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Through Tooth and Claw...

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(( You wondering what the robot is this time? well it's a......




















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Harold sighed, the dragons had run off for some reason while looking at the sky.

"Well...not a very warm bunch are they? I guess I will just have to teach some manners."

He stood up and backing up a bit he ran at the pond and with one great flap of his wings leaped over it and came crashing down on the ground. Folding his wings he pursued Time and the others as fast as he could which wasn't all that fast and he quickly lost them. Huffing and puffing he straightened up and sighed again. He wanted to know why the dragons had run away so using his sense of smell he followed their scents once again. Heading north slowly and steadily he felt like something else had passed by. He scanned the sky but saw nothing but this didn't keep him from putting his gaurd up.


Reial came about finally giving up on his search for the day he headed back to camp swiftly to make his report. He hadn't actually been flying straight out for two days but rather carried out a zig zag pattern so in truth he was less then a day's flight from the camp. On his way back he caught sight of a nightglory making its way into the camp.

"Tsk, little troublemaker eh?"

Once he landed and made his report that he had seen no activity he turned about and sought out the Nightglory he had spotted. It wasn't long before he came up behind Scrap.

"Playing outside the camp eh? You know it is dangerous out there."


((Time, Stonesworthy is trying to catch up wit you happy.gif I think he would appreciate it if you slowed down for him. tongue.gif ))

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((Ah well, if Uchiha's not going to post, then I might as well skip Fang's part.))


Django found nothing inside of the cave, so he decide to leave and tour some other places. Since he was pretty high up above the ground, Django did his best to be careful as he cautiously climbed down the steep cliff, going one foot at a time. At once, one of his hind feet slipped and Django was taken by surprise. He was almost about to fall off and hurt himself on the ground, but his tightened grip on the rocky walls prevented him from slipping off. Then the hatchling continued his way down until he had finally reached the ground. "So was this one of your first climbs, kouhai?" a familiar voice said. Django whipped his head around and saw Skyshriek standing behind him, "Sempai!" The stone dragoness said, "Your timidness has made you take too long to get to the bottom of the cliff. But with my training lesson tomorrow, you'll be learning how to climb up and down faster without any worries or fears. Now get some sleep, because we'll be going out early in the morning to train." "Yes sempai," the sunrise hatchling said.

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Scrap jumped, and turned to face the older Dragon.

"Umm...yeah, I know! But its' so interesting out there!"

His face lit up in wonder, his eyes relieving his memories.

"There is so much things that I don't know of out there!"

He looked up at Reial, looking at him in awe.

"What have you seen?"

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Harold Reial shook his head and sat down.

"Sadly I do not usually may much attention to the scenery, but I have seen a few things both appealing and not so much so. The human city's can look pretty at night, and I once saw a flower that glowed in the dark a long time ago. Those were nice sights however, there are ugly sights too. For example, skunks aren't much fun, and some animals can be quite repulsive. I have also seen dangerous things. Some of the dragons from the other clans are dangerous. Plants and animals that are poisones. I saw a dead dragon once. He died because he was foolish and strayed too far away from home to play beyond the clan borders. That is why you should stay close to the clan at all times. If we can't find you we can't help you."

Harold added the last bit with some sterness in his voice that would hopefully get the message across. Then his face softened.

"If you are good I might take you outside to see some of the world. But you have to be good for a whole day, and promise you will stay near me when we go. Ok?"

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Django went into Skyshriek's cave and saw a rug-like bed made out of human skin just for him. "This is where you'll be sleeping, kouhai," Skyshriek said as she pointed to the bed. The hatchling poked at the bed with his paw and said, "That's my bed? Doesn't Fangclan sleep on a nest made of hay? What kind of thing is this? It feels so leathery?" "That bed is made out of human skin. It's payback for turning us dragons into shoes, wallets, and other things that they made," Skyshriek explained to him. Django stared at the bed for a minute or two before he started to lay on it and drift to sleep. Skyshriek sat at the corner of the wall and fell asleep as well.

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Scrap's face lit up when Reial said about the flowers. He could just imagine them, brightly glowing. At the skunks and the dead dragon, his nose crinkled up, and he lowered his head. However, when Reial mentioned going with him, he jumped to his paws.

"Really!? Oh, thank you!" Scrap jumped around the large dragons' paws. "Can we go now?"

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Harold chuckled a bit and placed his paw on the young nightglory's head to settle him.

"Easy there little one. We are comming on to daybreak soon. I know how your kind tend to be active only during the night so we will go tomorrow night...err...tonight..what ever you know when I mean. So meat me here ofter sunset in the mean time I think you need to go to sleep. In fact IO need some rest too. A proper nesting area would be wonderful right about now. So run along to your parent's and get some sleep."

