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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Scrap swallowed, and nodded to Reial. His long tail whipped out behind him, larger wings flexing, bigger feet pacing. "I see." His voice squeaked slightly before rumbling. "Is this what all hatchlings have to do?" He ran aways, then back before tilting his head. "Wheres' Kreen?" His huge claws clicked against the stone and his expanded scales shifting easily.

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The thoughts of words that entered her mind caught Breeze off guard, so much that she lost her balance and fell off the large dragon's head. Quickly opening her wings, she landed and rolled as she hit the grass. At least it was only a little way to the ground and she had fallen off things before. Rolling from her back to her belly, she stood back up and looked at him with blue eyes, soon cocking her head sideways. She didn't know how to speak, but she did understand words. When she chirped instead of replying as she intended, she nodded her head in a 'yes' motion.


"Your welcome," Lyn said after he swallowed to respond to her thanks. He continued eating as well, but stopped a moment to look out the window at the two dragons. He watched as Breeze stood back up and bobbed her head to Mordekaiser. He shook his head and finished eating. A few minutes later, he couldn't help his curiosity and had to ask a few things.


"If you don't mind my asking, where did you find your dragon egg? And why do both of you have signs of fighting a quiet a few fights or battles?" he asked.


((Sorry it took so long for me to reply ^^*))

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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Harold looked around and saw that Kreen had left as well.

"Great. I bet the human won't be too happy about that. Still I don't think there is much we can do, she isn't part of the clan so we really can't tell her what to do, but I guess we could look for her. What do you think Scrap?"

He asked, he didn't make it obviouse but since Scrap had grown into maturity Reial would take it upon himself to train Scrap as best he could.




Harold nodded in confirmation.

"Despite being human he has done a fine job of raising a hatchling. Not to mention he seems willing to learn about us as well as teach us a thing or two about the humans. I wouldn't mind knowing why they feel they need to trap us in like this."

Harold turned to see Kreen and another dragon standing behind him when they announced their intentions.

"If it is what you think is best for you then by all means. Besides I can see you know how to get around and I could use someone with a good sense of direction, well good enough to find me. I'm less likely to get lost then."

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Scrap nodded, and looked around. Head to the ground, the dragon sniffed the leaves, then looked up at Reial.

"This way."

He hoped he was not being too pushy as he walked off, in the direction he had scented her. Quickly, his thoughts flew around him. Trying to grab hold of them, he thought of one thing: his new maturity. The thoughts seized their scrambling, and the Night Glory suddenly was struck with a new idea; could he breath flame? Without trying to make it to obvious, he coughed and hacked, without once even making smoke.

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((No worries I know that we all have lives outside of the forums.))


Mordekaiser hadn't meant to startle the poor hatchling, but it was clear from the way she responded she understood what he had said. Lifting his head off his front paws Mordekaiser cocked his head to the side thinking before lifting a paw reaching for Breeze trying to tip her over in a playful manner.


Ryoka was caught off guard by the sudden string of questions, but it was understandable why he would ask them. "It's been 5 years ago since I found Mordekaiser's egg in a cave near my home town," she said with a sigh. Ryoka glanced out the window looking at the dragons for a brief moment before continuing on. "The town where I grew up I now know frowns upon dragons and kills any they find on sight, especially the eggs. My choices were either up the egg or escape, obviously I chose to escape," she said pausing for a brief moment as she remembered how even her own family tried to kill Mordekaiser's egg.


"Our battle scars well we've run into both humans and dragons who don't agree that we can live together in peace. The dragons wish to return back to the way things used to be before humans expanded their cities and drove them back," she said taking a deep breath as she continued. "The humans we've fought well they believe that dragons are creatures that should be not only feared, but exterminated. I actually almost lost my eye to one person who thought that he could steal Mordekaiser from me when he was just a hatchling. It was thanks to that person though that I gained my sword," Ryoka said looking out the window at Mordekaiser much like how a worried mother would look at her child.

