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The Agnimitra

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((Yah... I know its long. I'm so bad about things like that. When I really get into a scene I tend to type a lot... xd.png Next time hit me over the head with a baseball bat so I don't do it again.


In other news... My dragon with the name Seasons Pass has an egg in its lineage. Its a really really freaky glitch, but I love it xd.png))

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((lol ah, don't worry about long posts. as long as the post doesn't take up an entire page here in the forum then we're good. ^^


i wonder how that happened. hardly any of my dragons have lineages cause i don't breed them. They grow up and then just sit there. xd.png only recently did I have my two CB Guardian dragons mate and have an egg.))

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(Its really the scroll, that later on you will find out the light dragon instilled his energy in it, that gives it life... So in my next post, i am exchanging a life for a life. It uses the light dragons life force in the scroll.. is that ok? If not i will change it.)

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((well then that scroll would only be good for a one times use if you give life to something. 'cause even if he has a scroll like it's still a bit too powerful, eve for on old and wise light dragon.))

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(Ok, ill have him wake up only to see the scroll burn then rise up with its secrets into the sky... is that ok?)

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(( blink.gif oh god...if I keep getting lost like this I think I'll have to drop out since I'm really not allowed on week days....or right now seeing as it's Thursday unsure.gif ......))

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((*has plan* Convince parents to let me on on through week only after homework is done and I've studied for a test (if there is one) if that doesn't work....I probably will drop out.... *hopes it works*))

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Leo awoke feeling better than he had in a while. What he had done was amazing, he had created life! Of course, it was elemental life, which is not as powerful a natural life, but it was life all the same. Leo gently lifted the egg and gazed at it lovingly. As he looked at this beautiful form of his power, Leo had a thought, what if he made an army of these little things? He could kill Dark and his army himself! Leo rushed to pick up the scroll, but as his skin touched it, it reacted violently. The scroll burst in to flames and rose gently into the sky. Leo screamed in frustration, "Nothing ever goes my way!". Leo, something whispered gently. Leo looked around for the source of the voice, but it could not be found. I am Infino, the light agnimitra that raised you., it said quitly. Leo gasped in shock, unable to speak. Could this be his deceased friend? I am coming to you from the spirit realm to tell you about my scroll, Infino whispered, I instilled my life force in it before i died, so that you could one day have a companion to help you, unfortunantly, my life force was only strong enough for one, and it was destroyed when it ran out of energy.. Leo could only muster a little, "Thank you.", before returning to his state of awe. I only have time to say that, Infino said, But you are doing so well, Leo. You WILL defeat Dark and avenge your parents.. Infino's voice faded away, leaving Leo in tears. He had instilled his life to help him, and all he could say was thank you? But this could not go on long. With a renewed strength and determination, Leo lifted the egg from the ground and changed to dragon form. He cradled it gently as he jumped into the air, headed for were Arasi, Puppy, and Stick were.

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((leo, don't go determining the entire plot yourself.... saying that you will is a little bit of a claim if you plan to follow through))

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((ah, silly Leo going after them with just an egg. >w< he's going to get his butt kicked. lol

yea, but seriously, he can try, but of course he won't succeed. I mean, him and this egg against probably over 10,000 Agnimitra? Maybe more? Like, a lot more? I'm not good with numbers of people...anyways, he wouldn't even be able to handle Dark by himself let alone Ddraig. Since there's like a thousand or so age difference of experience between them. ^^ I hope you understand. I just want to get it out there before Leo gets there.))

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((Anyways... its already planned how my characters are going to be sprung from their little prison. I have lots of plans actually. Me and Key make lots of evil plans together xd.png


Evil plans are fun... just like drugged people are smile.gif ))

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((None of it is super secret or anything. Its not going to change anything else for anyone elses characters other then ours... No need to worry.


Most of our evil plans recently have been conspiring about something other then Agnimtra lately so that evil plotting won't even change anything at all around here.


EDIT: Oh wait... were you refering to the drugged people with that last question? xd.png No need to worry on that front. I have absolutley no experience in that area other then when I woke up from anesthesia once... I was grumpy as a grizzly bear. I just meant they are fun to write about.))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((speaking of Key, where is she? it's her turn to post something for both me and jaina. unless she somehow missed those posts and that's why she is posting. or she's just having a busy day. i hope she gets on soon though.))

