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Rose of the Dragon

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Njoine was about to reply to John when she heard Isabelle. She examined the room to see if there was danger, walking to defend Lydon if need be. When she was sure there wasn't any actual danger she stepped to John's side to look Isabelle over. With a delicate sniff of her nose, Njoine scented for blood in case any injuries had reopened. She was glad for the distraction but worried for Isabelle. She reamined quiet and watched the two. She was prepared to help but also to back away if it was emotional support the young woman needed.

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((I've been approved, its ok))


Jess's deep blue scales shined brightly in the morning sunlight. its rays bounced off them making her look like she was the most graceful creature upon this Earth, well...thats what she could tell from the animals around her. she sighed and yawned. it had been a hard nights flying but she was fully rested. 'another night on my own' she snorted, pulling herself upright. her sharp talons didn't even leave marks on the ground it was so hard.

She stared up into the open sky. there were enough clouds today to fly. even duh she had only relised she could shape-shift not long ago, she had already found out she was a cousin to this crystal person. so far, that was all the info she had. leaping high into the air, she flapped hard to reach the fluffy white clouds above

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((Did the link work though? Did it take you to another site? Can you see the picture?))

((Mention some one and they shall appear...>.>))


Alex looked at the ground. Ok just do it, swallow your pride. It was hard to think, but it was even harder to say it, so it was life threatening to do. "I might have." she forced out. She knew she could do better, and she had to. She looked up at him, and wished she hadn't, her eyes met his and hers showed her pride she couldn't kill."Yes, I did." she said. She couldn't believe what she felt at the moment, Vuelasor could. The dragon felt Alexdria's overwhelming emotion and she tried VERY hard not to show it.



Raktagh shifted and had a look of pain on his face when Isabelle moved. His dream changed again and he quickly forgot the last one. He was in the middle of a field sitting on a rock, all around him were people and creatures fighting. He watched one battle and then another, he had already tried yelling for them to stop, but one person would look at him and he would see the face of someone he knew, his father, his brother, Gilderox. But then while they were busy listening to him someone would kill them. He tried to avenge the young pup but once he stepped off the rock he would find himself on the other side. So now he just sat there watching till that fight was over then watching the winner till he lost, and repeating.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Artorious had climbed to the roof with his companion. Isabelle had come through so he figured it wouldn't be long before he would be by himself up here. He lay down and watched the clouds roll by.



Crystal stayed on the bed and out of the way as everyone rushed around to help one another. Kiro was standing back and watching everyone. He then noticed Crystal and the fear in her eyes. He walked over to her and sat down.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I just hope everyone else will be." she was quiet for a moment. "How is Morana and the cub?"

"Just fine. In fact Morana was worried about you."

"Well, tell her that I'm ok." She said with a smile.

Kiro sent that image to Morana so that she could rest easily. He then let Crystal lay her head in his lap to watch the group before them.

Kiro then silently wished that Morana had come to the hotel with them. He only had the faint scent of her on his clothes, and that only seemed to make it worse.

"You like her don't you." Crystal said. This surprised Kiro but he answered quietly.

"Yes, but I will not ask for her hand until this war is over."

"Do not wait too long. You may never get the chance." She said before drifting to sleep. The sage advise of a child. Kiro thought to himself.


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the sun's rays were strong above the clouds but her eyes were used to them. she let her talons scrape off the fluffy clouds below her. after some time, she wondered where she was flying, dipping down through the clouds, she popped out over some low mountains, a small town was nearby. Jess dived down like a bullet shifting into her huamn form just before she hit the ground.

she hoped no one saw her

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((Long post again and yes it is all Morana oddly. She be in a 'thinking' and 'depressed' mood I guess from the thoughts I forced her to have? That and I was not sure what to post, so why not just more stuff about her past/temperament and some interaction? tongue.gif))


Morana woke often in her light sleep from the sounds in the forest behind her, but she would not stand as she did not want to wake Silvia. Ears laid flat as she once more placed her head on the ground, but she would not close her eyes as she had given up trying to get more sleep. It would seem that this place had many nocturnal creatures within these woods and with her being on high alert, would be for a long while she was sure, the softest of sounds woke her to see if it was an enemy. She had gotten the metal image from Kiro and this had calmed her like the cub had, but still her thoughts would run to who should she trust and why she should. Of course to her there was only four people she would be willing to trust, them namely being Kiro, Silvia, Crystal and her dragon. Yet she also knew she could not keep her guard up all the time or she would risk becoming exhausted from the lack of restful sleep and even emotionally tired.


