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The Agnimitra

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((oh, no, that's not your fault. i just didn't register, bold words=thoughts. i'm used to italics=thoughts. ^^))


As Tick stared at her like she was monster, she wondered what was wrong with him. It wasn't very nice to look at people like this, especially when they didn't know the reason why.

"Good morning Adam," she replied to him, turning her attention to him, "I came to see if anything was wrong since you were not up yet. Is everything alright with him?" Midnight asked, meaning Stick.

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((Ah, italics is thoughts to yourself for me, it used to be for messages, but I think the bold is better. Like, italic, soft thoughts are my own, and the dark black ones are for others.))


Tick stepped to the side so that he was out of their way. His eyes were on the ground and he was still shaking. This whole thing was really getting to him. He needed to calm down or he was going to start screaming and raving. The sight of Term's limp body wouldn't go away. Tick shook his head and tried to force himself to calm down.


Adam stared at Midnight for a second, his mind darting to the man he had been thinking of. He shook his head and tried to figure out which him she could be talking about, when he realized.


"Oh, Stick you mean? He..." Adam paused, trying to find the right words to explain the situation, but not sure if he should tell her the whole thing. "He and Rain..." He paused again, trying to sort it all out enough to tell her. Maybe we should talk about this in private. He sent to her. He couldn't just explain all of what had happened in a few sentences, and he certainly didn't want to try with all the people around them. He trusted Midnight. She had been loyal to the Resistance for many years and had always been a good friend to him. He wanted, no needed to talk to someone about all of it, but now wasn't the best time. Especially with Tick there so unstable. "Why don't I brief you and Tick about it over breakfast in my offices." He said, giving her a look that told her just how serious the matter was. He glanced over at the other man there, Midnight's friend. He had forgotten the man was there, but he remembered that he was new. This conversation was not one that could be common knowledge just quite yet.

Edited by Key2Universe

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Sayuk listened to the conversation and then felt like he was not needed at all. That's right he was the new guy and while he was not sure what it was about that you one, Tick it seemed, was really scared of something. Maybe something had happened.


"Err. What's happening here? Something is wrong what happened?"


He didn't want to be left there like an ignorant he was no fool SOMETHING had happened and if something had happened then that meant he might be in some trouble at some point. He sent a message to Ddraig hoping to have some light on the matter.


Ddraig I next to know something now! As anyone in the army caused trouble at the temple?! Anyone?


He was a terrible liar he needed to know what was happening before it all feel on him. How he hated the vow he had be force to take for his family. Stupid truth vow. He had became a master at keeping the truth from being said, but... he usually hoped others would not know about him. He prepared some answer just in case though.


"Why is the kid so scared anyway? You ought to calm down before you hurt yourself."

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((hehe I have just barely enough time to post one more time tonight. I think I'll add a bit more drama to your area Kira.))


As Golden knelt beside Stick he felt himself panicking again. Too much had happened in such a short time. Stick was bleeding away before his eyes. He was a murderer. Mark was still futilely digging at the ground with his bare hands. The man's face was twisted in concentration and frustration. It was all too much for a fourteen year old boy. His whole life had been too much for a fourteen year old boy. Is this what being an Agnimtra was about? He could understand why Stick went crazy then. Tears clouded his eyes again. He needed his father or his mother. He needed someone, but whom? The only person who he could call family was bleeding before his eyes and not to mention Golden felt more like the parent then child in his relationship with Stick. He would never think of burdening the already burdened man with his own worries. Not that it was a choice at the moment considering the circumstances.


Suddenly an idea came to mind. It was sudden and violent and it shook Puppy to his core. Maybe there was someone he could trust with his worries. Midnight had been motherly to him when they had first met. He still remembered her scolding and that one awkward hug. It was the only viable choice he had in the current situation. Opening his mind, he screamed out with his thoughts I'm sorry Midnight. I should have listened to you when you said obey your superiors. I'm so sorry for everything.


He clamped down violently on his mind so that Midnight would not be able to reply. He knew she would have questions, ones he couldn't answer, but it felt great to be able to apologize to someone, even someone far far away. His hands stopped shaking as he gained control of his fear and sadness long enough to concentrate.

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((lol, wow. i put Stick instead of Tick. xd.png oh well, no need to bother with changing it now.))


