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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Zarazo quickly finished his fish before darting away to stare at the night sky and observe his nebula. He stared up at the sky contently, patterns changing slightly before abruptly stopping and frowning, squinting at the sky. What...? The stars were in an unnatural pattern... Almost as if it were the summer solstice. But they should be entering the winter solstice... It was peculiar. And bad. A bad omen at a time like this was just asking for trouble... He wished he could compair this information with the others, but only a Nebula dragon had eyesight sharp enough to even see the stars so clearly. He flew onto Kitsune's shoulder and whispered in her ear all that he had seen as she looked up and stared herself. Even as a human, she was bonded closely enough to Zarazo to notice the faint pattern. The others wouldn't be able to...

"Let's keep this to ourselves, Zarazo, ok?" she whispered as she walked back into the cave, Nyx shooting ahead of them. "It might be nothing..."


((lol thank you. xd.png I'm a heavy duty Narutard, and I honestly believe I have a good shot of being Itachi's #1 fangirl. It's an unhealthy obsession. xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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(...okay, I'm confused. Where exactly are Kitsune, Lani, and Dreamstones?)

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((Kitsune has just walked out of the Pond with Zarazo on her shoulder, and is now entering the cave. She's terrified of all other humans so far, and she's antisocial towards them, including Lani, who I believe is still in the Pond. As for Dreamstones, I have no idea. I had assumed she was at the coast closest to Lani.))

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(Ah. Thanks.)


Lani splashed around in the pond, trying to keep from drowning. She was forcing herself to move quickly towards the shore, though she was tired. She was almost to the side when she couldn't swim any more, and stopped. She started to sink slowly, though she was fairly close to the shore.

Dreamstones watched in horror. Since she found her abandoned inside an uncracked egg, Lani had raised her to a healthy adulthood. As she was staring, terrified, an idea struck her: I must save her. The Geode dragon knew it was a big risk for her--not only did she not know how to swim, but her breed wasn't exactly the lightest, either--but she had to. She walked into the pond, a determined look on her face--the same one Lani had had when trying to save Kitsune.

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When Time finished her dinner she laughed when she saw Kreen try to catch another fish Kreen let me show you how to catch them Time walked up next to Kreen The trick is to stay perfectly still let them swim around your feet Time stood still and waited for a nice big one to swim around her feet then she slowly lifted her claw and scooped it up gently Simple as that, no sudden movments or splashes and you have yourself a meal Time than let the fish go in the water Try to catch fish using this trick and you'll get them every time Time was cleaning up the plates (leaves) when she saw two untouched plates Wait where are Lani and Dreamstones? Time ran out side only to see ( OH! cool fact about Pure Pond it glows at night! tongue.gif ) Lani about to drown and dreamstones going after her! Dreamstones don't! Time dived down deep next to the drowning Lani and grabbed her by her shirt collar she made an effort to drag her up but it felt like something was dragging them down. Time looked down only to see a Dark-Water horse dragon trying to kill Lani! Time's marks became red and so did the lake Time shot out at the Dark-water horse dragon and was able to do some good amount of damage. The Dark-water horse dragon sank to the bottom and fled Time than dragged up Lani and dragged her into Crystal Cavern Dreamstones come on your dinner will get cold! Time leaned Lani against the wall and presented her dinner and placed Dreamstones dinner next to her.


(I hope this thread gets as popular as Hatchlings!! say "YAY" if you agree! biggrin.gif )

Edited by TimeFlame

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Valesz slowely waking up from the pain in her body and being near that pond, " wow now that was close. If you didn't notice yet that large tall shadowey thing that seems to be made of sadness if also me, i've tried to kill it in every way possible, the result is that all the damage i do to it ends up doing the same to me, and any damage to me seems to happen to it aswell. Vanlet that knife has water from pure pond in it, thus would kill me, anything else, well that shadow over there would take over and probably try to kill you. Now do you see why i don't want to be around ANYONE at all?" She crawled back agenst the corner and tried to stand up, and was very weak, "wow i realy shouldn't have come here this place even has rune escance in it, wow that stuff hurts. As you could guess, my body just isn't strong enought to be near it and because i am so weak, the man who tammed me that i killed, his spirit infected me and if he grows strong enough he will be able to take over my body perminatley and use it for who knows what kind of horible things. He's killed so many people and dragons alike, and all i could do is watch as he used me." a tear came down from her eye as she started to cry from all the sadness she was remembering. "you wouldn't understand, i was trapped all alone for hundreds of years then i was freed but he had found me and taken me from the dragons that found me, i was well, his slave for so long, and now, this" Valesz crawled over into a deeper part of the cave she dug out and curled up in it to rest.


