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The Agnimitra

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Leo was hit with sudden realization, he had just seen fellow Agnimitra. He sighed, as he knew that he would have to get involved. Leo slunk out from the brush and over to the old man. As he was walking over to him, he passed the woman. He shivered as he remembered the scene. Leo continued to walk towards the man who was wounded, but thankfully still alive. Leo was no healer, but as he knelt down to examine the wound, he felt he could at least try something. He slowly drew water from the ground and the air into a condensed ball. He then let it trickle into the wound and cleaned it out as thoroughly as he could. Leo drew the water back out from the wound and discarded it. He had an idea, but he knew that he would need some help. He slowly stood, then acknowledged his presence with a quick "Hello there, I believe i could help your friend... if you are willing to help me.".

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((....*resists urge to ask where exactly someone is she can meet up with* .....I feel so stupid!))

((i'm just a little lost myself. well, serves me right for not posting for awhile...well, at least you guys are keeping it alive. ^^ Could everyone like give me a couple of sentences summary of what their characters have been doing? then i can add that to the first post's summary of the rp.


and Leodoug, no double-posting. ^^


TT^TT poor Falcon. and wow that was a long post. very nice. >w< well, let's see what i can do...))


Midnight awoke the next morning feeling refreshed after the a good night's sleep. She headed down to the kitchen for breakfast, grabbing some of the pastries they had out and a cup of juice before continuing to the side of the mansion that had taken a beating. The tarp they placed over it was still there and securely in place and the debris that had been piled had already been removed. The area looked a bit cleaner now without that mess there, so all that was left was to get it repaired.

There were some Agnimitra working to get things all prepared for the repairs to begin and supplies were slowly being brought out. Midnight didn't know much about construction, but luckily there were those that did know how to and could lead the construction group in repairing the wall and roof.

Maybe she would go out and patrol, check up on the scouting groups that were out and such. She also wondered where Stick and Puppy were. It had been an awfully long time of her not seeing them around the mansion anywhere. Well, she shouldn't let herself worry too much over it since they could handle themselves. At least Stick could, she didn't know about Puppy, but she guessed he was with someone since Puppy wasn't the kind to go around alone when he had just made friends. That's what it seemed like to Midnight anyways.

There was also the gem to worry about. Everyone so far had been talking about the gem being in Britain, or at least Europe, but she had a strange feeling it wasn't. Maybe she should go look at a map to try and figure out places where it might be located. Of course, whoever made this clue couldn't have come up with something more helpful. She just hoped that they found it before it was too late.


Ddraig went through his daily routine around the base now that things with Jade were straightened out. There was paperwork to be done, which was something that Dark never really did on his own. Ddraig knew the importance of it and Dark just let him do as he pleased for the most part. So the red dragon took care of making sure it was all done properly and organized. He had privates that worked in organizing it all so then he wouldn't have to do it all by himself. Though when he reached the point where he could leave the rest up to the privates, he wasn't exactly sure what he should do next. Maybe head out again to gather more, check up on Sayuk, or maybe check Horo, or possibly Jade and Brick. Or maybe he'd find Dark, talk about this party that the black dragon had mentioned.


((aaaaand i have posted something just to place my characters. just interact with them how you want. ^^))

Edited by Kira1

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Jade gave a weak smile and her eyes seemed to shine. "That means a lot to me Brick. Thank you." She latched her hands together behind her back,"I'm sorry. I must seem like a sad person right now. Its just these memories that I have, sometimes they make me so sad that I have to cry." She sighed after she said this,"My life has been a sad one but just think that there might be others that have had an even sadder life."

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Brick returned her smile as she seemed to lighten up, he put a arm around her and pulled her close into a hug. He had a nudge in his head almost like remorse at the carefree life he had lived before Dark appeared in Australia. "It's okay with me Jade, I don't mind if you cry it just shows that we aren't cold and hardened to the world. I wish I could've lived the life you had so I could relate to how you are feeling right now."

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((Is back! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while! It's been crazy busy with Thanksgiving and all, lots of family stuff and school stuff. I am in the process of catching myself up, and as soon as I am, I will edit this into a real post. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am in fact, here.