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((I don't think shes on at the moment. She hasn't responded to any of my PMs yet so that probably means shes just having a busy day ^^


All right... I'm done with the OOC comments))

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(haha lol, i dont think i am going to get involved with the army... my plan is to somehow get in contact with Puppy, Stick, and Arasi, sneek in, then leave quitly and quickly with puppy, Stick, and maybe Arasi to go to the Amphibio Dragon Temple that Leo remembered, and hopefully find a clue to the gem. If no one cares that is....)

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((All right... maybe I'm not done with the OOC comments *pokes top post on this page* I already have plans for my characters in that department Leo, although its far from impossible that I could work your character into those plans. I'd have to get Key's permission first and then we would have to discuss the details over PM))

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(that would be great, i dont want to interfere with anything, so just tell me if i do something i shouldnt and ill change it... we really should set up some sort of thing were we find a clue... that would be great!)

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((*has had a busy day* I will go back and find the posts to figure out what I need to respond to and edit this, but very busy day. I am on our school's newspaper staff and we are doing a holiday issue that me and one of my best friends are in charge of, and it has been terrible! I was so excited for the issue, and now I just want to be finished. We spent about 7 hours working on it today. *is not the happiest Key ever* But, back to Agnimitra world... biggrin.gif


Edit: I'm editing for OCC, but yessss many ever plans between the Dash and I. As for the escape....err...PMs it is? I am confused as to your ideas, Dash. ))

Edited by Key2Universe

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((wow, so you were busy. poor Key. *pats your head*


and I can't wait to see these plans. happy.gif I feel special to know you guys are plotting something for my RP.))

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((*Is bouncing in seat with excitement* I am sooo excited for everything we have planned! It's sooo wonderful! I cannot contain my excitement, hence my bouncing!))


Adam looked over at Midnight. She seemed to be going through the same sort of thoughts he just had. They needed the arrow to compare with the others' as soon as possible. This sort of issue was not one that could just be dropped, this could be a matter of serious security.


Hurry back with the arrow. Adam sent to Tick. He hoped his message wouldn't set the other man too much on edge. It had been proven earlier that he was a rather nervous man. Adam just needed the arrow to clear all of this up. He sighed and tried to force himself to stay calm.


"So, do you have anything new to report on?" He asked Midnight. He needed something to distract his mind.


Dark's eyes fluttered open and locked on to Horo. He had no idea what she had just said, so he gave a slight nod of his head and stepped to Ddraig. He desperately did not want to speak and pollute these moments with insignificant and useless speech. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, hurry down to Stick's cell to begin his games with his brother, or wait until Stick was heavily drugged and this would be the most entertaining. He looked up at Ddraig, hoping the man would understand his thoughts and explain to Horo about Stick's arrival.

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((Okay... here is me trying to fit in again. Doing what you told me to add Key ^^ I hope I did it correctly...))




Sayuk was plain bored, but at least his shift was over! He returned to the barrack and quickly left to find something more interesting than doing guard jobs. He had no idea on what to do, but getting posted somewhere was really tiresome. Still as he wandered around the temple he found nothing really interesting nor anyone he knows. The guard he had been with were really boring to. Not too serious either about their duty. He could easily get these killed. He checked the time and slowly walked back to the barrack to get assigned to the same place again with the others. His break was over. Silently he went back and resumed his next guard shift remaining as distant as possible from the fools. One hour after he had started patrolling he heard something, something he didn't want to heard at all. A mental voice he dreaded more than anything else.

My, my. Did you miss me my little toy?

Sayuk had stopped moving and the other guard turned to look at him. He was just looking at the floor, frozen.

"Hey are you all right you look like you saw a ghost." The man looked around to see if something was there, but saw nothing. "There's nothing here buddy."

Sayuk looked at the man and tried to find an excuse, but he just could not get himself to lie. So he started walking again nodding to say it was fine. He could hear his worst nightmare laugh in his mind. It knew he was scared out of his will of him and was enjoying every moment of it.

I see you are out of words. Tell me have you be a good boy these days? How many people have you killed in the last four days?

