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The Agnimitra

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Midnight turned when Sayuk called out to her, saying he had a question. She had been talking with Inazuma about his trip and the things he had discovered, but they both went silent when Sayuk came over.


"Oh, Sayuk, what's your question?" she replied, trying to not make it seem like they were hiding their conversation from him. It's not that she thought he was spying or anything, it's just that generally this kind of topic was only for those who had been with the rebels for a long time. The resistance feared that ones who had just joined might betray them and join Dark. For that reason, they didn't let them know too much about things.


Sayuk knew he had interupted their conversation by simply arriving there. He wondered what they had been talking about, but quickly made up a question for them.


"I had been wondering... what is going to happen here now. I heard that there was another murder before the cook. Someone who got tossed into a dresser or something. Is this normal for the temple?"


While he expected then to answer such a simple question, he didn't not thought about the commotion that would be happening in the temple because of his actions outside. In the hall there was a lot of noise now. The news was spreading fast. Curious Sayuk moved closer to the hall to listen to the people passing by.


"Another one today!" "How could it happen again!?" "It was so fast!"


Sayuk turned to Midnight and the stranger. WOndering if they knew what had been told.


"What now?"

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((Week break is over. Goes back to posting now.


I can’t really post as Stick until that is all fixed up so :3))


Puppy made a quick note of how Rain suddenly seemed to shift into a whole new mindset at the mention of Stick. Immediately his own mind froze as something... make that someone... roared in his mind like an angry bear. Puppy winced as Stick's personality hurdled to the front of his mind again, taking over his thoughts as easily as it had when he had lied to Rain. He bit his lip. He didn't want or need this now, but he couldn't fight it. Stick's personality was so much more dominant then his own it easily engulfed him.


"Gosh darn it Rain I... he doesn't need your help. Think about it Rain. Would he want your help? He doesn't seem like the kind of man who appreciates your assistance very much. Not to mention, to put it bluntly, the Resistance can afford to lose him, but not you. You are worth a thousand Sticks to them. He's an ancient and he hasn't yet achieved a single thing in his 2000 years that was any help to anyone, but you, if you go after him and get hurt, think of all the people who would die because you weren't around to heal them anymore."


Puppy eyes bulged and he bit his lip so hard a thin trickle of blood ran down his chin. He healed it instinctively, but didn't stop biting his lip. The other personality inside of him wanted to go on. It wanted to stand up and insist that Rain get out of here right now, that she get herself out of danger, that she not be a fool, that she did anything but risk her life for Stick. It wanted him to go on till he was screaming his head off like a maniac. It wanted him to do anything at all to get her out of harm's way. Where had Stick gotten such an overwhelming need to protect her and spurn her help?


It didn't matter. He had just made a complete idiot of himself anyways. He knew Rain would immediatly wonder what the hell was wrong with him. He just wasn't the sort of guy who would encourage another person not to help another, especially Stick. The healer inside of him was still bonded with the injured man, screaming to do all he could to fix him up. Of course, Stick's personality was also screaming inside of him to do the opposite, and it was quite obvious at this point he wasn't able to resist Stick's personality. It drowned him out like fire in water.


Mark nodded no in response to the water question. He was much too tired to be hungry or thirsty. He was also too tired to care much about his blood soaked clothes, yet despite this, he stumbled off to the bathroom. It almost felt as if he had to do this to prove he wasn't weak. It was a test, just like the walk to this room was. The moment he stumbled in, he shut the door behind him and locked it. With a slight sigh of relief, he sat down on the ground, finally having the ability to catch his breath out of the watching eyes of Ddairg. If he wasn't careful, he'd probably fall asleep right on the floor. His eyelids were beginning to drift when he remembered why he was here. It was time to get cleaned up, not sleep.


With a grunt, he hauled himself up off the ground and stumbled his way to the counter. He raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror, surprised at what he saw. The man he saw here wasn't the one he had seen just earlier today. His gaze was as empty as that of a rock. His whole body was covered in flakes of drying blood. The grimace on his face has twisted it until it was almost unrecognizable. With the slightest of awe, he touched his fingers to the glass, trying to make sense of this sudden change. He must have stood frozen in this stance for what seemed at eternity, but eventually, his hand dropped to his side and he shook his head. He could think about this later.


Swiveling around, he searched for a towel. Finding a pile of them in the corner, he sighed and grabbed one. Turning on the faucets, he allowed the cool water to run over his fingers, causing the clear water to turn as red as he was. He held it under the water for a lonely minute, until the last of the blood had washed from his sink down the drain, then he pulled the towel under the running faucet and allowed it to become saturated with water. Sighing again, he turned to the gruesome task of washing the blood from his body. Shrugging out of the rags of his leather jacket and t-shirt, he went about scrubbing his body with the wet towel until it was as stained red as he was.


Looking at it, he grunted in disgust and threw it on top of the remnants of his shirt and jacket. Looking back at the mirror, he noted he wasn’t even half clean. He should take a shower or something, but he wasn’t really in the mood for it. This seemed like another challenge he had to overcome. With overeager fingers, he grabbed another towel and repeated the same process. He scrubbed his body till it was red, not from blood, but from being scrubbed so vigorously. With one final weary sigh, he threw the now red towel over on the pile. He sure hoped that Ddairg wasn’t too fond of those towels.


