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((Shut up I was distracted tongue.gif))


Jeff leaned aganst his hand, his elbow on the arm rest of the chair. H stared foreword, ready to leave when given promition to. Though he was ready to leave, he closed his eyes and began to imagine the different fights and combo's he may do. He then went on to imagine the different teammates, their strengths and weaknesses. Though he did not know them, nor their real strength and weaknesses, he judged by the race that they were.

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The anthropoid grinned and stood up from his chair.

"Great!" he said to them both, noticing that the wolf seemed to be dreaming.

"I'll see you two with the rest of the team in two days, okay?" he told them, subtly telling them they could leave.




On the edge of town, a dark figure, low to the ground, watched the main street carefully from the shadows. Its red eyes glowed faintly and its sharp claws dug into the soil. Its muzzle moved and long, white teeth glinted in the sunlight. It was huddled close to the wall of an abandoned building, not wanting to be seen. Yet.

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((Happy new years!!))


Jeff's eyes opened quickly and he smiled at the anthro. "Thank you." He stood, the chair falling the 16th of an inch back to the ground and rolled his shoulders. He put his hand out to shake hands with the anthro. "I appreciate what you have done, and I will like to prove myself, that you aren't signing up a child. This may help me turn myself around." Jeff smiled again briefly.


The Jackal moved quietly against the buildings. He kept his head low and his face covered. When he got to the post office, he stood on the other side of the of the street, staring quietly. In a swift motion, he almost glided across the street and to the door of the post office. With what looked like no movement because of the size of his cloak, he opened the door and stepped inside. He moved to the darkest side of the post office staring at the door. His eyes scanned the lodge and noticed a few characters, an angel, a necromancer, and a reaper. The Jackal smiled staring at the other reaper with dark eyes. He found it funny that there was a second reaper here.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Signum was disquieted at a mild shift in the auras around the post office that quickly grew in size before the door opened to admit a new occupant. The person entered was immediately registered in her memory as one of her fellow reapers; Jackal. "Jackal, I take it you've been sent to take the place of Archon and Setsuna?" she said in a calm tone. She had been interested if anyone would be sent to take the place of Archon and Setsuna after they'd been recalled and apparently Jackal had been sent, one of the few Reaper as old as she was.

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Jackal looked at the reaper who asked him if he was sent here too replace the other two reapers. He let out a quiet laugh. Each chuckle sounded like he was opening and closing the door to insanity. "I do not replace anyone." The Jackal laughed again, "I am here only to kill the ones who have done wrong." The Jackal was of course talking about the cave monsters, though he purposely remained vague. "Have you enjoyed your stay Signum? Being with these.. lower beings?" He spoke just loud enough so that Signum could hear, an annoying talent he has mastered so well.

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Signum was stuck between a grin and a frown at Jackal's reply and so settled at just keeping a straight face as she replied. "It's been interesting at least, Jackal, but try to stay up beat." she said in mock condemnation. She stepped toward him to greet him with a mild hand shake after her reply. It had been a while she she had last seen him at least and it wasn't worth it to be rude to him by not greeting him.

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The Jackal grinned madly. His face was tilted slightly to the side, and the sparks in his eyes danced madly about. "Do not worry about my Signum." Jackal let out an other laugh, "just make sure you do not fall behind." When she began to move towards him, he stood, and met her halfway, seeming to float in stead of walk. He hand came out of his cloak and firmly gripped Signum's hand. When he spoke next, his voice was serious and hard. "What is the current update on the problem?" Once again, he was referring to the cave monsters.

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Signum accepted Jackal's firm handshake and listened to his question before replying saying, "Two down, gods know how many more to go." She had a slight frown on and her voice was unhappy as she answered indicating just how she felt about the situation. "Still, it is good to have another reaper here, you'll likely be assigned to the same team as I am on, as I remember there was a fallen angel on the other team. You should probably check in with Frear in back now anyways." she continued after a moment, her tone a fair bit more up beat.