Okay, I am officially all caught up. First of all....that was fantastic Dashi!!!! I think it was better that Dark wasn't there. I really loved that one. Okay, off to write my posts.))


Dark nodded to Ddraig. It was not his place to separate any such pair. He walked towards Brick and Jade slowly. It seemed like a lot of emotion had just passed between the two of them. He ran a hand through his tousled, midnight hair and let out a breath. After a few more steps, he was in comfortable conversation distance from them.


"Brick," Dark said with a nod to the dragon, "Jade, was it?" He said her. Without waiting for a response, he continued. "I have decided that you, Jade, will stay here for the time being. You must learn the order of things around here and get better training, and all that. Oh, and Brick. You are staying here too. Since you found this air sprite, she is your responsibility. Show her around the base and have someone get a room set up." Dark said. He nodded to them both, gave them a cocky half smile, then turned and began walking away. After a few steps, he looked back at them. He let out another chuckle and headed out to find where Ddraig had wondered off too. Probably more paperwork. Thank god he does it, I never could. Dark said, and headed for Ddraig's office.


Rain opened her eyes slowly. She had drifted off into some sort of restless sleep after her sobs she stood and stretched. Her back gave off a few cracking noises and she sighed deeply. Never in her whole life had she felt so...empty. She turned and looked at the fountain in the moonlight. It was a tribute to loss and beauty. Rain's eyes drifted along the water's flat surface until they found the image of a woman. She was a beautiful woman. Her hair was bright green, her cheeks were rosy. There wasn't a single wrinkle or scar on her perfect face. But, her eyes were off. Usually they were the bright green of spring time. All sorts of people had found comfort in the woman's eyes. They were just so bright and wonderful, they seemed to pull you away from your troubles. But, her eyes weren't the same. They were dull. They were lacking. She looked like a copy, not the original at all. Rain stared at the image, getting lost in her own reflection, when she felt a tearing in her mind. She closed her eyes, but she felt as if she had just lost something valuable, more valuable than she had realized. She opened her eyes and started to cry out for it, when it was back. The cry stopped in her throat and Rain just looked at the sky. After a few moments she closed her eyes and shook her head. She had no idea what had just happened, but she knew that she was lucky. Very lucky, more lucky than she could guess. She let out a heavy sigh, but soon a smile crept over her face. Having what ever it was back made Rain smile. She felt less of the terrible weight she had been carrying and she started towards the mansion.


Adam walked through the doorway to the strong smell of freshly cooked bacon. He look a deep breath it and let it out, happily. A huge grin covered his face. He hurried down the hall and through another doorway to see her in an adorable green apron. Her hair had been pulled back into a loose bun, and she was standing over a pan on the oven, filled with sizzling and popping bacon. The woman looked up from her work and her whole face lit up when she saw him.


"Oh! Adam, you're up! You should have waited just another minute, the bacon's almost finished." She said, in her adorable, honey sweet voice. He sighed happily just hearing it. Without saying a word, Adam went to her, threw his arms around her, and lifted her into the air, while hugging her tight. "Oh! Adam! I'm trying to cook!" She said, her tone light. Her giggles gave away the fact that she wasn't angry. He held her tighter for a moment, then put her down.


"I don't need any bacon, all I want is you." He said, a wolfish grin covering his face. She gasped in fake surprise and pretended to run away. Adam hurried to her and grabbed her once again. She yelped.


"Oh no!" She cried out. Adam smiled at her and turned her around in his arms so that she was facing him. She looked up at him with her magnificent, bright green eyes. His gaze locked with hers, then moved down to her lips. He leaned down and kissed her hard. Her lips felt strange. Adam opened his eyes to find his lips on his favorite pillow. He quickly let the poor pillow go and pushed it away. A heavy sigh shook his frame and he looked up at the ceiling. He wouldn't get any more sleep tonight for fear of another such dream.

Edited by Key2Universe

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((Yay! Key is back! ^^ And we can understand why you weren't on. it's not like it's been that long anyways. and, aw, poor Adam, dreaming of Rain.))