He stood there, looking at himself in the mirror. He was clean, but he still looked like a stranger to himself. He couldn’t stand to look at the man who was glaring back at him from the mirror. Turning his head away, he looked at the bathroom tiles instead. Sliding down to the ground to get a closer look, he tried to forget everything in their dizzying pattern. Before he knew it, he was laying the floor, staring expectantly at it, as if it held the answers to his life, but it didn’t answer him. The only thing he felt was unbelievable tired. He tried to keep his eyes open, but the hard tile floor felt too comfortable to stay wake. Instead he yawned once, and allowed his eyes to shut, falling into the land of dreams.

Edited by Dashidragon

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Leo held a bittersweet smiled as Arasi flew away. When she finally got out of eyesight, Leo broke down and cried. Clinging to the hatchling, Leo sobbed, letting his emotions get a hold of him. So many things were going through his mind and all he could descifer from it was that he wanted Arasi. Suddenly feeling exauseted, Leo pulled himself together and walked to a large oak tree. Climbing to a suitable branch, Leo fell asleep to the gently beating of the hatchlings heart and his own quite sobs.


(So much DWAMA :3 I couldnt find the right spelling of descifer O_o)

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Rain flinched back from Puppy as he spoke. His words were harsh and piercing, not at all what she had come to expect from him. Her thoughts were a mess already, it was taking effort to force this much sense out of them, and now he was almost yelling at her. Rain almost felt like her younger self again being yelled at by her master. Whenever she had set a bone wrong or messed up the name of a muscle group, he had yelled at her. No one ever yelled at her like he had over a thousand years ago.


Rain's gaze was on the floor, and she forced herself to be collected. It was weird for a creature as old and wise as her to be so affected lately, but she could only attest it to all of the things that had recently happened. She took a deep breath and felt her resolve wash over her, her mind taking on the same mentality that it did with Stick. It was odd, but she just slipped into it even though it was Puppy. He just sounded so much like Stick. She looked back up at him, her eyes hard.


"I...they need him. They need every Agnimitra they can get, and Stick is an asset. And it doesn't matter about statistics, every single life is precious. I can't just sit by while he's hurt, maybe killed or tortured. He is an Agnimitra, it doesn't matter what he has done or how much he is worth to the Resistance. As long as he is an Agnimitra, I will help him." Rain said. She stood at her full height and crossed her arms over her chest, her mind set. It didn't matter what she had seen him do to himself, he needed to be away from Dark at all costs.


"And I would not wish being Dark's captive on anyone. Now, we need to go and find him. If you want to stay here, there is nothing I can do to save you from Dark. I don't know why you are here, but it is nearly impossible to survive a visit to this place without being killed or recruited." Rain said. Everything about her was serious and cold. She knew better than to let her emotions taken over at a time like this. She needed to just think rationally and get Mark, Puppy, Stick, and whoever else was here out alive.


Adam put the glass down on the desk. The ice cubes sloshed around and clunked against the side of the glass, disturbed by the movement. The scotch left a burning trail down his throat to his stomach and had little effect on dulling the pain. Adam wished he could just drink the alcohol and be cured, but it took a lot to get him drunk and now really wasn't the time. He had powerful decisions to make that couldn't be clouded. Adam sighed deeply, rubbing his head. In that silent moment, the doors to the office were thrown open. Lana stood there panting. She rushed up to the desk.


"Lana, what is it? What's going on?" Adam asked, standing and rushing around the desk. The woman was obviously distressed and it was unsettling to him.


"It's Victor, the chef. He was murdered Adam, in the kitchen. It makes no sense. In our own base he was murdered." She said, pushing the words out between her breaths and sobs.


Adam put his hand on Lana's shoulder, trying to comfort the small woman.


"Can you take me there? How many people know about this? And do you know if there were any witnesses?" Adam asked, eager to get the situation under control as fast as possible. Lana just shook her head, struggling to speak through the sobs and breaths. Adam frowned at her and put his arms around her. She leaned into his chest, shaking.


"I don't know any of it." She choked out. She started sniffling, and after she was more under control she pushed out of Adam's arms. She picked at her appearance, wanting to make herself look more presentable. "But I can take you there." Lana said, looking strong and composed.


Adam nodded to her, his expression still unsure as he followed her to the locker. When they arrived he saw Midnight.


"What can you tell me about this?" He asked as he stepped up behind her.

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((I'm going to have to ask you to change your post monkeyboy (can I call you MB?) because jania had made a mistake in her last post. The cell is not empty. Willow is in there. And according to Dash, she hasn't had Stick leave the cell yet. Koi, Horo, and Brick will not reach the cell until after Stick has left it in order to have things move along like we want. I'm glad you're here and posting though. ^^

@Leo: It's spelled "decipher" and, oh, the DWAMA >w< lol))


"Well, now we wait for our investigators to see if they can solve this mystery," Midnight replied to Sayuk with a sigh. She was about to leave the scene when she heard Adam call her name, asking if she could tell him about this. She turned to Adam and nodded before explaining to him everything that had happened that she knew about, making sure to cover all the details.


"And now we have to wait for any results," she finished with, not liking to wait, but they had no choice. She just hoped that whoever had killed the chef was not here anymore, or at least, they wouldn't kill anyone else.


Inazuma turned to see Adam approach, asking Midnight a question about the situation. He stood there silently as Midnight explained everything to the temple elder in as much detail as she could. He wondered what they were going to do about this killer if they ever found out who it was. Inazuma looked to this Sayuk person, who was obviously new, since Inazuma had never met him before. He had this feeling that there was something odd about him that made him a bit suspicious. As much as Inazuma wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, there was still that gut feeling that said something was wrong.


