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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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((No, and sorry was distracted Oo))


Albel huffed. "Whatever" he said. He didn't care about Fayt at the moment. Fayt sat up slowly. he didn't want to fight in the first place.

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((*doesn't want to know*))


Slytha sat back down on the couch and nudged Albel with her elbow. "Stop acting like such a jerk." She rolled her eyes and glanced back at Fayt. He seemed to be ok.

Edited by snowdragon10

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"Don't worry, none of the humans here know how to fight because they aren't trained hunters. And even if they are, they wouldn't find anything of available to make weapons and kill us here. And besides, we dragons are a lot more powerful than them with our strength and magic. Those humans will never dare to revolt against us," Atlas said. "And the next generation of human slaves will be no different because the slave masters will be teaching the human young to always fear dragons and learn the consequences of harming them."

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Nick yawned sitting up. He had fallen asleep on the couch. "Keisha?" he said rubbing his eyes and looking around sleeply. He was dazed.

Keisha tilted her head to the side and yawned, opening her eyes. "Meh?" she asked him, yawning again.


((Writers block... Sorry.))

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((What? was watching the last episode of an anime I'd never completed before, so I got sucked in xd.png))


Albel rolled his eyes. He leaned over and nuzzled Slytha's neck. Fayt looked over at them and then to the ground. He just felt awkward. "That hurt..." he said quietly, clutching where Albel stepped on him. "It's suppose to hurt." Albel smirked.

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((ok))((krissi, I'm surprised you aren't freaking out xd.png ))


"Hmp." Slytha glanced at Fayt. "It is kind of your own fault. You did bother me, so I gues you did deserve getting stepped on. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Albel. "You didn't have to try and kill him just because he was a litle annoying. All younger siblings are suppose to be annoying."



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Fayt raised his bright blue eyes to them both. He raised a hand to fix his goggles that had gotten a bit out of place during the fuss. "Suppose to be annoying?" Albel growled. He looked at Fayt. Fayt's eyes darted to the ground to avoid looking at Albel's eyes.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. "Yes. Older siblings are suppose to take care of their younger siblings you know." She glanced at Fayt then at Albel. "And since you *are* his older brother...."

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Fayt knew he needed Albel's protection. But he knew Albel was no saint. Their personalities are as opposite as their eye colors. Albel huffed, "He's old enough to take care of himself." Albel said, irritated.

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Slytha elbowed Albel again. "Does he *look* like he can take care of himself?" She rolled her eyes. "At least try not to kill him. Ok? That can't be too much to ask for."

Edited by snowdragon10

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"He should." Albel grumbled. Albel couldn't protect something that placed guilt in him. Fayt was his flashback of the lab. Of what he did- and he saw Fayt everywhere. For Fayt to like him would be like dismissing what he did there. Albel couldn't stand to let himself off so easily.

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((lolz, "show some compassion!" "show some what now?" xd.png "The blue screen of death.. my mortal enemy..." xd.png ))


Slytha narrowed her eyes. "You expect him to be able to take care of himself when you are always tryng to kill him? Yeah right." She leaned on him and looked up at him. "Is for you to try not to kill him too much to ask for?"


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((Yeah, that first part is Albel tongue.gif))


Albel looked at Slytha. "For now." he said. Fayt stared at them blankly. Slytha seemed to give Albel orders like a master to a dog. It was very strange since he'd never seen him like that since he was with that one scientist....

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(that kiba is so my fav character xd.png he's so funny xd.png)) ((don't you mean like a master and a bunny xd.png ))


Slytha grinned slightly. "Now, was that so difficult?" She rolled her eyes. Don't answer that. She glanced back at Fayt. "Albel, I think he's in shock."

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((Oh shut up))


Fayt looked at the floor again as Albel looked at him. "Like I care" he grumbled. Albel huffed again. Fayt seemed to forget he was just sitting on the floor. Though, it made him feel safer. As far he knew, he looked harmless, and that meant Albel would leave him alone.

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((the truth hurts... xd.png ))


Slytha glared at him. "You should care." She crossed her arms and looked back at the ground. You make no sense Albel. You kill one family memeber and still are bother by it. Then you can kill your brother with no regrets or trouble at all. She shook her head. It just doesn't add up.

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My mother and my brother that I don't even know are 2 different things. he said dully. Albel liked the feeling to protect things. Although, he didn't feel he had the right to even be near Fayt. He killed their mother after all. It's not like he deserved to have family after all the ones he abolished.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. Well then, get to know him. I sure you'll both have something in common. She paused. Maybe you both like- no the hates that. What about- no he can't even do that. Well you both like humans. Thats a start right?

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Albel shut his eyes. I said humans are interesting. I don't per-say adore them like he does. Albel said, irritated. Fayt got off the floor and brush himself off. Albel looked at Fayt's leather collar. He wears a collar. He's a pet.

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Slytha poked his scarf. You wear a scarf. Sure its not a collar, but still. She grinned. Your a pet too. Maybe one with radies, but still a pet. She laughed softly. Maybe I should get you a leash? She laughed again.

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This was made by a dragon. It's not a collar. He is wearing an actual collar. I know those collars. They're made for dragons. he said, leaning back on the couch. Fayt scratched the back of his head.

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All I'm hearing is denile. Slytha laughed. She glanced over at Fayt. "HJes making fun of the fact your wearing a collar." She glanced back at Albel. "But he's the one wearing the collar that also works as a leash."

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Albel growled. Fayt would be the dummy that gets the beatings for Slytha's mouth. Fayt didn't dare laugh. "Come here." Albel said. Fayt stood there, a bit nervous. Albel turned his head to Fayt and opened his eyes. That made Fayt move. Albel grabbed Fayt's collar, jerking him down to his knees in front of Albel. Albel looked down at him and then to Slytha. "You open your mouth, he gets the beating."

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Slytha growled softly and glared at Albel, but she kept her mouth closed. You seem to have forgotten something. I can speak without using my mouth. But, I understand what you meant, so I won't say anything. She rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Albel is such an *** most of the time. Heck, he's that all of the time. She froze. That was a thought, don't read my mind if you don't want to hear.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel looked at Slytha and extended his claws. He reached down and lightly ran them along Fayt's neck. Fayt tilted his chin up a little, leaving his neck open. You know how easy it would be to kill him? His defenses aren't as high as mine. he asked Slytha.

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