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The Agnimitra

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Jade stopped spinning and loked at him,"I told you I'm bad at teaching people how to dance. I've tried it before and the person never learned from me. They went to another teacher that started to boast about me not being able to teach dance. Then I said I cold teach how to fight and then he said 'Oh yeah'. And then we started to fight but I won." She sighed and then shrugged her shoulders with a smile,"So I can't teach dance."

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Brick just shrugged off her excuse. "No matter I'll learn some how." He then saw they had arrived at the new room, he picked up the key that was hanging on the wall next to the door. He picked it up and held it out to Jade. "I believe this belongs to you, I think you'll be happy with the room." He said with a smile on his face.


((Jade just make the room look like you like, like something like fairly good sized.))

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((Cool, I get to make my own room! xd.png Let me think))

Jade took the key excitedly and unlocked the door. She opened the door and looked inside,"I don't like it." The room was a good sized room with a bed with a blue blanket on it in the middle and a small dresser on the side. The walls where painted blue on the sides and on the top it looked like like you where looking at clouds instead of a roof. On the far side there was a door to a closet. The was a wooden dresser near the closet and a small desk beside it. Jade laughed,"I'm just kiding it looks really nice." She jumped up and gave Brick a hug,"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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Brick hugged her back as he followed her into the room. Man those workers did a good job, I gotta find them and thank them in person sometime. He took a look around the room. "I like it, my room is just next door if you need anything, but I won't leave you alone just yet. You should get settled in first, if you need any extra clothes or anything we could always fly into the nearest town, you can use my card."

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Jade scracthed her head slowly,"I guess I do need some more clothes but I also want to sharpen my sword real quick. You never know what might happen while we are out." She looked at her room again and sighed,"This is so nice of you. I'll epay some day really." She clapped her hands together and gave a smile.

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Horo was quickly out of bed as a knock sounded at her door. She reached out briefly with her mind and registered the person as Garjax. "just a moment Captain" she responded. She only took a moment to attach her armor, put on her gauntlets, and get her sword. opening the door she asked, "are a few soldiers ready for me, Captain?"

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"You know you don't have to repay me, Jade." Brick said as he scanned the room again. "I have some tools in my room you can use to sharpen your sword." He offered as he walked out of the room, he went across the hallway and produced his own key thay he used to open the door to a cramped room. Every bit of space was taken up by something or another, in one corner there was a grindstone used for sharpening tools and hanging above that was a kit for polishing weapons. In another corner was a simple bed with a layer of sheets on top of it, hanging along the walls were displays of spears that he had collected on his travels. He hung his spear on the wall next to the rest and sighed as he noticed that everything had a fine layer of dust since he hadn't been here in a while, he took of his dusty cloak and threw it onto a chair just adding to the dust. "Sorry if my room is kinda messy, I haven't been here in a while."

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Jade had followed him into his room and giggled at the mess,"So much dust you naughty dragon." She waved her air forward and a stream of wind cmae from her hand. She directed where the wind should go and guided it to the spots that had the must dust. When she got all of the dust the wind seemed to falter and the dust fell in front of her,"At least I got it somewhere. Right?" She laughed and shook her head slowly.

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((I can only post once today probably and really quick one too. I have homework out the wazoo.))


Puppy nodded his head quickly at the stranger. With shaking hands, he attempted to pick the man up. It took several tries. Stick may be skinny but he was very tall and very heavy. There was no way that Golden was going to be able to pick him up so he had to satisfy himself with dragging the man's body across the ground. It took a lot of effort, but eventually he managed to drag Stick to the stranger's feet.


Huffing, Golden laid Stick gently on the ground and waited. He still didn't enjoy the thought of doing this, but what needed to be done wasn't always pleasant.


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A smile appeared on Brick's face and he let out a slight laugh. "Very true thanks for the assistance, but I'll have to wipe everything down sooner or later." He said as he fell onto his bed backward letting up a cloud of dust, Brick sneezed as the dust rose before giving a smile. "You know how to use a grindstone to sharpen weapons?" He asked as he gestured over at the large stone on a motorized engine.

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Jade looked at it and scratched her head,"Well, I always asked somebody to do it for me so I don't know how to use one. Mabye I should have learned how to use one before." She unsheathed her sword,"I've had this since I was five and I still don't know how to sharpen it. That's so sad. It really is." She shook her head lsowly but then looked up with a smile.