Ddraig waited for Mark to finish up in the restroom, but found that as the minutes ticked by it was taking him a bit too long. He hoped that nothing had happened to Mark while he was in there, since Mar still hadn't explained to him everything that had happened. Deciding he should go check on the other, Ddraig set down the cup of water he had been drinking on the coffee table and stood up. He walked past the couch and to the restroom and knocked on the door.


"Mark? Is everything alright?" he asked through the door and waited for a response.

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((Is still not sure what do with Stick O.o))


Puppy was slightly surprised by Rain's reaction. She seemed so cold and distant at the moment it made him shiver, but it also made him realize that Rain was probably going through hell too at the moment. She probably didn't have an invading personality in her mind, but that didn't mean she didn't have her own set of worries. It wasn't fair to her to subject her to his own, including lapsing into these episodes of acting like Stick. He already felt guilty; despite the fact he knew he couldn't control it.


He would try his best to control it at least. He owed Rain that much. No more breaking down or lapsing into strange moods if he could help it, or at least he would try to hide it. He would have to perfect the practice of keeping his mouth shut, something he wasn’t very skilled at. Hopefully though, he would be able to learn how to master that elusive skill because he needed it now more then ever.


“You’re right Rain. I’m just a little out of sorts at the moment because of… all this. It might be best if you ignore what I have to say for a while, until I regain my composure. Just forget everything I said. I said it without thinking. And of course I’ll come with you. Why would I want to stay here?”


’Too see Lilia again…’ The stray thought echoed through his mind, but he soon crushed it. Lilia had made her choice. He had to make his. ’Mooning over that other girl won’t help anything. You have a job to do, so do it. If Rain is going to stubborn about this as usual, just make sure she doesn’t break her neck in the process.’ Puppy shivered again. This was so not him thinking that last lingering thought. To try to distract himself from this other presence invading his mind, he rushed to the cell door and looked urgently at Rain and said, “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get this over with if you are going to be so stubborn about it.”


He bit his lip again. That last sentence had just slipped out before he had time to stop it. He rested his hand against the wall and tried to keep his face empty as he struggled against himself. Strangely, he found it surprisingly easy to put a barrier around himself to hide the tumultuous emotions inside. That was something Stick was very good at, and it seemed the other personality inside of him was utilizing that ability at this moment. It was disconcerting also because he wasn’t used to having this measure of control over his face. He was used to bursting into tears when he was sad, or smiling when he was happy, or doing all sorts of other things to broadcast his emotions, but Stick was the complete opposite it seemed. He tried to keep them hidden as best he could. He kept them locked within until they ate him up like a blazing fire. Perhaps that was what had led to Stick’s recent lapse of what people called ‘sanity’.


He looked up at Rain again. His face was completely empty, despite the emotions warring inside of him.


Even after what he had gone through, Mark was a light sleeper. The moment he heard Ddairg’s voice, his eyes jolted awake in surprise. He immediately began to wonder why the hell he was lying on the floor and then he remembered. He had fallen asleep. His face turned into a grimace as he thought about the blatant sign of weakness. He should have managed to stay awake until he was in a bed at least, but no. He had fallen asleep sprawled out on the floor like a complete idiot.


“I’m fine. I just need one more minute,” Mark replied. Thank goodness he had locked the door or Ddairg might have found him in this embarrassing predicament. At least he hadn’t fallen asleep on the toilet. There was some comfort in that. He was still deathly tired, but he had the urge to get up now and finish what he had started. Grabbing the edge of the counter, he pulled himself up and waited for the dizziness to recede as the blood rushed from his brain back to his feet. After the dizziness had mostly receded, he took an experimental step and cussed loudly when he lost his footing on a slippery spot on the floor, directly over where he had been standing earlier with the dripping wet, bloodied towels.


Just as when Gadget had stabbed him, this fall seemed to happen in a split second. One moment, he was standing up, the next he was sprawled on the ground again, a stabbing pain in his forehead where he had unfortunately bashed it against the side of the counter. Groaning, he sat up again, biting his lips at as the dizziness returned full force, this time with a resounding pounding in his head to boot. Hopefully he didn’t have a concussion. Getting stabbed was enough for any man in one day.


Reaching out, he grabbed the counter for support and tried to pull himself up despite the fact that his vision was still swirling. He cussed again as in his clumsiness he managed to send a battalion of objects sitting on the counter crashing to the ground in a loud bang. He could only imagine what Ddairg was thinking at the moment, hearing the commotion coming from his bathroom. It probably sounded like a foul-mouthed elephant had been released in there to roam freely. Sighing wearily, he tried again to pull himself to his feet, and luckily for himself, he managed to without sending more items crashing down.


He looked at himself in the mirror and groaned. There was a spectacular cut right above his eyebrow to attest to the fact that he had bashed his head against the edge of the counter. Reaching over, he grabbed another of Ddairg’s towels and pressed it to his forehead before he bled all over everything for the second time today. This day was just excellent. He probably had a concussion and now a cut that was pretty deep and bleeding profusely. Sighing he turned around and stumbled his way to the door. It wouldn’t really help anything to stand in here holding the towel to his forehead. He was perfectly capable of doing that while not locked alone in the bathroom.