Edited by talyhawk

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Lita nodded in agreement and said, "Me too, it would be good to learn about each other." Then she looked at the black and skywing dragonesses who wanted to join RainClan and said, "Welcome to Rainclan, you two. I'm Lita the Terrae dragoness."


Skyshriek shot out another flying stone and Django tried to hit, but he missed that one as well. The stone dragoness spat out a third stone and Django managed to shoot that one at half-way. Skyshriek kept on shooting out rocks until she was done. But by the end of that, Django only managed to shoot light balls at only three of the twenty-five stones. "That was terrible, kouhai! At this rate, you'll never be an excellent marksdragon! In order to hit your targets, you have to judge how fast your light balls can fly and predict where your target will be, so that your shots can hit them! " Skyshriek growled at Django. "But why didn't you tell me this before, sempai," Django asked.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Kreen bowed her head slightly.

"Me and Myse would be honored to guide you around these parts."

She replied. She vowed to be a true Clan member, and to do that, she would have to ignore her bad blood.


Myse stared at Kreen worredly. At any moment, she thought that Kreen would show her hot-headed side.

Kreen, I swear if you dont obey clan rules then I'll drag you all the way back to Pure Pond and tie you to the middle.

WHAT are you talking about? If you make me blurt out some part of our conversation, I'll pull you all the way through the brambles.

The two stared at each other as they fought through telepathy.

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Stonesworthy nodded and, as officially as he could, accepted the pair into the clan.

"Like Lita said, welcome to the clan. Now I hope you understand that the Rain clan hopes to put things back the way they were. But I don't want to return it to exactly the way things were cause in the future we fill just end up back here, thats no good. I was hoping to take as many oppertunities to help educate the humans about our kind so they are less inclined to do what they do. However their is another ongoing mission and that is to stop the Sky clan from gaining too much power, they want to put us all under a dictatorship ruling and quite frankly I don't want that kind of life. It just isn't really free, you know?"

Despite the fact that this was his induction speech it was incredibly informal.




Harold followed scrap closely checking oup the the newly matured dragon's methods. He seemed quite capable of tracking, or at least better then Reial was anyways.

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Kreen nodded firmly.

"We both wish to return to when dragons were dragons, and humans were human. Not enemies and usurpers."

She spoke the truth, and Myse took a trusting glace at Kreen. Somehow she wiped away all her fears that Kreen would slip her tongue.

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Scrap stopped, and looked sheepish for a moment before he found a second scent.

"Smells like theres' a second dragon...can't say I know which breed."

He lifted his muzzle and his look turned quite sheepish again when he saw the footprints from a muddy area, which clearly showed TWO sets of footprints.

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((Thank you ^^))


The hatchling fought with with the Green dragon's claws as he tried to roll her over, but to no avail. He was a good bit stronger than her and managed to flip her over. Then she said tweeting, her form of a laugh. He was tickling her even though he had just tried flipping her over. She chirped and squeaked, continuing to laugh happily.


Lyn listened as Ryoka spoke, thinking about everything she said. He wondered what it would be like, fighting just to keep Breeze from being killed. She'd never left the farm and he'd only left every now and then to get a few supplies that the chickens and cow didn't make. It made him grateful, he couldn't help imagining what it would have been like. It also made his sad that humans would do that, but not unbelievable, especially when he remembered that orphanage and they way those people acted.


He shook his head and thought as she finished, looking at the dragons outside. They seemed to get along well, and when Breeze grew to an adult she'd need someone to help teach her to hunt. But that was the only thing, wouldn't it be nice if they didn't half to move and fight for their lives for a time, even if it was short? He thought it would, making up his mind about what he intended to say.


"Would you like to stay here for a while, both of you? Mordekaiser can hunt, and Breeze will need someone to teach her. My chickens lay plenty of eggs and the cow gives plenty of milk for both of us. I'll sleep in here and you can have my bed, if it can be called that, more a like a cot...but it's still be better than sleeping on the ground."

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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((Hey Enkharal, you don't need to wait for me to post Lita's part. You can just move on without me.))