Midnight nodded to Adam when he told her that they should talk about in private. It must be something quite serious for Adam to be like this about it though, but Midnight understood and knew Adam had perfectly good reasons.

"That sounds like a good idea," she said about briefing her and Tick about it in his office. She then looked to Sayuk who seemed out of the loop, a sort of apologetic look on her face.

"Well, something is definitely happening, we just aren't sure what exactly," she said to Sayuk to give him some sort of explanation, even if it was vague on details.

Suddenly she heard Puppy speaking to her and was apologizing, but before she could respond he broke off contact with her and shut his mind off. Midnight was left standing there with a worried look on her face. One moment she was trying to reassure others now she looked like she needed the reassuring.


Not that I know of. Why? Ddraig responded.

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Jade sighed as he helped her into a chair,"Thanks Brick." She bent down and rubbed the middle of the blade of the sword gently before picking it up and looking at it. She then rubbed the blue stone embedded in the hilt and sighed,"I didn't take it out like I usely do. For some reason I would always rubbed the blade and the gem before over actually holding the sword by its blade. I guess it must be like an atoumated trp or something. There is so much about this sword I don't know about." Jade started to look sad,"But my father was never able to tell me about it."

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Sayuk was far from satified, especially since he had no idea who had caused the problem whatever it was. Still he could not as for more than that, not now at least. He would do well to go to the guards quarter before he's late.


"Um. From the boy's look it's probably something big and since there was no sound I have my own hypothesis on the problem. I'll be joining the guards now."


He then recieve Ddraig answers.


There have been trouble in the temple. I don't know what, but some from the army must have done something stupid. This could make my mission a lot harder especially if they suspect me, a new guy, of being a spy. If you learn something do tell me please. I don't want any surprise because of a third party.


He turned around to leave giving one last look to Tick. This one could mean trouble he would do well to eliminate him, he had some ideas on how to do so and accuse someone else. He scanned him to remember him well then left. This one was going to die soon, if not today then tomorrow. That is unless the devellopement didn't turn out so bad. If he finds the boy sneaking around then he would take pleasure in teaching him that curiosity could kill. After all an accident could happen so fast. He left the area and entered the room he was supposed to go to. There he saw a couple of guards who looked at him, the new guy.


"I was said to come here for guard duty. I'm awating orders."


((I don't know what to do with the guards so... if one of you Kira or Key who takes care of most of the resistance could help with this...))

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Leo removed the red hot tip from the fire. He quickly formed the ice tongs to gloves and slipped them on. As he picked up the tip, he looked over to Golden and said, "Get ready to heal him, when I say so, you NEED to do it.". Leo then turned back to Stick and pressed the wound together with his free hand. With his other hand he quickly burnt the wound shut. He gave it a couple seconds to set in, then released his control on the ice, and let it melt onto the wound. When all the water dissipated he looked over to Puppy and said, "You need to do this now, or the burn will hurt him more than it will help.". As Leo said this he thought of this poor boy, would he be able to handle it? He had already been through so much. He ignored this thought, since he knew this boy would do it, this man obviously meant a lot. Leo slowly watched stick, waiting to take emergency action.

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((Key and I like, take care of everything. xd.png I'm just glad to have a partner in crime. lol))


If I hear anything I'll let you know, Ddraig replied, wondering who could have done such a thing. Ddraig thought it was just Sayuk, Sayuk's men, and Horo who were there now. And they were all under Sayuk's command so they wouldn't do something so foolish. No, it was definitely someone else, a third party as Sayuk had said. Who else had been there? There was Falcon who had left to retrieve Stick but she was heading back now. She was now in Australia to be exact. Could she have killed that man? Ddraig doubted it even if she was a strange one.

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((I can take care of Dark's army no problem and if I do remember right I do have an entired watch house under my command and roleplay (so easily forgotten). I just don't feel right in making resistance too unless they are extremely minor ones. As long as it's the soldiers you can count on me working it alone. I hate having too much control over my actions it removes unknown events, surprises, as I would most likely make it worst in a way I want it to go. I dare anyone to say otherwise... It does influence. If not then I bow before your superior mind. *prepare to do so*


Anyway if it's not too much a bother can you do it? Else I'll just do it myself if it does bother.))


