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The Agnimitra

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The dragons around the lake waited to see if the ice dragon would come out of the water. After a moment, they soon realized that he probably wasn't coming out of the water and had probably been injured by the electricity. The electric dragon near the water shrugged before returning to the rest of the dragons and the group returned to the rest of the troops. They reported to Ddraig about what happened, telling him that they believed the ice dragon to either be dead, seriously injured, or just unconscious and that he might drown under the water.

Ddraig sighed after he heard the report. Good enough, let's return now, he said, jumping into the sky to lead everyone back to the base.


Arasi thought she heard Leo calling out for help, and when she heard the report from the dragons that had been pursuing him confirmed it was him. She wished she could fly off and help him but they were leaving. There was no way she could rescue him and not be branded a traitor. With a leap, she took off into the air after General Ddraig with the rest of the dragons.


((hm...think it's possible for his help message to reach Midnight?))

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Mark snorted once again in disgust and disdain. At this particular moment he wished more than ever he had never saved Gadget’s life. The world would be a better place without that slimy piece of filth to dirty it up. Of course slimy worms like Gadget also had their purposes too. Gadget would be the worm that drew in the bigger catch. Mark’s annoyance at having to wait was running pretty thin. All he wanted to do was to have this battle end as quickly as possible.


Mark didn’t like how Gadget could read him like an open book, and he assumed Gadget didn’t enjoy that he could do that too, but behind the mutual dislike was a friendship that had been fostered in the earliest days of both their childhoods, a kind of friendship that could only be fostered through growing up together and then fighting side-by-side. They knew each other as deeply as two separate beings could. The only people Mark had ever been closer to was his human friend Eliza, his brother Term, and his wife Falcon. He wasn’t sure if the last one even counted towards the total. He had loved Falcon with every fiber of his being but there had always undeniably been a barrier between them. Their relationship had been full of secrets and dodges.


Suddenly Gadget stiffened and an animalistic smile eclipsed his face. It was funny how such a smile changed Gadget’s features so drastically. He went from looking like his old childhood friend to the incarnation of the devil himself. Mark wondered if he looked like that when he smiled now. Gadget had always had a smile like that. He was born as something devilish and less than human, but Mark knew he had once been otherwise. It was strange to feel that he had degraded to the point that he now stood on equal footing with his old comrade in arms.


“What has got you so excited?” asked Mark.


Gadget’s face suddenly turned from a sinister smile to frightening frown as he turned to face Mark. “News from Ddairg. They finally caught your little buddy. Stick was his name? Dark will break him as easily as one at least.”


Mark yawned impatiently. He hadn’t stopped to think of Stick for quite a while it seemed. Where did Stick fit into the whole scheme of his wife’s death? He had been there when it happened. Did that little red-haired maniac have something to do with Falcon’s death too? It wouldn’t surprise him. Stick was insane. It wasn’t too far a leap to consider that he had played a large hand in Falcon’s downfall.


“I hope he does.” Mark muttered.


Gadget seemed surprised by that reply and raised his eyebrow. “Well, well Mark. You may have a darker side that I never knew about. How intriguing.”


“So intriguing I’ll shove it up your…” Mark muttered to himself under his breath, but he didn’t finish his statement because he saw Golden’s body twitch out of the corner of his eye.


Mark immediately stiffened and felt a feral growl rise up in his breast. All his suppressed rage bubbled up to the top of his mind as he struggled against the bonds wrapped around his body, arms, and legs. If he could free himself it would only be a simple manner to put his hands around Golden’s neck and squeeze the life out of him. If he didn’t have the time for that, he could always settle for a quick twist of the head to break the little brat’s neck.


Golden’s eyes fluttered as he regained councisness. Groaning, he felt as if he had been run over by a bus, several time over. He squished his eyes shut as hard as he could when a flare of pain went up his body. His whole body ached from the exertions of his powers and body. He used as much of his healing power to soothe the ache in his muscles as he could, but there was still a deep seated pain in his head that he couldn’t relieve no matter how hard he tried. He deduced that that pain wasn’t physical, but mental. Part of it had to do with overusing his powers beyond their limits, but most of it was attributed to the emotional toll of everything that had happened in such short a time.


