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" Thanks, hoshiko said, now walking to his room and sat down on the bed " Hey I be out soon," Hoshiko told him, now closing the door behind her and when she was down she came out now showing her belly " Does anyone want some tea?" Hoshiko asked.



(( Pen it's your trun I'm going to bed just let me know what I miss :] ))

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"Ahhhhhhh! What's this, Itachi-kun?!" Kitsune asked eagerly, cupping the cupcake in her hands and shoving it towered Itachi with a goofy grin. "What's this do?!" Itachi smirked and licked the frosting on the cupcake, snatching it out of the demon's hands and quickly devouring it. Kitsune stared at him blankly before pouting on the verge of tears. Itachi stared at her emotionlessly.

"Y-You ate my cupcake...! Why, sempai...?! WHY WOULD YOU-" He clasped her mouth shut and sighed.

"...I'll buy you more later... Just stay quiet..."

Edited by UchihaAce

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(( I guess War& peace wants me to play hoshiko. Meh. ))

Hiro Watched as Itachi snatched the cupcake. He frowned.


Hoshiko Grabbed another cupcake out of her bag and handed it to Kitsune.


(( Ace, do you mind taking care of Hoshiko? I never ever have played a girl charachter before. biggrin.gif )) (( Or monkey/))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Kanza walked out of the house and looked up and down the street. "I wonder where Hoshiko went." He muttered as he started to walk down the street wishing there was such thing as twin telepathy right about now.

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((Kihaku was relying on Kanza to save her, but it seems like he just failed her. xd.png))


Kihaku sat up on the couch. The pain was gone, and so was the icky jasmine scent that that weirdo conjured. She had almost gagged back there. "Weirdo," she muttered under her breath, then headed for the door/exit/hole/place where you exit.

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((With Itachi, Hiro, Hoshiko (I think...), and Kitsune, last time I checked. Which is like...


*looks at Itachi* Where was this again?))

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Inate was only 5 years old. She and her parents lived in a small apartment. Her parents were cruel people. They never fed Inate, so she had to survive on crumbs and leaky pipe water. One night her parents got very high. Inate poked her head out of her bedroom door, and her parents threw this huge rock at her and struck her on the right cheek. Later that night, her parents abandoned her. The next mornig, Inate didn't know what to feel, ashamed or exited. That night, Inate set out, with only one pillow and two blankets, to find a place to live and maybe her destiny. Around 10:00ish that night, she was in the woods, about a mile out of Konoha, and a large wolf jumped right out of nowhere. It landed a few feet in front of Inate. She didn't know what to do. Right before the wolf was about to pounce again, a man with a green scarf and an orange mask appered and killed the wolf. Startled, Inate started backing up and tripped over a tree root. Then, she didn't know what happened. She woke up in a small cave, with her hero right beside her.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I think I'll be fine."

"So, what is your name?"


"I want to know who I saved the life of."

"I don't remember, it's somthing long."

"How about I call you.....Inate?"

"That sounds good to me!"

"Well..Inate.. my name is Tobi."

Tobi then started talking about how he didn't want his face seen outside of this cave, even though he wore it most of the time inside of it. Inate felt a sting in her ankle and clutched on to it, moaning with pain.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, when you tripped over that tree root, you spained your ankle."

That night, when they were both tired, Tobi took of his mask and showed Inate his face. And looked kinda like this.

Inate blushed a little. Then, Tobi took his mask all the way off and curled up on his sleeping bag on the other side of the cave.

"I know I'll be save if I just stick with Tobi." Inate thought to herself. Then she finally slept in safety.

Edited by Emoragirl17

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After she gave the girl another cupcake she just walked around the house " Hey do you know how to send letters to people?" Hoshiko asked, wondering if she left something to her twin or not. Hoshkio found Hiro and sat down next to him then took his hand.

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Kitsune eagerly took the cupcake and quickly devoured it, licking some frosting off her nose. A sudden shuffling sound alerted her to Kihaku's movement, and she pounced over to her like a Hunter/Jockey combination. ((too much L4D2 lol)) "Hey, lady! Just where do you think you're going? You haven't even gotten to eat... I can get you cookies from the nice lady!" Kitsune beamed, tugging on Kihaku's arm. Itachi turned both his arms into ravens and dispersed them around the room, frowning at Kihaku.

"It appears that the hostage wishes to escape... I'm afraid we can't allow that to happen. Not until we are prepared to leave this cabin; after all, you might go call the Hokage... Sit down unless you wish to be impaled with a thousand shuriken."

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Hoshiko laughed " Hey I need some to I'm feeding three here," Hoshiko told the girl then looked around for a bird " Oh, sweet there is one," Hoshiko now writing to her twin " Dude I'm hungry for fish, no chicken," Hoshiko said.