Elicia was roaming around the temple again. She was searching for other people to prepare for their leave when she stumble upon something she never though would break the motonity of the day. A man hitting Adam's door like he wanted to break it! Well maybe not break it but still. She looked for a while from a short distance and when that white hair guys she didn't know about left she quickly joined them. She noticed that Tick was extremely nervous and scared.


"Hey? What going on? Did I miss something? OH! Adam the first and second group have left for separate temples now!"


Changing subject quickly again. She really had to learn to be calmer when talking and not rush to say everything she had. Still she wanted her answer since she hated to see young Agnimitra scared. She patted Tick's hair trying to be nice.


"What's the matter Tick? You look so nervous..."




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((Really long scene alert... but a lot does happen in this scene ^^))


This really was hell. Everything burned! Fire was engulfing his whole body. As an ice dragon, he didn't react well to fire. Burns were like torment for him. No other bodily injury was worse then a burn to his body and so feeling like he was on fire was the worst punishment he could have ever envisioned. Struggling, he attempted to escape the flames into his memories. Those were torturous also, but not as torturous as this burning. Hell was worse then life. Why couldn't he have a moment of rest? Not even in death could he escape the torture.


Golden watched the scene through half lidded eyes. This was too much to watch for his disoriented brain, but necessary. He kept repeating that word to himself in his head. Necessary, necessary, necessary, necessary. It was like an annoying commercial jingle he couldn't forget. He wished there had been some other way, any other way. If only he was as talented as Rain at healing or even passably good as Falcon had been things would be so much easier at the moment. He knew that healing became easier with time and study, but at the moment he didn't have time and he certainly didn't have time to study.


Even through his half closed eyes, Golden couldn't help watching with horrid fascination as the burning arrowhead touched Stick's skin. How badly would that hurt? Probably terribly. Golden actually thought he saw Stick's mouth twitch a little into a frown. That wasn't possible of course. The man was out cold, but Puppy's overactive imagination somewhat contributed to the illusion. It touched at Golden's raw nerves that he was helping cause pain to Stick. More tears rolled down his cheeks and hit Stick's skin before sliding down to join the dirt below.


As the stranger took away the arrow and quickly cooled the wound, Puppy found himself shaking more then ever before with fear, anticipation, and pure raw nerves. Finally the stranger said what Puppy had been dreading. It was his turn to do his job. Amber eyes wide, Golden rolled up the sleeves on his yellow sweatshirt and placed his hands on Stick's wound. Concentrating, he drew upon his powers and focused with more might then he had ever before. This concentration was absolute. He thought only of the task ahead of him, healing. He couldn't do it. The wound refused to be healed under his unskilled hands. In this deep concentration, Golden was not brought down by this fact but became immensely determined to find a way to make it work.


Delving deeper into the nature of his powers then he ever had before, he came to a startling discovery and smiled to himself. His powers overlapped like notes in song. If he could...


It was stretch. His other power wasn't really meant to absorb things from humans but from objects, but it was possible. It was like stretching a rubber band beyond its limits while trying to keep it from snapping back into place. The effort of it already had him shaking and his shaking would only get worse if he managed to succeed, but this mantra was going through his head. Necessary, necessary, necessary, necessary. Every second was a struggle against himself, but finally, finally he started to have a small thread of success. A sudden aching in his chest appeared as he started to absorb Stick's physical injuries. It was terribly painful for him, both mentally and bodily, but eventually he got where he needed. Letting the rubber band snap back into place, he quickly concentrated his healing energies on the now diminished wound on Stick's chest. This time it responded to his wishes. The cells started to regenerate themselves and heal.


Golden gasped and sat back. The throbbing in his chest was tremendous. It was amazing how much pain Stick had been feeling, and Puppy didn't even know the half of it, literally. He hadn’t even absorbed half of Stick's injuries. That man was a crazy maniac to be able to withstand such pain. It didn't register in Puppy's mind that Stick was considered a crazy maniac by many.


Working quickly, Golden shrugged off his own sweatshirt and t-shirt and looked at the wound on his chest. It was a strange sight to say the least. He grimaced a bit at it, but quickly concentrated his energies and watched the wound heal as if it had never been there. He put his t-shirt on as quickly as he could and put back on his sweatshirt. Sitting there, he allowed himself to yawn. That experience had been exhausting to the extreme. His last thought before he drifted off to sleep was that he didn't know the least bit about his powers or how to use them. He was discovering something new everyday and all of it wasn't very pleasant as the pain in his chest had shown.


