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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Scrap screeched in pain, as her tooth bore down marks. No...Reial...Kreen...Icefire... Suddenly, he felt as though if he gave up now, all his friends, and 'acquaintances' wouldn't make it. As she bit down again, Scrap lunged at her mouth, closing his jaws on her fleshy tongue.

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The drake hatchling bit Skyshriek's tongue and she yelped in pain. To counter-attack the hatchling, Skyshriek blew out stones and rocks out of her mouth at the hatchling. 'Take that, you little tw**!' she thought.


((Writer's Block))

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Scrap shrieked again, letting go almost immediately. "Reial!" He called out, getting fainter by the stone.

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Harold full on body tackled Skyshriek hoping to jar her grip on the hatchling. Having totally lost his temper with this savage he was not about to let her get away alive. To him creatures like her presented the greatest threat to a world of controled peace.

"You stay away from him! Hurt him again and i will not hesitate to kill you."

His voice was wreathed in rage, but more at himself for not being able to protect Scrap properly then anything else, Skyshriek was mearly his outlet.

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As Skyshriek kept on bombarding the glory drake with her stone breath, the guardian dragon tackled her hard enough that she released her grip on the hatchling and him sent flying across the air and onto the ground. Skyshriek pushed herself back on her feet and glared at the guardian with glowing green eyes as she snarled, "Oh, I'll be happy to dare to do that." Then she spewed rocks at the hatchling in an attempt to provoke the guardian to attack her, so that she could petrify him this time or counter him with her stone breath, claws, and fangs.

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Scraps' energy was simply gone as he hit the soil. He lay there, like the leaf he had first pounced on when he had met Reial. The lights, the humans, the dragons, his life. It all flashed before him, like rain in a storm. He couldn't even bare a swallow anymore, blood dripping from his scales. "Reial..." He cried out weakly, trying to move his head. As the rocks crashed into him again, he merely could not feel it.

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Harold blocked the attack on Scrap with his shield tail and scooped off the stones on top of the hatchling. He could have broken down at that moment, he could have cried when he saw the damage done to the helpless little drake. He could have also said he had told Scrap so, that it was dangerous out here, instead a low and angered growl rumbled up from deep within him. He rounded on Skyshriek.

"What kind of monster attacks children like this?"

Making sure to keep himself between her and Scrap he charged Skyshriek, but he hadn't through caution to the wind just yet, it simply wasn't his style, he had his shield tail in front to protect against incomming rocks and his willpower for the most part to protect against her petrification. He was going to try and force her into a fight with their raw strength and skill.




Harold started to here the commotion from a reasonable distance away. Looking back on the group he was travelling with and then out again he decided it would be worth investigating for their safety.

"Meryl stay here with Ben, I am going to check out those noises. If I am not back within an...hour let's say then you and the others must leave cause it means something has gone wrong and it is no longer safe here."

Harold then made his way through the forest towards Skyshriek and the others without any idea of what to expect, and it wasn't like he was all that quiet either but he didn't mind. Ever the optomist he figured he could take on just about anything that was thrown his way.

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Skyshriek tried to spew stones at the guardian dragon, but he had his shield tail up to protect himself from the flying stones. Then he tackled her hard after ramming full force into her. Tiny chalks of stone fell out of where the guardian hit Skyshriek. She would have fallen to the ground, had the stone dragoness not quickly grabbed onto the shield part of his tail and held on as her feet skid backwards and made lines on the ground as the guardian pushed her. Then Skyshriek pushed the shield down and attempted to blow out more stones at the guardian dragon.

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Kreen stared at Skyshriek defiantly with her matching green glowing eyes and sneered.

"I'm a Black dragon, remember?"

She darted around her, nipping her body whenever she could. She knew that Skyshriek was made of rock, she had heard it a thousand times. But that didn't stop her from fighting fiercely.


Woah Kreen, what's going on?

The Skywing recieved the hot-headed feeling that Kreen often got when she was fighting.

We're against a Fangclan dragon, no big deal.


She bit her tongue to keep from screaming it out to nobody.

Stop worrying.

She waited for more retaliation, but she stayed silent.


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Reial raised onto his ind legs and took the attack to his chest. Much more then just bruises were created but he couldn't let them get through his defence to Scrap. he stumbled backwards, but not far, and yanked his tail out from Skyshriek's grasp. Comming back to all fours he lashed out with his tail again this time wtih the top angled to strike her face.