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(( blink.gif about 5 days ago I was on....now I'm completely lost....great. *trys to figure something to do*))

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Brick sat up on the bed. "I can sharpen that for you if you want I also need to sharpen my spear so it won't be a bother." He said as he stood up and pulled his spear off the wall, he then pulled up a seat infront of the stone and turned on the motor which gave off a low rumble as the stone started to spin, he also pulled the polishing kit off of the wall and set it down on a table next to the spinning stone.

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((Skarx...sorry about the wall of text! I got really into that one *rubs back of the head sheepishly* and thank you Kira, I write all the time, but I could never sit down and finish a book. I can't even finish a short story. And Dragonhatchling, you can come to the courtyard where all of the soldiers are gathering to go collect Stick, Dark's brother. biggrin.gif ))


Adam sat up in bed when he heard a knock on the door. He groaned and threw off the covers, then walked over to his closet. His whole body was stiff and he was exhausted from the conversation during the night. He stretched his arms above his head and pulled the clothes he wanted out of the closet.


"Come in." He called out and headed into the bathroom attached to his room. Being the Temple's elder did have some conveniences. He turned the faucet and let the cold water begin running, then splashed some of it on his face. He needed to get out of this mood that he was in and get focused on what was going on. He had to focus on the positive things. He and Rain were on good terms, he knew what was going on with her, well somewhat, and the Temple had a plan for what it was doing. This could be a lot worse, and soon would be if he didn't keep this place running.


One of the Resistance members was looking through the closets in the mansion for some supplies that might be useful. People were trying to get everything together to make sure that nothing was looked over. He passed the hallway with the old sword that he had caught that young dragon practicing with. He picked it up and swung it through the air, but his training came nowhere near that of the child. He sighed and put it back on the rack, making a note to come back later and get it to give to the boy. He was the only one who deserved that blade. The man continued down the hall, humming a tune to himself. He wasn't too worried about the coming battle, he had been at this Temple with Adam for years and he trusted in the elder's abilities. He opened up the next closet door that he came to, and the smell of something rotting assaulted his nostrils. The man clamped a hand over his nose and mouth and looked into the closet to see Term, Mark's brother. He let out a sort of sob and hurried to Adam's rooms to let the elder know. This meant that someone in Dark's army was inside of the mansion and they were all in grave danger. When he got close to the room, he saw a man and a woman outside of Adam's door. He pushed past them and began banging on the door.


Sir! This is an emergency! I just found Term's body in one of the closets. He's dead! One of Dark's officers must somehow be in the mansion. This is terrible! He sent to his leader, hoping the man would respond soon.


((I'll let you two, Skarx and Kira, respond to that before Adam does since you're right there. biggrin.gif ))


Dark sauntered out after Ddraig, nodding to the officers that he knew personally. By the time they had made their way to the courtyard, the whole base seemed to be buzzing with the news. Those who didn't fight, only worked stood outside of their building's doors, whispering to each other. The soldiers filed into the space, their faces eager and bright with anticipation. Everyone knew how happy their leader would be once Stick was in his grasp. Dark smiled. He stood just behind Ddraig with his arms crossed over his chest and his trademark smirk covering his face. There was a relaxed ease to his posture in direct opposition to the nervous excitement overtaking most of the crowd. Dark felt much more relaxed than he had in a long time. Hearing that his brother, his enemy like no other, was on his island made Dark's muscles uncoil. He felt so powerful in these moments, like the world was already at his fingertips. Instead of tension and excitement, relaxation was overtaking him. His darker side was his quiet side, when he said nothing and just acted. That's what he was preparing for. He was not nervous to see his brother, not nervous at all. Dark's smirk grew as he thought of his brother and he watched his troops gather before him.


"You give them the order." He said to Ddraig. He didn't feel like crowding this moment with his words. He wanted his brother before him now.


