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Through Tooth and Claw...

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((It's been a long time since I last posted in this thread. Looks like I'll have to type in at least 20 sentences to catch up to the present.))


Skyshriek and Django left Fangclan's camp and headed out deep into the woods. They looked for a medium tree to train and practice the hatchling's climbing skills. Soon Skyshriek found the tree she was looking for; which happened to be an oak with its lowest branches hanging six feet above the ground. The stone dragoness said to Django, "Alright kouhai, listen as I explain to you how to climb trees. Go up to that tree now." The sunrise hatchling did as his sempai said and went to the tree and hugged up to it. Then Skyshriek came up to him and moved his front legs up beside him onto the tree and said, "First you sink all of your claws into the bark and hold a tight grip on it. They are to keep your body up close to the tree, not to pull yourself up." Django used his claws to hold a tight grip onto the tree and waited for Skyshriek to continue explaining, "Go on." The stone dragoness then put the sunrise hatchling's hind feet onto the tree and said, "Then you bring your hind legs onto the tree and the claws on them to hold onto the bark as well." Django sank his hind claws onto the bark and noticed that he wasn't falling off. But he felt his weight attempting to make him land back on the ground. The sunrise was fighting the urge to bring his hind feet back on the ground lest he wanted to make his sempai mad, when Skyshriek grabbed his scruff with her hand and helped him stay on the tree, "But of course, you shouldn't try to stay in one spot for too long until you get to the branches, because then you'll have your muscles aching. So to climb up, you must move your front paws up onto a spot above you and then you push up with your hind legs." Skyshriek demonstrated Django how to do it by putting his front legs up onto the next spot and then she pushed his hind legs up onto where his belly used to touch. She did it a couple of times until she stopped and said, "Now let's see you try. Get to the top of the tree now." Django moved up the tree by climbing in the way that Skyshriek had explained and shown to him. The hatchling climbed using his front legs first and then his hind legs before he would repeat over and over again. Then he got to a branch and rested for a second before he climbed up to the next branch after another. "Kouhai, I'd like to see you climb without stopping on the branches for over a second!" Skyshriek growled at the sunrise; she was trying to make this hard for the hatchling, so that hopefully, he would be an expert climber quickly. "Yes sempai," Django said, while trying to hide his annoyance that he won't be able to stop at the branches anymore. Then the hatchling continued to climb until he got to the very top and shouted, "I did it!"




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"Humans kill!" Scrap hissed, growling. He gave up trying to get out of the shield, and fell to his paws, almost as though he was going to jump through the metal. He paced an a curve in the steel, unable to sit still.

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"This isn't over yet, kouhai! Now you must come down from that tree, so that you can overcome your fear of heights if you have any," Skyshriek said to Django. But before she could teach the hatchling how to climb down trees, Django leapt down from branch to branch as he made his way down to the bottom. Once the sunrise was back on the ground, he looked up at Skyshriek with gleam in his eyes and said, "Done!" The stone dragoness growled angrily and pound Django on the top of his head with her fist. "Ow! What did I do?" Django asked as he caressed the throbbing pain on his head where Skyshriek hit him. "You idiot! I was going to teach you how to climb down trees! I didn't say you had to jump down the branches to get to the ground. Now climb back up that tree and start climbing down from it!" she snarled. "Yes sempai," Django moaned sulkingly as he climbed all the way up back at the top of the tree. "Now to climb down, first you move one of your hind legs down and then you move down the front leg that's on the same side as your hind leg," Skyshriek explained. Django moved his legs on right side down and clutched the bark with his claws. "Do the same thing with your other side and repeat that pattern until you get back on the ground," Skyshriek said. Django climbed down the tree using the instructions that his sempai had given him until he was now back on the ground. "Now keep practicing this until you have it stuck in your head," Skyshriek told him. "But sempai, my legs are tired," Django complained. "Now!" the stone dragoness roared in demand. The sunrise hatchling sighed and climbed the tree up again and down again. He repeated that at least five times and he started to get used to climbing trees. Edited by Red Dragonette

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Kreen gasped as she noticed Hiruzo and Scrap tried to attack him.

"Don't do it!"

She roared, but thankfully Harold stopped him with his metal tail.

"Don't hurt him! He's one of the good guys! If he would hurt a dragon, then why is Icefire with him?"

She hissed, eyes narrowed down to sharp green slits that seemed like it could pierce anything.

This hatchling needs to learn that not all humans are 'Kill kill kill'. But when will that be?

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"Scrap, calm down. We don't even know for sure if this human has done anything wrong. I can understand your need for revenge but take it out on the ones who have wronged you. So far two other dragons have vouched for this man and while I don't like it either as long as they are willing to protect him we have no right to kill him, especially when he himself hasn't done anything wrong as far as we can tell. If you continue this will make us just as bad as the Fang clan and I won't have it."

Harold waited fro Scrap's answer but cept a tight watch on the angry Nightlgory.




Harold looked up after hearing what sounded like a screach.

"Did anyone else here that?"

He loked around for a possible source but because it was feint and an echo it was dificult to locate.