Harold Reial nudged the night glory to enforce his statement.

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He jumped forward when he was pushed, then came straight back. "I was human hatched...can I sleep with you?" He toys with his Bandanna. "I usually just sleep alone." Scrap looks up at him, his wings folded neatly. Sitting on his haunches, he stands and puts his paws on the other dragons' chest. "Pleeeeease?"

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Harold gazed upon the sky disparagingly although to anyone else it would appear as deep thought.


He begged mentally to himself but shook off the awful thought and looked down at the young night glory. A warm smile crossed his face without him even knowing it as he nodded his head.

"Yes you can stay with me. Come along little one. By the way what is your name?"

He asked as he guided Scrap to a suitable resting place.




Stonesworthy lost the scent and sighed.

"Oh bother, I lost them and just when I thought I was going to make some new friends. Alas such is life. Oh well."

He said to himself as he marched off at random direction. He would eventually need to make his way back to the Rain clan but that could wait, maybe for another week or so. At least until they sent someone out to get him.

"Yeah, they won't need me until they send someone to find me then all haste to the homestead. But for now I think I will continue with my...heh...little walk."

Continuing on his way he was totally unaware that he was steadily heading towards the Fang territory and his footsteps weren't those of a dragon trying to stay hidden. While he himself did not actually know where the Fang clan resided he had heard talk of them before but never paid much attention to the conversations and so didn't know any details. However this was his way with all things: never researched and always approached with optimism.

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Username: Emeelia

Name: Rina

Gender: female

Age: 7 years old

Dragon: none

Description: Rina has long black hair in curls and brown eyes. When she chooses to smile, dimples raise her cheeks. Her skin is very light, and doesn't burn or tan well. She's about three inches shorter than four feet tall and is a thin person, thinner than one that age should be, but is also quite agile and strong for a little girl from her time of fending for herself. Rina wears a simple cotton brown dress with a belt and is cut off just after the shoulder, goes down a little past her ankles, and is still not too small, as she didn't grow very much even in the few years she was in the wilderness. She secretly wears pants underneath them, as they are useful to have when climbing and other practical activities. Her brown leather boots are laced up her ankles with durable straps, and she keeps sturdy leather gloves with her. Rina wears a simple straw hat on her head secured with a string.

Personality: Quiet and shy, Rina is an observant girl who steps in once in a while to help someone, and steps back again as though the kind thing was meant to be done and forgotten. She's modest and hates being creditted with anything. She's serious, and doesn't really understand humour very well.

Brief History: Orphaned when she was very young by dragons themselves, she started by despising them, and thought them as monsters, or extremely vicious animals, like most humans. Unfortunately, the town she lived in didn't care much for others but themselves, so she was made into a slave. Ignoring life the way it usually was, her mind still young and open to ideas of a different way of life, she ran away into the woods, with nothing but a small knapsack of stolen food, whatever clothes she was wearing, and a sling. She practiced, but was never very good at it, as the sling hurt to move about so, and being so small, was too big for her to handle well, so her supplies diminished, and she in turn diminished as well. On the brink of starvation, a young dragon, not quite yet an adult, found her, and thinking herself dead, Rina didn't even try to fight back, and collasped, and thought she was done. She'd be a meal. But she was wrong. The dragon left her alone, and too tired to run away, Rina merely sat there. The dragon passed her by. But she'd die of hunger, more slowly than the dragon could. As usual, fater was unkind to her. To her surprise, the dragon came back, with a deer limp in its jaws, steaming as though it was cooked in its mouth, and it dropped half next to Rina, and sat down, chewing the portion it had set aside for itself. "Eat." Rina heard a voice in her mind, not her own, but she paid no attention to it, and gladly devoured the venison, and saved what deer meat (which was quite a bit, since a small girl can't eat a whole half a deer) was left into the empty bag, and she was saved. When she looked up again the dragon was gone, and she remembered that incident from then on, remembering that not all dragons are awful. They're intelligent creatures, like humans, and there are good and bad ones. She survived, and eventually grew used to being in the woods, could provide for herself herbs and fruit and meat, mostly small, easy to catch things, and eggs(now that she knew where to find them). One day wandering around, she caught one of Kitsune's fliers...