As he finished soothing his aches, he turned to the gash on his arm where the dragon’s mouth had punctured his skin. It wasn’t as bad as it felt. It was merely a flesh wound. He didn’t even have to concentrate to heal it. As that final wound closed up, he allowed himself to relax and to open his eyes. The bright light was painful at first, but it was less painful then what he saw next. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the blurry outline of Mark. Even blurred, he could see the savage hate etched into every line of his face. Golden struggled to stand up, but his feet and legs were tied in unbreakable bonds.


As Stick was scooped up by the large red dragon he merely remained as limp as a rag doll. He had no will to fight. It was as if someone had sucked all the will right from his body and left him as a corpse. He wished he was a corpse. Things would be a whole lot simpler if he was. He was going to be soon. Somewhere in the dark recesses of his mind, it registered that he was going to go meet his brother after all these years. That was a guaranteed death sentence.


As the order to move out came, Gadget turned into his dragon from. He saw how the two were looking at each other. He never knew goody-two-shoes Mark contained such a depth of rage for anyone, especially a seemingly innocent young boy. He almost wanted to untie the two and watch them fight it out. It would be entertaining, but he must follow orders. It wouldn’t be a very good fight anyway. The little golden haired boy looked hopelessly weak and scared. He would be squashed like a pancake.


Nodding his head at the manly woman, she quickly changed into a dragon. It was a strange phenomenon, but in dragon form the woman was irresistibly feminine. In his dragon body Gadget couldn’t help feeling lust rise up in his mind. Of course it only took imagining her in human form to crush those feelings like a bug. He wouldn’t settle for any less then beauty in both forms or it wasn’t worth the effort.


The woman turned her head towards him and growled deeply in reply to his thoughts. Has anyone told you you’re a jerk? I can hear everything you just thought. her voice echoed in his mind. Gadget gave her a lopsided smile and tilted his head. Her response amused him. She should have been proud to catch his eye at all. It was only his luck that she was a mind reader. You’re a stupid masochistic…


No need for such words my lovely. he replied quickly. He didn’t need to know what she was thinking to know her next words were going to be less then pleasant.


The woman huffed and gave him a glare hot enough to set him on fire. You heard the orders. It’s time to move out. I’ll take the yellow haired one. You can have the other. You two seem to have such a pleasant relationship. I could feel the love from both of you. she replied sarcastically. Quickly, she scooped up Golden and flew off. Huffing and rolling his eyes, Gadget scooped up Mark. He briefly considered ‘accidentally’ squishing him, but he did owe him a discussion with Ddairg. Gadget flew off after the woman.

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((short time skip to when they get to the base.))


The ranks of dragons flew over the base, heading to the landing where in turns they landed before changing back to human form and rushed off. They all had jobs that they needed to return to and did not want to be punished for slacking off.

Ddraig landed first, setting Stick on the ground before changing back to human form. "You two," he said, catching the attention of two Agnimitra who were rushing past him, "take Stick to the dungeons and make sure he won't change into a dragon. Dark will want to speak with him eventually."

The two nodded and each took Stick by an arm and lifted him and took him to the dungeons. Now to find Dark, which wouldn't be hard. He was sure that Dark would be thrilled to know this mission was a success. Though in regards to Falcon, he didn't know where that woman was. It didn't bother him though, since that woman always did her own things.


Arasi rushed off to return to her duties with the rest of the Agnimitra. She was worried about Leo though and she couldn't get him out of her mind. He was left in that lake, calling for help and she wasn't able to go help him. Her walk slowed as she considered these things, which she might get reprimanded for, but she wasn't paying attention at the moments.