"Shut up and let's try this again!" Skyshriek growled. Then she started to shoots rocks one at a time once again. Django tried to make careful aims this time. He hit some, but he also missed some. By the end of that, he managed to hit eight of the thirty rocks. It was better than his last score, but it still wasn't good enough. "You're still not going good, kouhai! Let's try this once more!" Skyshriek said. Then she started to spew more rocks for Django to shoot.

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Harold nodded as he heard her reply, and decided to continue.

"While I prefure to just let people govern themselves you can't really have an organization witout some fundumental rules. The rules are these. One, don't kill if you don't have too.

Two, avoide violence as much as possible.

Three, never throw the first punch if you cna help it.

Four, offer aid where it is needed and five, don't be prejudiced against humans. I think that just about covers it, what you do beyond that is your own business and you will never have to answer for it. I will never judge you on your past regardless of how pretty or dark it may have been. Welcome to the Rain clan miss Kreen and Myse, for now lets just go for a midday walk and get to know eachother. There is a lake just a little while's back I am sure you saw it on your way here, that will be our home for now. The canopy seemed thick enough to provide shelter from the weather, but i will leave that up to Lita's professional opinion on plantlife when we get back. In the mean time Kreen why don't you show us around."

Stonesworthy motioned for Kreen and Myse to lead.




"Don't worry about the second scent or trail for now Scrap, we must stick to the objective, that takes priority. It's just the order of things, once we figure out where Kreen has gotten too we can deal with the second scent and determine wether the dragon it belong's too is dangerouse.Harold said to Scrap.


((It seems you hiruzo and Icefire just got ditched by everybody. Reial went looking for Scrap, and Kreen for Reial. Stonesworthy made his way back to his now officially home lake and met up with Lita farther in the forest. Kreen caught Stonesworthy's scent and collected Myse and went in search of Stonesworthy, once they found him they offered to join the clan and he accepted. Oh and you've been left with a half-eaten dear and a bunch of rabbits and fish. Enjoy ;p))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Scrap nodded, and started into a slow run to where the tracks ran off, nose to the ground when the mud ceased. It was quite simple with the trail heading completely West, the intertwined scents.

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Kreen started walking into the woods, with Myse following closely behind.

"Over there, that cave is home to the Fangclan dragons."

She nodded with a bleak look. She continued walking, this time towards Pure Pond.

"Me and Myse once met a dragon that said this pond had magical powers. Plenty of fish and clover in this area, too.

She recalled, following the silvery streaks of fish.

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((Lulz, thanks En'K'Haral. I'll get right on to following a dragon or something. But I am not sure if I want these guys to join a clan.))


Hiruzo got up, his energy having been recovered soon after the others left. Quickly gutting the fish, he roasted it over the flame and gave half of the fish he had to Icefire. The Nebula gobbled the fish up, and Hiruzo, having been left there for a while, gulped the fish down. He started on the rabbits soon after, and ended in preserving the deer meat. "Now, where did the others go again?" Hiruzo asked, before seeing Icefire point in a seemingly random direction. "Okay, I guess," he said before picking up Icefire and the preserved meats and continuing on.


((Jump in if you want.))

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Stonesworthy explained the rules of Rainclan to Kreen and Myse before they went out for a walk. Lita watched them go before she went back to tending the plants.


Django tried to spew light balls each stone that went by. But the results were still the same at the end. Skyshriek facepalmed at the sunrise hatchling's lack of accuracy and said, "You know what? Forget it! I'm just going to go and find some place to cry my eyes out!" By crying her eyes out, she didn't mean go and sob tears out of her eyes, she meant going out to beat up some random animal or human in the woods. She angrily stomped out of the training.

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Harold followed Kreen listening carefully to what she had to say. He took special note of the fangclan home and was uncomfortable with it's proxcimity to his own home. He figured that if they were going to live by the lake he had picked out, sort of, then perhapes they would need a hidden cave so that they could rest in hiding from the Fang and sky clans. Then he was taken to a place called pure pond and was delighted to see the fish there.

