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Through Tooth and Claw...

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(-Throws confetti- YEY! It's my b-day today! No one responded to Myse screaming...)

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Django went towards Skyshriek's wrists and started biting at the spot. The bite didn't hurt Skyshriek at all, since she was made out of stone. After a few minutes, the stone dragoness said, "Alright enough, now you're going to be leaping at my neck and trying to bite it. Don't worry, my throat's way too tough to break through, but you will be biting it anyway. But not too hard at first or you'll hurt your teeth." Then she instructed him on how to jump high, "To leap high, you'll need to go into position. Bend your legs at 60 degrees and use them to push yourself up to me. Once you get to my neck, you use your claws to cling onto me, so that you can hold on while trying to bite me. Now begin!"

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I was accepted!!


Username: (Don't know if you mean actual dragcave or on here, so...both!) Rainb0wTr0ut, Alwaysgone

Name:Crystal Star




Description:Crystal looks like normal White dragon hatchies, but she's a bit bigger than usual, due to her slow growth.

Personality:Crystal is extremely smart, and very outgoing, once you get to know her, however, she takes it very personally that she is taking a long time to grow up.

Brief History: Crystal was dumped off when she was an egg, but she took a long time to hatch, and she wandered around as a young hatchling, trying to find someone that could figure out why she was taking years and years to grow up.



Crystal woke up and yawned loudly, noticing that she was up a tree.

Great, sleepwalking again. She thought, angrily licking a scratch on her newly formed scales.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Crystal asked, wondering if one of her sisters were around.

Crystal cried out and fell from the tree, grabbing a branch halfway down, still 50 feet up.

"Somebody! HELP ME!" Crystal could not hold on for much longer, nor could she pull herself back up.

Someone had to come along soon...this was popular hunting ground...

Just hope they don't hunt White hatclings. Crystal thought quietly.

Edited by AlwaysGone

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Kreen heard a yell for help and she was off, towards the sound. She didn't want a single thing to get hurt as long she was around.


Myse followed Kreen, wondering where she was going. She too, heard the cry and she was alarmed.

Who could be out here?


Myse and Kreen came to the spot, at the base of a tall tree. They looked around, but no one was here.

Was I hearing things?

Kreen thought. She hoped she wasn't going mad.

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Crystal did a "I'm a cute little hatchling come help me!" squeal, and hoped with every fiber of her being that whoever she had heard was really out there.


((Oh, sorry...Adding!))


Crystal tried to remember the last time she had seen her family to eat up time until she was rescued.


It had been a long time ago...Crystal was an egg for a long time, and her eldest sister added it to her hoard. Crystal had hatched a month or so later, but was fragile and weak. Her sister was disgusted, and tossed her into a field to die. Crystal saw her first stars that night, and named herself after the brightest, which looked like a crystal in a cave.

Edited by AlwaysGone

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Kreen and Myse exchanged glances, surprised.

Myse, you can fly easily in the forest, i'll get my wings tangled. try to find out where that hatchling is.

Likewise, Kreen. We're linked to work together.

Myse flew around the trees, looking around. It didn't take long to find a White dragon hatchling hanging onto a tree branch. She gave a subtle signal to Kreen and she came.


What's a little White dragon hatchling doing up here?

Kreen gently plucked the hatchling off the branch and she followed Myse back to the Pure Pond.

"Kitsune, Zarazo, Nyx, Time, Vanlet, Valesz, we found a White dragon hatchling stuck up in a tree!"

She called.


Myse settled down into a tree which had many twisting branches, so she could hang her body there.

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Time's ears pricked as she heard Kreen calling Coming Kreen be right there! She flew up to Kreen and Myse So where is this white hatchling?


((srry I'm suffering from an extreme case of writers block >.<))

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Kreen put her down in front of Time.

"Here it is."

She nodded.

"I don't want to know how it got stuck in a tree.."

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Kitsune stared at the white hatchling curiously as she tried drying her book; to no avail. She sighed and left it to air dry, walking up to the hatchling. Zarazo ran up to it and stared at it intently.

Are you an Albino? The Nebula asked curiously. Kitsune shook her head and pointed at the hatchling again.

"No, Albinos have red eyes due to the lack of pigmentation. This is a White... But how'd you get stuck in a tree like that without any wings? I thought Whites stayed with their families until they could fly?"

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"Maybe it got lost, or it was orphaned."

Kreen tilted her head.

"What did happen to you?"

She asked the little White hatchling. The sky was becoming darker and darker for night time's arrival. She loved the night, when the stars and moon were out. That was why Black dragons were night time hunters.

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((Sorry, been gone all day.))


Crystal was grateful for being let down, but felt nervous replying.


"I-I sleepwalk, I must have climbed up the tree in my sleep. And no, I haven't seen my family in a long time. I was abandoned because I'm taking a while to grow up."

Crystal looked down sheepishly, as if this where something horrible.

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**sry i was gone so long i was at a funeral, nvm that i just came c=back and got cought up**


Valesz leaving the rest of the group wandered into the forest, the only real place she could feel at ease and without sadness or anger. She was just walking by when she noticed the others find a dragon, so of course she lazzily walked over and waited for amoment to speak, "hi there, i'm Valesz" thinking in her head (why am i doingthis i can't get involved with any more of them, it's too dangerous >.<)

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Kitsune stared at the White hatchling for a moment before grinning. "Aww, don't worry! I have no family too, to be honest. Can't remember ever having one, though... They don't know what their missing! You'll grow eventually, don't worry!" Zarazo flew off of her head to stare at the white, tilting his head.

