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Through Tooth and Claw...

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'i can see how ur acting you are suprised i don't kill you just because i can, no i'm not that way not anymore,i hope...at least not for now. you see my other personality almost killed everyone i knew who had helped me but, yea the water from that pond you found me at can kill me sad.gif i can't comein contact with it unlike most people when it would just heal wounds and other problems." wondering why the person had helped her in so many ways, "i trust most everybody but why do you trust me, just think about that, why do you?" and crawled over to the back corner of the cave yet again and curled up waiting for a response.


**ok that's my last post for the next 2-3 days im going camping tongue.gif bye till then ^^ **

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Rina didn't have to think about it. She'd already dwelt on it, and had decided that she hadn't trusted Valesz. Valesz sorta just earned it, and that was the way it was. Bu she didn't say anything, her lips remained shut together, and her eyes stared forward, possibly suggesting she was in deep thought, when she was really just examining something she'd seen. Rina had dropped part of the poultice there and was trying to imagine what it was by just looking at it. The smooshed up greens and reds and purples made a very unpleasant brown color, and she wiped it away with her hands in digust. Pulling her knees up to her chest, the girl started to plan what she'd say to the big dragon when she awoke again. She's just like a cat. she realized. She wakes up, talks mumbo jumbo, is affectionate and phsycic, and then goes back to sleep whenever she pleases. Rina laughed out loud at this, her voice tinkling merrily as her mouth curved upward pleasingly in a rare smile.

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(Where's UchihaAce? I'm getting confused with your posts bobmanpie. Who are you talking to? And I can't post for a while because of loss of computer. -moment of silence-)

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Harold Stonesworthy jumped a little or at least what would pass for a jump for a stone dragon which was a flinch really. He had smelled her but quickly disregarded it in his thirst for water hence the reason he was surprised.

"Eldar? Not sure I am that old just yet."

He turned to face the little one who had spoken.

"Maybe middle age but eldar really? Am I wrinkly already?"

He rubbed his face commically while grinding a bit of it away creating a smooth surface.

"There I should look younger now."

He aimed to cheer up the little one since he could clearly hear the nervousness in her voice.

"My name is Harold Stonesworthy. How about yours?"

He said offering a warm smile.




Harold Reial watched over the little nightglory. He chuckled when th little one didn't get his name right. It really didn't matter that much he was still young and didn't mean any disrespect.

"Good night scrap."

He said before dozing off himself.

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Merion couldn't help but giggle at the dragon's comical response, then quickly clapped her paws over her snout, hoping desperately that it didn't offend him. It didn't seem to, so she gently released it and gave a little chirp and a thrumming series of clicks, speaking dragon, a tongue she hadn't spoken until she'd greeted Harold Stonesworthy. "I'm Merion! Can I call you Harry, Harold Stonesworthy?" She was surprised at herself. Just a moment ago she was scared to death of him, and now she was acting like she did around Ben. She pondered on this for only a moment before setting it aside, and she stood on her hind legs, looking quizzically at Mr. Stonesworthy, giving her an idea. "Or just Mister Stonesworthy?" Merion found it increasingly easy to talk to the stone dragon, and accidentily let slip, "I thought you were a rock, at first, but you smelled too much like dragon to be a rock. So you weren't."


((edited when I found a typo))

Edited by Emeelia

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((I am not the the picky type when it comes to penmenship or spelling...usually...err...sorry what kind of dragon is Merion again? I can't keep calling you little one since many things are little to Harold.))


Harold smiled at the the little one.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Merion, and part of being a stone dragon is looking like a rock. It is very helpful when ambushing unsuspecting prey."

He emphisized the word ambushing by playfully leaping forward, the ground shook a little as he landed just a little bit short of Merion.

"As for what you can call me....hmmm....I think you should call me by whatever name you think is best. I will accept any...although I can't say I am too fond of Mister Stonesworthy, just Stonesworthy or Harold will do nicely unless of course you decide to come up with something more interesting."

