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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Hiruzo grunted as the battle unfolded in front of him. What ticked him off is that he was unable to help in any way. Slowly getting up, he looked at the battle ongoing, but then fell right back down. "Damn, my legs... They're too weak right now. I can't be any help. Sorry Kreen," he said.

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The stone dragon quickly blocked all of Skyshriek's melee attacks before he delivered a powerful blow to her face. Skyshriek snarled as one of her teeth flew out of her mouth and tiny stone chalks broke off her snout and fell to the ground. The dragoness massaged her snout to try and relieve herself of the pain before roaring at the stone dragon, "Now I'm really mad! You're going to regret the day you've messed with Skyshriek of Fangclan!" Then she charged at the stone dragon and tried to punch him with all her strength.

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Scrap heard Kreen calling for him, and briefly wondering if he should trust the black dragon. Instead, he called out "Here! In the pine!" while his tail clicked against the branch he was sitting on.

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Reial grunted at the little dragon's inputance but let it slide because he was focused on fighting Skyshriek right now. Stonesworthy was able to block the attack with his forelegs but both were bruised in the process and he skidded back a bit as stone chunks flew off of him. Reial took this oppertunity to come from behind and spinning to add power to his attack struck Skyshriek's side with his shield tail.

"Your one to talk Skyshriek. Who are you to Mess with-"

Stonesworthy cut Reial off at the word 'me' and finished for him.


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The guardian dragon struck Skyshriek hard on the side of her waist. Skyshriek snarled in pain as she cringed and held her damaged waist. Then she looked at the guardian and stone dragons and growled. She spewed lots of rocks and stones at them in retaliation.

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Reial got in front of Stonesworthy haveing finally gotten into the flow of things and brought his shield tail to bear ddefending against the stones, he remained as ridgid as possible barely moving as Stonesworthy not only climbed on top of but also launched himself into the air and flapping his heavy wings once got above sSkyshriek and plummeting down both his front claws balled into fists and outstretched aiming for Skyshriek's back. Reial muttered to himself while defending against the rocks, his back was in the most pain it had been in years, this would definatly put him down for some major rest once this was over, that is only if he could get out from this pinning of boulders which were beginning to pile up around him.

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The guardian dragon shielded himself and his stone rival with his tail. Then the stone dragon flew above Skyshriek and the Fangclan dragoness looked up with astonishment and asked, "What?! How did manage to do that?!" Most stone dragons couldn't fly and Skyshriek was one of these dragons. But this stone dragon managed to use his wings to get into the air above her. He plummeted down and punched Skyshriek's back with both of his fists and hurt her spine. The stone dragoness rubbed her back to try and sooth out the pain, but it kept hurting, so she decided to flee for now. "Fine, you win. But remember, I'll be back and I'll win!" she growled before she ran off away from them, making noises as her heavy feet stepped on the ground. Her back hurt while she was running, but Skyshriek didn't care. She had to get back to her home and get healed quickly.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Scrap launched himself at the Guardian Dragon, his arms outstretched. He was doing his best to glide on his ripped wings, and gritted his teeth in pain as a bug hit a scratch.

"REIAL!" He almost crashed into the larger dragons' chest, and he dug his head into the grey scales.

"Your alive!" He slightly screeched, pain reverberating through his body. The small Nightglory didn't care. He was just happy his best friend wasn't dead!

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Reial winced as Scrap flew into him, his back refusing to be forgotten after having supported the wieght of his once friend Stonesworthy. After Skyshriek had left the pair seemed to be locked in a bitter stareing contest.

"She thinks you can fly."

"That was the point. I can even get a little height now when I flap. I've lost a couple pounds since last we tried that."

"My back says otherwise."

There was a brief chuckle from both but it was cut short by Reial wincing in pain again. Stonesworthy made to leave but Reial spoke to stop him.

"You can still switch sides. You know why I fight with the Sky clan."