Everything was still spinning as he reached for the door handle. He took one final step toward the door and cussed louder then ever when he lost his balance again. He came disturbingly close to falling headfirst into the toilet, but just barely managed to avoid that embarrassing fiasco. Thankfully, he didn’t bash his head against the side of the counter again either. This time around, the only ill effect was to hit his already throbbing head extremely hard into the linoleum floor, hard enough that stars danced before his eyes. If he hadn’t had a concussion earlier, he certainly had one now.


It took a moment, but despite his twirling, dancing vision, he managed to struggle to his feet and open the door. He stood in the doorway, looking slightly dazed and still holding the towel tightly over his bleeding forehead. Her must look like a wreck, considering he was still wearing his bloody-soaked jeans, but he also looked more presentable then before.


“I’m sorry for the ruckus… I tripped,” he mumbled, sounding far away and blank.

Edited by Dashidragon

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((MB, please post all OoC posts in the OoC thread. I don't want it to be filled with OoC posts here. There's a link to the OoC thread in the first post of the RP here.))


Ddraig was glad to hear that Mark was still alive in there. And he was about to go wait for him in the living room, when he heard some loud sounds coming from inside the restroom, followed by some curses. Just when it seemed that whatever mishap Mark had was over, the ruckus continued which made Ddraig pause by the door and listened. Just what was Mark doing in there?


Eventually, Mark opened the door and apologized for the ruckus and said he had tripped. Ddraig took in mark's appearance starting from the towel that he was holding to his forehead which seemed to be keeping a cut form bleeding all over the place. Mark was still wearing his blood stained clothes, but the blood on his skin had been washed away. Overall, it didn't seem like he banged himself up even more while he was in there. Mark looked tired and dizzy, like he would fall over at any moment.


"How did you cut your head?" Ddraig asked, gently pushing past Mark into the restroom to grab the first aid kit. Mark couldn't just hold a towel to his forehead. He needed a bandage. Ddraig set the first aid kit on the counter before opening it to find a bandage to go over the wound on Mark's forehead. Judging by the blood he could see on the towel, it wasn't a small cut. He motioned for Mark to come over to him.

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After receiving his answer Sayuk was going to leave this place, but Adam, that old geezer, had just entered the place asking Midnight about what was going on. He remained there, silent as always and took all their information in mind not to mess up his next job if there was any more need of it. While they were talking he noticed that this other nameless guy was looking at him. He seemed to find him suspicious. His new guy status was playing against him probably.


He found it quite funny that they were talking about him while being completely ignorant to the fact that he was the killer. Better that way and he was going to be careful around this Agnimitra who was walking around with Midnight. Not sure if the conversation was over and wanting to learn more he remained. Who knew, maybe he could have something useful to tell the guards after this. He also wondered if anyone had found the dead patrol outside just west of the gardens. It was in the forest, but he was sure they had sent a message. Maybe it had not been received. Better that way, he was not going after so many preys again. Not himself at least.

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Mark watched silently as Ddairg moved and drew out a first aide kit. Although he didn’t do so out loud, Mark was sighing internally. He was much too tired to really care about much about his pounding, bleeding forehead at the moment. His most urgent requirement was sleep and if he didn’t get it soon his body would shut down and fall asleep wherever he happened to be at the moment, just as what had happened with the bathroom floor. He could try to keep his eyes open for a bit longer, but he couldn’t really be sure how long that would last. Everything was tentative now, his grip on reality less then ideal. The sweet land of dreams called to him like a siren’s song.


He stumbled over to Ddairg’s side and this time let out a sigh that was not just internal but also audible. This was day was getting to be so long that it felt like it would be never ending. It was just one thing after another. First his wife, then the stab wound, and now all this nonsense. All his other urges had been wiped away and replaced with the overwhelming need to just succumb to his fatigue. It was too much for even him to handle. It really was no use putting up a façade anymore of trying to appear strong and ready. With a resigned sigh, Mark lowered himself to the ground and sat down. It felt like a huge relief just to be off his feet, but it tempted the sleepiness clogging his mind that much bit closer.


“I hit my head on the edge of the counter when I when I tripped,” Mark muttered and flung the towel across the room, revealing the nasty cut on his forehead. The moment the towel left his skin, blood started to well up and run down his head, leaving red streaks on his face as they made their path. He shut his eyes and tried to forget about everything around him. Let Ddairg go about his ministrations. He was just too tired and overwhelmed at the moment to care about anything.


He wished their parting could be a bit more emotional. It seemed that was what such moments were supposed to be like. This man had just saved his life in more ways then one. Gale wriggled in his arms and he smiled down at her. He had brought him this little lifesaver along with risking his own neck to get him the hell out of here. He really wished he knew more about the man’s reasons, but he didn’t have time to brood or ask questions and by the time that time came around, Willow was sure to be in a bad situation, nowhere near in a place to answer any questions he had. He would just have to settle for this last moment, this one silent moment of staring.


Neither of them spoke, not even through their eyes or through other means. All there was was emptiness. It reminded him of how he had felt only so little time ago before Gale was thrust into his arms, with nowhere to go back to and no future, only the cold emptiness of being alone. He flinched and turned his back on Willow. Even being close to that sense of forlornness awakened things inside of him he could hardly stand. He was ready to go now. There was no time to waste. He didn’t even bother a second glance over his shoulder, instead making a beeline for the door.