"Ben, i think we sould probably get moving. We can try and find your friend later but for now I no longer think it is safe here."

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After Django was done climbing the tree up and down, Skyshriek decided to let him stop and said, "Good, now let's go hunt. We're going to catch ourselves some breakfast before we go and steal eggs to add to our clan." "Okay sempai," Django said. He didn't mind going to hunt for food, but he was very reluctant to steal eggs from other dragons. The sunrise hatchling followed the stone dragoness through the woods until they saw a squirrel eating an acorn on the ground. "So kouhai, do you know how to hunt?" Skyshriek asked. "Um yeah... Well not really. The only thing I know is that you have to chase down your prey and then bite it on the neck," Django said. "Well now you're going to learn how to sneak up on animals, instead of running first to catch your prey. To stalk your prey, you must walk quietly behind them by reducing the weight on your feet. Try not to step on anything that will make sounds like a twig or some crispy leaves. Then when you get close to them, you must either pounce on them or grab them with claws. Or course, you can pounce on them from a distance, but make sure your pounces aren't too long or short. Because if it is, the animal will see you and try to get away. If that happens, you must shoot it with your light balls that you sunrise spit to wound it and slow it down. You keep running after it while you shoot it, until you get close enough to kill it. Do you understand?" Skyshriek asked. Django nodded and said, "Yes sempai." 'Well sort of,' he thought. He didn't quite get all of what Skyshriek was saying, but he didn't want to anger the stone dragoness by having her repeat the explanation.

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Hiruzo watched as Icefire dug in his backpack and pulled out a piece of pork, which he nibbled on. He quickly noticed Icefire's wings had started to grow in. "That's a good thing, too," he said, smiling at Icefire. Icefire smiled back. "I finally can say your name. It is Hiruzo," the Nebula hatchling said, smiling.


((Gah, failpost.))

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"Good, now go and kill that squirrel over there," Skyshriek told him. Django started to stalk quietly towards the squirrel as he neared the creature's bushy tail. Once he thought he was close enough, Django tried to pounce on the squirrel, but ended up landing on it with his belly instead of his paws. The squirrel slid out from Django and started to scamper away. "Go after it, kouhai! Don't let it get away!" Skyshriek yelled at him. The sunrise hatchling got up and ran after the fleeing squirrel. "Shoot it, shoot it now!" Skyshriek told him desperately. Django tried to shoot the squirrel by spitting balls of light at it, but he kept on missing as the squirrel kept on running. Then when the animal climbed up the tree, Django started to climb after it to get to the branch where it was at. The squirrel saw Django and jumped over to another tree's branch. The hatchling attempted to follow by leaping after it, but he jumped past the other branch and ended up hitting the ground below. "Ow!" Django cried as he felt his leg broke. The hatchling started to cry tears and sobbed as he felt intense pain in his broken limb. Skyshriek loomed over Django as she glared at him and snarled, "You clumsy oaf! You let your breakfast get away!" "B-b-but Sempai, I-I," Django sobbed before he got interrupted by Skyshriek. "No buts! As punishment, you're going straight back to camp without any food. And I don't care if any of your legs are broken, you're not getting carried by me," the stone dragoness yelled at him. Then the sunrise hatchling limped away through the woods as he made his way back to camp. Tears streamed down his pinkish-cream face as he felt self-pity for himself. It wasn't his fault that the squirrel got away, he just wasn't an expert hunter. Why did Skyshriek always yell at him for making mistakes or screwing things up? Shouldn't she understand that he was a beginner at everything? Why did she have to make things hard for him?

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((Yeah, I could. Want me to bring Skyshriek to you or do you want to see Django? Django's not home yet, but he is on his way.))


With Django out of her sight, Skyshriek went on to go and hunt for food for herself. The stone dragoness walked around looked for big animals like deer or bears. She walked around the wood a lot until she saw a bear and her almost-grown cubs. Skyshriek's golden yellow eyes bore into the bears as they glowed green enough to turn the animals into stone. The petrified creatures stopped moving and Skyshriek advanced towards them. When she picked up a bear cub, she undo her power on it and returned it to its normal fleshy self again. The cub tried to claw the dragoness, but her stony body never felt any pain. Then she devoured it and did the same with the other bears and after she reverted them back. Once her meal was done, Skyshriek went on to go and steal an egg or kidnap a hatchling to take back to Fangclan with her.

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Scrap hissed slightly, but only kept pacing. Inside, he knew Reial was right. Impatiently, he stole glances filled with anger at Hiruzo, the only thing he could do without getting Reial mad. Or so he hoped.

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((Both, if possible. The action's died down on this side. Kidnapping would make a good bit of excitement.))

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After trekking through the woods, Skyshriek noticed something past the trees and saw a human with a nebula hatchling in his backpack, a nightglory hatchling (not that Skyshriek would have any use for it, since drakes don't turn into vampires.), the black dragoness who had been friends with humans, and a guardian dragon. She eyed the nebula hatchling and thought, 'Well since the rest of the scrap are useless for the vampire transformation, I'll just have to snatch the nebula!' Then she stalked quietly towards the group until she was near enough to jump out into the center and roar at them in an attempt to scare them. While they were startled, Skyshriek's eyes glowed green and she started to use her petrification powers on the group in an attempt to turn them all to stone.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Kreen snarled, and she resisted being turned to stone while standing in front of Scrap.