'Now I feel bad...to much time to think again. I want to trust you Kiro with these people, but I can not see myself letting my guard down with them even with you around. Those forsaken rebels just had to start a war did they? Not that I can change the past, but so many things would be different with myself and others around me.', Morana thought to herself and a small shiver shook her frame at the thought of the war. At lest it was not as bad right now as it was when it first started, but she knew that soon it just might get that way once more because they had found Crystal. Her family had of course been proud when she took her place as a guardian, but her mother had also been sadden as she was their only offspring and with her it would be the end of her family line. She had yet to tell Kiro that her parents passed away a few years after he left to find the decedent and really she was not sure if she wished to tell him while they were on this crazy journey.


A huff would emit as she then turned to her thoughts to Kiro himself, but really she did not like to stay on that subject for long. Morana never did understand just why she did not want to think about Kiro for long amounts of time as she knew he would not mean to every hurt her or the people around her that she did trust. He always understood her, even when she was confused most of the time about her emotions especially. Morana had long gotten used to keeping all her emotions locked up and she really would try to become emotionless around all people to mostly protect herself, but also to protect others in a way. From this she did not really understand the things she did feel when she thought about them and so she had no clue of her feelings of Kiro or even the others in the group. All that she would let herself feel is anger and at times sadness or grief.


Wanting to get her thoughts away from these depressing things she would rise her head from the ground with a small shake as if to throw the thoughts away. Emitting a soft huff she would look to her surroundings once more, but nothing was strike out to her nor did she smell or hear anything. "Kiro, you need to get some rest and I will take up watch from here. If you wish then I will wake you when some time has passed and you can keep watch while I rest.", Morana would tell Kiro mentally in a way to even more distract herself and she would hope he would not catch onto her lingering sadness and frustration in her tone. That or he would not catch her in the lie about waking him up for his turn in watching as she would just keep watch the whole day. He maybe angry at her for this, but she was not sure if she could even sleep anyways.

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Isabelle let the tears fall but she didn't sob or even make a sound. The tears fell silently and she knew that people were watching her which just made it all the worse. "John, don't let me die." she begged him and hugged her friend who hugged her back trying not to think of all the visions that he had had. She leaned back and the tears still came, she couldn't help it. She just sat on the bed looking at the swirls in the carpet wondering what all the dreams meant to her and to Raktagh.


John stepped back from Isabelle and looked pale. He moved past Njoine and to the bathroom then locked the door. He made sure to be as quiet as possible as he hurled. Why is this happening? It must be all the stress of the day just coming out this way. John was soon done and washed out his mouth, used some mouthwash and rinsed his face a bit to try and cool down.


Ekwueme looked at Artorious and admired the fine young dragon for a moment before looking back at the clouds that he had watched for many, many years. He tried not to think of anything but the clouds, but his mind wandered to Crystal and how she was the descendant.


Aro's mouth dropped open and his eyes grew wide. "Wow...you really did say you were sorry." he said slightly tauntingly as placed a hand on his chin in a thinking motion. He smiled at her with an evil and daring grin that just said "what are you going to do now?"

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((You might want to reread my other post, the one where she snaps at him in the first place.))


Alexdria glared at him but she couldn't get rid of the feeling she had towards him, and that sucked. "Will you just tie up the Griffin?" she said trying to sound angry and not succeeding. She turned to Vuelasor and pretended shining her scales was important at that moment, she used a bunch of sticks and some leaves to do it. "Stupid males, won't even do what you want and his stupid taunting. I would just- UGH!" she mumbled incoherently through gritted teeth. Vuelasor hummed her pleasure and lay down so that she could be more comfortable. "Maybe you should tell him how you feel." she suggested. "TELL him?! Are you nuts?! I would rather eat you before I tell him!" Vuelasor looked at her with her silver slitted pupil when she thought about being eaten. Alex met her gaze then continued shining. " You know I wouldn't. And that's exactly the point." She said stubbornly.


