

"We couldn't find Time, or Vanlet. Do you think they're in trouble?"

She reported.

"Where will we shelter if bad weather comes?"

Myse asked with a tilt of her head.

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