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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Username: Emeelia

Name: Benjamin Troy

Gender: male

Age: 43

Dragon: Meryl/female/drake/hatchling

& Firwyn/male/western dragon/egg

Description: He is fair skinned, and skinny all over. His dark brown hair is always in a mess, and has started to gray just slightly. He has a firm face, like an upside-down trapezoid with his prominent cheeckbones and stubborn chin. He has stubble along his lower face, and has a thick mustache. His hands are large and rough, though they know how to handle things tenderly and with care. Ben has hazel green eyes, but the greeness just swallows the pupil... he's blind. He grew up blind, but can handle himself fairly well, and his other senses are better than most because he's blind.

Personality: He is a patient man, with a kind and open heart. He is open to new ideas, though he is firm with his beliefs. Ben is a fatherly person, ready to help those who need it, and he is stubborn, and is proud, unwilling to let others see his weaknesses.

Brief History: He grew up blind, and eventually through certain circumstances turned into a nomad of sorts, travelling along merrily, helping when possible and refusing help of any sorts. There was a time that he chanced upon Meryl's egg when it floated in his path. She had nearly been born then, and talked to him telepathically unintentionally that her parents were gone. Ben took her in, and later, after she hatched, Meryl herself found an egg in an old hole in a hillside, and brought it to Ben to take care of. Meryl, who was learning human speech, also discovered a flier fluttering on the road. She took it to Ben and told him about it in her usual chattering way, and so off they went to try to find this group who wanted dragons and humans to live peacefully together.


Username: Emeelia

Name: Meryl

Gender: female

Species: Drake

Clan: none

Description: Her scales are light aqua blue with white scales here and there. She has two small horns on her wedge-shaped head that curl downward. Her eyes are azure blue. Her form slender and graceful, she is able to hover in the air, though she mostly is sleeping now...

Personality: She is very accepting and gullible, and is friendly to every creature. Meryl is one to not only give someone a second chance, but will heap upon them third and fourth and fifth chances! She is also very talkative, though gets absolutely silent and freezes when she's scared. She is absolutely curious, and must get into everything she can.

Brief History: Lost by a careless mother and natural storm, she had been carried far from her nest. As she'd always been able to hover, she was able to actually travel unintentionally a little. On the road she was found by Ben, who raised her into a hatchling. Now she follows him nearly everywhere.


Username: Emeelia

Name: Firwyn

Gender: male

Species: western dragon

Clan: none

Description: Firwyn's scales are oak brown, shimmering though they are; his eyes are black pools. He has, like many western dragons, wings and four limbs, along with a wedge shaped head, though it must be admitted that his is broader than most. His tail is barbed at the end, and there are spikes running down his spine. Atop Firwin's head are two long, slender horns pointed slightly forward, and slightly upward.

Personality: He is a stubborn thing, unwilling to let anyone stop him once he's made a decision or made up his mind. He is very suspicious and his first impression is generally the only impression he gets, because of his stubborn disposition. Firwyn is also very protective of things he cares about, and though gruff, he does show his care in little ways.

Brief History: He had been stolen by humans from his parents, and then lost by the same humans who stole him. Meryl and Ben found him, and he has been in Ben's care since.


(I don't know many species, I hope you don't mind I just put the type down instead)

Edited by Emeelia

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Ben trekked through a woods merrily, listening to the birds and the sound the leaves made as wind went through them, his black boots crinkling on the layer of grass and plants and such, brown trousers tucked in, and a billowy white shirt that had sleeves that went to his elbows. He smiled as he listened to a small, young dragon chatter to him, speaking aloud in clicks and chirps while mindspeaking to him at the same time. "And you know, after we go through Farandale forest, we should be nearing the hill, because, it like, says so here, and we're going through the forest now. The den is in a hill in Rolant Woods, and that's VERY near Farandale Forest, which means that we're almost there yoohoo!" The light blue scaled dragon hovered in the air, 'swimming' around Ben, whistling the instructions off the notebook paper cheerily. "And in the far.. far.. far... fur-thest one someplace near a br-ook. brook, like hook, right? And there we can help save dragons and humans, well, mainly humans because we could wipe you guys out easily," (He chuckles at this.) "But that'd be mean because we like you. Besides, we could help each other, mainly me helping you, but the other dragons will need you humans' help as well, because they're SO incapable, FIRWYN YOU HEAR ME?" Meryl sudden barked at the egg hanging in a pouch that hung from Ben's shoulder. Meryl was convinced that he could talk, and supposedly talked to the unborn dragon from time to time, but Ben was unconvinced. She had nearly been hatched when she could talk, and Firwyn's egg didn't have a crack or any sign of it being born yet. Ben kept it near him at all times, hoping that the way to help a dragon hatch was by keeping it near a living body and travelling with it. He did know that it took care to raise anything, so he gave the bronze egg care. Ben knew enough about dragons that the eggshell reflected the scales of the dragon inside, from looking at Meryl's shell. Meryl suddenly shrieked in excitement, startling Ben, her shrill mindspeech explaining her outburst. "WE'RE IN ROLANT WOODS! WOOT WOOOOOOOOT WE'RE ALMOST THERE ALMOST THERE ALMOST THERE~!" Ben reckoned that anyone withing a mile would either hear her scream or her telepathy, and either one made his ears ache with the high pitch.


