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Eragon (semi-lit)

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(I still can’t believe that they didn’t put Orik or Solembum or Jeod in the movie. And Angela… she was… just ugh.)


With one short jump, Wyrda jumped to the sky. The impulse took her high, and when she was at a decent distance from the ground, the purple opened her wings and joined Ketu on the sky, soaring besides him but in a good distance so both of them could flap their wings comfortably. Well, we have a nice sunny day today. What a pity. Electric storms are so much better to fly in. She said, and smiled. Flying was good in all occasions, but electrical storms added just another bit of thrill…


Anyhow, first of all, if you want to fly well, then one has to know to read the climate. The dragoness said next, glancing at Ketu. Each different day carries different types of winds, and it’s better to learn all of them in order to know what waits for you in the sky before you take off. For example, in days like these, I would recommend doing long and tiring trips rather than short and fast ones. Why is that so?


Without another word, she beat her wings, and gestured for him to follow. At a certain point, she was pulled up by a column of air, and able to soar without flapping. What you feel now under your wings is called a ‘thermal’. Those are warm columns of air that occur in sunny days like these ones, and that carry you up and in one direction without the need to beat your wings. That, needless to say, saves a lot of energy. It’s slower, but effective. The bad point about windless days, is that you lack currents of air that can help you go to another place fastly, and you need to do all the beating by yourself. She paused, wanting to know if Ketu was following. Once he learned all about the thermals, she would proceed to teach him something more fun.


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((They will add them in the second movie but yes Angela was just........))

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Clara shook her head standing up now she was going to be stubborn, "Ill keep going" she smiled. She thought about what Draith said, pulling her hair behind her ears she asked "Elfish is the language we are speaking is that correct?" she had never seen elves but only heard of there agile beings. She shook her head, "Sorry that was a bit off topic...yes lets continue..." she said looking at Draith seeing if she would give her a new spell or practice the others.


Ketu followed Wydra putting all his attention on what she was saying and drinking in all the information he could about flying. As she was pulled into the Thermal he followed her carefully and found that he was not flapping but like she said really just gliding. This will work even with Clara on my back? he asked wondering if the extra weight would pull him down, then figured Wydra weighed more than him. He shrugged it off and listened carefully looking at her so she knew she had his full attention.

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((I was going to wait until puppylove caught up with us before I woke Ash up but I could just wake her up and have them stay in that spot *shrugs*))


Ash woke up just as the sun was coming over the horizon. She watched and the sky brighten up but didn't feel like getting out from the blanket just yet. It was still a bit cold and she liked to keep herself warm. She glanced over at Korana and saw that he was still sleeping. She smiled a little and then turned her attention back to the sky. Nimbus looked over at her mistress and saw that she was awake just looking up at the sky. She then looked over at Korana and saw that he was still sleeping. She went over to her mistress and laid down beside her. Ash saw Nimbus come over to her out of the corner of her eye, pat her a little, and then looked up at the sky once more.


She watched the sun rise over the horizon with fascination and interest. She's never stayed to watch the whole thing but figured that she would be able to now. She saw that some of the clouds also had some color on the underside from the sunrise. It's really pretty.

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((Dragonhatchling you have just earned the job of teaching Roran magic. Zmann3191 isn't going to be on for a couple weeks and i want roran to learn magic. Sinder that animation in your signature is hypnotizing.))

Roran watched the dragons take off and fly away. When they were out of sight he turned his attention to Draith and Clara. He walked over and sat down by Clara. He looked at Draith and said "Could you teach me magic? Eragon went through my mind and said that I had the ability I just needed a little help unlocking it and using it. He said that I just needed somebody to break the barrier that holds back my magic for me. He didn't have time at the moment so he didn't. He also said I have more energy than the normal human and almost as much as a weak or elderly elf. He said thats still more than most people. I have learned lots of the ancient language and I thought with you and all the dragons and riders, that maybe somebody or a couple people could help me out. So would you?" He looked at Draith. He said "This would meen a lot to me."

Edited by cshoes

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Clara took a sideways glance at Roran who sat down beside her, she wanted to be trained seperat form someone else for the cause of getting upset if he was better or worse. She mentally hit her self, he had as much right to learn as she did when he wanted to, it was up to Draith anyway not her. She closed her eyes and waited for Draith to answer Roran while she concentrated on her energy and the words and thier meaning.


(( lol good way or bad? ))

Edited by Sinder

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((I'm not sure but it made me sit there for 30 min staring at it.))

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(( xd.png *snaps fingers* you will bring me a coke, na my bro. said that to lol there are I think...3 others on this Site in my Join the Pack Rp that have it now ))

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((xd.png. Well you got to admit it was. Its like when i snap my fingers you will be attacked by to random wolves and you will turn into wolves. You will anihalate them.))

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(( xd.png yea it was and yes It caught my eye when I first saw it and was like blink.gif the whole time lol it was horrible ))

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((I might have joined your join the pack rp but i don't want to read through 306 pages. When it gets big enough for them to wipe and you have to make it over again i will join.))

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((so I have, well thats something I clearly didn't expect to happen. I hate orthodontists now, stupid rubberband on my braces! Sinder that animation is pretty fun to watch for a while, everytime I see it I stare for quite some time.))


Draith looked at Roran. Well, I can see what I can do for you Roran, Clara ready for another? Try this one while Roran and I talk. Adurna, this spell casts water. She walked over to Roran still making sure Clara would be alright. Remember what I said about keeping things in balance. Draith sat down next to Roran facing him. She looked him over. Well here's the good news, Eragon was right you do have the abilities and welfare to preform magic. She looked into his eyes. From what I understand that ability is dormant in you? We'll have to figure out a way to get that energy out then.....She closed her eyes thinking about what she could do.