Gilderox looked up at Isabelle and sat next to her on the bed. He whined and looked her in the eyes. He didn't want her to be sad, it wasn't fair that she should be. He didn't know what to do so he put his head in her lap and closed his eyes.


Raktagh woke up and saw Isabelle crying. He moved over to her and let her cry on his shoulder while he held her in his arms. He didn't know what was wrong, and he didn't need to, he just didn't want her to be sad.

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Aro rolled his eyes. "Alex that is a freaking Griffin. Sticks won't hold the stupid thing they are way to strong." he said as he pulled on his lower clothes and then took off the towel. He left his shirt off because it hadn't finished drying yet. With a sweep of his hand he picked up a rather large rock and started to melt it. As he walked over to the Griffin, he started to shape the molten rock into a thick band that would hold the Griffin's head down. He but the bond on and cooled it quickly so as not to hurt the creature. He looked around for another rock and then melted it down to put over the Griffin's wings so that it wouldn't hurt itself. "There master, your bird is caught for you." he said with a snide glance.


Isabelle leaned into Raktagh as she buried her face into Gilderox's scaly fur. Gilderox, I have no idea why I am crying...things just seem to be so out of order.

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She looked at him and shrugged. "Not my problem." she said uncaring. She still didn't know how to tell him and she didn't know if she wanted to. When she was done shining Veulasor's scales, she went over and started drawing again. She looked up at Aro's snide remark, she couldn't help it but she started laughing. "Thank you my little minion." She tried to say seriously.



Gilderox heard her and tried to reply in human, it was difficult but he managed it with pictures. I think you will be alright. My mother told me a story about a she wolf who was sad when she saw her loved hurt, maybe this is why you are sad? If dreams are what scare you then remember not all come true. He thought to her with sympathy.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Njoine listened to Isabelle, before moving awayafter John went to the restroom. With a sigh she turned to Kiro, He was the one she'd have to tell most likely. Many of the old clan would know her mother and father and they'd need to know the traitor that her father was. Njoine swore under her breathe. If they came across the old man, Njoine'd have to let the codger live unless he went directly after Crystal. She turned back to where she could see both Crystal and Isabelle with their respective companions. Deciding Kiro had Crystal completely taken care of, Njoine turned to see if she could help Isabelle. "Are you alright, Lady Isabelle? Is there anything I can get you until John returns?"

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Isabelle looked up at Njoine and smiled while wiping the tears away from her eyes. "I can't think of anything to be honest...thank you for helping take care of me though." she said and smiled up at the vampire with a kindness that wasn't uncommon to her, but unseen by most. "But there is one thing you can do, only people who are underneath me call me Lady...I don't want you to call me Lady because I consider you friend." she said as she patted Gilderox's head softly. I think your right dear Gilderox...dreams don't really come true all the time.


Aro looked at Alex then rolled his eyes. "yes mastah." he said and acted like he had a humpback and then laughed at what he did. He walked over to her and looked over her shoulder and smiled at the picture but hid it before she could see. "Nice drawin of Vuelasor." he said then walked over to the purple eyed dragon and reached his mind out to the beast.


((saw the pic and Vuelasor is awesome!))

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"Only if you'll call me Njoine," Njoine smiled back at Isabelle. Njoine glanced at Lydon and Brontes. "Those two are my companions, Lydon and Brontes. Ignore Lydon, he's not heathly for your brain. Trust me 17 years living with him and I know."

Njoine laughed at Lydon as he scowled at her. She hoped she brought a laugh to Isabelle. Being sad and scared was never a fun place to be and Njoine would die before she let any friend of hers be tortured with those feelings.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Gilderox let out a hum when she answered him and he drifted into a dream without being asleep. Raktagh looked Isabelle in the eyes and realized what she had done to save him. "Thank you Isabelle." he thought to her with his heart. "I love you. You really did save my life didn't you?" he said it more as a statement than an actual question. He kissed the top of her head and held her hand never wanting to let go.