"Merci." Rain muttered to the woman. She handed the woman her woman and headed out of the tiny, french hair-cutting shop. The woman blew Rain a kiss, then got to work on her next customer. Rain gave the woman a slight smile and began walking down the street. Her reflection in the next store's glass front window caught Rain's attention and she turned to look at herself. It was amazing the difference some hair dye and new clothing could make. She looked like someone new, not really the same at all. Rain studied her clothes and shook her head. The woman in the store had assured her that this was popular style and that it looked fantastic. Her gaze drifted upwards to her new hairstyle. It was also a complete change. She had told the woman some guidelines and somehow, she had turned out like this. She sighed and shook her head, continuing down the street. She couldn't stand there, gawking at her reflection. She had to continue on her journey. She absently wondered what Stick would think if he saw her like this. She giggled, betting that he wouldn't even recognize her. Her bets were the same for Adam. She had barely changed her hairstyle or clothing style for a few hundred years. It would blow them away if they saw that this was how she changed, generally in drastic ways.


"Besides," She said to herself softly, "This style suits me." She said, as if trying to convince herself. She pushed down her pants where the material was bunching up in the front. She still felt rather out of place with these new appearance changes.

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((k thanks!))


Shadow jumped down from the tree she was in. She saw most of Dark's army gathering in the courtyard and figured she should be there. Walking down a hallway she nodded to a soldier who walked past in a hurry. Shadow picked up her pace a little catching up with the man. He didn't bother saying anything when she walked up beside him. Soon she was out in the courtyard still following the man who once again quickened his pace. Sighing Shadow watched the man run off and spotted Dark instead. I hope I'm not late for anything then... She thought. standing where she was for a good view of what was going on.


((and I'll try and be on all week but...I'm usually not allowed because of school...friday I only go for half a day (11:30 EST) so I'm sure I can be on then...))

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((Oh don't be sorry I was just saying. I'm really tired these day so... walls get me even more sleepy xd.png. I do respect your talent in writing such things though.))


Garjax saluted his superior when she opened the door.


"Yes I have prepared five men for you to use."


He brought Horo to the soldiers.


"They all have different abilities, speed, strength, discretion and others. Feel free to do what you want with them, but do try and bring them back to me alive if possible."


With that he left her with his men.




Sayuk was surprised when a man came banging on the door. What was his problem? He looked at Midnight.


"Are people here usually pushing others like this?"

Edited by Skarx

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((*Blushes and hides behind something* I cannot handle all of these compliments on my writing. No problem Dragonhatchling, but you may get a little behind. We tend to all be rather active. I certainly don't mind filling you in when you get back though. And there is a summary on the first post I believe. Oh, and Skarx, the comment was made mentally, not out loud. Sorry! That's why I used the bold.))

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((You get compliments because you are good. I'll scream it key. YOU ARE AWESOME! Your writing is like a teddy bear. I just can't stop hugging it and cuddling with it. If I had a smidgen of your talent (which I don't) I would be an epic writer. (Oh great, now Key is going to get all "why are you complimeting me?" in her next PM. Oh well. I like to give her compliments. Then she will give me a compliment and then I will bash my own writing and say I'm jealous of hers... xd.png Its a cycle)))

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Jade watched as the stone spun looking as if she was in a trance for a minute. She then shook her head quickly,"Um..Okay." Jade put her hand on the blade of her sword and held it to Brick. She blinked twice as she saw a bit of white flash on it. Two seconds later wind bursted from the sword and hit Jade in her chest. She dropped the sword and flew into the wall.

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Brick watched as Jade took the blade in her hands before there was a flash of white light and Jade flew into a wall. Brick knocked over his seat as he jumped up and ran over to Jade, he didn't know what had happened and if Jade was hurt badly or not. "Jade Are you okay, any idea what exactly happened right there with the bright light?" He pulled her close and started at the sword that was resting on the ground with the rumble of the motor as a constance noise in the background.

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Jade was seeing stars float around her head,"Hey Brick. I'm seeing stars. That is so weird." She coughed a bit and looked at Brick,"That I think was a bit of wind. Stupid sword attacked me." She swatted Brick's hand away from the sword,"My god man! It just busted wind at me and you're trying to pick it up." Jade tried to get up but her legs felt numb and she fell onto her knees,"I can't even get up that thing hurt so badly." She coughed again and held her stomach as some of her hair fell over her face,"Man that's smarts."

Edited by Jadeclaw

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"I've never heard of a weapon attacking its owner with a burst of magic before." Brick said still looking at the blade. "Just let me examine it, I promise I'll have it figured out soon." He then watched as she failed to stand up, falling to her knees, he bent down and picked her up placing her in a chair before sitting on the bed himself. "Now what do we do since you won't let me touch the thing."