"You again?! Don't you Fangclan dragons have anything better to do then destroy stuff?"

She lolled her long pink tongue out boredly. It seemed that trouble always came at the wrong time. Now how were they supposed to deal with these dragons?

We do have a guardian dragon here... But will that really help?

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Icefire yelped and leaped inside of Hiruzo's backpack before pulling out a crystal with a small spear of ice inside. He handed it to Hiruzo, who had resisted the dragon's gaze as well. Throwing the crystal, he hoped it would freeze the dragon. Magic really helped a lot... "Icefire, stay inside! it's too dangerous out here!" Hiruzo said matter-of-factly.

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Scrap immediatly got back into attack mode, his wings flaring. The gaze had no effect. He was scared of Reial. He was scared for Reial.

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Harold lifted his tail off Scrap and faced the Fang clan dragon resisting the spell to a rather significatn degree, while still slowed down it was obviouse he would still be able to fight.

"You clearly do not know me or my extensive history dealing with YOUR type of dragon. If you did you wouldn't have even tried.

he had experiance from fighting stonesworthy amognst other stone dragons in his past. because of his life with Stonesworthy he had been signled out for work with Stonedragons which made him more then capable of handling them however this meant he sevearly lacked in fighting against other types. Bringing his tail to bear he firmly placed himself between Skyshriek and the others.

"Oh please, give me a reason."

He was no longer in any mood to play diplomat.

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((I just noticed that I made Skyshriek's dialogue orange. I changed it to her gray color, so that she won't get confused for Django.))


Skyshriek used her stony wing to shield herself from the human's ice crystal thrown at her. The crystal hit her wing and splat into a huge frost which almost covered her entire wing. Then Skyshriek lowered her wing and saw her enemies trying to resist her petrification magic. "Ahh... I see you're all trying to resist me. But I do wonder how long you're going to survive it," Skyshriek said to the group as her eyes continued to glow green. Then she looked at the guardian dragon and said, "Oh really? Let's see if you are experienced in taking about stone dragons as you claim to be." Then she spewed stones and rocks at each member of the group.

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Icefire threw a barrier crystal and another ice cystal from his pack. They were incredibly small, but magicians have their way of compression. Hiruzo quickly caught both crystals, throwing the barrier one on the ground. A wall of spikes soon emerged from where the crystal landed. Smiling, he heard the thumps of the rocks getting only about halfway through the wall. "There are only a few barriers left! You have more ice than you have fireballs!" Icefire chirped. Hiruzo nodded in reply.

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Skyshriek saw her rocks hitting the spiky wall made by the human boy. "Think those spikes can keep me from coming to you? Think again, my body is made out of stone and sharp things aren't going to be enough to hurt me! Watch as I break down this wall!" she yelled at him. Then the stone dragoness started to punch hard at the spiky barrier. The spikes only left small minor scratches on her stony skin and her fists slid from the points to the wall in attempts to break the barrier.

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Harold blocked the other boulders and rocks from striking Kreen with his tail and Scrap with his body. It certainly hurt a great deal but he didn't show it, despite that bruises started to form. At that point he rounded on Skyshriek.

"Sharp objects maybe but what will that armor do for you if I strike you with something dull!"

He emphisized the word dull by trying to slam his shield tail on top of Skyshriek's head while she was trying to claw through the spike barrier.

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Hiruzo called upon his memory to find a spell. He was easily tired out by the act, but he had no choice. Quickly chanting, he created 5 orbs of healing, which he cast onto the Guardian. Harold's wounds quickly dissipated, and Hiruzo fell to his knees, gasping for breath. "Icefire, use the crystals to defend yourself. I need to recover," he said.

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Scrap would not let Reial take all the hits. Dodging through the barrage of stones, he foolishly launched himself at the stone dragoness, screeching. He dug himself into the base of her wings, his claws trying to find stone scales to slide under. He simply sat there, hoping his distraction would be enough for the others to get in hits.

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Harold was shocked by Scrap's action, as well as deeply worried.

"Scrap, what are you doing!? Get back here!"

But it was too late the Hatchling had latched himself onto Skyshriek and was trying to do what damage he could. Harold charged forward and reached out hoping to snatch up the little Nightglory.

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The shield tail hit Skyshriek hard on the head and left minor dents on the top. Skyshriek stopped punching the barrier and whipped her head to growl at the guardian dragon. But before she could breathe stones at him, the night glory hatchling tried to attack her wings, but he wasn't doing any damage to her. The guardian dragon attempted to save the young drake, but Skyshriek quickly dodged him and grabbed the glory hatchling with both of her hands. Then she started to gnaw hard on the drake with her sharp pointy teeth. "Stupid brat!" she said between bites.

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