((edited due to spellign errors *I is meticulous*))

Edited by Emeelia

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((Did you get accepted first? You can't RP here unless UchihaAce approves of your form.))

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((Yeah, I accepted them. Sorry for being inactive, guys; I have some stuff going on in RL. DX))

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((Btw, I forgot to mention that Skyshriek said tw** on that mudkip censor thing.))


On her way back to the camp, Skyshriek saw a human with a light blue & white drake and a dragon egg. The stone dragoness snorted with contempt and she said quietly to herself, "Great, another idiot who sides with humans! Don't they have the brains to realize that humans are a great threat to the world?!" Skyshriek knew that humans were responsible for all kinds of world pollution and ecosystem damages, plus they were putting dragons on the brink of extinction. Any dragon who sided with them were traitors to the planet. The stone left and came back to her home.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Yeah, I accepted them. Sorry for being inactive, guys; I have some stuff going on in RL. DX))

((Did you aprove me yet?))

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((-Turns into a forest cat and licks AlwaysGone- we has DONUTS! ))

(Sorry for the off topic part and I giggled when I saw the censor kipz

I was wondering what happened to UchihaAce...)

Kreen lapped some water from the pond and looked into it. It was like crystal, clear and shiny.

Will there be other people and dragons that'll join us?

She sat down next to Myse and looked up at the endless sky. She felt lazy and tired, so she curled up and took a nap.


Myse walked out to the shallow part of the pond, but she winced at the coldness. She caught a fish, then backed out dripping onto the banks. It wasn't easy due to the fact that she was a Skywing dragon.

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Vanlet got bored and saw a rabbit run into the woods Yay! seconds! Vanlet ran after the rabbit and into the woods Wait for me Vanlet! Time followed Vanlet into the forest Awy man! It got away! Vanlet stopped in her tracks Wow you sure do run fast Vanlet *pant pant pant* Where are we? Time and Vanlet looked around, but didn't see anyone HELLO??!! ANYONE THERE!!! HUSH! A FangClan member might be near by! Or another robot bird! Time flew up on a branch and looked at area around them No sign of Kitsune or the others! So what now? We wait

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((*morphs into anteater and licks Timeflame* We Have DONUTS!!!))


Ben thought a while, dwelling on the contents of the scroll. Or sheet. He didn't ask what it was, just what it had said. A Taming Clan. The first clan that includes both dragons and humans. It sounds interesting. This girl must have a lot of imagination. And bravery, to go out and be this bold in these times. And if that wasn't courageous enough, it's about dragons. I have heard several things about dragons, and most of it makes dragons sound really unpopular. Bounces the egg he has in the bag, petting it, and listens to the cheerful jabber of Meryl. Though these two seem nice enough. They're like people, just in different forms... though it's hard for me to tell. They just talk different, and lots of folk talk different, and they have different skills, but they're just like anyone. Dragon folk are like regular folk. It's weird to be normal, after all. Perhaps they look different, but that hardly matters. I should know, as I don't see anything. The hatchling floated around in the air, done reading the scroll. "Hey Ben! I think we're almost there!" Ben heard this clearly, and was almost surprised. He had lost track of the time, and they had already travelled enough that they were nearly there. "Hey, I think it's up ahead. Can I please~~~~~~~ go on? Pretty please? I really wanna be the first there!" She wheedled, as though he was going to refuse her. "Go ahead," was his response, "I'm not holding you back," he puts his hands up, "You're always free to go as you wish, you know." "No I'm not, silly. You're my dad, and I've got to be respectful to my elders. K, bye now!" She drops to the ground suddenly and chooses to scramble through the undergrowth, running around toward a clearing. "IT'S RIGHT UP THERE! RIGHT THERE! WE'RE HERE WE'RE HERE!" He could hear her excited yelling even as far as he was. Ben continued walking until he started to feel a change in the ground. He was standing on soft grass. In a clearing, they were. He went on, and nearly fell into the hole, when Meryl screamed at him, "STOP! You're gonna fall!" and pushed him back. "I'l guide you in," She decided. "Really, you humans are so hopeless..." "NO." Ben refused her offer. "I can walk by myself, thankyou." he said stiffly, and the man felt around more carefully, and headed around the opening and sat on the hillside.