It was like a shockwave through his system. He could feel the presence of another person there, sharing his pain and then slowly siphoning it off. He didn’t complain. The relief was welcome. Suddenly the relief stopped. It seemed an eternity, but then all of his pain miraculously disappeared all at once. Stick was left in the inky blackness feeling nothing at all. Had he just been torn from hell? This must be some in between place. It wasn’t terrible as hell, but it wasn’t heaven either. Stick was satisfied. This place would suffice for a decent eternity. There was no fire to burn him here, but that was where he was wrong. A sudden bright light burned the vision in his good eye. The light was blinding after so much blackness. Blinking, he shook his head to clear his vision. It took him a moment to realize he wasn’t dead.


His first instinct was to say “Gosh darn it Rain. I didn’t need your help.” After he said it though, he knew Rain wasn’t there. His heart fluttered a bit at this. Was he wishing that she was? Sitting up, he groaned and swiveled his head to get a good view of his surroundings. It was a pain to be blind in one eye. It was like seeing one half of a picture. He wasn’t used to the feeling yet. He eyed a stranger. He saw Mark digging at the ground as if his life depended on it and worst of all he saw Falcon… and Golden. Gasping, he disregarded the stranger and rushed and to Golden’s side. He was relieved to find the boy was merely sound asleep. Jumping to his feet once again, he rushed to Falcon’s side. Like Mark before him and Puppy too, he searched feverously for a sign of life. It yielded the same result. There was nothing.


Mark had stopped digging to look at Stick. For a second, the man’s eyes softened and they shared a moment of companioned mourning for a lost wife and daughter. It barely registered in Stick’s brain that Falcon had attempted to kill him. On the contrary, that fact endeared him more then ever to his daughter. She had seen he was dead and cold inside and had come close to giving him his greatest wish at the moment. Death. This felt wrong. Stick had been so sure he was the one meant to die this day, but destiny had had other things in mind for him. Indeed someone had been meant to die, but it was Falcon.


Silently, Mark changed into his dragon form. Taking one of his large claws, he scooped out a large portion of the earth and made a grave for Falcon. As he returned to his human form, Mark did a surprising thing. He hugged Stick. The moment didn’t last long, but misery invites company. Solemnly, the two of them lowered the body into the ditch and Mark started to scoop the dirt back in with his hands. Stick couldn’t bear to watch. In the first time in a long time, he was crying. He hadn’t cried when he heard about Hope’s death. He hadn’t cried when he found Puppy or Falcon, but now he cried without shame. Standing up, he was soon attracted to the weapons on the ground.


First, he instinctively picked up his dagger, the thing that had betrayed him, and yet it still felt right in his hands. Betrayal did not change that. Secondly, he picked up Falcon’s bow and what was left of her arrows. He put the arrows in the quiver which he had picked up also and silently examined the weapons. Just like his dagger, strangely, this bow felt right in his hand, an extension of himself and the daughter he had lost. Stick had had many weapons over the centuries, but as he strapped the quiver and bow across his back, he knew these were permanent unlike his dagger. Somehow the dagger had changed in meaning for him. It felt right to be by his side, but that is no longer where it belonged. A shunyata that betrayed its own wielder was no longer able to serve him and so he would have to find a new home for it. Instinctively he knew someone who might want his soul. He would present it to Rain when next they met.


Turning around, he faced the stranger and finally said “Who are you?” As he said it, he felt the land underneath him tremble.


He knew this sensation from previous experience. Tensing, he whirled around. An army was approaching and he had a fair idea whose army it was. Blinking, he said over his shoulder “Leave now stranger or you’ll get to meet Dark face to face. There is still time for you to escape. They aren’t looking for you.”

Edited by Dashidragon

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Horo quietly sent an unobtrusive message to Sayuk, sir I have three prisoners and I will soon be returning to Australia, I was merely sent to check in on how things were going here, do you have any requests that I pass along to General Ddraig and our leader, sir?. She was more of an observer and was soon to return to Dark's command. Things had gone quite well with her visit and so her report would be good.