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Itachi stared at Hoshiko, bemused. "...Unless you're a cannibal, I'd rather you not eat the ravens... They're my arms..." The area around his shoulders where his arms had cut away were feathery and flowing, waiting for the ravens to return. "...I can turn each one into a shuriken. So I would have to suggest Kihaku sits down until we allow her to leave... Can you make dango?" Itachi suddenly asked, turning to face Hoshiko. His face was still apathetic, but he still adored the sweet, sticky treat. Hell, if the demon got cupcakes, he should get a mountain of dango... A single raven landed on Hoshiko's shoulder, Sharingan plain in it's eyes as it stared at her letter. "Give me an address and I can fly it over to whomever it is you're writing to..." As Itachi spoke, Kitsune had grabbed two ravens and pinned them to the ground, cackling as they cawed like mad. Itachi glared at her. "Let go."

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Hoshiko gave him the address " Here you go," Hoshiko told him, now getting up and went to the kitchen to fix something to eat " Does anyone want to eat other then sweets?" Hoshiko asked, now rubbing her stomach with a huge smile on her face.

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A raven snatched up the letter in it's talons as Kitsune opened the window, letting it fly out to it's destination. She quickly closed the window after it left and ran into the kitchen after Hoshiko, staring at everything in wide-eyed curiosity. Her slightly too large Akatsuki cloak quickly snagged on anything sticking out, much to her irritation. Regardless, she kept it on and continued running after her. "Sweets! Sweets!" She cried, flailing her arms. "Dango! Da-da-da-dangoooooo!" Itachi groaned; the way she was singing reminded him of the hotspring incident. Never again will he drink. It was awful... That horrid hangover. He closed his right eye to be able to see in the raven's point of view, guiding it towards Hoshiko's brother.

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" No, sweetie you need to eat something other then sweets," Hoshiko told her, now putting something on the stove " Hey sweet heart do you want anything to eat or are you still full?" Hoshiko asked Hiro.

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Hoshiko got some food in her blow and sat down " If you change your mind there is all ways food left," Hoshiko told him, now taking a bite of her food " I wish I knew how many weeks I'm really am," Hoshiko said, with a sigh.

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Kanza was heading back to his house when he saw a raven drop off a message at his front door, he recognized the raven as one of Itachi's birds and quickly drew out a kunai from the pouch around his neck. He gave a flick of the wrist and the kunai struck the bird in the back of the head as he drew nearer and took the note. Kanza looked it over and then gave a sigh. "Sis, what have you gotten yourself into now." He said before going inside and grabbing some puppet scrolls that he thought he would need for this "rescue" mission. He then set out to where the note had told his to go, as he left the house he stared at the raven with a kunai in it's head and just left it there.

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Hoshiko was still eating her food still " So creepy dude do you know any doctors?" Hoshiko asked, now getting up and fixed anyother bowl of food " Because I haven't had a check up for awhile now," Hoshiko told him, then looked at hiro then at the girl.

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The next morning was a thrill. Inate got her very first weapons. Kunai, 5 of them.

"Now you can have defense besides your cuteness." Tobi explained.

"How do I use them?" Inate asked worrily.

"I have decided to teach you how to be a good fighter, incase we get seperated. With these kunai, you can also hunt small things like rabbits or squirrells. In a battle, not only can you block, but you can also stab your opponent. There is another weapon called a shuriken. They can be tossed at your opponent from a distance. A kunai can be thrown, too, but they don't cut threw the air as well as shuriken."


"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that I've never handled an actual weapon before. Wouldn't someone get hurt?" Tears began to swell up in Inate's eyes.

"You need to hurt the person trying to attack you so you can get away."

Inate stared down at her feet.

"Why can't we just have peace in this cruel world? It belongs to all of us, so why can't we share it in a peaceful way?!" Inate was yelling now. She dropped the weapons she was holding and ran back to the cave.

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Itachi winced as the ravens gathered back together to form his arms, a gash in his arm quickly healing as he held it. "...Your friend stabbed me..." he muttered as the dead raven melted into feathers. Creepy dude...? That wasn't very nice... "...I don't know any doctors, but I can see chakra with my Sharingan... There's obviously something wrong with you. Why not go to Konoha and it's medical corps? Unless you're an S-Rank criminal, that would be the wisest thing to do..." He stared at Kitsune as she frowned and protested, obviously wanting more sweets. "...How am I creepy? Red eyes and ravens aren't creepy. You've obviously never met Hidan..." he muttered, fixing his ponytail again. Heck, he looked like an anorexic seventeen year old Uchiha. That wasn't creepy, was it?

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" Then you tell me what's going on why don't you?" Hoshiko told him, now rolling her eyes then fixed Inch's hair " No, I just said that because I could," Hoshiko told him, then went back sitting down " Maybe he thought you did something to me," Hoshiko told him, now fixing her own hair.



((She is a little bit showing and the baby kind kick ))

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((I'm not sure if you can just pop in like that without the others' permission... Not trying to be mean here, I'm just not sure if you can do that. Usually in a RP, you start off alone and bump into others...))

Itachi scowled at Hoshiko as she touched his hair, loathing the contact. No one touched his hair but him. And Sasuke, when they were younger. But that time had come and gone. He ran his fingers through his midnight black bangs and frowned, staring as she fixed her own hair. "I'm not accustomed to this sort of thing... I wouldn't know what's wrong with you. Your stomach looks somewhat... Uh... Round? I believe it's beginning to show on you..."

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((i deleted the post awhile ago))

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