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((Five sentences, jaina. c:


She's also a very dangerous Reaper. XD))


Fraener had just finished admitting the new guy into Team Uno. He also noticed that Team Dos were back, so he went to greet them. He strolled into the room where they were, smiling happily.

"How'd it go, ladies and gentlemen?"




Sooty leant back on her chair, smiling mischievously at the giraffe anthro across the table. He'd finally agreed to go out for a meal with her and she was enjoying herself immensely. The jaguar was purring; for some, it would have been too soon to move onto another guy, but her affections were fleeting. Kuro was far from sight, far from mind.

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Xtero shifted slightly as a man approached, sitting in a chair nearby. "They are the spawn of demons; striking when least expected," the necromancer murmured, slowly pushing himself away from the chair and into the nearby corner. The man was occupied in talking to somebody else, which gave him enough time to almost fall asleep, but then that somebody asked the necromancer as question. Opening one eye, Xtero gave her a rather dark look before closing it again. "Another spawn of demons..." he replied, though he shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't know before the necromancer tried getting back to sleep again.

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Jeff shrugged and leaned against the wall. When the woman asked the weird guy what creature he had to kill, and the man answered 'a spawn of the devil' Jeff almost laughed. He kept it hidden and had to take slow breaths to not laugh. "What are the monsters like? I can't wait to fight one.. I will kill it alone and prove myself." Jeff was excited, and being an alpha male, felt the need to prove himself and take over.




Cole removed one wing, and did not lift his head. He had been trying to sleep but the amount of talking was making it impossible. With a annoyed grunt, he answered the questions aimed at his teammate. "We hunted a Crawler. It does exactly what the name suggests, it crawls, very fast. It was strong, its hide a pain in the butt. The good point is that it can't see behind itself very well. I suggest rear blunt force attacks on the spine near the neck. Other then that, it went well dragon. We worked as a team fairly well.

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"I sincerely apologise to have interrupted your sleep, angel," Fraener said softly. "Your pay will be on the table-" he paused to drop several sacks of coin onto the wooden surface, "-and you can sleep in one of the Post Office rooms. Please, help yourself to our food, as well."


The old dragon anthro turned to Jeff. "Come with me, would you?"

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Cole grunted in reply, not fully caring about respect. "I wasn't sleeping dragon. but I was trying to. Thank you for offering a room, I may have to accept the offer."




Jeff had listened quietly to the angel and what he said. When he began to describe the creature he called the Crawler, Jeff was ecstatic. He wasn't sure what it was, whether it was just the words or the mental image of the creature walking around and attacking, it did not matter. Jeff was about to respond when the dragon anthro that had greeted him earlier asked Jeff to follow. Nodding, Jeff followed obediently. Even with his personality, he believes he needs to earn his spot before he takes over.

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Trinty dashed into the back of the cave to grab her bag when she noticed the nest. There sat one egg, shining, glistening...so appealing. She watched and noticed that all the other members of her team were busy or gone. She looked back then scooped up the egg and put it in her sack. It was barely noticible and she smiled then looked at the dead crawler, "what a shame, you was such a beautiful beast, but I will look after your baby..." She said then started to walk back to the post office.


((I had to get mah eggeh part in xd.png))




Storm held Cody in her arms and shushed him from his wails into a gentle sleep. The post office provided warmth but she still had him wrapped up tightly. She had only recieved a couple of wounds during the fight, the worst being a large cut that went down her neck and was still untreated. She ignored the pain and focused on her son. Once she was certain he was unharmed and asleep, she rested her head back too and closed her eyes.

Edited by Angel of the Inferno

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Zhiess ran down the road, the sun beating down on him as hurried along. Beads of sweat poured down his face from his exertion of running for miles upon miles to reach his destination of the post office. He ignored the stares he received, dodging around a few people that were in his path, but never stopped running. When the post office was in sight, a smile broke out across his face and he ran even faster to get there. He ran straight up to the door, swiftly turning the handle to open it, and burst in.

"I'm here I hope I'm not-!"

His sentence was cut short as his face met with the ground after tripping on the door frame in his hurry. There was a loud thud of him hitting the floor, and he laid there, dazed. Of course, even still he was tripping over such menial things like door frames which were hardly an inch tall.