((hope that's ok))

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Leo sighed as everything went well. This boy was powerful. But he soon became very alert as Stick rushed into action. After few short moments he asked Leo his name. "I am Le...", but he was cut off as Stick warned him of the approaching army. Dark in person? Well, this he couldn't miss. Maybe now he could finally get revenge, and so Leo responded, "No, they may be after you, but they have hunted my breed to extinction, I am going to stay and fight, for it is our war, and no man should fight it alone.". Leo then faced the direction of the noise and felt an unbearable rage build inside him. He felt the waters around him shake and the once cloudless sky grew dark and stormy. Leo's eyes glazed over as the power of the water took him over. He was powered by rage and fury, and no one would deny him his rite to at least fight. The final bits of Leo's consciousness faded away as the water took full control, an army would be the least of his problems, he just hoped on one got in his way.

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((Don't I know it. I'm glad you all enjoy my writing because I feel like I do so much of it! I can do the guards, even though the last thing I need is even more to write about in my posts. Thank you for being considerate, since my scheming seems to be clouding up the RP))



Adam was really pulled out of his musings when he saw Midnight's face. She looked like something was seriously wrong, but there was no way she could know what had happened to Term. Adam just stared at her, then shifted his attention to the man when he spoke about the guards. When the man looked at Tick like a predator looks at his prey, Adam's eyes widened. He wanted the man's back as he receded, deciding that he should probably take into account more people than the one his mind had locked onto.


"Alright, lets head up to my office. We definitely need to talk about all of this." Adam said, his voice and expression jovial. He looked carefree and happy, but it seemed rather fake and forced. He was trying to make things look as normal and natural as possible, should the snitch be in the immediate vicinity.


Tick jumped when someone touched him. He had been staring at the floor, so unsure of everything. He looked up to see Elicia, a woman he had always liked. He stepped back from her and towards Adam. He bumped into the large man and Adam turned around.


"Oh, Elicia. Excellent. I'm afraid I won't be able to talk with you about this more right now," He paused to pat Tick's shoulder. "I need to handle Tick. But, I trust you will keep things running smoothly. I will check in with you again once things have settled down here." He said, smiling to her. He then started walking to his office with Tick walking next to him, only inches from his side.


When they reached his office, Adam pulled out his key and unlocked the door. It seemed trivial to have something such a weak and human sort of defense, but it made Adam feel a bit better. He walked into the room, waited for Midnight and Tick to follow, and closed and locked it again. He noticed that someone had left food on his desk. He walked over to it and saw that there was a note. The place was filled with breakfast pastries instead of Adam's usual meal of meat, meat, and more meat. The note was in a woman's writing and said.


You've had a rough few days. I hope that this breakfast helps you feel better.



Adam smiled and sat down behind his desk. He made no move to eat the delicious, sweet creations. He couldn't be too careful with this new news, and he really wanted to chow down on some bacon. He groaned internally when he thought of bacon and shook his head. It was just like him to keep getting distracted from Rain even after she had gone. He looked up at Midnight and Tick.


Tick found Term's body, Midnight. He believes that a member of Black's army has infiltrated this mansion. I have a very strong idea of who it might be, but we can discuss that and Stick after we calm down Tick. He sent to her. He hoped that her nurturing nature would soothe the boy.


The members who had assembled looked up from the map that they were all gesturing too. They were discussing the fact that one of their patrols was late.


"But that isn't the end of the world. They could have gotten lost or found some clue for the gem, or...been caught." The man said. The others around him mainly nodding except for one woman.


"My sister was out there. We can't be too careful you know that." She said. Just as she was finishing her statement, the door opened and Sayuk walked in. They all looked up in surprise, they had thought everyone was there. The woman shook her head and sighed. "You're right, I'm being too paranoid. Let me know when they get in or if you hear from them." She said and walked out, pushing past Sayuk. The man who seemed to be in charge of the meeting, the one who had been talking before the woman smiled to Sayuk.


"Thanks for coming. You haven't missed much. I think that the patrol of the western forest needs another person. That's a pretty low traffic zone, we don't want to send you right off into the heat. That patrol starts in..." He paused and looked over to a group of people in the room. One woman rose.


"About a half hour. We are meeting where the western gardens end and the forest begins. If you need any help finding that spot, let us know." She said, her face with serious and professional, but she was not afraid of a newcomer as others were. That was probably one of the reasons he had been shoved off on her.