She laughed with him when he was a humpback, and smiled when he complemented her drawing. "Thanks. I think I will draw another one with her eating someone." She said nonchalantly. She looked over at the Griffin, they were usually in the mountains this time of year and that was exactly why she kept it captive. Vuelasor felt Aro's mind and allowed him to communicate with her. "Yes fire-wolf Aro?" she asked politely.

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Isabelle smiled at Raktagh and held onto his hand as if her life depended on it. I would never let you die. When she heard Njoine's comment she couldn't help but laugh but she ended up coughing a little bit from the intenseness of her flight. She still was laughing even though she was coughing. When she stopped she smiled up at Njoine and held out the hand that wasn't holding onto Raktagh's. "It's a deal."


Aro rolled his eyes at Alex's comment and sat down beside Vuelasor. "What is up with her?" he asked the dragon telepathically. "She seems off and not as...well...Alexish." he said upsettedly. He liked it when they fought like they did in the beginning because it was fun to him.

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Jess scented the air surrounding her. stale smells of different creatures roamed about but none were the ones she hoped for. She hissed and lashed out at a young plant which snapped under her powerful paws. 'its been three months since I last scented any forms of shape-shifters! where could they be?'. She sat down and thought. The last ones she had came across had fled as if the very devil was after them himself. Their eyes had been fulled with pure fear at the sight of her dragon form at the time. By the time she had landed and shifted, they were long gone.

Her ears flatten back at the very memory. she sighed and started upright. The village nearby may have tales of strange creatures such as herself. She'd try her luck there. she padded through the undergrowth in its direaction

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Njoine watched Isabelle in concern when the young woman started coughing, but relaxed when she held out her hand to Njoine. Njoine accepted the hand happily. She looked down to Raktagh and added another tally to the wolves in their group. She chuckled to herself, I'm a cat amoungst wolves and I like the wolves. Talk about irony.

"How are your two's injuries?"

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Isabelle felt her neck and her shoulder to see if it still ached. "being a Horse dragon shifter, kinda allows me to heal faster and I can feel mine healing. He," she jerked her thumb back at Raktagh with a slight tone of joking disdain in her voice, "however, should be fine since I healed him." she said and smiled showing Njoine that her disdain was shoved at Raktagh not towards her.

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Njoine laughed in delight. "Ah, the advantage of being supernatural. I heal faster then most, too. Lydon's human and Brontes is wolf. Although we're not sure if he's were or shifter. And me, I'm half shifter half vampire. So, is your friend a shifter or a werewolf?"

Njoine spoke simply out of curiousity and to give Isabelle and herself a distraction. The worry for Crystal, Lydon and Brontes was eating at Njoine's mind. She cared for all three even if she had only recently met two of them. Isabelle and John were in danger of being adopted by her mother hen nature. She already didn't want them to be hurt but at the same time the size of the group made Njoine's fur raise. After so long remaining seperatw from her mentor's clan, Njoine had become used to having only one partner. Forcing a grin to her lips and the thoughts from her mind, Njoine looked to Isabelle to await her response.

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Raktagh looked at Nijone. It was amusing that they continued to talk as if he weren't there. "Her friend is a werewolf." he said and smiled to show that he was being funny. Raktagh hadn't been around anyone but Isabelle for a while, so he was unsure what to say or do. Gilderox linked to him, it was still difficult to talk but he was starting to get used to the idea. "Just relax, no one will be angry with you if you screw up." he thought to him. Raktagh had only known the young wolf hybrid for a little while and this was the first time he comunicated with him, so why did it sound like he knew him? Raktagh shook his head to get rid of the thought and focused on being social, this wasn't going to be pretty.


Vuelasor didn't know if she should lie or tell the truth. She would never betray her riders feelings to others, but she didn't like lieing either, it made her feel icky. "She has lost some of her aggression hasn't she?" she sighed and looked at Aro. "I will tell you, but not here. get on my back."