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When Dark come over to them Jade had a dark red blush on her cheeks. As he left Jade pushed Brick playfully away from her. She laughed and then gave him a hug,"Well I guess you are staying here anyway Brick." She felt happy now that she knew she had at least one freind in the world. But was still sad at her life. Why did it have to be them that died it could have been me instead. But then I never would have met Brick and he would have never met me either.

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((Key is back!!!!




That dream was hilarious by the Key. xd.png It had me rolling on the floor laughing.))


Puppy was drawn out of his little bubble of sorrow when he heard a voice. Jumping at the voice, he turned to face the person who had spoken. As he tried to open his mouth to reply, all that came out was a pitiful moan. Get a hold of yourself. Crying like a baby won't help anything. he berated himself, and yet he couldn't seem to follow his own advice. His tears still flowed as freely as a faucet.


Mark looked from the crying boy and then at the graveyard. Mark still didn't know what happened. The brick wall that surrounded the graveyard blocked his view. Wiping the blood from his nostrils, his voice boomed to the person in the graveyard "What happened? Who are you? What is going on here?"


Mark seemed frozen in place for a moment, but soon his feet slowly started moving in the direction of the iron gate. Cautiously, he surveyed the scene and gasped. Not taking the time to even open the gate, Mark pole vaulted over it and sprinted to his wife's side. Frantically, he searched for any signs of life just as Puppy had been doing only a few moments ago, but there was nothing. Marks hands dropped limply to his side and Golden could see the man's shoulders silently shaking with his sobs. Suddenly, Mark stood up. Fury was blazing in his eyes. "Who did this?! Was it you?!"


Mark whirled around to gaze at the stranger that had appeared in their midst. For some reason, Golden found a hidden source of strength at this moment. "It was me Mark. Leave the stranger alone. He had nothing to do with this." he said as loudly as his voice would allow.


Mark ‘s eyes burned deeper then Falcon’s ever had. "Why? Why? Why?" he asked accusingly.


Puppy tried to find any sort of excuse for his actions, but there was no excuse in his mind. He had killed Falcon in cold blood. He was a monster, even though he had been trying to protect Stick.


As Mark saw Puppy's lack of words he scowled. "Forget it. It doesn't matter how it happened. All that matters was that it did. I'll bury my wife by my child and after that we will part paths. Next we meet, don't expect mercy from me boy. I'll kill you just as you killed my wife."


With that, Mark picked up the limp body of his wife and carried it to the other side of the graveyard. Placing it on the ground next to a small tombstone, he started frantically tearing at the earth with his hands. Golden was transfixed by this occurrence for a moment, but soon he tore his gaze away from the Mark. The man deserved to be able to bury his wife in peace. Looking back at the stranger, he wiped the tears out of his eyes and said "I'm sorry about that. What did you have in mind?"


((Mark is going to attempt to rejoin Dark's army by the way so soon that NPC character will be heading your guys' way and you can do with him as you please.))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((*Is huggleglomped, parties, and rubs Dashi's belly.* I missed you too! And I know about the dream! I felt bad for poor Adam writing it.))


Rain smiled to the two guards by the door. Their eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her. She looked happy, her features were all lit up and her eyes were bright, almost too bright like that of a child. They both looked at each other, trying to decipher Rain's huge mood swing. Rain laughed a sweet laugh and kissed both on the cheek, then opened up the door and started down the hallway. Rain was smiling as she walked, and her thoughts turned to Stick. All she wanted to do was see him, hold him, feel him around her. The memory of his freak out began creeping into her thoughts but she pushed it away. She was going to hold on to this happy feeling she was getting. Her whole body was crying out to find Stick, but she ignored it. There was something she wanted to do.


Adam was still staring up at the ceiling when his door bust open. He quickly pushed himself up and saw her. He let a groan, thinking that he somehow fallen asleep once again. She looked so perfect, almost too good. His mind must have been glorifying her.


Rain threw open Adam's door and looked at him with a huge smile. She wanted him to know how happy she was feeling. He sat up, saw her, and groaned. Rain let out a sweet laugh and hurried to his bedside.