He put his free hand on it hesitantly and pushed it open, stepping out into ‘freedom’ of sorts. He let out a sigh of relief and looked at the empty, quiet halls. Willow had given him quite specific instructions on which way to go to get to the courtyard, but there was still a little trickle of fear in his stomach that he would go the wrong way or get caught before he got there or maybe even spontaneously combust. It wasn’t out of the question. Such things seemed to occur all the time in Dark’s base. In fear of spontaneous combustion, Stick immediately started down the halls, his mind busy and preoccupied.


Gale was being strangely silent, as if she understood the gravity of the situation. Occasionally she would giggle a bit or grab a lock of his hair and pull at it playfully, but she didn’t speak or do anything otherwise that would attract attention to them or distract Stick from what he was doing. For a child, she seemed strangely aware of the nature of things. She was like her mother that way, perceptive and understanding. She just naturally seemed to understand the serious and important things without any more need for further elaboration or comment.


Stick’s mind had drifted to something he had completely forgotten about in all the commotion lately. Puppy. He immediately froze and looked back in the direction of the dungeons. Where was that boy? He sure as hell was annoying and too innocent for his own good, but he loved him like a son. There was more then a good chance that he had been dragged and stuffed into one of Dark’s dungeons too. If Stick was by himself there was no doubt in his mind he would rush back and ransack every cell until he found him. Not even Dark would keep him away from the kid, but there was one thing that would.


His heart nearly broke in half when he turned his gaze to Gale. She cooed happily when his eyes locked with hers. As much as he was loath to admit it, this happy little thing in his arms was worth a whole legion of Puppy’s to him. He wouldn’t risk her to go back and get him. He knew instinctively it was wrong. Leaving the boy behind was perhaps the most unforgivable thing he would ever do in his life. It would be worse then what happened to his fiancé. It would be worse even then what he had done to his brother. Puppy was a completely innocent individual who deserved the best in the world, but more then anything, he wanted to give Gale more then the best in the world. Gale had done for him what the boy had been incapable of doing, giving him back a reason to live.


Turning his back on Puppy, the young Agnimtra who had been so loyal to him, he felt his heart rend. He was betraying someone who did not deserve to be betrayed. He knew without a doubt now that perhaps he wasn’t so much different then his brother, but he could live being like his brother if it meant the best for Gale. Puppy was disposable if Gale got the best. Everything was disposable if Gale got what he wanted for her, everything and more. He was going to devote his life to Gale, and for once, hopefully he wouldn’t screw up the life of someone he loved. ’You’re screwing up Puppy’s life,’ the accusatory thought echoed through his head. He felt a twinge of guilt and almost turned around to go track him down, but the important thing was that he didn’t.


“Hello there. I would ask how you got out but that is not really what I’m interested in,” a sneering voice remarked behind him.


Stick jumped and felt his body freeze in shock. He blinked once and thought over the implications of those words, but he had to just hope this was all just a misunderstanding. Until Gale was torn from his hands, there was still hope of getting away. He turned around to face the voice and examined its source. It was a man with curly brown hair. He instinctively didn’t like the looks of him. The sneer on his face reminded him of a slimy worm.

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((well, I will try my best to give a nice long post covering everything that I need to do. Just bother me if I have forgotten someone. ^^ I won't bite, I promise~))


"How have the evacuees fared?" Midnight inquired and was answered by an Agnimitra who knew the answer. He said that so far they had heard of no problems regarding the evacuees and they hoped the only news they would receive would be good news. Midnight thanks him for telling her and the Agnimitra walked off as another ran up, out of breathe.

"What's wrong?" Midnight asked.

"There's been...another murder," he said, through his gasps for breathe.

"What!?" Midnight exclaimed.

"The patrol just outside of the west gardens, out in the forest, has been murdered," he explained, gaining some of his breath back.


Inazuma was shocked to hear this news as well, wondering if there would be any clues to who this despicable murderer was. If he knew who it was, he would love to be the one to take them out for killing his fellow Agnimitra.


Ddraig simply sighed, opening the first aid kit to pull out bandages for Mark's wounds. He then grabbed a wash cloth and it got it damp, before kneeling down next to Mark and began to gently dab at the wound to clean it and to wipe up the blood streaming down Mark's face. Once he had cleaned it up as much as he could, he grabbed the dry towel next to him and had Mark hold that over the wound to keep it from bleeding out too much, making sure Mark applied pressure as well despite that it would probably hurt. Ddraig grabbed the bandages for Mark's head, moved the towel away and began wrapping the wound. Ddraig knew the basics of first aid and was able to properly wrap the wound up.

"Are you going to sleep on the floor here, or would you rather go to the guest room and sleep in a bed?" Ddraig inquired, putting the first aid kit away, and tossed the towels in the hamper.


Koi followed after Horo who was taking them to the cell Stick was located in. She wondered what Dark had done to Stick and almost grinned at the thought. However, she kept her stoic expression as they walked along. It wasn't like her to break the wall she had built up around herself to hide her emotions. Emotions just got in her so it wasn't that big of a deal to her to block her emotions. She thought that others were foolish for letting their emotions guide them. Koi went with what normal, rational thought to decide what she should do. That, and just doing what she felt like doing or whatever Dark needed her to do.


Arasi went to find Ddraig who she needed to report to in order to let him know that she couldn't find Leo. Of course, that would be a lie. But she wasn't going to tell the general that she had a reminiscing chat with him. She asked around if anyone had seen General Ddraig and was told that he had been headed towards his room. Quickly, she headed off in that direction since the sun had pretty much set already. The time that Ddraig had given her with was up, and she needed to report back so he wouldn't get suspicious.