((She wuz accepted. ^^))


Merion drifted back down, twirling about and letting her tail flap in the breeze created by her spinning. She landed neatly on the ground and scrambled over to Ben. "I'm gonna go run around a lot. Can I take a long long trip away from here? I wanna explore." "Go on, go on, just don't get lost." He shooed her to make his point, and the young dragon took the point, scurrying away. "I'll see you later, then!" she chirped in farewell, then galloped off through the woods, strolling on the ground because it was faster than her floating. Merion trilled some high notes, "Funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun!!" Going no where in particular, Merion always made a mental note of which direction Ben and the tall tree was, so she'd find her way back later. Firwyn's egg shook a bit, then was still again. Unborn, he was shifting inside, slipping to a more comfortable position.


((editted when I decided to not double-post and instead just rp with the same post))

((da second time: typo))

Edited by Emeelia

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Harold Stonesworthy had started passing through fang territory ealier on. He was still totally unaware of it and trundled along the border without a care in the world. Loud thud after loud thud of each footstep. Ground shaking as he progressed playing like a child along the way. Small creatures scurried away in fear or simply an attempt to avoide being crushed by accident.

"Heh...I suppose that is enough frightening small birds and bunneys for one day."

He said to himself as birds had taken flight in flocks and small rabbits dispersed at accountable speeds. Sitting down the stone dragon yawned. He had been up two days straight now was as good a time as anyu to grab some shut eye but right where he was didn't have a whole lot of room. He leveled it with his wings and tail creating a makeshift nest for now and curled up within it falling asleep. Despite being loud while he was awake he was more silent then the grave asleep. Someone would have to be paying attention and looking for him to be able to seperate him from the average boulder.

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(well i'm kinda bored time for a little forgetfullness X3)


Valesz waking up next to the pond noticing that she had no clue where she was, she had amnesia, the orb was gone, maybe some1 took it or it got free on the world. She was not affected by the pond anymore,but had no clue what it was in the first place, she can be neer it but it it comes in contact with her the same merderous effect will happen. " censorkip.gif my head hurts, last thing i remember i was running, from.....what? were am i? maybe i can find the ruins again so i can find my....no that won't work. i need to find someone dry.gif " she started to wander off looking for anyone she could find.


(she has no recollection of the last several years, or meeting any of you, her mind is back at the state it was when she ran away from the people she used to know, and in a great feeling of depression of killing her best friend, that's why she ran away in the first place sad.gif )

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Rina picked her way through the woods, using branches to lever her way over some brambles, and landed near a clearing. She stretched and looked about warily, even taking the painstaking trouble of looking up. There were always predators in the skies and trees, and sometimes on the ground as well. She walked hesitantly over to the pond, then sank to the ground, and pulled out of a make-shift bag a block of wood cut out to serve as a cup. Filling this item, she examined the water suspiciously before deeming it fit to drink. So no animal's claimed this as their outhouse yet, at least. She sipped it daintily, and rose again, slinging the pack over her back again. After finishing the first in a few draughts, she drew some water again, and drank that, and started to just stroll slowly back into the woods, and froze. She was seeing a dragon form. It was just shadow, but it was definitely dragon. Rina nearly dropped the cup out of her limp fingers, then tightened her grip and nearly dropped it then because of her quivering. She was a bit scared of dragons, she still was having trouble shaking it off. In fact, she was scared of strangers in general, because they might mean her harm. Rina smoothed her pant- not even breeches, huh- and green shirt, and brushed her hand through her thick black curls. She was going to go right near a dragon. The only dragon she'd seen that wasn't intent on eating her and everyone else up was the one who saved her life, and she would instantly know if she saw that dragon again, but she was still nervous. What if this dragon was one of the bad sorts? Yet, unlike these what-if thoughts for human strangers, a dragon could gobble her up or fry her, while the most that can happen with a human is a little better. Like humans have slightly more friendly relations than dragons do with humans. Picking up her cup again, because she had put it down to brace herself, she walked towards the dragon, and as she went closer, looked like she was looking for someone.


"Excuse me," she said quietly, and was reminded again of how short she was, even for a seven year old girl. "Pardon, but are you in need of help?" Rina approached Valesz, hoping against all hope that she wouldn't be killed on the spot, wouldn't be seen as a threat. She was, after all, just a child still, and a small one at that. Rina couldn't help looking a bit frightened, and gulped down a scream that she wanted to issue. She was alright if she knew the dragon, and it wasn't a stranger, but this was an adult dragon, and it scared her because right now dragons and humans tend to have mini wars. Rina was naturally shy as it was.

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Valesz noticing the little human near her, ,"yes if you don't mind, how many years has it been it seems my other personality has taken over for quite a few years so i don't realy know what i've done since then....um yea,bye the look of this place i can tell i've been running for a long time several years and the ruins are probably gone. Um, i'm sorry i haven't introduced myself, my name is Valesz i was inprisioned for more than 4 generations of you humans timespan in ruins that i can't seem to remember were they were, my body feels...painfull i think i may have done something horible, might you know were to find the nearest cave please?" she cringed still not recovered from her shadow atacking her in front of the pond.