((I hate the orthodontist he wastes my time and makes me go through a bunch of pain for one thing! ))


((Man! Nowonder I've only beaten this Eragon game once....Durza that's the last straw come here and take me like the coward you ar- shi- I died!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Roran looked at Draith and opened his mind to her. He said with his mind "Eragon said that all I need is some one to help me break the barrier to get to the magic. I just need some one to reinforce me while I try to break it." Roran felt funny. Being in contact with a shade's mind was different than being in contact with anything else. It was kind of scary, but Roran wasn't scared of much. Even if whatever made the shade different attacked him he would win. He wouldn't let anything keep him from Katrina.

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Draith opened her eyes again. And you would, I'm guessing like me to do that now? She let Roran further inside her mind but just enough to keep him safe. You would like me to lend you my energy correct? She watched Clara then turned back to Roran. I will but it can have some consequences if done to much...... She cut him off. If that's what you had in mind and are willing for the risks then I'd be glad to help. She got up and stood waiting for Roran to reply.


((Yes! Killed him. never playing that game again.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Roran opened his mind even more and said "I don't know. Eragon just said I needed help. I'm not sure if somebody else has to break the barrier or just reinforce me. You could try breaking the barrier first if that would be safer. If you can't I am willing to take the risks. Anything that will give me the upperhand against Galbatorix. Even if I turn into a shade like you I have the willpower to control it." Roran stared at Draith and said out loud "So what should we do?"

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Draith started blankly at him. If you really- no you wouldn't, trust me on this you don't want to be like me at all. You never know for sure if you have the willpower to control something until that part is gone... She paused watching Roran for a moment. From my stand point it's your decision on what to do, I'm your tool for the moment. She smiled at him a sly smile then watch Clara. It's definitely easier for her due to the dragon bond involved. Draith looked back to Roran. You tell me what to do I'll do it, alright?

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Roran nodded. Draith's logic made perfect sense. Roran looked at Draith and said "Then to me the safer choice is for you to try and break the barrier first. If that fails then we will go on to me using some of your energy." Roran opened his mind for Draith. He made a clear path in his mind to the barrier. Then he said out loud "I am ready."

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Draith looked at Roran once more. If I kill you, I'm sorry. She entered his mind and found the barrier. This may hurt a lot, it may not, you might not feel anything at all either. On 3, 1.....2...3. She used enough energy of her's so it would not kill Roran unless something happened before, she put a little more in, in hopes of helping the boy.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara nodded and watched her go to Roran and rolled her eyes slightly and concentrated. She listened to the word play over in her head and tryed to think off the meaning also, Adurna she repeated in her head. Then when she had if down, with her eyes still closed she whispered the word, "Adurna!" She felt her energy drain and opened her eyes seeing the grass around her shrivle up and looked at her palm that was once again shinning, and right above it was a tight ball of water. She smiled and dropped the ball of water and leaned her head on her hands as her head hurt again. She pushed away the energy Ketu tryed giving her, This is one I need to do on my own... she told him.


She felt him refuse but she pushed his begging away and opened her eyes. She saw black spots when she looked into the light, her eyes squinted, "Wow...I think thats enough for right now..." she said, "I dont have enough energy" she whispered her head feeling light as she refused to accsept the energy from Ketu.

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Roran felt an immense pain in his head. He bit back a scream and then hammered on the barrier with Draith. All of a sudden he felt the pain leave. THe barrier was broken. He quickly absorbed some of the energy and said "Brisingr!" A flame apeared in his hand and then grew to engulf his fist. Roran quickly cut off the enrgy supply. He checked his hand. He wasn't burned. He looked at Draith, eyes wide, and said "It didn't burn me!" He was suprised. He reached for the barrier in his mind again and could tell instantly that it was much weaker. He sighed in relief. He looked at Draith and smiled. He said "Thank you so much."

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Draith paused. She left Roran's mind and went over to Clara. Well from the looks of it I pushed you too hard. She knelt down level with Clara. Would you like me to help you? Ketu's complaining that I won't let you have some of his energy, why? Draith put her hand on Clara. I'm here if you need me. She whispered. Draith turned back to Roran. Your welcome, you alright?

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Roran stood up and said "I'm fine. Is Clara okay? I can give her energy." He walked over to stand over Clara. He asked Clara "How are you feeling? Do you see any black spots in the light? Can you still feel and move your arms, legs, fingers, and toes? Using too much energy could hurt your nerve system." He looked at Draith and said "She won't take any energy from her dragon?" He turned his attention back to Clara. He said "You wanted to prove you could do it on your own. Eragon said that you really shouldn't refuse the energy."

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Draith looked back at Clara. Roran's right but Roran, I'll give her some of mine if she needs it. You need to rest as well, follow your own advice. She knelt back down to Clara watching her movements incase she should pass out.


((wow 2 liner, now how do I fix- Idea! no that won't work....))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Clara looked at Draith, or what she could see of her, "there is no point in him waisting his energy on me" she said her head spinning. She wasn't sure if what she said made sence. She felt Draith put her hand on her and whisper that she was there if she needed her, Clara smiled lightly then looked down, "Ill be fine..." she said though she felt like she was going to pass out. She looked at Roran and narrowed her eyes slightly as she tried to look at him clearly, he was all fuzzy.


Ketu looked over his shoulder with annoyens, Why wont she let me get to her... he said roughly. He growled, Draith?! Is she ok? I cant tell she blocked me out! his voice was full of concern.

Edited by Sinder

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