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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Scrap thought of momentary possibilities of what he could do. He was quite obviously unable to fly correctly, so he couldn't hunt. Reial, truely, was the one he trusted the most, and then there was his inexpellable fear of humans. Hiruzo had proved himself more than once, but thanks to that stupid farmer, he know had that same, paralyzing fear that Hiruzo would pull a knife and slice open his neck. Scrap shuddered visibly, before walking in the opposite direction of where Kreen had went. Whatever. It wasn't his business.

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((Thank you, I'll do the same ^^))


Breeze hissed and fanned out her wings, looking at the sky. Lyn looked at her, then direction she was and saw a large creature flying toward them. As it got closer, it became clearer that it was a dragon, apparently intending to land. It lowered, then landed not far from them, and he saw the girl, or young lady, on it's back. Then she hopped off, apparently he wasn't the only one that had an dragon.


She had long dark brown hair, wavy, and eyes that where reddish orange. There was a scar running over her left eye and she had a sword and crossbow hanging on her waist. She looked like a warrior, and her Green dragon showed sighs of fights and battles just like her.

"Hi, I'm Ryoka," she said with a smile. For some reason he hadn't expected an 'hello' and introduction, but she was apparently trying not to startle him anymore. He had caught Breeze in mid air a few moments before when she lept off his shoulder just before the two landed and she was still in his hands, looking at the two with great interest instead of hostiity.


"Hello," he said, pausing before adding, "I'm Lyn, this is Breeze." Blue and Buttermilk in the barn a little way behind him where neighing and mooing, very startled at the sight of the huge dragon. But slowly, after they landed and he stayed where he was, they began calming down and their cries quietened.

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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"It's very nice to meet both of you," she said with a slight tone of relief. "This big guy behind me is Mordekaiser." Ryoka wasn't too surprised that the two barn animals had been scared half to death considering an adult dragon could mean that they were about to become dinner. "To be perfectly honest we thought that this place was abandoned," she said pausing for a brief moment before adding. "I'm glad that wasn't the case considering you also have a dragon."


Mordekaiser was amused with the young dragon's interest in the pair of them and guessed that it was probably the first time she had seen another dragon or human. Breeze reminded him of the days spent when he was about her age and curious about the world around him. Depending on how long it lasted being around these two wouldn't be a bad change of pace.

Edited by talyhawk

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Harold returned from his hunt with several rabbits in his claws and a dear in his mouth. Landing amongst the others and set them down.

"I think I got enough for everyone. I see you have done some fishing Kreen. I think you guys will be set for a few days."

The rabbits had already been drained so that they were safe to eat for the human. The dragons could still eat them as well. Harold didn't like his meat cooked so he began to tuck into the deer since it was the only thing big enough to feed him that was currently available.




After having rested himself Harold stretched before getting up. He never did sleep much which he doubted was healthy but it did not really bother him that much. He got up and began his wanderings heedless of the noise he made.

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((Then I suppose I'll just make a Rainclan character as well. I've only got a few of the form done. But I don't have the energy to finish right now. So later, I'll get it done and send it to Uchiha, so that I can get accepted again.))

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Lyn nodded his head to the large green dragon behind Ryoka as she introduced him. After the animals had quietened down, she also said they thought it had been abandoned and that she was actually glade it wasn't since he had a dragon. Seeing another dragon, or another human for that matter, was quiet intriguing for Breeze. She turned her head sideways, still looking at both of them as though in the change of view she may see something she hadn't when her head was straight.


The navy haired young man couldn't help the light smile that went to his face as he watched the older hatchling, her position was so odd it was humorous. He'd seen her look that way before, when she found, smelled, or heard something she didn't know, but it was still a little funny. "Nice to meet you two too," he said.


Breeze quickly wriggled from his grip and dove to the ground, opening her wings to soften her running landing. She quickly darted forward, between Ryoka's feet, and slide to a halt in front of the mighty green dragon. She looked up at him, her blue body nearly falling over from unbalanced weight as she craned her neck and lifted her front feet off the ground just to look straight up at him. Then she chirped and ran under him, circling each of his legs, squealing happily all the while.