Stonesworthy walked out of the forest from behind Skyshriek in time to see Reial counter attack.

"Is there a particular reason you are all fighting?"

He inquired dispite the fact that the odds of getting an answer at this moment were pretty much nil.

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Scrap felt himself being lifted, rocks dusted off. He opened his eye a crack, Reial and the dragoness going at it. He tried to raise himself, feeling like a huge burden. He fell back down many times, until he could finally stand. He only emitted a weak growl before collapsing again, breathing oh so slowly....

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Stonesworthy heard the small weak growl from the collapsing drake. He walked over to Scrap totally missed by Reial who was too engaged with Skyshriek to notice him, and sitting next to scrap spoke softly.

"Hey, your gonna be ok. I will get you out of this place. He can't fight properly while knowing your in harms way so I am going to protect you and by extension protect him, but don't tell him what I did, it will really tick him off."

With that Stonesworthy gently picked up Scrap and cradling him in one arm wlked him over to the forest edge and placed him behind a bush.

"Stay here but whatever you do don't go to sleep. Once this is over I will do what I can to get you some aid."

He layed down making sure to place his body between him and the fight.

"Hey Reial, you can stop worrying about the little one."

Up until now Reial hadn't even noticed the arrival of his rival Stonesworthy, but once the stone dragon spoke Reial turned his focus on Stonesworthy but not for long before his attention was back on Skyshriek.

"What did you-" "He is safe focus on her. Although I am sure you started this."

Reial snorted.

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Hiruzo frowned and charged another bunch of healing spheres. His body was drained, his mind weak. But he had to save the drake. Clenching his fists, he sent the 5 healing orbs over to Scrap. The orbs would revolve around him and heal his injuries. He was sure of that. But he wasn't sure he would make it, though...

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Scrap was barely able to flinch when Stonesworthy picked him up and placed him who knows where. All he knew was to not fall asleep. When he felt the orbs surround him, he knew Hiruzo was in this. No...go back and heal Hiruzo... He hoped they would listen, even though he was barely able to use magick at all.

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"I know, I wasn't aiming to turn you into stone. I was just trying to petrify the others before I get to you," Skyshriek said to the black dragoness. Then the black tried to bite Skyshriek, but the stone felt no pain from her fangs. Skyshriek guffawed and said, "Oh give it up! You know you can't hurt me, so don't even bother wasting your time with me when you could be running away with your tail between your legs." Then she gave the black dragoness a swipe on her head with her claw. After the guardian smacked her face with his tail, a male stone dragon appeared and asked why everyone was fighting. "None of your beeswax and stay out of our business!" Skyshriek growled at the newcomer. Then Skyshriek leapt at the guardian in an attempt to pounce him down on the ground. Then she tried to sink her fangs down on his neck.

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Stonesworthy let the orbs past deciding to trust the human. If wanted to sacrifice himself for another that was his desicion. The dragoness snapped at Stonesworthy but he ignored her like he did with most hostilities. Reial on the other hand wasn't in such a luxurious position. He was toppled to the ground while attempting to defend himself and landed on his back, however he was able to keep Skyshriek from sinking her fangs into him.

"Not a chance freak!"

"My Reial, I didn't know you were such a ladies man."

"Bite me."

Stonesworthy couldn't help but laugh at that statement. He looked over his shoulder to see Scrap healing up quite nicely, so he strode over to the wrestling pair of dragons and decided to input his opinion of the fight by attemtping a swift clout to Skyshrieks head.

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When Skyshriek couldn't bite the guardian, she tried to shoot stones at him. But then the male stone dragon hit her on the back of her head that sent her in a brief daze. Skyshriek quickly shook her head to snap back into focus and spew stones at the stone dragon.


Meanwhile, Django had finally made it back to Fangclan's camp and he went to see a white dragon to get his broken leg healed and fixed.

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Stonesworthy lifted a paw to block the attack which did little more then temporary harm. He knew that neither their special attacks would work on eachother, so it would come down to fisty cups should another fight break out.