Edited by Emeelia

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Valesz who had passed out earlier, inside the dome-shaped-vines, "wow my head hurts, what happened, wow wait what happened why am i not....dead" noticing the shadow shaped thing, inside a little orb, the size of a bowling ball. "so you must be that dreaded shadow of mine 8(, i didn't think you would let me live... well then since you seem to be so stuck in that little ball tongue.gif" picks up the ball-like-prison-thing, well lets just take you somewhere *gives a toothy grin of evil* time for a little payback" she takes the orb twords the pond, ignoring everyone else. she gets close but passes out about to put it in the water, the water still effecting her.


( tongue.gif i saved myself...kinda, i'll probably be passed out till someone finds me, tongue.gif no need to hurry, YAY i was at anthrocon tongue.gif and yes you probably have no clue what i am talking about when i tell you that i got all of the B.D. anthrocon conbadges tongue.gif

i could give a link to the creator's divientart, but he alse does drawings for www. censorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gif .com and it's not under 18 friendly if ya know what i mean :3 if ya realy want the link pm me and btw xd.png what do ya think of my new avi :3 yay for Varka ^.^ )

Edited by bobmanpie

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Skyshriek came back to the training with the raccoon stone statue and set it down near Django. "You see this creature here? That will be your opponent, I want you to fight it until it's dead. Now get ready to slaughter!" Skyshriek said before she undo her petrifying power on the raccoon as it returned to normal. Django watched the animal looked around bewilderedly as it wondered how it got here and why was it in this place. Then he let out a battle cry as he charged towards it, "Yeeaaarrgghh!" The raccoon whipped its head around to see the sunrise hatchling going towards it and then started getting clawed by him. The creature hissed and started to fight back with its own claws. "Aaahhh, that hurts!" Django cried. "Quit your whining, you brat! That is how fights and battles are like; you feel and give pain. Now quit being a baby and take it like a dragon," Skyshriek yelled.

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Username: En'K'Haral

Name: Harold Stonesworthy

Gender: Male

Species: Stone dragon

Clan: Rain

Description: His stoney skin is colored like red jaspar but otherwise indifferent from most stone dragons. His eyes are brilliant blue and dispite his overbearing appearence he has a warm face.

Personality: Giving a sense of calm to the area he rarely loses his temper and approaches just about every situation calmly and with negotiations prefurring to abstain from violence.

Brief History: Born into a minor clan that was later torn between joining Rain and sky he has a passionet desire for absolute freedom for all. Free from the confines of their land for dragons free from their unending desire for humans however he has come to terms with the fact that such extream wishes are not possible so he is willing to settle with other freedoms. Free lands free choices. Free from conflict. He hopes that someday the humans will understand. His friend from birth however has a different view. As kids Horld and Reial always were refurred to by their last names so as to avoide confusion since the pair were always together, they picked up on this and carry on with it to this day.


Username: En'K'Haral

Name: Harold Reial

Gender: Male

Species: Gaurdian dragon

Clan: Sky

Description: His features are scarred from combat. His eyes a glisening silver. His left horn is torn off.

Personality:Unafriad to go into combat but will always offer diplomacy but more out of principal then actual concern for the opponent. He is otherwise actually quite pleasent to be around despite his upsetting features.