Lyn shook his head, his faint smile turning into an obvious one. He just hoped Mordekaiser would understand that to Breeze, seeing another dragon was fascinating and opened the possibilities for more, in her view, fun games. "I don't think I have enough meat for a dragon of your size, but then again you probably hunt," he said, looking at the dragon then to his rider before adding, "I can however offer a decent meal for you."

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Breeze bolting between her legs startled Ryoka causing her to turn so she could see just what the older hatclhing had in mind. She couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Breeze trying to play with the much larger green dragon. It was something that she hadn't seen since Mordekaiser had grown into a fine adult dragon.


Mordekaiser returned Breeze's gaze before she ran under him. His attention was soon distracted by Lynn upon hearing the comment about food. "Don't worry about me I did some hunting before we arrived." He then turned his attention back to Breeze and began to carefully paw at the young dragon to play with her, while trying not to hurt her.


It had been a long time since Ryoka had gotten to laugh at the antics of her dragon. "If it is not too much trouble then I would be happy to accept," she said looking at Lynn then back at the pair of dragons. "To be honest it has been a long time since either of us have gotten to have fun like this."

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Breeze chirped again and darted sideways to avoid one of the Green Dragon's paws. Then she ran back were she had been and leapt in the air, grabbing his talons and climbing on top of his paw. She quickly half hovered half bounced up his leg and onto his back before climbing his neck and sitting down on his head. She squeaked, pleased with herself for climbing so high, and being able to look down at everyone else.


Lyn nodded when Mordekaiser spoke, then looked at Ryoka after she stopped laughing and said she'd be glade to accept and that neither of them had fun like his hatchling was causing in a while. "Yes, you could say she has a knack for being tensing and causing a funny commotion," he said, still smiling and watched as Breeze made her way to the Green Dragon's head. That was all he could hold and he had to laugh at the sight.


"While they're playing, let's go see if I can't fix up a good breakfast," he added after a moment of watching them again. Then he began walking toward the log house, pausing for her at the door which he held open.

Edited by i_luv_animalz

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Ryoka nodded when Lynn spoke of breakfast the mention of food was starting to make her hungry, considering she had packed up her small camp in a hurry before they arrived here. "You two have fun," she said to the dragons before following Lynn. "Thank you," she added as she walked inside.


Mordekaiser didn't really pay much attention to his rider's words thanks to the fact that he was trying to decide on what to do with Breeze. With a sigh he finally decided that she had won, and proceeded to lay down very carefully so that he wouldn't accidentally throw her from her new found perch.

Edited by talyhawk

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Scrap wobbled along, a ways away from the camp. He peeked around a tree, looking for the elusive squirrel that had escaped his claws more than a few times. There! He got into a hunting crouch, stalked forward, and leapt! The intelligent squirrel ran deeper into the forest, almost mocking the hatchling. Scrap ran after it in the 'heat' of his hunt.

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After the white dragon was done using his healing magic on Skyshriek, the Fangclan deputy looked more like her usual self and there was not a single crack on her body. But the magic never replaced the tooth she had lost in the fight with the guardian and stone dragons. Skyshriek went over to where Django was sitting and said, "Alright kouhai, it's time to practice the battle moves you've learned yesterday. Then maybe I'll teach you a new move after this, if you're ready for it. Now let's go to the training cave." "Yes sempai," Django said as he followed the stone dragoness into the cave. Once they were inside, Skyshriek looked at the sunrise hatchling said, "Alright kouhai, let's begin with your claws first. Swipe them around five times in each direction." Django hooked his fingers into position and started to swipe at the air vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.


((Here's my new character people.


Username: Red Dragonette

Name: Lita

Gender: Female

Species: Terrae

Clan: Rain Clan

Description: Nothing much, but she's an adult and has emerald green eyes. She also has the power to heal all kinds of plants.

Personality: A gentle and solemn dragoness who tends to use her powers to preserve the trees surrounding her. She doesn't really mind humans, but she won't hesistate to fight any who tries to hurt her friends.