Stonesworthy stopped and sighed before responding.

"And that is your desicion, however I do not believe in the Sky clan's dictatorship. Do not try to stop me, you will only hurt yourself more, besides, I can hardly be expected to abandon the Rain clan now that I lead it."

With that Stonesworthy left to return to Ben and the others. Reial huged the tattered and beaten Scrap to his chest.

"Scrap, we will need to find someone who can fill in those holes. I suppose we can also help whats-her-name and her friends since they were kind enough to help us. Wouldn't you agree?"

He asked Scrap looking at the little hatchling while subsequently thinking to himself.

"He used that move on purpose to take me out of the fight? I will bring you in Stonesworthy, wheather you like it or not."


((Here's hoping I havn't overstepped my bounds but as far as I see Stonesworthy is the only Rain clan member and that clan is without leader and members for that matter at the moment. That is my argument happy.gif))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Hey guys I was just accepted into the here are my forums. I'll get a RP post up later due to being short on time before work.))


Tamer Sheet

Username: talyhawk

Name: Ryoka

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Dragon: Mordekaiser/Male/Green (Earth) Dragon/Adult


Description: Ryoka stands at about 5'11" with long wavy dark brown hair that she normally keeps pulled back away from her eyes, which are amber. Her most notable trait is the scar that runs over her left eye. She is normally seen in leather armor with a small crossbow and short sword on her waist. When she is not with Mordekaiser she has a small backpack, which contains basic supplies and extra crossbow bolts.


Personality: Strong-willed sometimes mistaken for being overly stubborn. Despite this flaw Ryoka is a kind and caring person who wishes for the fighting between humans and dragons to stop.


Brief History: It has been 5 years since she found the egg that contained her beloved companion and partner, Mordekaiser. Ryoka had to flee in terror from the angry masses who wished to kill it due to the mistake of showing the egg to her family. Realizing she had no home to go back to Ryoka searched for shelter, which came in the form of a cave.


Since the time she first had to flee Ryoka has fended for herself and her dragon. It is because of this that she wears the clothing that she does. They have both fought a few battles with humans and dragons that wished them harm. With her almost losing an eye in the fight that she obtained her weapon from.


Dragon Sheet

Username: talyhawk

Name: Mordekaiser

Gender: Male

Species: Green "earth" Dragon

Clan: N/A raised by a human.


Description: Mordekaiser has many battle scars, but the most noticeable is that on his right hind leg. The green dragon looks like a normal adult male otherwise.


Personality: Stubborn, overall a kind but blunt speaker like Ryoka he will tell you what is on his mind without thinking twice. Mordekaiser is very protective of Ryoka and will come to her aid at the risk of his own life.


Brief History: He has spent his life living and training his battle skills with Ryoka and considers her his family. They have been through a few battles against both humans and dragons who wished them harm, which has earned him his many battle scars.

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Scrap nodded ruefully, and cuddled into Reial. His wings were begining to sting again, as he rested the bottom of his jaw on Reial's chest. "Why isn't Stonesworthy part of Skyclan?"

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Harold looked down at the ground a with a frown.

"He hopes to return things to the way they were. Where dragons could roam freely and do whatever they wanted and not have to worry about the consequences. Which in and of it self is a wonderful thing but he puts too much trust in the hearts of others, there are those that would abuse that kind of freedom, like Skyshriek, she would undoubtedly use that freedom to kill others for her own goals."

Reial turned to Kreen and Hiruzo.

"It would we have misjudged you, I apologize."




Harold had gotten pretty far from the group when he sat down and massaged his arms. They were severely bruised and he was feeling it, he had put on a strong front but now that he was alone he could grimace all he wanted.

"This is what I get for helping? A pair of bruises and a threat? These are sad times if this is how others say thank you."

he muttered to himself.

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((So is Stoneworthy like the last surviving member of Rainclan or did he just make his own clan?))