Now Sayuk knew he was in trouble. if he knew that psychopath would have decided to contact him to ruin his days again he would have tried to do some random killing in the city near yesterday when he went out for the night. He was in trouble now... That man knew he could not lie and was always taking advantage of this.

I... I think I killed two humans yesterday. I'm supposed to be.... He didn't get to finish his sentence that already the other one was raging in his mind.

WHAT! Two measly humans only!? What the hell are you doing! I don't care WHAT you are supposed to be doing boy, but I know what you can do and killing and getting away unknown is an easy job for you! Don't you DARE try and weasel your way out of this! Where are you?

The other guardsmen were looking at him with a worried look on their face. The finally decided to go back to the temple and leave him there since he looked sick. Sayuk didn't even try to make an excuse. If there was one thing that could bring him to this state it was him, Dretch. He knew better than to even try an twist reality since if Dretch would find out, and he was good at fining out, Sayuk would be in for a lot of pain.

I'm at a resistance temple for an undercover mission.

He could hear Dretch laughing and knew this was bad. He mentally prepared himself to the worst. Which was probably going to end up in someone's death.

Kill one of them.


Do it like you usually do I don't care who, but do it inside the temple. I want it done in three hours.

With that the link was broken and Sayuk was left in the west garden paler than ever and depressed. There was already a commotion in the temple it was not time to cause another. Still he had work to do now and he had better do it was. He waited for his shift to finish and see the other guard again so it would not be too suspicious and then left for the mansion. An easy kill. Where could he get that? He then though of the cooks. They were almost always in their kitchen so this was ideal. It was either that or the nurses. He went for his room and when he was sure no one was near he formed two ice shards, long and sharp and used his power again to disappear. He then walked toward the kitchen. Once near the door he waited for someone to open it and quickly entered inside. Now he only needed someone to go to an isolated room. He had chosen the meat room. Often used, but it was covered in ice already so no one would notice another patch of iced water from his melted shards. He sat in the room over one of the chicken boxes for his innocent and unaware prey to come in. It took an hour, but he was rewarded for his wait by a lone cook. It walked in the back of it to get some beef from one of the carcass. Sayuk lurked behind prepared his shards removing his aura for the second it took him to kill the guy. Both shard hit vital points one in the throat so he would not yell and another in the heart so he would die fast. He then made the shards melt and disappeared again. He would have to wait inside the meat room for someone to open the door again. He contacted Dretch to tell him he had done it. He was not pleased that Sayuk had chosen such a small prey, but satisfied that he had done the request in the time. It didn't take long for someone to come wandering in the room, which allowed him to sneak out again and run back to his room where he just laid to get some sleep.






He was pleased to see that his little toy was still as obedient. The best gift Dark had ever made to him even it it was probably not intended as such. He was walking in Dark base, searching for him. When he reached a room in which he heard Dark voices he quickly opened the door.

"DARK! Just the one I wanted to see! How are you old buddy!"

Dretch was not one to stand for formalities. He was direct in everything he did and was always the first in line when it came to get orders done. He was know as a psychopath by most of the troops and especially from their enemies, but he took pleasure in being known as such. It keep idiots from trying something stupid. He then noticed Ddraig and someone he had not seen before.

"Hey! Ddraig and a new toy! A good looking one at that! So Dark can I have a minute of you time or are you occupied by something right now? I can wait especially if it include a possibility of actions."

He was still at the door frame waiting to see if Dark was in a good or bad mood. He may be strong himself, but he preferred not to get in a fight with Dark, would forcing him to stop working for a couple of days. It also usually get in the way of actions when your boss is in bad term with you.

Edited by Skarx

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Horo turned cooly to look at the person who had just entered the area where she, Ddraig, and Dark were. She didn't let it show but she took a fair amount of offense at being called a "toy". It implied she had no mind or will of her own and that she could be manipulated too. She followed orders when they made sense, or if lives were on the line. And this newcomer seemed to be just the kind of person she despised, someone jocular that didn't hold an ounce of respect for those under them. She would withhold her criticism for now though, for she didn't know who he was and what position he was. If he was below her, she would confront him herself, if her was above her, she would speak to either Ddragi or Dark.

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