Brief History: May be RPed out. ))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Breeze fanned out her small wings and held her head up high proudly over her triumph after the larger dragon lowered his head to the ground. In her mind, she had just achieved an amazing challenge by making the Mordekaiser lie down. Only holding her champion pose a few moments, since she can't manage to be still much longer than that, she leaned over. She curled her neck and looked into the Green dragon's eyes, her head upside down therefore making her look at him upside down.


Lyn nodded when she said thank you added after closing the door behind them, "Sit any where you like." Then he went into the kitchen, washing his hands before pulling out some cooking pans and an egg carton. Smells drifted from the kitchen and into the living room, yummy smells.


About seven of eight minutes later, he walked back into the living room and set a plate on Ryoka's lap, then sat down in another chair. He had made scrambled eggs and some toast, both where on each of there plates. Lyn began eating contently.

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Reial had gently placed the Rabbits by the fire and was already half done his deer when he noticed Scrap was missing.

"Hey has anyone seen Scrap?"

he asked looking around trying to see if he could spot the hatchling but the little nightglory was nowhere to be found.

"Scrap! Where are you!?"

He called out, concern getting the better of him.




Harold found himself by a very familier lake. No matter how lost he got it seemed like he always managed to get back to this spot.

"Heh, must be destiny. Well so long as none of the other clans have claimed this lake to themselves I see no reason for me not to stay here. Untill I find my way back to my old home at least."

He sat down and decided that today's activitie would be cloud gazing, he watched the sky and tried to see shapes in the clouds.

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Scrap clawed his way up a small sapling, and winced when sap got onto his wing. The squirrel had gone into a small knothole, and he was not going to let this chance pass him by! He got to the hole, and was about to reach in when wind caught one of his wings and carried him into the air, screeching and yelling, heading south.

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Harold heard Scrap start screeching and lept into action. Leaping to his feet and charged off into the forest in the direction of Scrap's yell. Storming through forest, bashing down trees, unnintentionally frighteneing small animal he stormed on. Partially peeved that Scrap went off on his own again, and partially worried sick that something had happened to the hatchling. Looking upn looking down, looking all around he dashed through the forest and finally found Scrap in the air, caught in the wind like rag hanging on a cloths line. Harold lept into the air and taking flight plucked the little nightglory from nature's playful, albeit sometims cruel, grasp.

"Are you alright?"

Was the first question, it didn't take much to imagine what the second would be.

"What did you think you were doing!? I already told you not to wander off. What if something happened?"

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Mordekaiser looked back up at Breeze with his red eyes, it was a funny sight looking at her this way but it couldn't be helped. "You're full of energy and curiousity aren't you?" He had asked the question to her telepathically out of habit forgetting that he was probably the first dragon that she had ever come in contact with.


Ryoka nodded and went into the living room finding a place to sit while Lynn made breakfast. As the smell of food drifted towards her she felt her stomach rumble a little making her realize just how hungry she was. After a few minutes Lynn sat a rather good looking plate of food on her lap. "Thank you for the food," she said before taking her first bite. She ate in silence enjoying every bite it was a delicous breakfast, certainly much better than the dried meats and berries that she had been living on during her most recent travels.

Edited by talyhawk

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Skyshriek watched Django's swiping movements carefully for any mistakes he made. But when he made none, Skyshriek was pleased and said, "Excellent. I'm glad you remembered how to do it. Now I want you to try and bite my hand. You do remember the spot that's suppose to be the throat, right?" Django nodded and said, "Yes sempai." "Good, now try and bite that spot," Skyshriek told him. Then the stone dragoness put her arm out towards Django and the sunrise hatchling started to bite at the wrist, which was the neck.


In the forest, Lita the Terrae dragon was busy gathering sunlight from the clear sky above the forest. Her breed was known for receiving energy from the sun that they used to preserve the forests where they reside in. So when she was done collecting energy, she started to use her power to heal the plants on the bottom that weren't tall enough to reach the sunlight.


((My first post as Lita sucks.))