((God that post took forever to go back through 30 pages and find Lana's name. She's the clumsy girl I mentioned earlier.))


((I know I keep editing this darn thing, but aw!!!! So adorable! Okay, now back to all the bad stuff that's happening. See what you've joined into, leodoug? Lots and lots of drama!))

Edited by Key2Universe

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Brick watched as Jade picked up the blade bracing himself as he expected it to release a burst of wind. "I'm sorry about your dad Jade. Should I sharpen your blade now or do you want to do it by yourself." He said proving that he had a short attention span and a one track mind sometimes, he sat back down at the seat infront of the motorized stone picking up his spear and man-handling the skull off of the tip, setting it down at the table next to him.

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((>w< I appreciate all the things that you do for this RP Key! *glomptacklehug*

omg i just had such mean thought. i was just thinking about Adam and how he doesn't have a profile even though he has such a big role now, and then the idea of killing him off came to mind. D8 i'm so mean. xd.png))


Midnight was distracted from trying to reach Puppy when Adam spoke, trying to feign a happy expression, but of course Midnight could see through it. It was just like him to do so and it was something that made him a great leader.

She followed Adam to his office, still distracted somewhat by the abrupt message that Puppy had sent her, and came in after him. She took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and listened to what he had to say.

So that's why Tick was freaking out, Midnight replied, well hopefully we can find this spy among us. She turned to Tick who still looked anxious and panicky.

"Tick, you need to calm down. It will do no good if you just fret over it like this. We can handle this, don't worry. Everything will be fine," Midnight said to him, doing her best to try and reassure the other.


((hm...maybe i should make a new character...))

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((Thank you Key. With that I'll be able to take over my little western garden side.))


Sayuk remaine as emotionless has he was known to be. Looking at he guard, listening and finaaly getting shoved to that girl. She seemed less nervous than the others guards in the room. Could prove to be useful, she was a trusting type, the one he liked to most for their usually easy to control actions. He nooded when she told him when his first shift would begin. A calm area where he would be able to lose his time pondering on what had happened... great. While he could get anyone he would go out of the temple ground in terrible danger, killed or capture he would have to refrain until it would calm itself in here. Especially if some boy was going to have an accident. Well he had his job now so he better get to it.


"If you can show it to be it would be appreciated as I am not familiar with every location of the temple."


With that the women nooded.


"Follow me then I will show you" She turned to his group. "I'll be back a soon as I get him to his post and squad."


Both of them left the room and walked along the temple corridor until they reached a big door with light tainted glass depicting a variety of different flowers. They got out of the temple to get into a large garden. So this was going to be his current job... Much more interesting then being a guard in the nothern land thats for sure at least there was something else than snowfield to look at. When they reached the forest line there was a couple of guards siting a chatting together, their shift was almost finished so they were taking it easy. The woman called them.


"Hey! What are you doing slacking off again? Well anyway. I present you..." She looked at him expecting him to say his name.


"Sayuk" He said simply.


"Well he's going to work with us for now so be nice to him. Your shift is going to be here any minute now. I'll be going back now. Bye."


She then left Sayuk with the others. He recieved Horo's mesage meanwhile and answered it without any feeling into it.


Yes. Good. How do you plan on taking these prisonner back? It's quite far, you can leave them to Garjax and take them one by one I can allow two soldiers to help with this task. I can talk to Dark or Ddraig myself.


For a bref moment he though about the possibility of her being the third party, but pushed the though away he knew where she had been.


He lookeda round him. Being this close to the temple it was bound to be calm... maybe once inside the forest it would be a bit more interesting. One thing was good in knowing the `enemy` movement. He knew he didn't need to be careful. After a couple of minute of ignoring the other soldiers his own squad finaly arrived to relieve the other one. The four other guard smiled to him.


"So you're the new meat heh? Well I hope you won't get bored to death here. This job is an important one whether you find it interesting or not."


He then presented his guards and Sayuk introduced himself too. They then entered to forest to start their patrol. Sayuk followed clamly listening to the other guys lessons about this job and tricks they had gathered. While some could be intersting most of them he already knew. He was no `fresh meat` on this job like they believed he was. Well no need for them to know about it. He would have a couple of hours of walking with no goal now. Away from his main mission...




Elicia smiled to Adam when he said he needed to take care of Tick first.