After getting his broken leg healed and fixed by the white dragon, Django was busy grooming himself with licks as he laid on top of a big stone. Then he noticed Skyshriek coming into the Fangclan's camp as she staggered while holding her back. Django stared at her curiously and asked, "Sempai, what happened?" Although he asked nicely, he instead got a bitter reply from the stone dragoness who growled, "None of your dam*ed business, brat!" Then she yelled at the other Fangclan dragons, who were staring at her, "And what are you all looking at?! Go back to whatever it was you were doing or I'll have all of your hides!" The dragons knowing what Skyshriek was capable of, quickly looked away from her in fear of being turned to stone and then broken into pieces. The stone dragoness staggered to where the white dragon was at and told him, "Heal my back and my cracks now!" The white dragon obeyed without question and started to use his healing powers on her.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Was just accepted, here's moi form ^^))

Username: i_luv_animalz, Animalz or Rikki work as a nickname

Name: Lyn

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Dragon: Breeze, Female, Blue Ridgewing, Matured Hatchling


user posted image

Personality: He always cares and looks after Breeze as though she was a puppy, not a dragon. He doesn't usually talk much, but is kind and angered when someone picks on someone else smaller than them and will get in an fight over it.

Brief History: He didn't know his parents and was in an orphanage from the time he could remember. He hated it, from the food to beds to how others treated him, everything. When he was 11, he managed to get out and run away, far away. He kept moving until he didn't have any food or money and fell down, unable to go any farther, in a farmer's driveway. The older lady that lived on the small farm, drove up to find an boy in her drive way and took him up to the house. After that, he helped her work and take care of the chickens and her milk cow, being raised til he was 18 when she died of old age. She left the little farm to him, and he was old enough to run it. He sold eggs and milk to make a small amounts of money to buy the things he couldn't grow or get from the animals, and put enough to the side to buy a gentle mare horse. One day on the weekend, while riding her, he went off road and on a path he never had taken, only find a small cave that he could easily fit into. Tying the gray horse, he went inside and found an egg that was getting cold and beautifully marked. Considering what it could possibly be, he took it home and set it near the wood stove so it would get some heat, enough to keep it warm. He came in the house about six days later to find it hatching and a baby dragon come out. She squeaked at him and he named her Breeze, playing with her and feeding her pieces of meat he could by from the butcher. She soon became an matured hatching, growing her wings, and this is where they are.



Username: i_luv_animalz

Name: Breeze

Gender: Female

Species: Blue Ridgewing

Clan: None, she belongs to Lyn


user posted image

Personality: Curious and timid, loves play and can't wait til she can fly.

Brief History: Lyn's history tells her's too.


((I'll post my actual opening reply in my next post))

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Kreen looked up and saw Scrap in the tree.

"There you are!"

She watched as he glided down to reunite with Reial and smiled. She stalked over to them and bowed.

"Thank you for dealing with that Fang clan dragon."

She looked over to Stonesworthy, who was leaving.

Thank you.

She silently thought.

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The Blue Ridgewing bounced along behind Lyn, fluttering and trying her best to fly but not succeeding. She couldn't wait until she could fly, it would be so wonderful to soar through the air and clouds. Lyn stopped and bent down, picking her up and setting her on his shoulder, smiling. She grabbed his shirt with her claws and tweeted her happy chirp. He walked on down to the barn that was really just a roof standing on walls where the milk cow and the gray mare where. The horse neighed and the cow mooed when they saw him. He held out a carrot and the horse nose nuzzled he hand, eating it while he slipped a halter with reins over her head. "Hey old Blue, and you too Buttermilk," he said as he scratched the gray mare's ears and looked at the cream colored dairy cow. Then he lead the horse out and put a blanket on her back, hopping onto her. Breeze squeaked as she nearly fell off and grabbed his shirt with her teeth, just quickly regained her balance. Lyn clicked his tongue and gently touched the horse's sides. She neighed and started trotting forward, then cantering, and finally broke into an gallop as the left the small farm and went into the woods. Grasses and trees moved past and Lyn's hair whipped behind him while Breeze lifted her head as the wind felt good on her scales. Edited by i_luv_animalz

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Hiruzo slowly pulled himself up. "I feel useless," he said. Sighing, he pulled himself up with support from a nearby tree. "Damn this day. I can't seem to be good enough," he said. Sighing, he looked up at the others. "What's our plan of action now? I can't move well, but I should recover in a few hours. Can you guys go hunt some food?" he said, chuckling.