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Scrap instantly folded his wings together as Reial grabbed him, slightly relieved and more scared of his anger, than anything. He looked up at Reial, and then put his head down in shame. "I was...hunting a squirrel. It got into a knothole, when the wind picked me up again." Flicking his tail, the Night Glory inched away from the larger dragons' chest before looking up at him. "And if something happened...I would be Pygmy food."

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Kreen curiously followed Reial slowly when he suddenly stormed into the forest. Then she realized Scrap was missing and broke into a run. When he stopped, she ran into his haunches.

"You found Scrap?"

She interrupted.

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Reial smiled at Scrap and tickled him a bit.

"Yes you would, but you aren't so be glad. I am proud that you tried hunting down that squirrel, its just you didn't tell us what you were up too and i worried, but your ok and that's what counts. Maybe you will have better luck catching a squirrel next time, and when you do go after one, be sure to tell someone."

He set the hatchling down and faced Kreen a look of total relief on his face.

"I have and he is fine. Come on guys let's head back."

He began to make his way back to camp.




Harold had been cloudgazing happiyly when he caught the fresh scent of flowers and uther such plants, and mixed in with that was another scent, that of a dragon. Curiosity getting the better of him he followed the scent to find a Terrea dragon making the flowers bloom.

"Terreas are truely amazing. Being able to make plants bloom like this."

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After Lita was done with healing the plants, she turned around and looked to see Harold Stonesworthy looking at her. "Oh hello, Stonesworthy, how was your day?" Lita asked.


After Skyshriek saw how well Django was biting at the wrist, she stopped him and said, "Good boy, now let's see your kicks and tail whips." Then the hatchling started to swing his tail hard many times as he struck the imaginary foes. Then after that, he went to stand on his front legs and kick his hind legs into the air.

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Scrap nodded, and followed Reial. His wings tingled slightly, and when he looked back in confusion, they had doubled in size, as had the rest of his body! He squeaked, and looked at him in panic "Reial!? Whats' happening!?" He swiped a larger claw against the ground, and the marks grew in width near the end, which the 'hatchling' panicked at as well. When he spoke, his voice was deeper, and rumbled. He stamped a foot, and backed a few paces, utterly disoriented.


((I thought it was time for him to grow up. I hope y'all don't mind.))

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Harold nodded to Lita.

"It was cerainly eventful. I met one of the fang clan as well as two from the sky. A couple of humans, and dragons travelling with them. Unfortunately I forgot where I left them. But I was thinking of making the human by name of Ben an honerary member of the Rain clan. Assuming of course that the hatchlings travelling with him join with the clan as well."

He said sitting on the ground.

"It looks like it's just us for now."



Harold turned about at the startled cries from Scrap. He chuckled lightly to himself.

"Relax you won't get that much bigger, your just comming into maturity, it happens to all of us."

Reial sat deciding it was best to wait for Scrap first.

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"Really? If you're making this Ben person a Rainclan member, then I suppose he must've done something good or is a really nice person to deserve that honor," Lita said. "By the way, who was the Fangclan member like? And where the Skyclan members hostile towards you?" she asked.


As Django back-kicked repeatedly at the air, his front legs started to give way and he clumsily fell belly flat on the ground. He had expected Skyshriek to yell at him for falling down, but surprisingly she said instead, "Well I suppose I'll let this slide only once, since your back-kicks were really good until the end. But now you're going to practice shooting accurately at my rocks. You do know how to spit out those light balls, right?" Django nodded and said, "Yes sempai." "Good, I'm going to be blowing out one rock at a time and I want you to shoot it before it hits the ground. Now begin!" she said. Then the stone dragoness shot out a stone from her mouth and it flew across the air. Django looked at the stone and shot light balls from his mouth in an attempt to hit it, but he kept on missing and the stone hit the ground without being scathed.

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Kreen satisfied, she slipped away to fetch Myse, then walked with her, retracing the path Stonesworthy took when he left. She forgot to mention their disappearence to the others, and Myse must've too because otherwise she would remind her. It was a long trek, but they found him with another dragon, a Terrae by the looks of it.

"Hey Stonesworthy! We've come to join Rainclan."

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