"Of course Adam! No problem I'll be around the mansion preparing various task like usual. You know how to find me when you will have time." She smiled to Tick. "It'll be alright. Good luck boy!"


With that she left them to go to the infirmary. She needed to make sure they had everything they needed. While some were healers it was best to use some plants or human medecine not to waste their power in case they really needed it.


"Hey! How is it going guys!" She had just barged in not considering that there could be any patient inside. "I'm here to make the inventory!"


One of the nurse glared at her.


"Calm yourself! We can hear you just fine, think of those who could heve been sleeping here!" Still the women came to Elicia. "We already started making it, it's easy since we don't need to rewrite it everytime. We made a list for you."


The women then gave Elicia a long list of antiseptic, bandages and other things that she would need to go buy. She took it and quickly passed over it.


"Ok! I'll go and get this now. Any special request?" She asked the nurse.



Elicia then went out of the room and back to her room. In these dangerous time she would need to be quick about her new mission. The other two groups were ready and she had left little Jeanna to instruct them on anything else they would need to know. She quickly prepared herself and went fort the garage to borrow a car. This travel could take a while...

Edited by Skarx

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Jade shook her head and then gave a smile as she looked up at Brick,"You don't have to say that you are sorry about my father. What happened to him and my mother was terrible but I will have to learn to bear with it sooner of later. It would be better now than later, right?" Se giggled a bit and then held her sword out to Brick,"You can sharpen it."

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Yes. Good. How do you plan on taking these prisonner back? It's quite far, you can leave them to Garjax and take them one by one I can allow two soldiers to help with this task. I can talk to Dark or Ddraig myself.was Sayuk's reply. Horo paused to consider and then replied, I can probably manage on my own, but having the help of one or two extra soldiers would be useful. I did not feel I was right to commandeer any of them to do so without your permission as they are under your command and it would have weakened our forces here. She had thought this out fairly thoroughly, one, Sayuk had said not to do anything that would countermand Garjax's orders, and two, she knew that the last thing you should ever do to a frontline unit is deprive it of soldiers.

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"Its your funeral. Mine too actually. I prefer it not to be a dual event." Stick replied to the stranger.


Stick thought the stranger was both stupid and suicidal to stay. Taking on a whole battalion of Dark's soldiers was an impossible task. They would whip the boy into the ground, no matter how powerful he was. It wasn't practical for two to beat however many Dark had sent, which Stick guessed was a lot. Although, on the flip side, he was stupid and suicidal enough to take on Dark's army. Maybe he shouldn't be so judgmental.


Speaking of funerals, he hoped to avoid one more this day. There had been enough as it was. His thoughts turned to Golden. Turning, he briefly looked at Falcon's grave and sighed. There was still a fresh trail of tears lining his face. Not even Dark's army could make him forget his daughter was dead and almost everyone else he cared about. Life had broken him even more. He wouldn't have thought that conceivable after Rain's kiss. He had thought he had hit rock bottom then, but this was still worse. This form of sadness transcended everything. It was a solemn and mysterious sort of sorrow. His initial form of insanity had fled him the moment he had seen Hope's grave. Now it was replaced with a new kind, a reckless need to die. Coming so close to death had only strengthened the urge. If it got any larger, he knew he wouldn't flinch at taking his own life. There would be no more outbursts of the sort he had suffered at the mansion. Now they would be of a much more dangerous sort. A mindful outburst with lethal results, his death.


Just because he had turned suicidal didn't mean he wanted to drag everyone down with him. Golden still deserved to live. Actually, he needed to live. The boy was the most deserving person Stick had ever met. He trusted without hesitation and gave himself fully to the people he loved. Loping over, Stick nudged Golden with his foot. "Time to get up. You have to get out of here."


Puppy groaned as he felt someone prod him and say something. He didn't want to wake up and go to school. He had just fallen asleep. It couldn't be morning already. "I don't want to get up Mommy. Five more minutes." he murmured quietly to himself.


No one would have been able to hear him, but Puppy flushed red from embarrassment as his sleep fogged mind registered what he had just said. He had been having a dream about home, about when things had been normal, when he had assumed he was human. Now that fantasy was snapped like a twig. Everything came bounding back to mind in a sudden flash. Before he could stop himself, he was crying again. Gosh what a baby I am. he thought to himself as the tears ran down his cheeks. Trying to save face, he sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes. It didn't even register what Stick had said.