"Listen, I don't know or care where your from but right now I stand alongside the others here officially making you outnumbered and outarmed as the humans would say. Between Me and Reial you don't stnad much of a chance. Just go home for today. I have reservations about killing but Reial does not, I can not garuntee your safety should you lose the conflict, chosing not to fight now and simply leaving alive for sure is better then taking a chance for, as far as I can tell, nothing. Today it is entirely possible you will die for nothing."

Reial was eve less enthused about Stonesworthy butting in then Skyshriek was.

"We can handle this without anarchists Stonesworthy, unless your here to surrender yourself to the Sky clan your as much my enemy as she is."

This struck a nerve and for a second Stonesworthy was silent before speaking again.

"The Rain clan and our allies are not anarchists."

He made as if to say more but changed his mind.

"Please leave miss."

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Skyshriek took a look at her situation around her to see if she should stay and continue the fight or take the stone dragon's advise and leave. The human behind the barrier was really exhausted; the black dragoness couldn't damage her stony body easily; the night glory hatchling was down; the guardian dragon she was fighting with maybe at the same fighting level as she was or he could be a bit weaker; and then there was the newcomer, she didn't know anything about him, but Skyshriek figured that she could take on all of them given the situation as it was now. So the stone dragoness decided to stay right where she was and yelled defiantly, "Never!"

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Stonesworthy sighed, it seemed that this dragoness was very stubbern. As he had said, he wasn't about to kill her but Reial was another matter entirely, as long as he considered you a threat he wouldn't rest until you were nuetralized which often ment dead, inprisoned, or defecting to the Sky clan.

"Then I am afriad I will have to get involved, as long as the young ones are in danger."

He made to strike her over the head again with considerably more force but was stopped when Reial spoke.

"I SAID BACK OFF! I can handle her! i don't need your help."

Reial placed his hind legs against Skyshriek's chest and forced her off with a hard kick. He got up and took the defencesive position. Looking from one foe to the next. Stonesworthy decided not to respect Reial's desicion and approached Skyshriek.

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Scrap saw the commotion, and tried to heave himself up. It worked considerably better than last time. He stood rigid, knowing sleep can't come when your on your feet. Peeking around the edge of the bush, and lightly flapping his wings, he lifted to the higher points of a small pine. He was safer here.

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Kreen hardly felt a bump, as she was used to being knocked around like a ball. She turned to the other Stone dragon.

"There's no use trying to sway anybody here, especially that Fangclan dragon."

She tilted her head to Skyshriek.

"They're as much your enemy as ours."

She seethed, then went over next to Hiruzo and Icefire.

They probably need help, after using those healing orbs.

She blinked. Reial seemed to be handling Skyshriek well it seemed.

What connection do those two dragons have anyway?

She looked at the peaceful Stone dragon, then at Reial.

Polar opposites.

She couldn't help but be amused by this. Kreen inhaled, then blew a jet of fire at Skyshriek. She might as well distract the enemy while Reial can do his work.

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"Yeah, you heard him! Stay out of our business!" Skyshriek growled at the stone dragon. Then she got kicked off of the guardian dragon and dropped to the ground. Then after she pushed her upper body up with her arms, she looked and saw the stone dragon approaching her. Skyshriek quickly stood back up on her feet before she went to try and pummel him with her fists, kicks, and tail smacks. Then when the black dragoness blew fire at her, Skyshriek didn't have any burns on her, but she did feel warmness on her stony scales. She looked at the black and spew stones at her in retaliation.



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Stonesworthy focused on blocking Skyshriek's attacks using his wings, arms and tail it became immediatly evident that he possessed more skill then Reial. Reial swiftly moved to defend Kreen with his shield tail and while Skyshriek was distracted Stonesworthy counterattacked with a powerful punch to Skyshriek's face while talking to Reial in his eternally calm manner.

"See Reial, we are practically unstoppable together."

"Shut up! I will deal with you once I am done with her."

Reial was forced into working with Stonesworthy through his own morals, he wasn't about to let any of the others get hurt by this creature but he certianly didn't enjoy fighting alongside Stonesworthy and it showed quite clearly.

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Kreen flew away from the shield tail.

"I don't need any protection!"

She hissed stubbornly. She could deal with a dragon on her own without a Guardian to help! Since both of the big dragons could fight Skyshriek easily, she slipped away and went to find Scrap.

"Scrap! Where are you?"

She called, surveying the area carefully.

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