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Warriors: Return To The Forest OOC

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Uh... I put a mini recap on pg. 5, but since I disappeared, it's not very accurate right now... ^^'

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Sorry! I went on a ski/ 'board trip and forgot to mention it before I left- and my mom didn't bring her laptop, so I was totally cut off from the outside world. tongue.gif

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I totally did- 'cept I brained my knees with the metal chain when I went ziplining. ^^' Now I have to go... boo...

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Hey. I read you guys's chat up until page seven and then saw there was 38 pages,probably crammed with stuff completely irrelevant,and decided I should just ask how to join in the RPing madness. I got the form and everything down,just have to find where I put it,but is this where I post it and join?

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yes this is where you post your form for the rp happy.gif; we'd love to have you join us in our silliness and in the rp, too, of course smile.gif

Edited by Dragonpelt

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I'm not acting insane. Entirely anyway. *goes back to screaming into DSi*

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I'm playing Spectrobes.

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it's in the rules on the first page of the rp; here:


The password is Starclan
Edited by Dragonpelt

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Name: Mosspaw

User: Ryuk

Bio: Mosspaw can't remember anything before stumbling into the Riverclan camp. He is reasonably quick and has a great love for water vole,which may have drawn him to Riverclan.

Clan: Riverclan

Position: Medicine Cat apprentice(in time and with approval)

Gender: Male

Password: Starclan

Appearance: Mosspaw is small for being almost eight moons old.


user posted image

Edited by Ryuk

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looks good so accepted; I'll add you to the character list happy.gif

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Appearance: http://pwettykitties.deviantart.com/art/The-Tabby-19988090

Bio:A kit that was abandoned by the crowfood place,Pinepaw is a devoted medicine cat.He isn't attarcted by she cats in the Clan,and only cares about the other cats.He is a little arrogant though,snapping back at his Clanmates and even his leader from time to time.


Position:Med cat apprentice




Oh,Brackenmane is out,DP,and Keith is WC.^^

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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okay and Pinepaw's accepted happy.gif; I'll get rid of Spottedpaw as well...is Keith going to get a warrior name or no?

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Does it matter what the other people on the page are talking about? I mean they're all talking about Cloudtail eating a battery but I want to talk about Mosspaw looking for herbs. Is that okay?

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he didn't eat a battery, just licked off the gloopy stuff that was on his paws and yes that's fine; just come in wherever you want happy.gif

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