"That was hardly the reaction I was expecting." She said. She studied him for a moment, then threw her arms around him. "I'm so sorry. I'm so mean, but you have to know that what I was saying was all true! And, I felt so horribly sick in that moment. Something terrible happened, as I'm sure that you already know." She said. She was hugging him tight, her main goal was to just explain things fully to him and let him understand. She didn't want to have such a weird, terrible rift between them.


Adam was studying Rain, when she spoke. Her sweet voice and laughter were so perfect, he was slightly amazed that his mind was so good at illusions. When he was thinking, she hurried over to him and put her arms around him. Adam's eyes widened in surprise, but he automatically reached him arms around her. Then, she spoke again. He listened to her words, and became surprised. He was dreaming about her apologizing? No, that wasn't right. He didn't want her to feel bad. This was all wrong. He realized that everything about her was much too real for a dream, and it was like cold water being splashed across his face. Then, her last words hit him. He had never even found out what had happened. He felt some anger spur up inside of him.


"No, I don't already know. No one has filled me in on what happened." He said. When he felt his anger, instead of pushing her away, he held her tighter. He was also pretty happy that she had come back on her own to help him understand. That was more like the Rain he.....he pushed the thoughts away and made himself focus on her words as she began explaining the whole thing.


Rain's eyes widened in surprise at his response. She was sure that someone would have told him. He was probably too busy or distracted to remember to ask. She realized that she could tell him more about it than anyone else could. She could tell him all of it.


"Well, I'm going to tell you the whole thing. Not just what happened yesterday, but all about him. Stick. You know that I've run into him many times over my long, long life span. I've healed him every time, learning small bits of information about him, then he would leave. Find someway to take off without saying goodbye or letting me know what was going on. Sometimes he did it before he was even healed. But, anyway. The last time I saw him was quite some time ago. He had mainly slipped my mind until I smelled his blood again. He was here, by the temple. I brought him here for healing and I took away his dagger, his favorite weapon, because he has used it against people who were trying to help him before. But, I told you I had his dagger. I was excited. That's his one constant. He can change his appearance, but never his dagger. Also, I knew he wouldn't leave without it. It's more a part of him than anything. And, something was different this time. I felt different. He was at that battle that took place, and after we ended up talking. By then, something was really different." Rain looked away from Adam.


"He came to me looking so young and new. He talked to me, not with sarcasm and contempt, but with..." She paused for a moment, "love. Love and caring, and before I knew it, I was feeling the same way. Not just in my usual healer way, or in the way that I care about you. But, something else entirely. And, well, we kissed. We kissed, and he changed back. Shut himself off entirely to me and even tried to hurt me, but to help me. It was a sick attempt at protecting me, like a dragon as old as me needs protection. But, I reacted badly. It made me so angry, so hurt, I practically shut down. It was a side of me that I barely knew existed, Adam, and it scared the hell out of me. I was so blank. And," Rain paused again, but this time, she started shaking. The memory of what happened next threatened to take over once again.


"He broke, something inside him just snapped and he went insane. He tore off the roof and...and himself Adam. He wrecked himself and it was the most terrible thing I have ever seen." She said. Her eyes were watery, but she forced the tears away. She needed to stay stable and not let herself get taken over by that all consuming sadness once again.


"And then you came, and I just couldn't handle it. Then, I tried to help but I smelled his blood and I got so sick. I just ran to the fountain. And part of it was destroyed and it just made something in me break." Rain was taking in huge breaths to keep herself form crying. The last few sentences that she spoke were rushed, she was trying to get through that hardest part quickly.


"But, after all that, I fell asleep there, and when I woke up I felt terrible. I lost something for a moment, and it almost tore me apart. I felt it ripped from me, and then before I could even let the sadness creep up, it was back. And I felt relief and happiness and I was positively giddy!" She said, a smile creeping over her face. "It was wonderful, it is wonderful! I feel so lucky, and happy again." She said. She hugged Adam tight.