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As Sayuk was quietly listening and wondering what he should do now, maybe go back to the barrack or talk with the nurses, which were teaching him some of the medicine effect. A quite useful thing to know if he ever needed to kill someone using less conventional ways. He would get his own stuff though no need to have the nurse suspecting him of stealing right after someone died.


Then another guy came in running out of breathe and announced the new murder. He wondered what this one was about when he realized it was his doing again. Seeing the shock in the other Agnimitra who was with Midnight was somewhat nice, but he focused his attention to the messenger and Midnight. He was pretty calm as if this was not something to worry about, but didn't know how to react. Would it have been his men being murdered he would have been the same way. People died all the time that he did it changed nothing. Trying to show some emotion would probably just put him in a worst position he was probably now since he was new to this place. He then spoke.


Midnight what should we do now? It's the second one today. Is there a way I could be useful? He tried to ask in his more, I want to be useful tone.


She knew he could defend himself since they both had fought at the beginning, but he wondered if she was aware of his elemental power. He didn't remember showing anyone. He pushed that idea on the side it being not to useful unless she somehow found that it was ice especially that was used. For all he knew it could be a water elemental user. he had seen one use water arrow to attack. Those had a way to disrupt his own power...

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((sorry for taking so long... sad.gif ))


"very well then, if you'll follow me" Horo replied, she gave a crisp salute before turning on the ball of her foot to head for the dungeon area where Stick was being held. She set a quick pace as she made her way down into the holding cells. immediately something began to set her nerves on edge something was off here. When she rounded the corner, she figured out what, the six guards she had had stationed were gone, and the cell door was open. She burst into the cell, looking the now empty room. "G** D*** I*!" she shouted in rage, the ******* was gone without a trace. She swung her arm in frustration, slamming a fist into the heavy metal that made up part of the entrance to the cell, leaving a dent. Her eyes narrowed in rage, there was no way Stick had made it out on his own, someone had just made a fool of her, and if she had her way, that someone would die. it was then she realized the cell wasn't completely empty, someone was sitting in the dark corner next to the door, shaking. Horo grabbed the person and lifted them into the light, surprised by what she found. The person she held was a man named Willow, whom she had seen occasionally around the base. "Where the Hell is Stick?!" she demanded angrily.

Edited by jaina

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((well, because i can:))

Willow told them nothing about Stick escaping from the cell, keeping quiet even when faced with the higher ranking members.


Koi walked up next to Horo, her cold eyes on Willow. She could tell that he wasn't going to tell them anything, though they could have probably tortured it out of him, but there wasn't time for that. All she knew, was that Stick was gone, and Willow was here in the cell. What she surmised from that was Willow must have let Stick escape. Well, they weren't going to let traitors stay amongst their ranks here in Dark's army.

Without any hesitation, Koi unsheathed her sword and drove it through Willow's gut, twisted, and then pulled it out. She watched in satisfaction as the blood quickly soaked his shirt, dripping to the floor, as she wiped her sword on a cloth to clean the blood off before sheathing it.

"Hurry, we must find Stick before he escapes. Just leave him here," she commanded, leaving the cell. It was fitting for a traitor to die slowly in a cell alone. ((O.o Koi is so cruel.))

She sent out a mental message to everyone in the base that Stick has escaped and to take into custody any suspicious person. It was known to her that Stick could change his appearance to look however he wanted.

No one is allowed to leave until he is found or until said otherwise, she finished with, quickly walking down the hall to begin searching as well.


"Unless you have some amazing detective skills, I don't know how you could help. For now the best thing to do is to keep a loot out for the murderer to make sure there isn't any other killing," Midnight responded with a sigh.

Adam had left a moment ago with someone since he was needed elsewhere and wasn't here anymore. Midnight wished he could take care of things instead of leaving it to her. She really didn't like all of this responsibility.

((I did that to get Adam out of the way for now. I'll probably take control of him if Key doesn't return. *sigh*))

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Sayuk raised an eyebrow. So he was dismissed? What should he do now? The temple was clearly not searching for the gem anymore or it didn't seem so since he had barely heard of it.


He nodded to Midnight and left the room. Along the way he sent a couple of message to his soldiers to get them to work, what were they doing capturing no one! He contacte Galborix the guardhouse chef.


You lot better start working now or I'll have some people die! I ordered you guys to stop the fleeing Agnimitras not to drink tea while I am not looking!

I am sorry sir! I'll whip them back to their place and make sure the responsible are punished!

You better live up to those words.


He then walked back to the infirmary to see Natacha one of the nurse that was teaching him how to use human medicine. Since the was barely any wounded he didn't have many people to work on. They went over sleeping drugs and sterilizing stuff not to infect the wound even more. As he was working and helping the nurse with their duty, this being his day off guard work.


(Sorry not much time to write more)

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((well, I was going to have Inazuma go with him, but oh well.))


Inazuma watched as Sayuk left before turning back to Midnight.

"Maybe you should go and rest, you seem tired," he said to her.


"I'm fine," she replied back, waving a hand at him to leave her alone, "I have things to do and I'm sure you do as well."

With that said she walked off.


Inazuma chuckled, watching as Midnight left before he went off in search of Sayuk. He found the man in the infirmary helping the nurses.

"Sayuk, right?" he said, walking up to the guy, "and you're new?"