He said hinting that she probably should.

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Scrap yawned, the stars glittering overhead. He almost jumped straight up, except he almost bonked his head on Reials' sheild. Getting up more slowly, he poked Reials' snout. "Get up!" He whispered, his tail flicking eagerly.

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Username: Emeelia

Name: Meryl

Gender: female

Species: Drake

Description: Her scales are light aqua blue with white scales here and there. She has two small horns on her wedge-shaped head that curl downward. Her eyes are azure blue. Her form slender and graceful, she is able to hover in the air, though she mostly is sleeping now...

((She's not really a type... I didn't know much about dragon cave when I created her, so I just described what she looked like ('=> ))


Merion fell over when Mr. Stonesworthy made the ground shake, she she laughed, righting herself once again and hovered a bit off the ground. "But I LIKE Mr. Stonesworthy! It sounds funny," Merion protested, then smiled and spun in a quick circle. "Fiiiiine, I'll come up with something more INTERESTING, as you put it." Merion thought for a moment, floating a bit to her left as she thought, tapping her chin in concentration. "Oh, I know! Rocky!" she giggled. "If I start calling out for you, people will think I'm childish, having a pet rock." This made her go into hysterics, doing a somersault in midair. "Hahahahaha! ROCKY! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!" The sky-scaled drake giggled a bit more before calming herself. "Where do you come from?" she asked, suddenly curious as to where most dragons are from. She wouldn't know, since her hatching circumstances were strange, being put in the care of a human, and she wondered if where Rocky came from she came from too.


((Where's Kitsune? Ben will have nothing to do until she comes back. TT Do you know where Uchiha-ace is (because she rps Kitsune)?))

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** YAY i'm back and i had a great time , to answer ur questions and comments, @rainpeltstar, i've been talking to Emeelia's character Rina, @Emeelia and yes, i never thought about it that way but she is like a cat X3**

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Harold laughed at Merion's name for him approvingly.

"Rocky sounds like a fine name if you ask me. So hencforth You shall know me as rocky."

He was glad to see the little drake so full of fun and energy. Free-spirited and carefree are the words he could describe her with. He was caught a little off guard by her question but answered it none the less to the best of his abilities.

"I am from the southwest although I was born more west then south and then I was made to move to the south west. I am a member of what is called the rain clan. We are a clan of dragons allied with other clans fighting for total freedom, from well...everything in this world I suppose. Most of all we want our land back so that we may roam without the worry of humans hunting us down or others trying to bind us with rules. I mean wouldn't it be nice to go where ever you wanted when ever you wanted and not be told that its bad or wrong or against the rules to wander and not get chased down by people or other dragons when you do. Heh, like the good old days I suppose."

He pondered for a second quietly before returning his attention to Merion.

"What about you? Where abouts do you come from young Merion?"




Reial slowly opened his eyes to the sound of an excited Scrap. Looking up he could see stars in the sky. Although the sun was still setting it was officially night for this little drake. Harold got up and stretched his wings and lifted his shield tail off of Scrap. He yawned and then turned his attention to the little drake.

"it would seem that it is time to explore as promised. Well then Scrap what would you like to see in this great big world of ours?"

He asked stretching his wings and front paws to emphasize just how huge the world was.

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((I haven't played here in a while. I need to get more active.))


It was now morning at 7:00 am; Skyshriek woke up as she opened her eyes and stretched herself in a yawn. The stone dragoness noticed that Django was still snoozing in his sleep, so she went over to him and kicked him in the rear. "Ow!" the sunrise hatchling yelped after his mentor kicked him. "Get up, kouhai! You're going to practice climbing trees today. Now get your butt up and go out into the forest," Skyshriek told him. Django got up and followed Skyshriek out of the cave and deep into the forest.

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He looked at Reials' gesture in wonder. His eyes lit up in wonder, and he bounced around, flaring his wings at times. "Yes! Yes I would!" He put his front paws on Reials' knee, looking up at him. "Take me!"