Adam listened through the whole story, when she said Stick, Adam shook his head. Stick was the most broken dragon he had ever met, and met in the loosest terms. Adam didn't know if he had ever talked to Stick, but hearing about the man from Rain had been enough. He understood what she had been talking about before, about loving something maybe unfixable. He felt terrible when he heard all of the things that had gone wrong the day before. He realized how bad his timing had been. Then, she talked about being happy, he smiled. He hugged Rain tighter to him as she did. He loved it when she was in a good mood. She made other people happy just by being so happy.


"So, what are you going to do? How will you figure out what that feeling was all about?" Adam asked. He wanted to know if she had any plans beyond this. He had a feeling that there was more to this story than just understanding.


Rain looked up at him when he asked that, then looked away. Her body wanted to go to Stick, but there was something even more pressing on her mind. There was something much more important than her love or those odd feelings she had felt that morning. She had something she had to do. She looked at Adam.


"I have to go. Those feelings, I get the strong sense that they have something to do with Stick. But, there's something more than that. I have been ignoring a part of myself, my past too long. It's something that you don't know about, you can't until I come back." If I come back. She filled in the last sentence in her mind. She hugged Adam tight for a moment. She hated saying goodbye to him, but she couldn't avoid it any longer.


Adam held her tight as she spoke. He absolutely hated that she was keeping things from him. He could feel that she had a purpose in mind, an absolute that she had been holding off. He couldn't understand why, but he knew he needed to hold her.


Rain held him, then pulled back and looked into his eyes. She stared for a moment, then kissed him. It wasn't a romantic kiss, or a passionate kiss. It was something that she knew she needed to do.


Adam looked back into Rain's eyes when she pulled back. He thought that she was going to pull away, when instead she leaned forward and kissed him. There was something very different from the kisses they had shared the day before. This wasn't about romantic love, but the love that they shared form companionship.


Rain pulled back and looked into his eyes once more. Her expression was serious. She spent a moment studying ever detail of his face, burning it into her memory so that it she could never forget it. Then, she turned away from Adam. No words were right for this moment, but her mind flashed back to a word that she had picked up in France.


"Adieu." She whispered and hurried out the door. That was a word for goodbye in the french language, but not your normal goodbye. It was a more final goodbye. It was what soldiers said to each other before they charged to their deaths in battle. It was the only word that she could think of that expressed the moment. She hurried out of his room, out of the building and to the field in front the two guards she had passed earlier. They watched, in surprise, as the shifted to her dragon form, and took off. It was sometime early in the morning, morning meaning after midnight, and the cloak of the darkness should have been enough to hide her. She began flying somewhere she had never flown before, but the route was clear. She had been avoiding the journey for too long, but she had always known that she would one day make it.


Adam saw her pull back, turn away for him, and mumble that word. Once she was through the door way, Adam fell back onto his pillows, his eyes on the ceiling once again. He felt odd, not sad or sorry or happy or empty, just odd. He laid there for hours, not sure what exactly to do.


Some men were sitting together, mumbling, when Midnight came out. She looked pensive, so they were reluctant to pull her away from her thoughts. One man walked over the the woman and tapped her on the shoulder.


"Midnight? We were wondering if you would go get Adam. He is usually up and overseeing things by now, but he hasn't come out of his room. We can't find Rain anywhere or we would have asked her to do it. Do you mind?" He asked.. He hoped that she would, no one wanted to wake up the Elder after all he had been through with Rain the night before.




Dark threw open the door to Ddraig's office to see Ddraig sitting at his desk, which was full of papers, and some of his privates sitting at their desks, which were full of paper. It seemed like the whole room was filled with paper. Dark scoffed at the sight. He hated seeing all of that paperwork.


"Ddraig!" He said, and walked to the man's desk. "Please tell me there's something more interesting to do than this d*** paperwork." Dark said with a cynical smile.