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Signum had been preparing to leave for a bath with when a new person had burst through the door only to stumble and fall onto his face. The instant she him fall she was moving forward, though she wasn't fast enough to catch him she was there to help him almost immediately. "You alright?" she asked softly, setting a hand on his shoulder. She wondered what the person was there for; if he was there to join one of the teams or if he had information on a new target for them. After a moment she offered him a hand to get back up.

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Eric returned, the tooth hanging from a thick string around his shoulder made from one of the Crawler's tendons. He stepped over the head of the newcomer rather rudely and entered the room. Everyone had taken their gold, and Eric took his cautiously with his functional hand. He sniffed it, taking a bite out of one piece to make sure he wasn't getting conned. "Nice, I like bling," he commented once he had registered that the gold was well and true. The wound on his leg throbbed but half of it had allievated when he knew that he was still of some use. A monster-slayer! He never thought that would come under his long list of jobs.

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The dragon took him into a separate room, with a large desk and several bookshelves. It was Fraener's office. He gestured for the new Slayer to take a seat in front of him, on one of the comfy-looking armchairs.

"I hope you know what you've signed up for?" the dragon smiled, then continued on from his rhetorical question. "You'll be in the Team Uno. They have recently had some spots open..."

He trailed off and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"There's only five people, six including you, and they are..."


Fraener dropped the paper on the desktop and pushed it gently toward Jeff. It read:


Sooty - leopard anthropoid

Signum - Reaper

Charin - faun

Kira - vampire

Zhiess - Elemental


((Edited for a species mix-up. >_>))

Edited by WonderBubbles

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"Yes, I'm alright, thank you," he began his reply as he pushed himself up, "this happens a lot." He chuckled the last bit, smiling up at the one who had helped him. When he saw the pretty lady who had asked if he was alright, Zhiess was swiftly sat where he was and offered his hand to her.

"Hi, I'm Zhiess! What's your name?"

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Signum took the offered hand and helped pull the young man to his feet, introducing herself as she did so. "My name is Signum, and I am a reaper." she said in reply. She motioned him to the table saying, "You might as well sit in a proper seat if you're gonna sit, so come in, Zhiess, now if you'll excuse me, I'm in need of a bath." she said continuing. With that she turned and headed down the hall towards the rooms they had where she retrieved clean clothes from her own room and headed off to the bath.

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The fill-in assistant for Fraener, a little faun, finally realised who the clumsy newcomer was. "Zhiess?" she asked timidly. "Fraener would probably want to see you in his office."




Meanwhile, Sooty was talking with the normal assistant. The giraffe had drank one pint too many, so he was talking loudly and laughing at the smallest things. The leopard wasn't exactly sober, either. Her cheeks were brightly coloured and she was giggling continuously. The giraffe joined in, booming a laugh that sounded like it was meant for an elephant anthropoid. They slipped off their chairs and fell onto the floor, still laughing.

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Charin had jolted out of her trance when she heard a thud. Going next door, she saw through a hole in the door the two drunkards making a fool of themselves. She snorted in disgust and contempt. She could stomach more liquor than her petite frame but only drank for special occasions. Her father, nicknamed 'Mr Sober' for his reputation of being perfectly lucid no matter how much he drank, had educated her from a young age never to abuse such things. Horror stories about drunken brawls from other clans further strengthened her belief that one drop too many was a bad thing. Heck, if a demon were to attack, they would be helpless.

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Jeff followed the dragon into his office and shut the door. He made his way to the desk and stood there until the anthro gestured to have him sit. Jeff obeyed and sat in the chair, almost sinking into the cushions. Jeff listened quietly and respectfully, as if it was two business professionals speaking, well business. When the dragon anthro asked his rhetorical question, Jeff just smiled. It was when the paper was passed to him when Jeff got excited. He picked up the paper and read it quickly and seemed almost confused. "A reaper and a vampire together.. Won't that be dangerous?"

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((hey if i should post, just bug me about it. I won't bite. Much. :3))


Zhiess thanked Signum and nodded when she mentioned the table, chuckling a bit to himself. He then watched as she left, a bit disappointed that such a beauty had to walk away now. However as he was left standing there a little faun came up shyly, inquiring if he was Zhiess and said that Fraener would want to speak with him. Zhiess nodded and headed into the anthro's office.

"Hello, Fraener! I am here to report for duty!" Zhiess announced.