Brief History: Born into a minor clan that was later torn between rain and sky he desired freedom with order. To him it seemed like the only sure way to end the violence. He did it for the sake of his friend with whome he shared his name. his lifelong friend was whistful and dreamy in Harold's eyes and needed guidence much like the rest of the clans. Total freedom of will would result in anarchy and why Stonesworthy didn't see that was unknown to Harold. None the less if war was the best way to command peice then war it was. In a united world of peace and freedom They could be friends again and Stonesworthy wouldn't have to see anymore violence in this world. As kids they were ofter called by their last names to avoide confusion and so to this day the call eachother by their last names.


((Was accepted. Errmm...update on basically what is currently happening so like top ten biggest recent events?))

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Username: DeerHunter908

Name: Scrap

Gender: M

Species: Night Glory

Clan: Sky


Like any other Night Glory, besides the red bandanna he found near a human den. He wears it since it covers up the large scar running across his neck, and he usually never takes it off. He is a matured hatchling.


Serious, but he likes to goof around at times as well. At times, though, he can take on a large period of time when is a complete idiot.

Brief History:

He was hatched by humans, but ran away almost right out of the shell. Unfortunately, he ran into another human, which, strange as it is, thought he was a chicken and almost cut his head off (scar). He now hates anything to do with humans, besides his bandanna.



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((Question... What does a Night Glory look like? I'm unfamiliar with dragon cave dragons... Can you fill me in on the details? *Looks at with great big fawning Bambi eyes.*))

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((Skyshriek's training Django, a former Solarclan hatchling that she saved from hunters and recruited into Fangclan by force, into a fearsome soldier, so that he can be used in the fight against the human race. As for the others, I don't know. I'll have to look into that later.))


Django frowned in dismay at Skyshriek's comment and let out a moan of complaint. The raccoon scratched and then bit Django on his snout. "Ow, that hurt!" Django wailed as he slashed the creature across one of its eyes to try and get it off of him. Just like that, the raccoon released its fangs off of Django and started to yelp in pain as its eye started to bleed. The sunrise hatchling watched the raccoon for bit as it looked for a second before it glared at him with its other eye and snarled. Then it lashed out at the hatchling. "No, leave me alone!" Django yelled at the raccoon as he pushed the raccoon over and pinned him down on the ground. "Now kouhai, bite it on the neck before it gets back up," Skyshriek told the hatchling. Doing what his trainer told him to do, Django sank his fangs deep into the raccoon's throat and killed it. "How's that?" Django asked. "That's very good, kouhai. You may earn your rest now. But I'd suggest you see a white dragon first, before you go and do whatever," Skyshriek said. "Yes sempai," Django said as he left the training room.

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((well I don't feel up to a ton of reading right now so I suppose starting out in random locations won't hurt. As for what a nightglory looks like emeelia just check out my scroll. Sixth one down he is named Leon Karnak. Also I think I am the only person with a rain clan character. Does that make me Rain's leader? Nah.))


Harold Stonesworthy was sitting practiacally stock still. He hagone out for a walk. He enjoyed just getting away from the clan sometimes. He often left for long periodes of time lasting up to days ond once even a week and a half. The birds having confused the stone dragon for a statue were collected on his head and shoulders, and various other spots on his body like his back and tail. He decided to continue and sit for now untill he got an idea as to which way was best to travel next when another scent caught his attention. The smell was unfamiliar to him so he stood up scaring the snot out of the birds and followed it. It eventually led him to a pond Where he could see other dragons fishing. He sat down with a thud to announce his arrival.


Harold Reial was out flying recon. Of course he had been out for two days and was actually in search for Stonesworthy. He wanted to convince His friend to change sides but the great loaf was too good at hiding for Reial to find. Even as younglings Stonesworthy seemed to always win at hide and seek. Although that may have had something to do with the fact that they played in the human's deserted quarry all the time and Stonesworthy just pretended to be a rock. He was supposed to be searching for more clans to add to the Sky clan but hey sometimes a little adventure never hurt and its not like he found any so far. Then again he had also deliberately picked a direction that would minimize encounters but he would need to head back to the Sky cave tomorrow.

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Django went around the clan's clearing to look for a white dragon to heal the scratches that he got from the raccoon. Soon, he saw a white talking to two other dragons; a guardian and a red. The sunrise hatchling walked over to them and said to the white, "Uh, excuse me." The white looked down at the him and replied, "Yes, what is it?" Django showed him the scratches and asked, "Can you use your power to recover all these wounds on me? They kinda hurt." The white dragon started to use his healing magic on the hatchling and all the scratches disappeared, making Django look as if he's never been in a fight. "There you go, all done," the white said. "Thanks," Django said with a smile. Then he bounded off to take a look around his new home.