((haha, she should run into Dark xd.png))

Edited by Kira1

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((Hey Kira? Would you mind having them bring Stick to a cell first instead before he meets Dark? I want the opportunity for them to drug him up till kingdom come >:D Im so evil, but it would make sense. They have to have some way of preventing him from changing into a dragon))

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((alright ^^ i'll edit my post.


and it has been edited))

Edited by Kira1

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((remember that Horo had a cell prepared too Kira))

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Jade breathed in deeply and looked from him to the skull and back again,"Oh, well I'm glad that I took up that offer. As long as I'm not dead I'm happy." She smiled and then shook her head slowly,"I still think about when I was five years old. But that was so very long ago. That's when my life just changed it's sad but I still talk about it for some reason." She shrugged after she said this.

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(Ill post in a little, i have to get ready for bed... and do stooooopid homework...)

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((right, there was a cell...xd.png i'm so forgetful


and aw, stupid homework keeping Leodoug from posting.))

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((*sigh* let me know when we get to the next day, I'm getting kinda bored))

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(HAha lol i post now)


Leo opened his eyes and groaned. What happened?, he wondered. His memory was a bit fuzzy, but after regaining a bit of his strength, it all came rushing back. Leo silently growled, lightning was such a pain. He slowly stood up, his head ached terribly and he fell to the ground from the pain. He groaned again and slowly moved into a meditative position. He let some of the water slowly trickle into the ice force field. It felt sooting against his cold skin, and filled Leo with pleasure. He drew in the energy from the water and slowly energized himself, it took a while, but at least he was well enough to swim to the surface. Leo slowly filled the force field completely with water, the dissipated it all together. He opened his gills and silently swam to the surface. As he paddled through the water, he remembered Arasi, and how she had left him. She probably heard my message and dismissed it, Leo thought angrily. He kicked harder and broke the surface. The air was the most refreshing thing he had ever felt. After being in a stuffy area for a while, with stale air, it felt good to be in the open. He swam swiftly to the edge of the lake(or was it a pond?) and hauled himself out. He lay there in the mud, catching his breath for a minute, careful not to catch any unwanted attention, but after a moment, he realized everyone was gone. Leo sat up, feeling more alone then ever, so he sent out a warm message to any friends in the area. If they were near, they would hear him.

Edited by leodoug

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((and what friends in the area is he calling to? since the nearest one would be Arasi.))

Edited by Kira1

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((He can heal himself? I didn't know that was one of his abilities.))



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(no he cant really, and he is not truely healing himself. He is really just energizing himself with energy from the water to give himself a jumpstart. Im sorry if i made it seem like that, ill edit the post to make it different... Anyway, he is really just hopefully calling out, just to show how desperate and alone he is... O the DRAMA!



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((yes, the drama xd.png

and Key are you going to post as Adam? or did I miss your last post somehow?))

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((OMG This was so epically fun to write. For some reason I like my characters to be drugged up to kingdom come. I'm going to write the drugging scenes for Mark and Puppy later. This one was just so long I thought I shouldn't add another 4-5 pages in microsoft word to the post xd.png))


The flight to the base passed in a blur. Stick was too wrapped up in his own misery to really pay attention to anything going on around him. The only thing he really took notice of was his own little cocoon of sorrow. It didn’t even bother him much that he was just about to come face to face with his brother after what may have been centuries. He had stopped counting the time long ago. Time passes differently for someone when they have the possibility to live as long as he had. It was more fluid and quicker than for those who had a more limited number of years.


When they finally reached Dark’s base, Stick was whisked away to the dungeons by two Agnimtra. Once again, he was too depressed to really fight them. Instead, he allowed them to drag him along like a limp rag doll until they finally reached their destination. As they approached the cell, the two Agnimtra threw him in roughly and then banged the door shut. Stick was vaguely aware when he heard the key turn in lock, but he cared little. He curled himself up in a ball and the ground and refused to get up.


He spent the whole time drowning in his own misery and reflecting on the pain from his burns. No one had bothered to heal the burns he sustained from the fight, and he doubted anyone would. That made him surprisingly smug for some reason. If only Rain could see him now. For once, she wasn’t running to his aide nor would she while he was here. For once he would have the opportunity to merely bask in the pain and endure it, a luxury that Rain had never let him have. Somehow he had deluded himself into thinking pain proved his strength and that is why he sought to vehemently oppose Rain every time she poked her little nose into his affairs.