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The Jackal nodded. "I say torch the caves with divine and undivine magic." The Jackal smiled, his mad glint coming back as he released Signum's hand. "It should make a pretty show." He laughed some more before returning his hand inside his cloak. "It should be fun working with you.. I could show you how to do things the right way." He chuckled some more and looked past Signum to the door leading to the office.

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"Sounds good to me," Zhiess replied to the anthro, standing up to take his leave. He shook hands with Fraener after Jeff before turning to leave the room. He noticed Signum talking to someone whose name was apparently Jackal. He heard Signum mention this person taking the place of some others, sounding as if she knew him. Figuring he should be friendly and get to know others, Zhiess walked over to stand by Signum, smiling at the two.

"Hello, my name is Zhiess. And yours is Jackal, I presume?" Zhiess greeted him.

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The Jackal smiled at the newcomer, his eyes darting side to side, up and down observing the elemental. The elemental said that his name was Zhiess and Jackal just chuckled slightly. "So one of them has shown up and dares to speak to me?" The Jackal chuckled again, "how.. Amusing." The Jackal took a step back and slightly towards Signum. "Making close friends with on of them I see."


((writers block))

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Fraener politely ushered Jeff out behind the elemental, after shaking his hand and nodding at his words as he went. Her stuck his head out the door and peered around the room; he may have been old, but his hearing was still working. He'd heard another visitor; perhaps it was the new Slayer he'd received news of. There was a tall reaper standing by the other. He seemed to be haughty and a bit too proud. A lot like a rooster that he'd once met... But that was irrelevant, now. The dragon stepped through the doorway and toward the trio. It appeared that Zhiess had just introduced himself.

"Reaper, I would not look down upon all you meet," he said, staring into the cloak, at the approximate level of the Reaper's eyes. "Looks can be deceiving."

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((Well, now. After nearly a year of stagnation, here is my first post. For those who haven't seen me before, my character is towards the bottom of the OoC Character List.))



A soft breeze blew as the final moments of sunset ticked away, briefly bathing the city of Lindon in an orange glow, before fading to night. Nondescript persons of every age hurried to their homes for the night, save for a cloaked, male figure. Whomever his man was, he looked to be of some social importance due to his upper-class attire and rare weaponry, the most notable of which were his beaked mask and the matchlock Arquebus strapped to his back. As night fell, this oddity pressed his way through the thin crowd, almost unnoticed by those around him, save for those few whom he bumped into. Finally, he reached an alley not far from his destination.


Seizing a small gap between persons, the figure left the bustle of the crowd and wound his way through the darkened alleyways, nary making a sound save for the rustle of his cloak. Once out if sight, his pace quickened as he thought to himself.


Night has fallen, the figure thought. The proprietor would have likely locked the door. My point of entry: lower windows.


The figure moved through seemingly random alleys, yet as if he knew exactly where he was going. A few minutes later, it reached a large Post Office. The figure's pace slowed to that of a walk, his noise reducing with it. Slowly, he made its way past the fenced-off backyard and towards the window closest to him. Upon reaching said window, the figure drew his dagger from its scabbard and used it to pry the window open, a glint of moonlight flashing from the bade as he did so. Once a satisfactory gap was made, the figure sheathed his blade and opened the window manually.


Point of entry gained, the figure thought to itself once more. It is time for Christophe the Mask to make an appearance. Christophe removed his feathered, wide-brim hat and pulled his Arquebus off of his back, setting them into the room before he hopped though, landing with a soft thud. He paused for a moment as he gathered his kit, taking note of his surroundings while allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimly-lit room. The stubs of his ears twitched as they tried to adjust, barely being able to pick-up the faint sound of people talking in another room.


Entry complete, Christophe thought to himself. The building is occupied, so I had best mask my presence. With that, he slowly walked towards the lantern which lit the room and lifted his mask, revealing a bearded man with scarred and pale skin, dark-red eyes and long canines. He then blew-out the small candle held by the lantern, which bathed the room in a sea of shadows.