"This is good. I think I have an idea...not sure a whole lot of people will like it but I am going to pitch it anyways. I think we should dig our own cave and live underground. Beneath the lake to be specific. The entrance could be hidden in the forest and lead down well beneath the lake, we could get Lita to grow some form of strong smelling plants to conceal the scents of anyone going to and from our home. The entrance would have to be close to the lake though to really through them off. What do you too think? If your not sure you don't have to answer now, I intend to consult Lita about this as well."

Having pitched his idea he awaited a response be it yes no or think about it.




Reial followed Scrap closely making suyre not to lose the young adult. The nightglory was quick. Reial thought he could see a lake throuh the trees.

"Judging by the pattern I would say that Kreen was chasing something."

He said pitching an idea.

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"I think that's a great idea. That way, we'll be concealed greatly. And we'll be accustomed to the underground more than any enemy dragons, if they find the entrance that is."

Kreen agreed with the idea. She turned to Myse.

"What do you think?


Myse thought about it for a moment.

"Will it be safe? What if it caves in?"

As usual, the two had different opinons.

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Scrap looked over the quick, light areas where barely any dew was running off the plants, stopping for a moment to look back at Reial.

"Possibly, but there isn't any blood if they had made their catch; no blood from a fight, either. But they were running, alright."

He was pleased with his tracking skills; he had been self-taught when he wasn't matured, and liked to chase baby fawns.

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((I'm alive! I've been busy with bouncing between RPs.))


Mordekaiser lifted his paw chuckling, which was more of a low rumble than an actual laugh. He was enjoying her company immensely and it quite obvious that she was having fun being around him. Mordekaiser then looked at the house where he had seen his rider go in, something was distressing her and he wasn't quite sure what it was due to her hiding the information from him. "Ryoka what's wrong? he asked telepathically to her, worried.


Ryoka was completely caught off guard by Lynn's question and she quickly realized that her dragon had felt it too the moment she heard his question in her head. "Lynn just asked if we would like to stay with him and breeze," she replied to the concerned dragon. She soon regained her composure and replied with a smile. "We would be happy to stay, even if it is only for a short time."


Mordekaiser was happy with her answer it meant they would actually have a break from all the fighting that they had endured over the years. "It seems that we will be spending more time together."

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Harold decided to get Scrap back on track, the young adult looked like he was losing concentration.

"Don't worry too much about that right now. if the scent and rtail continues then we needn't really concern ourselves with some of the other details just yet. I will keep an eye on our surroundings though while you stick to tracking ok. So stay focused."

He said encouragingly.




Stonesworthy nodded happy to hear that Kreen agreed. Myse however had been more reserved and for good reason.

"Good point, Myse. If we end up doing this then we will need to address that issue first. Good thinking, come on now let's head back to Lita and see what she thinks and then we will be set. Now...which way was to get back?"

He asked looking about a little lost.

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Skyshriek spotted a group of three dragons: a gray female, a male purple dorsal, and a ridgewing male; talking to each other. She broke up their conversation by shouting angrily, "I need you to come with me! We're going out to kill some loner dragons and steal their eggs!" The three dragons looked at each other for a bit and the youngest gray whispered jovially, "Uh oh, it looks someone's made her angry. Teeheehee!" The purple dorsal said quietly in a snake-like tone, "Yessss, I can ssssee that." The ridgewing was the last to speak, "Well we better go and do as she said." The trio went over to Skyshriek and waited for her response. The stone dragoness yelled to the training cave, "Kouhai, come on out! We're going to steal eggs!" "Yes sempai," came the reply from inside that almost echoed. Then Django rushed out to meet up with the group and stopped near Skyshriek's feet. With everyone she needed, the stone dragon told them, "Come on, let's go!" The five dragons walked out through Fangclan's entrance cave and came into the outskirts in the woods.

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Scrap nodded, and got back on track. Inhaling deeply, he skittered everywhere; it seemed they where searching for something. After a while, though, everything straightened out, and they ended up near the RainClan border.

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