It may have been hours, minutes, or seconds but eventually Stick noticed the click of the lock again as the door was opened. Blinking, he wondered who was coming for him. He looked up expectantly and sighed with both relief and despair when he saw the person who entered wasn’t his brother. He didn’t recognize this Agnimtra at all. He was tall and willowy, almost comically so. It seemed impossible that anyone could be that tall and skinny in real life. “Hello. My name is Willow.” The man said in a whispery quiet voice that still managed to demand attention.


Stick blinked and decided not to reply. He was fairly sure was in for something very unpleasant. He waited patiently for Willow to follow up his greeting with a mock or an insult, but the willowy man just looked at him with a mixture of great sadness and pity. Stick hung his head again. He could bear sadness, but he didn’t deserve pity, not in the least.


The man appeared by his side in what seemed a flash of a second. Stick could feel his overbearing presence standing over his shoulder. He tried to ignore him, but just as Willow’s whispery quiet voice demanded attention, his silence demanded attention too. Stick managed to twist his body into a sitting position despite the restraints wrapped around his body and he slowly raised his head to look over his shoulder at the willowy man. “Hello. My name is Willow.” the man said gently, as if he were speaking to a child.


“I heard you the first time.” Stick rasped and attempted a glare. The result was pitiful. His glare looked more like the large eyes of a lost child.


“Did you really?” Willow said.


Stick blinked and could not formulate a reply. The man smiled gently and said “I thought not.”


“What do you want?” Stick asked, bitterness edging his voice like barbs.


“There is a difference between what I want and what I need to do.” Willow said even more quietly then before. Stick could barely make out the words, but somehow, that made them more profound.


Stick nodded and returned Willows gaze. A moment of mutual understanding passed between them. Stick knew intuitively that he and Willow had much the same experiences and could sympathize with the other. “I’m not sure how a good man like you ended up in Dark’s army, but I’m sorry for whatever happened to you. I won’t hold anything you do against you. You have no choice in the matter.”


Willow gave a quick nod and replied “I’m not sure what happened to you, but I’m sure it will all blow over. The pain may not go away today, or even tomorrow, but eventually you’ll find a reason to live. As long as you hold on everything will work out.”


Stick’s eyes went huge with wonder. He was amazed at how the man seemed to know exactly what he was thinking and feeling. Suddenly, his gaze turned from admiring to fierce. “You wouldn’t happen to be a mind reader would you? I hate those. I hate worms.”


“No. I’m just very perceptive. You shouldn’t hate them, you know. They did nothing wrong. They can’t help the powers their born with.” Willow said.


“No matter. I still prefer to keep my mind to myself. ” Stick muttered, but he was already relaxing. Knowing that the man could read him so easily without getting into his head only bolstered his prejudice against mind readers. If it was possible for him to be read like a book without someone in his head then no one had a right to go in there. They could read him well enough without digging through his innermost thoughts and experiences.


“I wish I had come for mere small talk, but I’m afraid that’s far from the truth.” Willow said with quiet profoundness once again.


Stick sighed and nodded. “I expected as such. Just get it over with quickly.”


Willow nodded before stepping around to Stick’s blind side. Stick didn’t bother to turn his head to see what the man was going to do. He would know soon enough. There was a shuffling of feet and then he felt Willow’s restraining hand on his shoulder. It was coming soon, whatever it was. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as something was plunged into his body and then withdrawn. He gasped as a sharp pain flared in his body. He briefly wondered if he had been stabbed, but no. He had been stabbed often enough. This didn’t feel like anything similar to that.


As the pain suddenly numbed, Stick felt himself shudder as Willow stepped into his line of sight. There was a needle he held tightly in his hand. Stick had enough coherent thought to briefly wonder what had just been injected into him before he collapsed back to the ground with a thud. The drug was incredibly potent. It only took a matter of seconds for it to take effect. It was like someone had thrown a blanket over his mind. He couldn’t think properly. Everything was whirling and colors flashed before his eyes. A smile coalesced Stick’s face as he lost himself watching the vivid dancing colors. An unnatural sense of euphoria bubbled up from somewhere inside him. He wondered if he had finally gone completely insane.