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Rina tensed, prepared for an onslaught, but let out a sigh of relief. The dragon didn't want to eat her. She was safe. She risked a quick smile, then blanked out her face again, this time without fear. Valesz sounded as though she were enchanted, though it seemed that she was temporarily okay. Rina nodded her head, her hair falling forward before she grabbed a band and pulled it away from her face in the holder's tight grip. "Yeah... this way." Her voice was small, and soft enough that the creature might not have heard her, but she motioned to go a certain direction and started to run over there. The woods began to get thicker, and she turned around to make sure that Valesz was still following, then ducked under a big branch and turned to a cave. The direct route had been cut off by brambles, so she had taken the path that was easiest on those who don't like being sliced to shreds. "I know these woods..." she mumbled, and flopped down on the cave floor with her knees automatically crossing. "So... four hundred years?" Rina inquired gently about Valesz's imprisonment, and remained silent after, staring vacantly into the brambles, then the woods, then another section of the woods that was much thinner, but would take longer to use from where Valesz had been before. Shyly glancing at the dragoness, she admired her scales before hurriedly looking away. Rina wasn't sure if dragons agreed it was impolite to stare, so she'd rather be safe by obeying every creatures agreeable idea of good manners that she could think of than risk angering the dragon. She played with a lock of her hair, twisting it with her fingers, rolling it around, and allowing it to twirl back into place. Absentmindedly, she began to braid it.

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Scrap bounced on his feet, excited as he followed the older dragon.

"Scrap. Whats' yours?" He asked curiously, looking up at him. "Is it...Red? Talon?" He paused for a moment, then ran to catch up. "Stello?"

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Username: dragofan010

Name: Mike

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Dragon:(Red, Male, Pygme, Hatchling)

Description: Mike is a boy who thinks everyone should have rights and is against taking things like Food and Land from others

Personality: fair

Brief History: Parents enslaved, Mike ran away before they could get him, trying to rescue them

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"Well, thanks for getting me here. I must thank you for helping me there, and yes four hundred years sounds about right wink.gif " she relaxed her vines and let then fall to the ground around her as she layed down on the floor of the cave. "I was i was stuck in catacombs after i hatched by humans no doubt but i have no grudge about it, my mother wipped out about 3 towns of all the people living there and was freed by mistake and all the time spent there gave me a split personality so that's why i don't know what has happened for the last couple years, but it sure has taken a tole on my body." she lay there and took out the pouch of poisoned vines and just put them next to her so she wouldn't crush them and started to fall asleep, "will you be here when i wake?" she said with a cheerfull voice waiting for a response.

Edited by bobmanpie

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Reial smiled at the bouncing little one as they reached a decent sleeping place.

"Heh heh. No it is not Stello. My name is Harold Reial. It is nice to meet you Scrap."

Harold laid down in the spot he picked out that overlooked the forest. He guided the hatchling closer to him with his shield tail.

"Now, lets get some sleep. If I intend to show you around the forest at night then we better sleep during the day."




Harold Stonesworthy rolled over and yawned loudly, almost a kind of roar. He stood up and the first thing he thought of was that he was thirsty. He tried to remember where he was by looking at the sky.

"...Where did I put that pond?"

He asked himself then as he looked around noticed his footprints.

"Oh, that way."

He trundled back towards the pond. It was going to be a bit of a long trip but it was the nearest source of water that he knew of.

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Rina listened with vast interest. A split personality. It sounded... unreal. She nodded at the comment of her mother destroying three towns. It sounded true enough, since the one that killed her parents had been ruining one. There were bad dragons, and she didn't like hearing of them, but she did, and knew it to be true. She more closely examined Valesz when she said something about what she'd been doing exhausting her body. She saw that indeed her body looked injured, and weak, though she wasn't sure how to tell by the scales, some of them didn't glitter or shine as much. She started when Valesz asked her to expect her to still be here when she woke up. Rina abruptly stopped braiding her hair, and just clung to itn left it hanging there. Valesz must be very naive. Didn't she know about the mini war between humans and dragons, that most would kill the other as soon as they see them. She even followed Rina here into the cave, when Rina could've been bait to lure her into a trap. Not once did she question Rina's intentions. She was so gullible she nearly cried. Which meant that she was probably going to have to look out for her. She nodded without really thinking, before suddenly interupting herself, her words fumbling as her soft, naturally high-pitched voice corrected her statement. "No! I mean, no, I mean. Oh, I mean, uh, um.." she took a breath. "I don't know. How long will you be sleeping? If it's more than a few days than I probably won't, even even so, I might be out hunting and stuff. But, um, if you want I'll stay..." Rina started nervously braiding the strand of hair again, and then she found in surprise that her hands were fingering air, and she tied the braid in place with a string and resumed braiding a different strand.