He wanted to see if his suspicions of this guy were true or not, and the best way would be to get to know him first. Inazuma planned to follow him around, and just in case he is the murderer, then no more murders would happen as long as Inazuma was there. A murderer wouldn't be stupid enough to kill someone right in front of another. Though, if Sayuk was the murderer he might try to kill Inazuma, though he would have a hard time with that. Inazuma wouldn't be killed so easily.

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Horo watched as Koi withdrew her sword from Willow's body, personally, she wasn't satisfied, but she let the man fall to the floor to bleed out. She quietly left the cell and headed up stairs, clearing every room she came across, all the while summoning a group of guards with a sharp mental command. Once they arrived, she began having them spread out and keep watch on hallways while she moved, oblivious to the fact that Koi was in charge. She wouldn't settle for being made a fool of, especially since Koi had taken away the person who otherwise would have been her main target. After a while, her anxiety began to rise, there had been no sign of the guards she had originally posted outside the cell, and that made her worry, they were good men, and also her responsibility, having to tell someone their spouse had disappeared or died always tore at her.

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(OMG! So sorry I broke my arm and the doctors wouldnt let me type(i dont really know why, i just broke my arm..) i just got it off so could someone fill me in? I understand if you kicked me out....)

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Ddraig looked up from his work of putting things away when there was a knock at his door. Mark seemed to be practically asleep already and most likely wouldn't mind just passing out right there. The other Agnimitra's eyes were already closed and this made Ddraig wonder if he was already asleep, but the expressions on his face wasn't a very peaceful one. But Ddraig would prefer to have Mark be sleeping in a bed instead of on his bathroom floor.

The red dragon poked his head out of the door to call out to whoever was at his front door.


"I'll be out in a moment!" He called to whoever it was before turning his attention back to Mark on his bathroom floor. Honestly, he wasn't sure why things were going this way. He had work to do, not to mention Koi sent out a message saying that Stick had escaped from his cell. Dark would defintely not be happy about that.


He grabbed onto Mark's arm and slung it over his shoulders to lift mark up, whether the other wanted him to or not, and carried him to the guest bedroom. He pulled Mark in and over to the bed, which was of average quality, nothing too fancy like some super plush king size bed, but it was a nice bed nonetheless. He set the man down on the bed, leaving Mark to his own accord to get comfy on the bed and sleep the rest of the day away.


With that done, he exited the room closing the door behind him, and headed out to the front room to see who was at his door. He opened it up to see who it was and saw Arasi standing there, who abruptly stood at attention when the door had been opened.


"I'm here to report, sir," she said, standing at attention when the general appeared in the doorway, hoping she didn't catch him at a bad time.


"I'm listening," he replied, standing with the door leaning on him to keep it from closing.


"Yes, sir, the Agnimitra who went to find, there were no signs of him while I was looking. We should not be troubled by him anymore," she reported, trying not to give away she was lying. Years of being in the army had taught her how to not show any emotion and keep a straight face, one that she hoped the general before could not see through.


"Very good," Ddraig said a bit absentmindedly, and looked over his shoulder. He supposed Mark would be fine for now. He was lying in a bed, bandaged, and most likely asleep now. As he stepped forward out of the doorway, Arasi stepped back to let him, a bit confused.

"I have work to do, and I you're coming with me," he said to the surprised Arasi.


"Uh, yes, sir," she replied, a bit surprised, but followed the orders still and walked after General Ddraig when he headed out.

Edited by Kira1

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When that guy came to him while he was helping the nurse he could not help thinking this guy may know something and that feeling didn't go away after he talked.


"Sayuk, right?" he said, "and you're new?"


Sayuk put whatever he was holding where it belonged before answering. He didn't want to forget where that thing went the place was too confusing for a new "nurse" like him. He was still getting used to it.




Short and sweet it answered all he asked for. Then thought it may sound strange to these social people if he answered like that, make them feel like he brushed them away.


"Did you need something?" He plainly asked.


He looked at the guy. Dark gray hairs looked sure of himself. He noted every detail he could to remember him if need was and then wondered why he came to him. If he was trouble killing him may be a good idea, but on the other hand... it may lead people to him since he may have been the last person he was with. He could not afford something like that. He truly hoped Dretch would stay out of his business for a while. He sensed trouble.

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((Skarx, just answer this, and then go ahead and do the time skip to tomorrow which I have typed up at the end of this post.))

"I just think it's best to get to know everyone, and since you're knew, I don't know you," Inazuma replied, "my name is Inazuma, by the way."

A perfectly reasonable thing for someone to do, even though his true intentions were to uncover if Sayuk was the murderer or not. He wasn't going to point any blame at Sayuk until he had some evidence.



Ddraig quickly walked down the hall with Arasi following when he heard the message from Koi that Stick had escaped. No doubt Arasi heard it too, so he didn't have to explain to her. Everyone on base were running around, searching for wherever Stick might be on the large base.


Ddraig headed to where Koi and Horo were, which was near the prison cells. he found Koi ordering soldiers around, as she searched for Stick herself, eyes darting around and ever watchful. Not much got past her unnoticed.


"General Koi," Ddraig addressed her.


Koi whipped her head around when she heard Ddraig call her name.


"Good, you're here," she said, "so far we have had no luck finding Stick. We won't stop until he his found though."


"I expected no less," Ddraig replied before turning to Arasi, "go help with the search. Other things can wait until later."