Willow said “The drug prevents you from using your powers or turning into dragon. It should wear off in a few hours, though they’ll probably have given you another dose by then.”


None of that registered in Stick’s mind. He merely smiled as the colors continued to dance across his vision. He was as enthralled by them as a child. Willow watched Stick for a pensive moment before he left the cell. The door locked with an audible click behind him.


((Pretty colors anyone? xd.png))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((Posting as Adam now, you didn't miss it. And Oh My Gosh!!! I am sooo excited for this!! *is bouncing in seat*))


Adam looked into Midnight's eyes. A feeling of numbness took over his senses as he processed what this could mean.


"First of all, only three people in the Temple, not including the new people you brought, own or have trained with a bow. That arrow is too familiar for it to be anyone you just brought. It's one of the three. Liliane, Tirol, or Falcon. We will have Tick bring the arrow with him back to us, and examine it against those three's." Adam said. Then something hit him. Mark's message hit him. He and his wife, Falcon, had left. That seemed suspicious, the timing was too close, but it was Mark's brother. It would be seriously twisted if Falcon murdered her own husband's brother. Adam shook his head. He would compare this arrow against the other two's and if it didn't match theirs, he would know.


Dark was lounging on a bench on in the same courtyard when troops started landing. The soldiers all seemed to rush off into their separate directions, making it impossible for Dark to make out the shapes of anyone in particular. He saw two men dragging a man and his eyes lit up. Dark knew in every fiber of his being, that man was Stick. The rush of his emotions was so intense, to anyone on the outside he seemed to just be standing there, staring blankly. His emotions were so twisted and dark and sinister, he felt as though he had earned himself another level lower in hell because of the thoughts. His eyes closed and he let the feelings rush over him.


First, the pride. It was a chocking sort of pride in himself and everything he had achieved. He had never, in his entire long existence, once felt so much pride as he did in those moments. It rushed over him, it seemed to ever graze his skin, leaving him with goosebumps. A shiver ran up his spine at the pure, concentrated rush of pride. Before he could have any other sort of reaction, his body had moved on to the next emotion.


Anger. Seeing his brother's figure, even all hunched over and limp, made Dark fill with rage. This was the all consuming rage of someone with no real grounding emotions. He could feel the blood surge through his veins, his heart race increasing at this flood of anger. The rage that was so powerful, he probably wouldn't have been able to see if he had opened his eyes. The rage pulled him from any coherent thoughts or emotions. He just felt impossibly angry. After a few more seconds of the total rage, more emotions creeped through his system.


The next was hate. Hatred, unlike the ram of pride or rush of anger, the hatred crept into his system. The rage was slowly pushed aside for the blacker than any color that human or dragon could conceive. His pure hatred for his brother was different from all other emotions. It was not temporary, but Dark's longest companion. The hate was not new, not in the slightest. This hatred that poisoned so much of Dark's life could be even more of a brother than Stick. When he had lived with his family and Stick had been perfect, that's when the hatred had started. It had branched out from his immediate family to the elders, then humans. The despicable race of worms, much like his brother, only created to be crushed under his boot. This hatred he felt did not fade as the last of the other emotions flowed past him, contempt, scorn, pity, amusement, the need to inflict pain. The hatred was concrete through the rest of the rush, and whatever was to come next for The Black Dragon.