With a slight smirk, Christophe placed his mask back onto his face, then slowly walked to the darkest corner of the room. Finally, he turned to face the bed located on the opposite side of the room before bringing his cloak up to the brim of his hat. His black cloak and clothing allowed him to blend-in with the shadows, and aside from the open window, it appeared as though no one had been there.


((Forgive me if it seems a bit rushed. This is my first in-character post since August, 2010.))

Edited by Hawke444

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Mitosu entered the post office and caught the Jackal’s last remark and raised an eyebrow. Her voice carried over the room as she remarked “Do not forget Jackal. You have to try and be bearable for the little underlings. After all, we are the role models, the ‘good guy’s’.” she walked over to them and said, “It’s nice to see you both.” She said. Her face showed no sign of emotion as she regarded the group and her eyes fell on Zhiess and she remarked and said “Do not feel injured by his remarks, that is his nature, and you can trust me full on that one, can she not ‘Jackal’?” She raised her eyebrow as she turned her gaze to the Jackal and sent a message with her eyes, something which was not science. She wondered if he would understand. ‘How has your eternity been?’ was what she had asked. There was a understanding they both shared. She turned her eyes to the other in the room and sent a gaze at them all before walking up to the office and knocking before entering and taking a seat. She was getting herself signed up. “I am Mitosu, here to be signed up. Put me on whatever team.”


Meanwhile in the Tavern, the door opened with a bang and a man walked in. His wings came out in a bit of sparking light and he said “Come on ladies, come and get em!” in a few moments he was smothered by females of different types. He laughed and pushed his way through to the barkeeper and ordered a dozen drinks. He drunk them down then participated in a drinking contest with another person. It was safe to say he won. He was grinning and dancing on a table, drinking while shaking buts with a cat shifter. He had a beer in his hand and took a lug and kissed her, the beer coming out of his mouth. Then he noticed Sooty and sent her a wink. He pushed his way through the mass that was caressing him. He sat down and winked at her, “Come on baby, do you want to do this tonight?” And he took another drink. He glanced to the door and his face sobered for a moment, and he whined very cutely “aww, I have to go. And I can only take two people with me” He grabbed two women and dragged them into the post office, kissing them in between sips. He glanced at everyone, then almost fell. He was being held up by his wings. “Come on dolls, wait ri- ri-“ he paused and took another sip, “Right here okay?” the two females giggled and he bowed to everyone, giving Zhiess a wink which made the two girls behind him swoon. Her laughed and lowered them to the floor, Then he took another sip of his drink and barged into the room where Mitosu was and said, “MATE!! Come on! Put me on the a-the a” he took another swig. “The a roster! The a team thing mate! Sign me up for the a fighting of those ragabond monsters mate” He laughed and sat down drunkenly. Another swig of the drink and his wings retracted.

Edited by warewolves

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Eric looked at the girl that had come in, an obvious Reaper, then to the drunkard angel that had staggered in with two girls. He made a face, unimpressed. Fooling around wasn't the way he grooved. The Wolf-shifter morphed and slipped away, from behind Fraener and the other new people that were stealing his oxygen.

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"that is his nature, and you can trust me full on that one, can she not ‘Jackal’?”
Zhiess is male >.< Kira is female.))


One of them? Zhiess mused to himself when he heard Jackal say that. He wasn't offended, but was just disappointed in the other that he viewed himself so high above the rest. His ego did not need to be as large as his power was. Another entered the room before he said anything. This girl spoke to Jackal first and then greeted the other two, stating that this was just how Jackal was. She then slipped off to be signed up for a team by Fraener and Zhiess caught what her name was when she said it.


And then of course after that a drunken man came barging into the room, two girls with him and a beer in hand. Zhiess frowned at his actions, not liking how loud he was and soon the man walked into the office that Mitosu walked in to. With both of those two finally out of the room, Zhiess turned back to Jackal and Signum.