I'm Zarazo the Nebula dragon! he chirped happily. What's your name?

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My name is Time the Temporal Dragoness Vanlet flew over and examined the White Hatchling I'm Vanlet! I'm a proud and possibly the only traitor of the FangClan Vanlet and Time smiled at the White dragon to welcome her.

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Crystal smiled and said, "I'm Crystal Star, you can call me Crystal."

Crystal was happy, but another feeling came into her as though she had drank a hot honey-like liquid. It took her a second to realize that something had branched off her spine, but didn't mention it. She wasn't ready to start spilling everything.

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Valesz having only one thought in her mind, "well then Cystal, how is it that you ended up here?" she motioned side to side at the forest around her. she waited for a response with a sad-ish tone, as if something was wrong. Infact she could even feel the seal on her shadow had just now started to crack and begid to shatter in front of all thease other dragons, putting them all in danger. "Time, it's started to break free..."


**akward time for the shadow to break free don'y you think? X3**

Edited by bobmanpie

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Crystal wasn't paying attention, however, she was staring as the Valesz's shadow broke and started to move-although Valesz was still.

Somewhere deep inside Crystal, she felt something bubble, slowly at first, but faster and faster as time went on, and suddenly, Crystal was all the way back up the tree surrounded by a glimmering, snow-white bubble.

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((Sorry for not posting.))


After Skyshriek put her wrist out, Django got into position that his sempai told him to be in. Then he leapt hight at the stone dragoness's hand and grabbed on to her arm with his legs. Then he moved his head to the wrist and he started to gnaw on it. After half a minute, Skyshriek said, "Alright, that's enough! You did good, Django. But now you're going to learn the back-kick. Simply, put all your weight onto your forelegs and then raise your hindlegs into the air and kick them backward. Try it!" Django started to do a handstand, but then he tumbled over and fell. "Try again!" Skyshriek growled.

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Kitsune scratched the back of her head in confusion. The little white hatchling had grown a big white bubble and Valesz's shadow was moving alone, without any actual movement on the dragon's part. She looked back to the water in Pure Pond. "...Uhh... Do you need water on that thing, or is that a dragon thing?" Kitsune asked, pointing at the shadow. She then turned to stare at the bubble of white that was Crystal. "...Is that normal?" Zarazo blinked and turned away from Crystal, the bright light hurting his sensitive Nebula eyes.

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Django made a second attempt at trying the back kick, but same result happened again. "Again, kouhai!" Skyshriek growled. The sunrise managed not to tumble forward this time as he successfully made his back-kick attack, but after that, he fell flat on his underbelly. Skyshriek's temper got shorter and she snarled, "Kouhai, after you have made your back-kick, you're suppose to bring your legs back and then land them flat on the bottom of your feet!" "But you didn't tell me that!" Django whined. "Well sor-ry! But this time do it right five times!" The stone dragoness growled. So Django rose his hindlegs into the air and kicked at the air behind him before he retraced his legs and set them onto the ground. He repeated this pattern four times until he was done.

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"I've never done it before, but I don't know if it's not natural." Crystal floated back down, but the bubble stayed around her. "I think it's a shield!"

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Valesz noticing the shadow, "is that thing breaks free it'll take over my body, i won't move it, it'll move me....i need to get away" she started to try and run, but her shadow stopped her, she got 5 feet away and then fell to the ground, unable to move. the vines on her back started to uncurl and cover her like a dome. the last thing she said before it closed was... "leave me here just go somewhere else, there's nothing left i can think of no---" she was cut off when it closed.


(unless any of you can think of anything >.< writers block suks)

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Kreen blinked lazily as a white bubble appeared around the White dragon hatchling called Crystal.

"So pretty..."

She snarled when Valesz ran a ways and fell, vines started to cover her.

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"Good enough, kouhai. Now that I've taught you everything for today, I need you to use them on an animal that I'll be bringing into this cave," Skyshriek said. "An animal? It's not going to be a bear or wolf, is it?" Django asked uneasily. There was no way that Django could beat an animal like that, because of the way he is now, despite having learned some fighting moves from Skyshriek. "Don't be stupid, you censorkip.gif! Why would I want pit you against something that's going to destroy you easily. Now wait here, I'll be back soon," Skyshriek said before she left the training room and exited Fangclan's camp. Then she went to search in the forest for a suitable prey for her kouhai. She saw a brown rabbit nibbling on some grass, but she knew that thing was going to be way too easy for Django, considering how weak and timid rabbits were, so she decide to ignore that one and continued her search. Then she saw a deer buck in a far off distance, but even though it had sharp antlers and could defend itself, she thought it would be easy kill as well. Finally she saw a raccoon trekking through the undergrowth, Skyshriek's golden yellow eyes met the raccoon's and she made them glow from yellow to green as she said, "I've got you, you little furball!" At an instant, the raccoon's movements started to freeze as its body started to turn into a solid stone-like statue. Then the stone dragoness picked up the petrified creature and took it with her back to the camp.

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