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Stonesworthy started to recognize the sceanery and his sense of direction began to kick in. He took a short cut to the pond instead of following his footsteps exactly. He stomped up to a bunch of brambles and didn't even notice that it was some kind of path. His stomping was due to his shear weight he stopped for a sec to let out a long yawn before continueing on groggily. As he finally reached the pond he sat at the edge and drank thankfully at the pond. Taking long deep gulps the water level actually dropped a little bit before he was finished. Harold rose his head from the water surface and sighed appreciatively.

"That hit the spot. I walked quite a distance, I better ask for directions to the next source of water or I am going to be stuck here. Too bad those other dragons ran off. I wonder if I scared them."

He asked himself while contemplating. he sniffed the air to see if he could find any dragon scents at all and did pick up one faint one, but it was too feint to follow. So he figured he better wait here until someone who knew the area came by.

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"oh no it won't be long at all, i just need to regain a little strength maybe an hour or so"


(fill in here i can't do anythin about that)



she woke up sum hours later all filled with energy and stuffs like normal, "yes i have been well alone and up untill recently i've been stuck inside underground catacombs and...well...everything after is fuzzy, but i was freed by mistake it was some dig mission or something a research crew broke down the wall to my escape." She got up and layed back down next to the person who led her here, "so yea i'm like all peacefull and stuffs biggrin.gif don't mind me you seem to be worried about me or something what's going on exactly?"


**i'm going camping tomarrow around noon-ish wink.gif PDT and i wond be back for a few days maybe 2-3 at most so i will be off till then**

Edited by bobmanpie

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"Nice to meet you, too, Renial!" he grinned, and snuggles into Renial, shadows cast over him with the large sheild on his new friends' tail blocking sunlight. Scrap soon drifted off, his wings twitching as he dreamed of flight.

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Merion carefully moved her paws through the place, sniffing the air cautiously. She was feeling her scales prickle, and she stepped lightly out of excitement, though normally Ben would joke about her causing an earthquake. She shuddered and picked her tail up even higher and scurried fluidly, weaving through the trees, then froze, starting to hover from fright, nervousness, shyness, shock, whatever you wanna call it. Merion's eyes were fixed on the person in front of her, well, dragon, really, and a shiver went up her spine. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she felt scared. There was a pond nearby, and the dragon himself looked as though he were turned to stone. A statue. A statue. A statue. She tried to calm herself by telling herself that he was a statue, but she knew he wasn't. He was real- she could smell him, and knew that he could smell her. Glancing at the water, she could see that it had been recently dropped down to a lower level. Very quickly. Gulping, she fought the urge to run away and alighted herself on the ground. She wasn't raised with any dragons except for the Firwyn, and he was an egg, younger than she was. Merion didn't know how to act around dragons, especially those her elders. She decided upon how human children were supposed to act before their betters- meekly. "Good day, Elder." she decided upon saying, hoping that he wouldn't take offense from it. Her skin tingled. She felt exhilarated, as though she was having fun. Merion didn't understand why. She didn't feel as though she were certainly having fun, not in the slightest bit.


Rina had returned from the forest and had set down a bag of herbs and some water, and had begun to wash off Valesz's scales, hoping that she could start treating her after she could see what she was doing. It took a while, but she had only been out half an hour to get the supplies, and the dragon slept for a long time, so there was plenty of time to get her clean and to start dressing the wounds. She'd moved away when she was finished and watched the dragon silently as the herbs went to work, and soon became invisible as they were used by Valesz's body to help her recover. She nearly got up when Valesz came over and lay beside her, but she forced herself to relax, and without much thought, began to run her hand over Valesz's scales, stroking her slowly and automatically. "Well..." she tried to speak, but found that it was easier to trail off into silence. Rina made herself talk again- Valesz would be waiting for her to continue. "You seem very trusting. I could've been the sort of human who's deceitful and could've been leading you to your doom. Why did you follow me here?" her voice was soft and quiet, full of inquiry. Here was a dragon who didn't really think it was possible for someone to be any way other than nice and good, judging by the carefree way she acted around Rina. Perhaps dragons are phsycic though? Maybe that's why she trusted me. She laughed silently at this. If she was wouldn't I have known?

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