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((we say Key is good because she is good. ^^))


"I'm seeing if Adam is awake yet," Midnight answered Sayuk when he asked what she was doing. Shortly after she heard Adam say for her to come in, and right after that a guy pushed passed her to bang on the door, shouting something about there might be a spy among them. Annoyed somewhat, Midnight pushed back the one who was banging on the door. "Calm down and report what you found. Don't just bang on the door," she said, before opening up the door and stepped inside.


When Dark said he could give the orders, Ddraig nodded before turning to the troops, standing before them. They were all assembled now, standing in their formations and waiting for the orders that would allow them to take to the sky in their dragon forms.

"Move out!" Ddraig ordered and then shifted into his dragon to form to lead them all to where Stick is located. The ranks of Agnimitra shifted to their dragon forms and took to the sky after Ddraig, their shadows passing over the courtyard and buildings.

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((*Is hiding even more now* Guys, no more compliments! Thank you for saying I'm good. I really appreciate it, but I am seriously embarrassed! Oh, Kira, as I told Skarx, he was not yelling, he sent that to Adam mentally. Sorry, totally my fault for not making it clear. (Hehe, now my writing skills have faltered, since you all didn't get that telepathic thing. I am but a writer like you all!)))


Adam sighed when he heard the banging on the door. He had just said come in. But, then the message came to him. He froze except for his pupils expanding. After a moment he shook himself and forced himself to pull on the clothes. Term...dead, in the mansion? He thought to himself as he managed to get all of his clothing on. He opened the door and faintly heard Midnight's voice through the door to his room. Seeing it not open, he walked to it and threw it open. He needed clarification on the situation.


The man looked between Skarx and Midnight, his eyes wide. All he could think was that someone in the building was a killer. Someone was one of Dark's. They killed like nothing, Dark's army had killed his mother. The man was shaking a little, his eyes had fixed on Midnight and were wide with fear. What if it was her? What if she had been lying to them all along? The man was pulled from his thoughts when the door opened and he saw Adam standing there. Some of the tension in the man's body released as he took a breath. Seeing Adam made him feel a little calmer. He knew for a fact, one hundred percent, that Adam was good.


Adam looked and saw Midnight, the dragon that had been with Midnight earlier, and Tick, a dragon that had been with them for years. He recognized the message as Tick's and looked at the younger man. He was shaking. Adam rested his hand on the younger, shorter man, concern filling his eyes.


We will figure this out. Let me talk to Midnight and this man first, then we will figure this out. Adam sent to Tick. Tick nodded after he had received it and he seemed a little less stressed out. Adam turned his attention to the other two people in front of his door.


"Good morning, Midnight. What's the occasion for your arrival? Please tell me it's because there were extra scones and not a battle." Adam said. His tone was rather forced, Tick's message had jarred him. He thought about all of the people that could have done this. His thoughts kept flicking back to one in particular. He shook his head and forced himself to focus on Midnight. He could reason the rest out in private.

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"good, follow me then" Horo replied, she motioned the men after her and arched towards one of the trapped areas around the resistance building. She directed a pair off to either side of the area, one went to the back, but off of the path, and Horo stood near the front area. A group of the resistance members came along the path only to find Horo standing in the middle waiting for them. "I will give you two choices, members of the resistance" she announced, "you may either join Dark's army and live, or you can fight and flee, in which case you will die". One of the agnimitra near the back bolted away, but seconds after he vanished there was a scream of pain before it was quickly cut short. That left five, two of whom reached for their weapons, and in return Horo drew her own sword. She separated the sword into two parts before reforming it into a single double-ended blade. One charged straight at her. She blocked his initial attack before she before she first drew the lower blade across his chest followed by the top blade, leaving a massive X carved across his chest. The agnimitra fell to the ground with a soft gurgling sound. The second one landed a slash along Horo's leg, but the blade skittered across the armor with a shower of sparks before she cut the man's life short with a thrust through his skull. She drew her blade out and whipped the blood from it's edges. Turning to the remaining three, one of which was a woman clutching a bundle she said, "I do nit wish to see any more death please surrender". The remaining man and the two women tossed small daggers to the ground and said, "very well then we'll surrender". Horo gave a sigh of relief and said, "good, my men will accompany to our camp". With that the five soldiers emerged from the forest and escorted the group back towards the camp. She paused and checked the bodies of the two she had killed before standing and making her way back towards the camp.

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