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((since I think a fair amount of time has past I'm bringing Horo back in))


Horo watched as dark's compound came into view as she, the two soldiers and the prisoners they had with them made their way further inland of Australia. With a few minutes they were landing, she set the prisoner she had, the woman, down on the ground before shifting back into her own human form. Calling to a pair of guards, she explained the situation and had the three prisoners taken out of the yard and to an area where they could have food and rest. I'll need to report in now she thought to herself. She made her way through the grounds, searching for either Dark or Ddraig, either one would do as they were both commanding officers. She then realized just how close Dark was, he was in the same courtyard she was, and from the looks of the troops around her, a battle had just been fought, for what though she wondered. She marched briefly over to Dark and bowed before she said, "sir, I am reporting in"

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Leo had lay in the mud to long. He had showered in his own misery , and if he had learned anything, it was to move forward. Luckily, Leo had remembered were one of the Amphibio Dragon Temples was after seeing Arasi, for she had awoken many deep memories. Leo was going to find Golden and Stick, free them, then do his best to get Arasi to come with him. If that didnt work, then he was on his own, and Arasi would have to live with that her whole life. He reached out mentally to Puppy, he could feel him, but he was far off. Leo tried to speak to him, but he seemed unable to send back. Leo sighed, he should at least prepare. Leo slowly bent to the water edge, whispering strange incantations. The water bent and twisted to his will. It pulled itself up from were it lay circling around its master, finally fitting into his hand. For now this was a lifeless part of water, just another energy filled, but souless, element. But it wouldnt be that way for long. Before the Light Dragon died, he taught Leo how to instill life into an element, making it his eternal companion.


First, Leo would have to completely purge the water of all impurities, as if it had never been touched before. It was a long strenuous process, with many rests in between, but Leo finally pulled the last little impurity, leaving a gleaming, tropical looking ball of water. He was exausted, but he had to keep going, no turning back now. Leo gingerly pulled a scroll, old and crinckled, from his pocket. Within it heald the secrets of binding energy from an element into a sentient being. Leo slowly unrolled the parchment, it glowed an unearthly golden light, stinging Leo's eyes, but he had to see. He gently formed the water into an egg shape, letting it stay in that position. Leo chanted a couple of words, and the water began to solidify, taking the luster of a crystal. It still remained partially liquad, but it was not finished. The next step was harder. Leo concentrated and began to chant. Out of the water a shimmering energy flowed. It ran its way up into the water; it sparkled and shimmered, showing signs of life as it hardened a bit more, looking like a transparent shell. And now for the final step. Leo stopped chanting, for only a little phrase was needed. He raised his hand, releasing some of his own energy into the water, and said, "I give you life.".


What happened next was marvelous. The energy from Leo danced through the air, all around were it touched, plants grew, and the air became pure, the birds sang, and the animals watched the solemn event, as if they were lending there own energy to the water. The energy drew nearer to the water, it inched its way closer, then touched it. The swirling water inside reacted wonderfully. It flashed a brilliant white, making Leo drop the scroll and stare, wide eyed, in awe. The energy particles scattered, then came together. The slowly formed a tiny dragon fetus. It stood there, motionless inside the egg, almost long enough to make Leo wonder if he had failed. But then, it burst to life. A heart began to beat, sending streams of blood through the new being, and at this first moment of life, the water hardened its shell, becoming an egg. Leo lost control of it, since it was no longer water, and barely cought it. He cradled it gently whispering to it, and to his surprise, it whispered back. You are my master, my father, my true friend, It told him, I am yours now, and I will help you in your most dire of times, for you gave me life in the barren desert of my exsitence, and for that, i thank you.. And with that final word, Leo fell into a deep sleep, the egg in his arms.

Edited by leodoug

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((eh, i'm not too sure this whole making life thing is acceptable even if it does drain him of a lot of energy. No one can create life. not without paying a huge sacrifice such as a life for a life. now, maybe if it was a temporary thing where he did something using life already in the water or at least, using the energy in the water to make it life-like. other than that, creating a new life from water just seems...impossible? absurd? godmodding? whatever, just, do something a bit different please. ^^))


Midnight had a bad feeling about this. No doubt her and Adam were making the same speculations about Falcon. At how she had left recently, yet why would she kill her husband's brother. Their suspicions would be cleared when they saw the arrow and compared it to the others' arrows. She just hoped this wouldn't grow into something larger. Last thing they needed was someone either getting killed, captured, or worse, this temple being attacked and many Agnimitra being killed.


Ddraig spotted Dark who was already being spoken to by Horo. Quietly he walked up to the two and waited for Horo to finish speaking with Dark since she had been their first.