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((HUZZAH. FINALLY. There was something wrong with my iPod... Kept saying 'Internal Server Error' whenever I clicked on DC RP. BUT I'M BAAAAAAAACK. Recap please? xd.png))

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Username: Black-Cat771


Name: Ivy


Gender: Female tongue.gif


Species: Egg [White Futs-Lung Dragon egg to be specific.] laugh.gif


Clan: ... i don't think i even have a clan since i haven't hatched yet. dry.gif


Description: the egg in pure white with some ruby red and gold swirls decorating the egg and making it sparkle. [ When she hatch's the description with be: A white hatchling, red eyes that seem to be as soft as velvet and make an appearance of innocence. The small fins on her head, and the skin/inside of the wings are Gold, as well as the tip of the tail. ] huh.gif


Personality: Sweet yet Easily Angered, Shy yet Bold, Random yet Some times in-the know. all in all she has a split personality between girlie girl and tomboy. tongue.gif


Brief History: ... well her parents had to many eggs so the ditched her ... that's about all there is to know for now. dry.gif



Edited by Black-Cat771

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((Let's see... Skyshriek taught Django all of the basic fighting moves before he climbed up to Fang's cave to see what it was like in there. Then when he was trying to get down, he fell and hit the ground. That was when Skyshriek told Django that he needed climbing lessons, so they slept throughout the night until morning where they go out into the woods to find a tree to practice on.))

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Standing upon a high peak, platea-ed by wind, frost and rain, stood a silhouette, a shadowed man against the sky.

Thomas Mendez smelt the air. It was stale. Humid. The wind that billowed around him barely hid it. He tightened the grip on the hilt of his rapier, a slender sword with a cold, sharpened blade and an ornate, swept rapier guard. The tiny hatchling at his feet whined towards the wind, as if it were a mother in the distance, calling for it. She propped herself onto her wings, beautiful sleeves, depicting a icy blue Eagle Nebula, the nebula Mendez knew she cried for at night.


"Come here, Nova," he replied, bending down to pick her up. "We'll be out of the wind soon, it's time to begin our mission."


And with that, Mendez skidded down to the floor. He'd held Nova's wings down, as to stop her from catching the wind, her flitting off whilst he stood was bad enough. And he set off.

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(First of all, for OOC comments you have to put brackets like () or []. And were you accepted by UchihaAce? Otherwise you can't rp.)

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( ... ok then ... well hardly anyone is on so im almost by myself here sleep.gif )

Edited by Black-Cat771

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((Oh and Harold Reial and Scrap are about to go exploring...errmmm I think we are about to have conflicts with this whole day night thing. Are we gonna follow the behaviors of DC dragons as well? Cause then Scrap and just about everyone else is going to have time issues since he is a night glory. Or we could just make the Sky clan base really really far away from the fang clan base, but then we are looking at other side of the world kind of far, not just out of sight. Sorry if it seems like griping I just thought it prudent to bring this to attention is all.))




Harold patted Scrap's head affectionately.

"How about we start with looking at the Human city. we will need to be careful, so Scrap that means you need to be quiet for me. Stop bouncing for a second and try being quiet."

Harold put his finger to his mouth as if to say 'Shhh'.

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((Has been approved by Ace. PM her yourself if you don't believe me. Oh, and my form be on the OOC.))


Hiruzo walked through the forest, carefully examining his surroundings. A bush here, a tree there, but no dragon hunter. That was good. They would have killed him they second they saw Icefire. He opened his pack and the little dragon crawled out. He smiled and patted his head, but noticed something on the horizon. He quickly signaled Icefire to get back in his pack, and it did, closing it up as it entered.


((Might I also request a recap?))

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(Oh noez its PKMNBOY xd.png. Anyway, Kitsune, Zarazo, Nyx, Crystal Star, and Kreen are at Pure Pond. Time and Vanlet are in the woods somewhere, and there's another robot who was sent to kill us. I don't know for Valesz.)

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