"Well, they're certainly lively," Zhiess commented, "and I suggest you take Fraener's advice about not looking down on others. We're suppose to work as a team."

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"Quite right, Zhiess, so jackal keep your opinions quiet till you have proof of them." Signum replied with a frown. It wasn't good to have fighting in their group, at least Archon had known to keep his mouth shut, but many Reapers weren't quite so good at avoiding causing trouble.

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The Jackal sighed, looking off briefly before turning back and chuckling. He had sighed about what Mitosu had said. She had saved him once at the price of his biggest secret and won't let him forget it. The Jackal turned his head slightly, as if he was a confused dog, at Zhiess, his eyes flickered to Signum and back to Zhiess. "Fine. Though don't expect me to be too friendly," Jackal smiled, "I am not a team person, I am sure my past," He paused glancing briefly at Signum wondering if she knew about his past partners and their untimely death, "partners can vouch for that." He chuckled again moving his head back straight.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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((*resists urges to go grammar nazi on FRoD's post* >.<))


"Well, better shape up then since you're on a team. I can't let someone be dragging us down just because he fails at working with others," Zhiess said as he smiled at the other, speaking in a friendly manner. He knew the statement would most likely annoy the other, but maybe after speaking as such Jackal might decide to prove him wrong and instead work with the team to some degree to at least the jobs done efficiently. He was glad that at least Signum was on his side since she was also one of the reapers. So far in his opinion she was a lovely woman.

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The Jackal chuckled. his voice returning to its original insanely gleeful state. "Do not worry about me. I have a few tricks up my sleeves." He chuckled again, and examined the two girls that had entered the post office with the fallen, quickly deciding that they, like the fallen angel, were scum. "Now what do you have to bring to the table? You look ordinary to me, though I can tell you are not the average cup of tea." The Jackal's dark eyes began to scan Zheiss again, as if they could see every dark secret he may have.

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Sooty and the giraffe - she had momentarily forgotten his name - were drinking and talking quietly when a winged man walked in. Her yellow eyes immediately flicked toward the source of the sound and noticed that he was rather attractive. Though, in the shifter's state of intoxication, just about anyone looked like a god. As the night progressed, she noticed him in a drinking contest, dancing with a feline and getting very drunk. Her long, black tail tapped against the side of the seat slowly and her interest piqued. The giraffe didn't seem to notice her distraction, but continued drinking and yammering on about how he defeated a cave demon by himself. Even drunk, Sooty knew he was lying.


Then the - probably fallen - angel sent a wink her way. She didn't believe it was for her, but then he stumbled over to where they were sitting.

“Come on baby, do you want to do this tonight?” the man said suggestively.

Sooty almost grinned and accepted, but then remembered the giraffe. He was glaring at the fallen angel, his hand tightening around the handle of his mug. The leopard roped a soothing arm around his waist and just grinned at the drunken man. His wings were pretty, but she had her own piece of tail for the night. Then he left, telling her that he could only take two people with him. The girls he took were drunk, too, and giggling with red faces. The feline turned back to the secretary and leaned closer to console him that she wouldn't be leaving him for the other man.




Fraener had walked over to the temporary secretary's desk and was talking to her quietly. She was updating the lists of people when the very drunk fallen angel stumbled through the door. The old dragon looked up, raising his eyebrows slightly in disdain. The man almost fell on his face, and he would have, if he didn't have wings to support him.

"MATE!!" The winged man yelled, "Come on! Put me on the a-the a” he took another long drink of the alcohol. “The a roster! The a team thing mate! Sign me up for the a fighting of those ragabond monsters mate."

With a laugh, he sat down rather unsteadily close to the two bimbos.

"Are you sure you're in your right mind to sign up?" Fraener asked levelly, staring down at the intoxicated angel.