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((Maybe you should just give Leo less powers? Instead of having him be good at fighting, plus able to constantly pull energy from water, plus being able to create life, you should cut his abilities down. Like, maybe creating life can only be done once every thousand years? And he can only pull energy from water when his powers are at their fullest, and even then it's not too much. I agree with Kira, he seems like the most powerful water dragon ever.

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((Tell me about it xd.png Drugged Stick is so much fun.


By the way… Agnimtra went over 1000 posts biggrin.gif Congratz to Key for being the 1000 post.


I’m going to be out of town tomorrow and Saturday so no posting *dramatic crying*))


Puppy's mind was going a million miles per hour. There was too much going on in his crowded mind for any of it to make sense. He was constantly shifting from hysterical crying to terrified screaming. His head pounded with the force of the emotions and memories that weren't his. He hadn't noticed it after he had first woken up, but after touching the dagger he had picked up many of Stick's emotions and memories. He could the feel the complete depth of the man's depression and that was added onto his own. It was like bearing the weight of two souls. He was only thankful he hadn't picked up everything about Stick or there would be no hope for him to ever recover himself out of the jumbled mess of his mind.


He deserved this torture. He deserved it for killing Falcon. He deserved it for overusing his powers. He deserved it for a lot of things. Once again, he broke down into hysterical sobs. The memory of Stick's mother had popped up into his mind and he was mourning for her. It surprised him that he could cry so much over someone he had never known, but in a way he had. When he absorbed so many of Stick's memories, he had absorbed Stick's love and impression of his mom. Even as he cried hysterically, he smiled at the memories of Stick's mom singing to him as a young boy. It was almost as if he had been there himself.


Having a sudden shift of emotion again, he started screaming with his already hoarse voice. The screams echoed off the walls of his cell. He struggled to move but they Agnimtra had taken the precaution of strapping him down as tightly as possible to the bed where he was laying. He was pretty sure he had heard one of Dark's army talking about a straightjacket as if tying him down to the bed wasn't enough to keep him restrained. It wasn't actually.


He had already managed to wiggle free once. It had been worth it to see the expression on the guard's face when they opened his cell to see why the commotion had stopped. Puppy had huddled in the corner of the room, large amber eyes searching desperately for an answer. After that incident, there had been much muttering. They had quickly strapped him back to the bed before one of them hurried off to get something. Puppy guessed it was a straightjacket.


As if to answer his question, the guard returned... with a straightjacket and a syringe. Great. Double the fun. Golden quieted for a moment so he could flash a feral grin, but he was soon drowning in his own torrent of emotions once again. His sobs returned in full force as another of Stick's more depressing memories surfaced in his mind.


He was to preoccupied by his crying to really fight it when the guards roughly untied him and forced him into the straightjacket, but as soon as he was immobilized, his screams became twice as loud. Struggling, he attempted to get the contraption off of himself. All he wanted was to be free. He wanted to be free of all of these invading memories, this cell, this straightjacket. One of the guards covered his ears while the other grabbed quickly for the syringe. Before he could blink, Puppy felt them plunge it into his back.


The effect was almost immediate. Colors started to dance across his vision in a matter of seconds and he could feel himself losing concentration very quickly. Panicking, Golden focused as much as the drug would allow before it took full effect. He had just enough concentration left to draw upon his healing powers. Quickly, his healing powers started to counteract the drug, while the drug counteracted his healing powers. He was locked in a struggle inside his mind to see which was stronger, the drug or his powers. One of the guards noticed the look of extreme concentration.


"Go get Lilia." one of the guards said urgently.


Golden paused for a moment, but only for the flash of second. As soon as he lost a bit of concentration the drug gained one step on him. The name Lilia was quite familiar to him, but it couldn’t possibly be the Lilia he was thinking of. Lilia was like a distant memory to him. He had left her behind along with his human mother.


The guard responded with a quick nod and ran out the doors. Puppy continued fighting the drugs effects the whole time. He was slowly gaining a foothold when someone came through the door. Puppy turned his eyes and gasped. He lost concentration completely and soon the drug was dizzying his mind to a disturbing degree, but his absolute shock overcame the dizzying effects of the drug. The black haired girl turned to him and her eyes went wide at the exact moment his did. Recognition flared in both their eyes.