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Njoine's eyes widened and a embrassing squeak escaped her. She looked at Raktagh "Um. 'Lo, I'm Njoine? Sorry, I thought you were still asleep."

Njoine mentally smacked her forehead. Really, what was it about new people that made her act like a child again. from beside Brontes Lydon burst out into laughter and leaned against the wall, clutching his sides. Sometimes, Njoine jsut didn't act her age and tonight her personality was all over the place. He knew it was because she felt crowded.

NJoine growled at Lydon and rolled her eyes. Njoine felt her tiredness at the back of her mind and pushed the fatigue away. She'd sleep later, when she wasn't preoccupied. Besides, I can sleep plenty when I'm dead.

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Raktagh smiled and chuckled. "Raktagh. It's ok I do that sometimes." he said and chuckled again, Lydon's laughing was contagious, and he was trying to fight it. He thought back to Gilderox and something about him was familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He looked back at Nijone and tried to think of something to start a conversation with. He looked at Lydon and thought that he had to have known Nijone for him to laugh that much and her not do anything. "He come with you?" he asked as he jerked a thumb in the direction of the laughing hyena. He surveyed the room and took note of everyone that he'd probably have to talk to, and he wasn't happy with number.


Alexdria stared at the cave ceiling and wondered what was going on with her. She was changing and she didn't know why or how. She blamed whatever was changing on her still uncontrollable powers. She had already burned the sleeves off her red shirt and her lower left pant leg was gone too. Her shoulders hurt and she had gotten sick twice.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Isabelle laughed when Njoine squeaked and then laughed even harder at what Raktagh had said. She smiled and leaned back to kiss Raktagh on his cheek then stood up the best she could and held her hand out for Njoine. "Cummon, you wanna go sit on the roof? I can see that your tense with so many people around...and to tell you the truth, it's best if you spend time away from them every now and then." she smiled a comforting and wizened smile for someone of her age.




Aro looked back at Alex and pulled vaulted with an effortless bound onto Vuelasor's back and seemed to find the perfect spot almost immediantly. he had ridden Isabelle when she was in her dragon form many a time when they were bond mates. He looked at the sun and smiled defiantly as his yellow eyes adjusted themselves to take in the light. He seemed to trust Vuelasor but he didn't know why...there was just something...



((Ya know what really sucks? Today was my mother's B-day and her surgery site started to act up yesterday and she had to go to the ER....the one place she hates. Happy freaking Birthday.... sad.gif ))

((And here i am listening to Keith Urban's If Ever I Could love and thinking about a particular friend of mine....ugh))

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Vuelasor leaped into the air and flew as fast as she could just to test herself. When she reached there destinaition, an underground lake, she landed and sat next to the water letting her claws hang in the cool water. "Alex is changing and she doesn't even know what." she gazed into the water as if it would tell her how to say it. "She has....feelings for....you" she said between sighs, it was difficult to do this. "You have to understand how hard this is for me to tell you. To tell you something that's not mine to tell. But she will eat me before she tells you."she said remembering the conversation from eirlier. She laughed and shook her head.


Raktagh watched them go and looked at the wolf-dragon on the floor in front of him. He looked at the wolf and then looked out the window, something caught his eye and he looked back at the hybrid. There on his pure white shoulder, right there was a blue design like a tattoo. Then he thought about Gilderox's traits and matched them to someone he knew. They fit.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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((I hope she's okay. ))


"Yes, he's with me. Though sometimes I wonder if i raised him to be sane." After sending Lydon an inquiring look that was ignored, Njoine nodded in answer to Raktagh. She turned to Isabelle with a wide smile. "I would love to go to the roof. If for no other reason to escape the child o'mine."

Njoine pulled her wig off and threw it onto her bag. She could go as herself and not the human she pretended to be on occasion. After all, Njoine hadn't heard of many humans actually went to rooftops. She gave a gesture to the window and to the door. "Want to take the stairs or scale the wall out side the window?"

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