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Scrap nodded, and tucked his bruised head under a battered wing. Opening an eye a crack when the human - er, Hiruzo suggested hunting, is when he perked up quite a bit.

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Ryoka stretched enjoying the warm sunlight that managed to leak through to the very small clearing that only a few minutes ago was her campsite. It had been a welcomed break no mater how short lived from the constant fleeing and hiding from human and dragon alike. She couldn't help but wonder if there really were others out there like her that wished to live in peace with dragons.


Ryoka's thoughts were cut short, however upon hearing the all too familiar sound of dragon wings. With little time to spare she hid herself the best she could while keeping an eye on the sky only to let out a sigh of relief as the green figure of Mordekaiser came into sight. His return could only mean that he had finished his hunt or trouble was lurking.


Slinging the backpack over her shoulder Ryoka sprinted towards the large clearing that they had originally found upon arriving to these woods. Mordekaiser had obviously beaten his human companion and despite his race he landed without disturbing a single rock. He had made himself comfortable in a very catlike pose with his front feet crossed, which made Ryoka giggle upon seeing him. "So did you see anything interesting on your way back?"


"There seems to be a small farm outside of these woods. I didn't dare go too close to the place to find out for certain though considering our lousy luck," he said as he made himself more comfortable. He wasn't too worried about the place considering from a distance it looked abandoned.

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((Rain clan was one of the two major factions described in the plot Red. I made Stonesworthy part of it but I hadn't realized that I was the only Rain clan player so unless the populace objects of course I am going to make him the last surviving member happy.gif))




Rieal was still reserved about the human but the least he could do was return the favoure of aid. Since he doubted the human could understand the draconic tongue he spoke to everyone telepathically.

"Hiruzo right? You say you just need some rest and something to eat. Tell you what, since you were kind enough to help us I will go and see if I can catch everyone some food. Scrap you are to stay here with the others, you don't need to be afraid of this human. When I return with a meal we will eat and get some rest then Scrap and I must return to our home so that he can make a visit to a white dragon to deal with his wounds. I am sorry Hiruzo but you and your friends can not come, after tonight we part ways."

With that he set Scrap down and took off into the sky to start his hunt.




Harold hadn't yet reached Ben's campsite and was a little concerned. Looking around he found he couldn't remember which way it was, sighing he called it quites for now and would have to trust them to find him. He curled up and grabbed a nap looking very much like a boulder.

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Scrap nodded as he heard Reials' voice in his head, and readjusted his wing when he got set down. Toying with his bandanna, he looked up at Kreen, Icefire, and Hiruzo, wondering what to do.

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Lyn slowed ol' Blue to a walk and slowly made a U-turn so they started walking back toward the little farm. Breeze spread her wings to stretch them and yawned, blinking. Her muscles ached, actually all of her did, and she knew it wouldn't belong til she would transform into an adult. Lyn started whistling a quiet tune and the gray mare under him continued to walk contently.


After a time, and before they got back home, he pulled the horse to a halt and got off her to give her a rest. She nibbled some grass while tied loosely to a tree and Lyn sat down. Breeze glided off his shoulder and into his lap, looking up at him and tweeting. He smiled a touched her head, gently stroking it with a finger. With his other hand, Lyn felt around behind him, searching for something.