"Yes, sir!" Arasi replied before running off to help with the search. She went to look in the place where she would probably go to if she was trying to escape. Though, she didn't know if Stick had this idea, since he hadn't been on the base for long and didn't know its layout. Stick seemed to be a smart man though, and might have figured these things out quickly. The farther she moved form the prison cells, the less she saw of any soldiers running around. Didn't they know that they need to fan out to cover everything? Well, she would see if she could find Stick over here and then call for back-up when she did.


She sneaked around silently, trying not to reveal her location if Stick was anywhere near her. He might have already seen her if he was nearby, but she still had to try. But it seemed that he wasn't here, at least not anymore. She looked up at the sky and caught sight of the retreating figure of an ice dragon, making haste to get away.


For a moment she hesitated, as she watched the ice dragon move farther away. Was it really right for Dark to be trying to capture his brother? Was any of this right? She shook the thoughts from her head.


I have spotted Stick! He's in the sky, East side of the base! she exclaimed, letting everyone know.


When he heard Arasi send the message that she had spotted Stick, his head whipped around to where she said he was. Sure enough, there was an ice dragon out there in the sky.


"Go!" He shouted to the nearest group of soldiers. The group quickly jumped to action, making room to change to their dragon forms and chase after Stick. Though, judging by how far away Stick already was, they weren't going to catch him and he would be long gone soon. Find out where he's going, Ddraig instructed those chasing after Stick, we'll catch him later when he's resting.


Koi wasn't too happy with Ddraig's orders, but the man was practically second in command on the base and had the authority to command as he pleased, unless Dark overruled him. And Dark pretty much agreed with whatever Ddraig did. At least they would find out where Stick was headed, as long as the Agnimitra following him weren't idiots.


The Agnimitra at the resistance base worked on building up their defenses far into the evening before everyone was told to retire for the night. There was no use in working late and the be too tired to help defend the base.


Midnight gladly retired to her room in the evening, needing the rest. Her mind went on to think about all that had happened today, though she tried not to since she needed to rest. She changed into her night clothes, shorts and a T-shirt, before climbing into her bed for sleep. She wondered what had happened to Puppy, Rain and Stick. It was worrying her too much. What if something terrible had happened? No, she couldn't think like that. Rain was smart, she could take care of herself, and Puppy had been with Mark. The same Mark whose wife had been a traitor. ((I hope I remembered that right.)) What if Mark was the same? What if he was also secretly working for Dark? Then Puppy was in danger.

Angry with herself for letting her thoughts wander, she buried her face into her pillow and tried to focus on getting some sleep.


In the morning, she awoke as the sun poured in through her bedroom window. Time for another day to begin...

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Horo awoke early the next morning after only half a dozen hours of sleep. She was frustrated, they still hadn't found the men who had been responsible for guarding Stick, but the picture wasn't promising. Shortly before she had gone to sleep, they had found a room filled with the scent of blood, yet fairly clean, and the blood smelled of that of her subordinates, leaving her to only believe they had been killed. With her mood already soured, Horo dressed before heading towards the mess hall to get breakfast. Contributing to her mood was the fact willow had been killed before she had had any chance to interrogate him and find out about her men.

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Ddraig had awoken very early as he usually does in the mornings, checking on Mark when he did. The man was sound asleep in the guest bedroom, possibly going to be for a very long time. Ddraig still needed to decide what he would do about Mark. For now, breakfast was more important. Nothing would get done if he had no energy.


Ddraig washed his face and dressed before heading out to the cafeteria for breakfast. His mind was occupied with everything that had been going on yesterday and he almost walked into Horo without realizing it. He saw her walking towards the cafeteria as he was and their paths soon crossed.


"Good morning," he greeted her, "slept well?"


He was still a bit tired to really make any good conversation a the moment, his mind also preoccupied and was merely on an auto pilot. He didn't even think about where he was going as he went to the cafeteria. He knew he was heading there before he left his place, so he just let his feet carry him there since they knew the way.

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"I just think it's best to get to know everyone, and since you're knew, I don't know you," Inazuma replied, "my name is Inazuma, by the way."

A perfectly reasonable thing for someone to do, even though his true intentions were to uncover if Sayuk was the murderer or not. He wasn't going to point any blame at Sayuk until he had some evidence.


Sayuk glanced at that Inazuma then went on his walk to his room.

"Do as you wish Inazuma, but for now. I need to sleep I have to do some more guarding job tomorrow morning. You are welcome to join if you are so bored."


With that he went to his room, left Inazuma there and jumped to bed. He was tired and things may get bad for him if that guy decided to keep an eye on him. With that he fell asleep and fought through some more nightmare about Dretch. The next morning when he woke up he was still a bit tired. He slowly came out of bed, did some exercise in his room then put on his daily clothing inserting his daggers in the shelves. He then came out of his room to got toward the guards house. He was in a bad mood, which only made him look colder and distant to others than he usually was.

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((Yay! you posted!))


The previous night Inazuma didn't let Sayuk know he continued to watch him before going to bed himself. Luckily, it seemed that nothing happened during the night.


In the morning, Inazuma woke bright and early. He prepared himself for the day, before heading out towards the guard house. Last night Sayuk had mentioned he had guard duty in the morning, so Inazuma figured that's where the other Agnimitra would be.

Bright and chipper like usual, Inazuma swiftly made his way to the guard house, finding Sayuk along his way.

"Sayuk!" he called out to the other, waving his hand high in the air to get the others' attention. He jogged to catch up with the other, smiling at Sayuk when fell into pace beside him. "Good morning!"

Edited by Kira1

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