**yes Valesz is an adult, and seriously google Dann of Thursday**

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Kitsune stared down at the girl in horror, breaking her focus and causing her to plunge into the water below. She let out a stifled cry as the water chilled her to the bone, Zarazo staring from above. His tail twitched in discomfort as Nyx dove down onto the branch he was perched on, making it sway.


Parasite stared blankly at the Sunrise, emotionless. "But that might take even longer. I could just charge in and create a distraction while you enter via the catacombs... But you might be lost down there, amongst all the bodies. We could... Hmm. Get some crystals. I have an idea... She's like a basilisk with those eyes of hers. What if we made her freeze HERSELF, via reflection?"

"Hey good idea, that'll work! If she's frozen still, then we can get away with the egg without her chasing our tails," Django said. Then he ran towards the catacombs and held his breath to prevent the stinking smell from going up his nostrils. Then he came across some crystals and grabbed one that was almost half his size and he took it with him. Then he headed for the other way to the training room.

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Kreen listened to Time and stayed as still as a rock, water still dripping from her body. When a nice one swam over near her she slowly scooped it up with her claws, amazed at what being still can do. Kreen laid down and started to eat her catch. It somewhat tasted better than last time she ate it.

Hey Myse, I caught a fish! And it tastes great!

That's great!

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Time smiled at Kreen and then Myse then she turned her attention to the large crystal hovering over the center of Pure Pond. Time walked to the center of the pond where it was shallow and looked up at the huge crystal Kitsune! Zarazo! I wish to show you something!


Vanlet finished her meal and followed Valesz down into the small room that she dug out Valesz are you all right was Time's food good? She made yours out of different ingredients not from Pure Pond. Listen, thanks again for saving me and don't be afraid because fear is like a poison that you can only cure yourself, if you don't than fear will controll your life and your spirit will be sucked away. Some how we need to redo the seal between you and your shadow so it won't control you. Maybe Time knows how to redo the seal! I'll go ask her! Vanlet ran out of the cave and ran for Time.


(YAY! my 100th post! biggrin.gif)

Edited by TimeFlame

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Valesz looked up at Vanlet trying to cheer her up, "yea it was good, but well my shadow is currently cealed, but if that ceal breaks i will die, it's just on the verge of breaking then my shadow will take over. That is why i'm so cautious about being near anything alive, and it's not fear that is driving me this way, it's anger and sadness, i'm not afraid of it i just hate it." she curled up and started to go to sleep.


**sry it's short i had no time to write today, i g2g**

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"Th-thank you," Lani said weakly to time before taking a bite out of her food. Dreamstones just stared blankly at the cave wall, unable to speak due to shock. After a while, she nodded and nibbled at the meal.


(lol that was soo short I'm sorry)

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Vanlet stopped and heard what Valesz had to say Well the tribe I came from, before I was forced to join the FangClan, there was this rule " If someone saves your life you are forever in dept to them " it was the law of my clan and I have learned to obey that rule when only a kind hearted dragon or person saves my life. So according to the rule I am yours to command, but really I don't mind Vanlet bowed her head in a former manner and then stepped outside for some freash air. She looked up at the night sky watching the blue fireflies I wonder what's out there..... maybe another planet with dragons on it?.... nah, maybe a world without dragons? where whom ever lives there has never laid his or her eyes on a dragon.......or what if there are just emty planets and stars? Vanlet was caught in this daydream, she found it hard to focus on reallity Is a daydream dragon near by? Is Haku and her tamer finally here? Vanlet looked around, but no sign of them.


(has d-graygirl left the thread?? she hasn't posted in a while unsure.gif)

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Valesz waking up from a nap remembering what Vanlet had said, "If it is the case that way then i need only one single thing, if the seal on my shadow is to ever break, kill me without hesitation, if you don't who knoes what i might do to you." She goes over to Vanlet and sits down next to her, "ya know, i've never realy had a friend, but i'd like to think of you as one, or at least as long as i can hold that seal in one piece. do ya think of me as one Vanlet?" she looks up at the sky too.

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I never really had friends ether, untill I met Time and the others, now I have so many friends. Vanlet smiled but still she was feeling that something was off Do you feel that? Vanlet looked around Something feels.......off


(srry if it is short tongue.gif )

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Zarazo's ears pricked as he detected Time calling him and Kitsune towards the lake. Kitsune glanced over her shoulder and groaned as she realized she would have to walk to the center of the lake. Zarazo glided over quickly towards Time, hopping down into the shallow water and tilting his head curiously. Kitsune ran across the surface of the water, only falling into the water once. She walked up to the shallow water soaked to the bone, shaking the water out of her hair as she sat down and glanced at Time, tilting her head with Zarazo.