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"I assure you I also have 'a few tricks up my sleeves,'" Zhiess replied, noticing the way Jackal inspected him from head to toe. It may have looked as if those eyes were seeing everything, but Zhiess knew better than to lose face. He simply smiled at the reaper as if nothing was amiss. He then tuned to Signum because he had some questions to ask her.

"By the way Signum, what can you tell me about the other members of our team? So far the only one I have really meant is you."

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(Don't forget Mitosu)


The Angel grinned and said, "Of course I do, I may be fallen. An' a" he paused. Frowning he tapped the bottle, "Drunk? It tha' the word?" He paused and hs face grew sober and serious. "Look, I'm trying to get back up. And If this is what needs to be done, then I will be hell bent on doing it. MY reasons are my reasons." He took another drink and his face returned to it's drunken state, "Now, may I a.....join this here lassy?" he said, motioning to Mitosu who raised an eyebrow. "May I join her in joining of a team, or not?" He smiled. His mind turned to Snooty, the lepoard shifter. H did not know his name but he felt something for her, much more then the girls he lavished around him. IT had been a long time since he had seen someone who stirred feelings in him. He coverd his deep thinking with lughs and glassy looks as he considerd her. He was going to go back there, dump the girls, then try to win her. It would be nice to have a challenge, hopefully she would be one. He took another drink and cheered the dragon, "Cheers mate" Who knows? She might be the one. The one he had been searching for since he had fallen. He sat down and took another drink and was lost again to the beer.

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((Oops. o.o


It's Sooty, not Snooty, by the way. x3 And Zach's the second guy to think she's the one. XD She must be really hot, then. ;D))


The dragon turned and nodded at the Reaper, smiling happily. Three Reapers, once more within his Post Office! Then again, so was a drunk fallen angel. With a sigh, he told the fallen that he could join Team Uno.

"Mitosu, would you like to join Team Uno as well? That's the only Team with open positions," he informed her politely.

Fraener noticed the fallen angel appeared to be very drunk at the moment and would probably regret his decision in the morning, but he held out the piece of paper with all the names and species written down. He would add the new pair after they'd agreed. The old dragon noted the group standing in the reception, speaking to one another.

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Mitosu nodded and said, "Yes, thank you" Once it was dne she stood up and left, she walked over and joined her fellow reapers without a word. She didn't say anything and crossed her hands, closed her eyes, and leaned against the wall.


(Dang it, what's his name.)


The Angel smiled and said, "Sign me up. Thanks mate." Once he was done he walked out, leading the two girls back over to the tavern where he introdued them to two males who had their eyes on them and left them alone. He took a seat next to Sooty and said "Hey you two." he glanced to his now empty beer bottle and placed it down and glanced to them. He smiled and said to the male "You are one lucky person, mate. What I would give o have what you hve with this......lady" he smirked again, "This lady here. What I would give to have one moment of what you two seem to have" he orderd another beer and took a sip, closing his eyes and drowning in the sounds of the tavern. Then he smiled and called over a girl and said, "Mate, This girl as had her eyes on you, and I can tell you she is a killer kisser. Nearly died when I did. What you say we make a trade?" He leaned into the male and lowerd his glases, showing a slight amount of his eyes, then pulled them back up and leaned back, "So what do you say mate?" He grinned at Sooty and said, "Come on, one night mate and I will give you the gift of any man you could want so long as we are on the same team. You on team uno? or dos? Or maybe the originator of tress?" he smirked and fassed his golden smile. The girls were looking at her enviously. He took another drink and paused, "If you wish I can jus let you two be, but trust me I am a very sore looser." He took another drink and for a moment his eyes held a longing for somethng, staring into the distance. Then his eyes were cheerull and he glanced to them and said, "So what ya gonna do mate? Go with this lovel lady, and leave me this other equally lovely, if not even lovelier, lady in my care. Or am i.....h how shall I put it... Aquire he the hard way" he smiled and it almost seemed he was asking for the challenge.

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