Doku sighed. He had been patrolling around this area for so many hours. Patrolling when nothing was happening was almost as bad as getting stuck with doing paperwork. When he had joined Dark's army, promises of power and action had wooed him. Now, he was stuck walking around an area with a graveyard. He sighed again. His body longed for some sort of battle, of action. He had training everyday that was going to waste. He walked towards the graveyard, and he heard the sound of voices. He walked slowly, careful to make no sound as he approached the area. He looked over the brick wall to see two men talking, then a man crouched over the body of a woman and the body of another man not far away. Doku's eyes stopped on the woman. She looked so familiar. Then, it hit him. That was the traitor that Dark had been close with that left for the Resistance. Doku's face twisted into a look of disgust, then he smiled when he remembered that she was now dead. His eyes drifted over to the other body. Something seemed familiar about that one too. He studied the features carefully and after a few moments it hit him. That was Stick. The man that Dark had been searching for. Doku lit up, thinking of how happy Dark would be with him for finding this man, then he remembered that the man was dead. Doku looked at Stick for another few moments, when he saw him move.


He's not dead!! Doku shouted to himself in his thoughts. Doku crouched down behind the wall. He focused his thoughts on sending a message to his superior.


Sir, I just found Stick! He is at that graveyard in my patrol route. Please send some men for backup. He sent. Doku's superior jumped up from his seat at the dining hall. Doku's message was too alarming. He had to let Dark know at once. He wondered if he should send him a message, but decided against it. He pushed out of the dining hall's doors and looked out to see his leader enter Ddraig's building. He ran to the door way and bowed to his leader.


"Dark, sir, Stick has been found on this island, at the graveyard where the prisoner's are buried." The man said. He kept his head down, waiting for Dark's response.


Dark turned when he saw an officer entire the building behind him and bow. Dark's eyes lit up in surprise at the man's words. His deep laughter rang out through the building. After a few moments, Dark turned to Ddraig. His expression was one of horrible glee.


"Ddraig, will you send every officer we have available to go and greet my brother. He needs a special welcome." Dark said, his laughter ringing out again. He couldn't contain his glee at the officer's words.

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((kira, once stick is captured, do you think it's possible for us to time skip maybe three days into the future? skarx hasn't been on very much and I would like to bring Horo back into the rp by having her return from england))

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(*clears throat* There's someone else arriving there as well during that time....))

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((ah yes, I forgot rain is coming as well. that's who it is right? I hope I haven't messed up to badly))

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((Well, there goes that surprise...*shrugs* it's fine though. Everyone would have found out eventually.))

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Leo surveyed the scene with disdain. Every time he tried to talk he was cut off, and precious seconds were ticking away for the old man. When Leo finally got a chance to speak, he explained his idea. "Now, if anyone has any type of medal, we can start a fire and heat it.", Leo then turned to Puppy and continued his directions, "Then, if you still have any healing magic in you, you will need to stand by as I burn the wound closed. I will then cool it with water, and you will have to restore the skin and some blood. Everything can be done if someone here has at least a little healing power". Leo stopped and, looking expectantly at Puppy, said, "So, what do you say? The old man has minutes left, its your choice.".

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Golden didn't like the idea of burning Stick, but there was no other choice. He couldn't let the man bleed to death just because he wanted to lessen his pain. Sometimes being a healer meant doing the hard thing to save a person's life. That's what he would do right now if it saved his cousin. Looking round, he tried to locate a piece of metal. There was Stick's dagger... but it was made from bone. Golden didn't have anything on him made of metal either. Now more then ever he wished he had that sword from the mansion. He somehow felt incomplete without it. It was the first object he had ever opened himself completely to after he gained his new powers and therefore it was somehow special to him.


His eyes roved for any piece of metal and then his eyes locked on Falcon's arrows. The tips were made of metal. Already, his hands were twitching to go pick it up and yet he was rooted to the ground. He was scared. Picking up that arrow would mean feeling that rush of rage again that emanated from it. Sighing, he knew he had to. Stick's life was worth more then his fears. Trotting over, he put his hand around the arrow and gasped. Rage... so much rage. Shaking, he tried to make himself walk back to the stranger, but he was rooted in place like a tree that had set down its roots.


He couldn't afford to waste time. Stick needed him. With a sudden burst of willpower, he mentally stomped down on the rage coming from the arrow... it worked? He felt nothing from the object in his hand, nothing at all. A smile graced his lips as he realized he just figured out how to shut off his new powers. He would no longer have to worry about feeling things he didn't wish to. With shaking hands, he snapped the tip off of the arrow and jogged to the stranger's side. Holding out the metal tip, he said "Let's do this. You better know what you're doing."