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Jeff followed the dragon into his office and shut the door. He made his way to the desk and stood there until the anthro gestured to have him sit. Jeff obeyed and sat in the chair, almost sinking into the cushions. Jeff listened quietly and respectfully, as if it was two business professionals speaking, well business. When the dragon anthro asked his rhetorical question, Jeff just smiled. It was when the paper was passed to him when Jeff got excited. He picked up the paper and read it quickly and seemed almost confused. "A reaper and a vampire together.. Won't that be dangerous?"

((Repost bump))

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((Right. Yep.


Thank you. x3))


The old anthro chuckled dryly.

"Surprisingly, they cooperate well. Their last mission was successful and there were no reports of an argument or tension," he revealed cheerfully.

The door opened and another new Slayer walked in, announcing he was here to 'report for duty'. The dragon stood from his seat and went to shake the elemental's hand.

"Zhiess, is it? Have a seat," Fraener invited him with a wave of his other hand. "This is Jeff, another member of the Uno Team."

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Eric watched as the dragoniod invited two more so-called Slayers into his office. Everyone seemed occupied, and he loped away to a balcony. "If only Dad was here now, he knows everything," he mumbled to himself. Sitting on the ledge, he wagged his tail lazily and drifted off into thoughts of his family. Cruz and Ivy had not contacted him in a while, and Eric worried for them.

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Jeff listened to the dragon anthro silently and opened his mouth like he was about to comment while shaking his head. "O.. K? I guess I will have to see this for myself." Jeff muttered. He spun the chair in a circle to face the door as it opened. To do this he lifted the chair slightly with a thin cylinder of water and then made the water turn him. He stopped all the water droplets near the door in the air, off setting the balance of gas to humidity. When the new elemental declared that he was 'ready for duty', Jeff just sighed. Then the dragon introduced Jeff to the new elemental, Zhiess, and Jeff waved.

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Signum relaxed into the hot bath with a satisfied 'ahhh' as she enjoyed the sensations of the water and the heat on her muscles. As she relaxed, she began to mentally go over the attributes of the team and their performance on the past mission. Overall it had gone quite well, there had been few kinks showing that they worked well together, but some members had left and now slots were being refilled which left her worried. Kira was still around which was good, Signum knew she could count on her at least, the others were ok, but she was unsure of how well they'd do under pressure. The new additions though were a completely unknown quantity and that gave her cause for concern.


Eventually, she finished her bath, dried off, dressed in fresh clothes, and headed back into the front area where it seemed the anthro was still meeting the new members.

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((*flails* Bubbles, why didn't you tell me you had posted! I would have replied a lot sooner. ;_; ))


"Yes, my name's Zhiess," he replied, shaking the anthro's hand before taking a seat. He looked over to the other who was introduced as Jeff, another member for Team Uno. Zhiess smiled at him and offered his hand to shake.

"Hello Jeff!" he greeted, "I'm Zhiess, and I hope we can work well together on this team."

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When the Zheiss turned and began to talk to him, Jeff focused his eyes on Zheiss's eyes. Jeff was watching them, studdying them to see if he was worth being on a team or if would be a nusience. Jeff put his hand out and smiled. "Nice to meet you too. I also hope that we can work well together." Jeff turned back to the front and looked at the anthro with a bored eye.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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The anthro smiled as the pair shook hands. He had noticed the scrutinising look Jeff had given the elemental, but deemed it none of his business.

"Right!" he clapped his hands together lightly, punctuating the single word. "Now that that's all settled, Zhiess, look at this. It has the list of all your team-mates on it, not including Jeff here."

The old dragon passed the sheet of parchment over to the elemental, with a friendly smile. It was the same one he'd shown Jeff a moment ago.

"Anything else?" Fraener wondered, more to himself than anyone.

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((lol with a bored eye? What's his other eye doing?))


Zhiess shook hands with Jeff, noticing the scrutinizing look but just smiled at the other as if nothing was amiss. When Fraener addressed, Zhiess' focus went to him and then to the paper placed in front of him. He looked over the list of those who would be on his team and his lightened up when he saw Signum's name there. He would be able to be on a team with a pretty woman, which is something he could look forward to.

"Not that I know of," Zhiess replied to Fraener question, "I'll be looking forward to my first mission on this team."

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