((lookie! A friend of mine drew Kitsune for me. xd.png

user posted image

I thought this'd help with the visual. Usually I draw her as a dragon-girl demon, so just ignore the dragon bits. My friend is hugging her. xd.png))

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(Dang... that picture looks like me getting glomped by my crush or a manga character that I used to obsess over in my dreams xd.png)

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((lol it's just an art trade. I drew her character being hugged, she drew mine. We have the same art style. xd.png))

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(Really?! Because I always pictured Kitsune as that bunny rabbit girl in your signature!! ROTF xd.png)


First of all began Time Kitsune if you don't want to keep falling you must center your aura, just focus and stay calm, but that’s not why I called you both over here. You see this crystal? Time looked up again at the large crystal hovering over the center of the pond this crystal holds great power; many years ago this very crystal started a great war between light and darkness. There is yet another crystal like this its alter-ego. Only that crystal holds the power of darkness and that crystal is what Lutheore wants. Time closed her eyes and focused, an image in the crystal began to appear, it was Time's memories that where being shown.


the crystal showed an image of a man creating a robot vulture with ancient tools. He inserted a curse stone into it and the bird came to life, it took off into the sky only to show below it a destroyed land; burnt and ravaged. In the middle of this chaos were two armies one with white armored men and dragons and another with black armored men and dragons fighting to the death. The bird flew over this battle and into an untouched part of the forest showing Pure Pond with Temporal Dragons young and old. The image pulled away from the bird and went into the cavern, where it came upon two adult Temporal Dragons and a temporal egg. The egg shell cracked to reveal a baby girl with wings Unlike most dragons Temporal dragons are born with wings. Can you guess who that is? The picture faded as soon as she heard screams and shrieks of pain coming from the dragons in the vision. Time cringed at the memory and pulled away from the crystals bond some memories are best not shown

Edited by TimeFlame

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Zarazo pricked his ears in surprize as Time was shown hatching with wings, as he had. Kitsune blinked slowly as the water began rotating slightly around her, so slight that she didn't even notice. Zarazo's necklace pulsed slightly with the larger crystal as Kitsune sighed and shook her head. "We can't just get rid of the other crystal, though." she muttered, glancing at Zarazo as the crystal added to his patterns. "Light cannot exist without the dark."

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That is true Kitsune, but if the dark crystal is not in perfect balance with the light crystal than Lutheore will surly get the dark crystal and resurect "The Fallen" Time saw Zarazo's necklace begin to glow, then Time noticed that her own necklace started glowing! along with Zarazo's and the Light Crystal. She then saw the water begin to rotate around Kitsune What's going on?


(srry if the post is to short. Anyway I have a day off from school tomorrow! and do you like the paper dragon in my signature? type "seagull" if you like it! LOL)

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Kitsune got up, staring at the sky. A shooting star streaked by as she finally realized what was happening with the stars. "Zarazo! Take a look at the Scorpio constellation!" she cried, pointing at the sky. Zarazo stared above, still absorbing what Time had said, when he finally realized that Scorpio was missing a star by it's tail.

Haley's comet! He cried in surprize, staring as yet another shooting star streaked across the sky. This is the Rain of the Heavens! A star shower that comes for two to four days before Haley's Comet appears... Time, do you think the comet would affect the crystals?

Kitsune stared at him, slightly distressed.

"If that's true, we'll have loads more trouble... The comet affects the arctic, and is filled with a mysterious power. We would have to go to the north pole..."

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Valesz was suprised that Vanlet didn't realy have that many friends before this, she shrugged and stood over at a cliff above the pond were the escance wouldn't affect her, "HEY ALL YOU PEOPLE AND DRAGONS ALIKE! It looks like we haven't been formally introduced yet" she said with a toothy grin, she was hanging upside-down by her vines only a couple feet above them, "well i guess i haven't realy been formaly introduced to any of you, i'm Valesz, and who might all you be, i have met a couple of you but some of you i don't know at all and most all of you i don't know very much at all" she started feeling kinda weak because of the pond's water, "but first if you don't mind can we ya know kinda go someplace else for the time being the water of the pond is literally killing me"

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((Hey Uchiha, aren't you going to post Parasite's part? Django's following the plan now and he's going throught the catacombs.))

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((so sorry! I had forgotten! xd.png))

Parasite nodded sharply as Django appeared with the crystal. It looked difficult for him to carry, by it's size. "So... How do you suppose we do this? Run in screaming?" she whispered, hesitantly glancing into the cave to see Skyshriek guarding the egg.

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Parasite asked the sunrise about how they were going to get inside. "Yeah, you go in first and distract her, while I follow up behind you," Django said. The crystal he held was a little bit heavy, but it was enought for Django to manage.


((Sorry, I'm short on two sentences.))

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