The dreams were horrible. He was reliving every terrible moment of his life. Why hadn't he died like he was supposed to? This was a fate worse then death. He wanted to die. Who had dared deny him that simple comfort? Everything was lost to him and now he was forced to stew in those losses. He wasn't sure where he was. All that he knew was that an all encompassing blackness was smothering him and the wraiths of all that had happened in his life crowded his thoughts like noisy children that demanded to be heard. Perhaps he was dead. Was this hell? Hell was worse then he had ever imagined.

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Brick listened to Dark and then saluted to him as he walked away, he then gave a smile as Jade pushed him away before hugging him. "Now thats the Jade I know. Well I guess we should get you settled in here before I show you around, maybe you could get a room next to me." He suggested before send a message to Dark. Thank you sir for not spliting us up. I will get her settled in as soon as possible. He said before sending another message to a utility person. Prepare a room next to mine get some earth dragons on the project to make it go faster. After this was done he smiled at Jade. "Your room will be ready soon."

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Jade stopped hugging him and looked at him,"Thanks Brick. It's so nice of you to do that for me." Jade giggled when she thought of something,"Have you ever tried to swim in water and spin while you are swimming. That was fun but it was also strange because I ran into a two sharks. But I still lived and they still lived so everything turned out fine." Jade smiled after she said this.

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"I can't say I've ever even tried to spin while swimming and those sharks would've made a good meal but you let them go." Brick said with a light laugh as he listened to Jade's story and added his own comments to it. "I'm surprised that they even approched you but I'm guessing you were in your human form so I guess it's understandable." He then received a message saying that the room was nearly ready. "Well I guess we should get going, it's almost ready." He said before walking off toward the dorms.

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Jade followed him,"I was in my dragon form and was bleeding a little bit. Sharks always go where they smell blood." She started to walk backwards with a smile on her face,"I have a lot of silly stories I could tell. Almost as many as the sad stories that I have. I also have a story about the one time I went to a ball and danced in the moonlight. That was the best day of my life."

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Brick laughed again when Jade started to walk backwards. "Well I would perfer to hear the sillier stories, I would also like to hear that dancing story that sounds interesting. To bad I don't know how to dance, never though it would come in handy." He said with a shrug at the last part, he saw the dorms coming up and held the door open for Jade.

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Jade smiled as she walked into the dorms,"Well I was one of the queens freinds in England so she invited me to a ball.The room was big and you should have seen my dress. It was a nice blue dress and-" She laughed a bit,"Now I'm getting off topic. Well, anyway there was this one guy that was nice there. He was a Agnmitra also. I danced with a couple of guys and I ended up dancing with him. He led me outside and we danced under the moon." She started to spin around as she walked.

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Leo looked at the arrow tip, it was small but it would have to do. He simply nodded to Golden, as there was to little time to talk. He quickly whipped out a piece of flint and began giving orders to Golden. "Now, I am going to start the fire, I need you to stay near Stick and tell me how he is doing", Leo said quickly. He ran over to the nearby woods and gathered some underbrush, and thankfully, there was an old tree nearby, which he chopped to bits and used as firewood. Leo practically fell out of the forest as he raced against time. He grabbed the flint and began to try to light the fire. It took him several times, since fire was not his forte', but he eventually got it. He threw the logs into the fire and eventually it grew into a raging, barely controlled bonfire. Now, here was the trouble, he needed to suspend the tip over the fire without burning himself.


Leo slowly drew water from the ground. He concentrated on the water floating before him and let a small breath escape his lips and touch the water. It immediately froze and molded into the shape of tongs. Now came the tricky part, Leo had to maintain a steady stream of water into the tongs to keep them frozen and solid enough to hold the metal. He drew water from the ground and connected it to the tongs. Leo grabbed the metal with the tongs and placed them over the fire. He concentrated as the water was drawn up and channeled into the tongs to reform the melted ice. As the metal got hotter, it got harder to keep the tongs solid. Leo's forehead beaded with sweat as he concentrated, and the tip became red hot. Leo kept his head down, but said in the most audible voice he could muster, "Bring stick over to me now, and get ready, this needs to be quick.".