“Lilia?” Golden said.


At the exact same time Lilia said “Jacob?”


This certainly was Lilia. Only Lilia would know the human name he had forsaken when he left the human world behind. Lilia’s face was contorted into a mask of complete shock and amazement. “What happened to you Jacob? One day you were at school, the next you were gone. No one knew where you went. Your mother was hysterical. The whole school was hysterical. They looked for you and your father for days but there were no clues at all.”


Golden tried to speak but the drug was clouding his mind again. He screamed as he tried to fight it off. When Lilia heard him scream, she winced and rushed over to his side. She placed her hands on his head and gasped as she drew back involuntarily. “There is so much going on inside your head.” She whispered.


Gently, again she touched her hands to his forehead, but this time she did not withdraw. Slowly, Golden felt himself relaxing as a flood of calmness and serenity flooded into him. This calmness made it impossible to fight off the effect of the drugs. He sighed and then the drug clouded his mind completely. He stared with blank empty eyes as the colors danced across his vision. The lack of emotions crashing around in his mind was almost a welcome relief. “That’s right Jacob. Calm down. You have nothing to fear.” Lilia said gently.


Puppy couldn’t formulate a reply in his mind although he attempted to. Lilia smiled and suddenly he had a bit of clarity in his mind again, not enough to concentrate very hard, but enough to be able to speak. “Are you doing this?” Golden asked in slightly slurred speech.


Lilia smiled “Of course. Cool isn’t it? I’m an empath. I can make people feel how I want them to and I can feel what they are feeling. It’s my job around this place to calm down our more rambunctious prisoners. You’d be surprised how many are brought in kicking and screaming like you.”


“It’s cool.” Golden slurred. He felt as if he was in a dream. Lilia had been his best friend when he thought he was human. The whole time he had thought Lilia had been human too, but somehow she had ended up in the same place as him, in Dark’s base. He must be hallucinating. Lilia wasn’t an Agnimtra.


“Not nearly as cool as your powers. I can also tell an Agnimtra’s powers by touching them. I’ve never felt a power like yours before. It’s a dangerous power though.” Lilia said.


“Dangerous how?” Puppy slurred again.


“Dangerous to yourself Jacob. Look at you. You aren’t able to distinguish your own emotions from that of others. It’s actually quite similar to my powers in that way. I’m not going to lie. Sometimes I get confused about what I’m feeling and what others are, but you Jacob… You are more confused that anyone I’ve ever met. Just being in the same room with you makes it impossible for me to think straight. Be careful or you might just lose yourself.”


All Golden could manage was a dumb smile.


Lilia let out a sigh at Golden’s response. “I wish I could stay and talk Jacob, but whatever happened that brought you here and what happened to me means that here we part paths. We are on opposite sides now, but I can offer you one final thing.”


“What’s that?” Golden slurred.


Lilia smiled sadly and then leaned over and gently placed a kiss on Golden’s cheek. As soon as he felt her lips brush his face, no amount of drugs in the world could stop him from blushing and feeling awkward. His face was as bright red as it possibly could be. Lilia giggled at his reaction. “No need to be embarrassed Jacob. I could tell back in our human days that you had a crush on me. You’re so easy to read Jacob. I don’t even need my powers to do it. I feel honored to be your first crush though. I’m sure you’ll find someone much better suited for yourself then me though. It can never happen. All it was was a boyhood crush. Happens to everyone.”


Golden was still as bright red as a stop light. Lilia reached into a pocket with her free hand and drew out a pair of electric yellow fingerless gloves and placed them on the bed next to him. “I believe these are yours Jacob. You left them at my house the day before you disappeared. I always kept them with me so I could return them some day. Now get some sleep.”


Lilia flooded his mind with so much calmness he felt lethargic. It took only a moment for his eyes to flutter as he drifted off to sleep.


((hehe. This post is so cute xd.png))

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