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Ben ran his hand through his hair, enjoying the warm sun. He could smell the dry grass along with herbs that grew there. He ran his hand along the hill until it found what it was looking for. Running his hand up the stem, he chose a leaf and plucked it, then held the leaf near his nose, inhaling deeply. Merion, curious as to what he was doing, sat up on her hind legs and clicked. "What's that you've got there?" She scooted forward and leaned in, caught the scent, and followed it, enchanted by it. It was so fresh, and... and... bright. Clear. Merion brought her head closer and closer to the leaf, eyeing it. "What is it?" she repeated, accompanying it this time with a coo. "It's spear mint," Ben told her. "It's used for several things, such as tea, and flavorings in deserts and meals in general." "It's lovely..." she sighed and sank onto the grass, sprawled out. "It's the bestest thing in the world, Firwyn, just you wait until you hatch..." Merion turned onto her back and gazed up at the sky. It was so big, with puffy white clouds drifting over. She wanted to fly, up and up, yet she was contentedly sleepy. Bliss. Merion started to hover, and she drifted up... and up... and up... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up.... and up... and up... until she yawned, stretched, and looked sideways. "WOW!" The hatchling barked as she saw a huge expanse of forests, and by turning, she saw the mountains, and looking all around, the blue sky was blanketing.... everything! It was so amazing, she stopped right where she was, higher up than an oak beside her. "Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Firwyn Firwyn Firwyn Firwyn Firwyn Firwyn lookie lookie lookie lookie lookie lookie lookie!!! It's so AMAZING!" Ben chuckled. "It probably is. Too bad I can't go that high myself." He kept a different comment to himself. It's too bad I can't see anything anymore... I can only vaguely remember color, and I don't want to lose that memory either... He patted the egg and let it be. "If you're as talkative as Merion, up there, I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up anymore!" he told Firwyn, only partially joking.

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Django went around the clan's clearing to look for a white dragon to heal the scratches that he got from the raccoon. Soon, he saw a white talking to two other dragons; a guardian and a red. The sunrise hatchling walked over to them and said to the white, "Uh, excuse me." The white looked down at the him and replied, "Yes, what is it?" Django showed him the scratches and asked, "Can you use your power to recover all these wounds on me? They kinda hurt." The white dragon started to use his healing magic on the hatchling and all the scratches disappeared, making Django look as if he's never been in a fight. "There you go, all done," the white said. "Thanks," Django said with a smile. Then he bounded off to take a look around his new home.

((Wait, was that me? I'm confused, and waiting for some action.))

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((It's okay, but hey if you want somebody to RP with you, ask En'K'Haral, Emeelia, or me. But I'll create a new character to RP with you.))


Django walked around and saw many Fangclan dragons, some were vampires, other were of different species with useful abilities. He even saw some with kouhais of their own, whom they were training. Eventually he saw a cave high up above the other caves and gazed at it in wonder. He said to himself, "I wonder if the leader, Fang, lives up there." He decided to climb up there and see for himself. Then when he reached the top, Django looked inside the cave.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Time perked up Vanlet do you hear that? Vanlet yawned and looked at Time What are you talking about Ti- I know what I'm talking about Vanlet Time looked at the sky and growled censorkip.gif! Vanlet run!! Time dropped to the ground and landed on her feet and ran north. Vanlet sprung to her feet and looked at the sky Wha? Who? Where? she scanned the sky and then started running north along side of Time So what are we dealing with Time? You’re not going to believe me when I tell you but another robot! Another censorkip.gif! Great! Is it another vulture? Nope Time kept running and so did Vanlet.

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Scrap scuttled around, looking for something of interest to do. Pouncing on a leaf, he 'killed' his prey. Looking up and around, for once he noticed that there was no adult around. With a confused look Scrap ran back to the Skyclan camp, eager to be around his denmates again.

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((Question... What does a Night Glory look like? I'm unfamiliar with dragon cave dragons... Can you fill me in on the details? *Looks at with great big fawning Bambi eyes.*))

Oh, this is a Glory:

user posted image


EDIT~Since I can't post a picture, they are black dragons with stars on their wings.

Edited by DeerHunter908

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