A few moments later, he picked Breeze up and set her on the ground before dangling a twig with a leaf on the end in front of her. Like a kitten, she crouched before leaping in the air and pawing at it with her claws. The navy haired boy dropped it to the ground and ran it in circles, teasing her. She crouched again, pasting her small wings to her sides and pounced on it, grabbing it with her teeth and ripping the leaf apart. Then she looked up at Lyn and lept on him, slamming into his chest. Even though it didn't hurt or have enough of an impact to really knock him over, he fell backward laughing with the blue Ridgewing still on his chest.


"Alright, you win!" he said and smiled, picking her up and putting her on his shoulder as he got up. He walked over to the gray horse and untied her reins before getting back onto her. Gently touching her sides, she started walking again. Not many minutes later, they came back to the barn that was really just a roof on walls and he lead her back to her stall by the cream colored cow named Buttermilk. He brushed the horse and gave her some food, then made sure they both had water before starting to walk back to the timber house.

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((Made it a bit easier to read dialog.))


Ryoka was mildly annoyed with how laid back the dragon was about the farm, but she had to give him credit in the fact that he came back for her. Not wasting anytime Ryoka used Mordekaiser's leg as a step and took her usual place behind his neck just before his wings, and with a gentle pat on his neck she braced herself for the leap he would soon make into the air.


The dragon was tempted to startle his human companion, but decided against it as he jumped from his spot into the air wings flapping until they cleared the trees where he leveled off and glided as much as the wind would allow him. "I'm assuming that you're wanting to check out that farm," his voice echoed in Ryoka's mind as well it was silly to even try and talk while flying. "Of course I do, even if it's abandoned we can at least take shelter there and plan our next course of action," she had gotten much better at replying, but still didn't care for communicating via telepathy unless they had to.


It didn't take too long before the farm came into view, and it was just as Mordekaiser had said the place from this distance appeared to be abandoned. Ryoka smiled it seemed luck was finally with them for once. "Land as close as possible, but do it softly we don't want you bringing down any buildings," she knew that she didn't have to remind him, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


As they neared the house to land it quickly became obvious that the two of them had been wrong about the place being abandoned. Regardless of the fact Ryoka slapped the dragon's neck urging him to land, which the dragon did. Upon landing Ryoka didn't waist anytime in jumping off the dragon's back and walked towards the navy haired young man, who by this point she assumed was either scared half to death or at least startled by their sudden appearance. "Hi, I'm Ryoka," she said with a smile hoping to ease any fears he might have.

Edited by talyhawk

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"I'm going to hunt too."

Kreen said as she took off into the dense forest, back the way she came from Pure Pond. When she came out of the prickly branches, she looked around for Myse.

"Myse! You there?"

She called, half-thinking she would be angry for leaving to battle.


Myse poked out of the trees and caught Kreen's attention.

"Over here! Back so soon?"

She spat coldy.

"You know that was just a wander around the woods! And it would be best so meet other dragons anyway! I'm even thinking about joining their clan! Isn't that great?"

Kreen smiled, trying to get Myse's mood up.

"Are you crazy?"

Myse glided down and put her face close to Kreen's.

"But... If you're going, then I have to go too!"

Kreen could tell she wan't joking.

Is it only because of the link?

No Kreen, it isn't.

She shot Myse a withering look for probing her thoughts.

I have to hear your thoughts no matter what Kreen... You know that as much as I do.

She turned and walked to the edge of the pond.

"We have to hunt something for the others."

She could see the silver streaks swimming in the pond and slapped the water, hooking a fish. Myse helped her catch a few more, then she followed Kreen to where Hiruzo, Icefire, and Scrap were.

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Hiruzo watched as Icefire threw a fire crystal onto the ground, causing a flame surronded by rocks to appear. It landed on the ground and stayed there before the flame turned extremely small. Icefire slowly piled grasses on the remaining flame, causing it to regrow. Smiling, Hiruzo patted Icefire on the head.

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