It was lost in his joy. Jumping up, fresh tears clogged his eyes as he attacked Stick in a massive bear hug. "You're alive! You're alive! You're alive!" he screamed excitedly.


Golden suddenly froze when he remembered what he had done to Stick's daughter. He had killed her. His enthusiasm drained. Falcon was dead because of him. How could he bear to tell the man that he was a murderer? Sticks psyche was sensitive as it was without the need to burden it with such information. Sighing, Puppy swallowed and realized he had a difficult choice to make. For Stick's sake he could never say that he had been the one to shoot the arrow that killed his daughter. Already he felt his face twisting in agony as he tried to lock away the secret in his heart. He was terrible at keeping secrets.


Stick was surprised at Puppy's outburst. The boy was so enthusiastic he wasn't dead. When had he ever earned such love from anyone? Never. He hadn't deserved Golden's love. He didn't deserve Rain's love. He hadn't deserved Hope's love. The world would be so much simpler without people who loved unconditionally.


Suddenly the boy’s whole demeanor changed. The boy tensed up and hugged him so hard he could barely breathe. Something was wrong. He could tell by the rapid change of emotion. It could be a lot of things. He and Puppy would have to discuss it later. He would have to ask if Puppy knew how Falcon had died. He hadn't thought of that until this moment. He had been too wrapped up in the fact that she was dead to think of how, but that was a discussion for another time. Extracting himself from Golden, he looked over at the gate. A man was standing there and suddenly there were masses more. They had come. It was too late for Golden to get away.


If he couldn't offer him escape, the least he could offer was a form of defense. Reaching down, he pulled out his dagger and offered it to Puppy before turning to look briefly at the stranger. "Don't blame me when they beat you up. I tried to warn you."


Stick reached back and grabbed his bow. Notching an arrow, he prepared for a fight. He briefly noted that Mark was still throwing dirt into Falcon’s grave as if nothing in the world was going on.

Edited by Dashidragon

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((I made a new character! If you look at the last profile it's there. ^^ Her name is Arasi, a second lieutenant in Dark's army, and just for a special twist she knows Leo! If that's alright with leodoug, though, i can say that you have no choice in the matter. >w< lol))


Ddraig pushed the troops to fly faster in order to reach Stick before he had time to leave and escape. Dark would be furious if Stick escaped, and yet Ddraig had a feeling that Stick would not run. He just hoped that Stick wouldn't be too much trouble, but of course he doubted things would go smoothly. If Stick has been avoiding dark for this long, it wouldn't be like him to just come with them now.


Second Lieutenant Arasi flew amongst the ranks of the Agnimitra which were following General Ddraig to where Stick was. They were assembled as a "welcoming party" to bring Stick back to their base. And from the rumors she has heard about Stick, she didn't think this would be that easy.

Edited by Kira1

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When Leo finally saw the troops, he lost all common sense and became clouded with rage. Water flowed up from the ground and surrounded him in an icy shield. He then directed his storm towards the troops with a wave of his hand. The adrenaline pumped through his veins, he was driven by pure hatred. The water rained down upon the troops, at first they laughed, but instead of the rain falling of their bodies, it stuck to them, and hardened to ice, slowly freezing them to the core. The first line froze solid and Leo laughed with glee. He was having the time of his life.


( Sorry, i was on a role, i was kinda thinking that when I was writing but you know how it is when you get on a role... anyways, YOU WILL ALL PERISH, Leo is showing his DAWK SIDE!!! OoOoOoO!!)

Edited by leodoug

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((whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Leodoug, please, no! You cannot do that much damage that quickly without letting me respond. You have neglected the fact that Ddraig is a powerful fire dragon who can use his fire powers, along with the other fire dragons with them, to protect everyone from Leo's ice. Now, the first dragons that got frozen, those were fine, but after that was just a bit too much. After the first dragons that got frozen, Ddraig and other fire dragons would have thrown up a shield of fire. please edit accordingly.

now, don't think i'm mad at you. your writing is awesome, just don't get so far ahead with things.))

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((NO!!!! Don't show too much of a dark side leo. It was preplanned that my characters would be captured in this battle so I need a few of Dark's army alive and kicking xd.png))

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