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Brick followed after Jade and listened to her story. "That sounds nice to bad I hadn't even thought about leaving this wonderful continent yet. I remember the first time I encountered the English, I think they were called Great Britain by then. They weren't very accepting as the locals were of us Agnimitra since they used this continent as a prison camp." He watched as she started spinning down the hallway and noticed they were arriving to their destination. "Maybe sometime you can teach me how to dance so you don't have to dance by yourself all the time"

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((*flails* omg so much happened while i was off playing FF XII today D8

and Key, you need to go and get a book published or something 'cause wow you can write. xd.png and that last post was really long. which is awesome of course. ^^

and i think i have where everyone is straight. if i make a mistake about something let me know, k?))


When Midnight was tapped on the shoulder she turned to see who it was, listening to their request. She smiled kindly at them when she noticed that they had been a bit nervous in asking her. "I don't mind," she answered, "I'll go see what is going."

She then headed back inside and up to Adam's room to see why he wasn't up and about yet. Surely he didn't expect her to do his job or someone else. When she stood before his door she knocked and waited for his response.


When Dark suddenly appeared at his desk, Ddraig was pulled out of his drifting thoughts to the present. "Of course there is," he answered and suddenly an Agnimitra came into the room, saying Stick was in Australia. "And it here's what is more interesting," Ddraig smiled, "and yes, I will see to it."

Ddraig stood and the headed out the door. As he walked he began relaying orders to everyone around. The place started to bustle more quickly as Ddraig gave the commands since most knew the importance of Stick and did not want to disappoint. Agnimitra began to form ranks in the courtyard nearest to where Ddraig and Dark were at the moment, as commanders organized them, echoing the already said orders to make sure everyone had it clear.

Edited by Kira1

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((Jaina Horo has a job to do... and I was looking often but i cannot do much when NOTHING was really happening. Well here is a post then. Hope I don't mess up things too much... Walls get me really lost and somehow lose my interest after a while if I'm not directly concerned... I'm sorry...))


Sayuk woke up in a bad mood. Not that it could be seenon his face, but the fact that he had to tire himsefl yesterday and not sleep correctly to help other soldiers got him a bit... less patient. He went out of his bed prepared himself, did some exercice to warm himself up and then went in search of his new squad leader in the guards rank. He had been told that he needed to go the left building. On his way he feel upon Midnight knocking on a room door. He wondered what she was doing.


"Midnight. Are you not supposed to be with the other guards?"


He stopped next to her remembering how easy it had been to spy them. He wondered what she would do if she ever found out who he was. It would probably be worst seeing since she seemed to trust him.




Garjax was up early that morning preoaring other minor things that had to be done and then walked to Horo's room and knocked on the door. He had prepared a small squad for her to use. He had picked them carefully so she would have a variety of different style helper in case she needed it. All were also good at fighting.




Elicia was running around the temple again. She was late. Really late! Well in her opinion at least! She had to find the people that were supposed to leave this morning! She finally got to the said room. It was a small family, but only the two children would have to leave for another temple. The were not so young, but inexperienced in fighting and had not abilities that were especially useful for them to risk their neck. She knocked on the door then entered to see them packing their stuff.


"Hiya good people! I'm sorry I could not be useful for you this morning... Well if you are ready we'll be leaving soon. You youngster are going to the east safe house, the one after the mountain. It should not be a problem to go there, just a bit long, since you are able to defend yourself against wild animals."


They nooded and finished their preparations. When everything was ready they left for the main hall. They were nervous. Elicia asked the guards if something had been see that night, but they only reported that some wierd guy had left the temple during the night time, nothing else. She asked the description of the person and put it in the back of her head for future references. She would have to ask that person what could have been so important for him to leave at night time... at this point she was ready to suspect a lot of things since the safety of the people could be threateren.


When they recieved their ok the two youngster left the temple and started to move to the east following the road in bicycles to look like travelers.

Edited by Skarx

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