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Eragon (semi-lit)

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Draith shut the book. And you think it's stupid why? I know the answer already Ketu. She looked at Clara and Ketu. It still won't help what I've done already. Nothing can change that but fine if she thinks she can help I'll let her just as long as she doesn't overdue it. Draith got up and put the book back inside then walked over to Ketu. She's wondering about why you seem so worried for her all the time. If there's something you know, let her know as well don't keep it a secret. She sat back down near Ketu and Clara.



((so true....."a true story always ends with death" Wish it didn't have to all the time.))

((kibbie: no one is doing anything except Clara and Draith- they are talking would you care to join?))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(I am lost in the woods were we had started this RP.. I must get to the others)


Ayleth looked at her gold dragon and smiled. She saw Kadaen's eyes sparkle as he had eat his meal. She doesn't want to stay here anymore. She is only lucky that no one had killed her and Kadaen yet. She wanders were is Nick and so after they had eaten Ayleth picked Kadaen up and walked. She doesn't know what will happen. Her green dress with yellow fake flowers on it needed to be clean. Maby their is a river near where she is.

Kadaen looked at Ayleth's brown/sapphire eyes and gave her a "Please don't pick me up" look.

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Ketu watched at Draith came closer and moved over so she could rest near them, Im not keeping anything from her, its just my personality I guess, I know her life story, she is a danger magnet...you know when she found me and carried me she almost got herself killed by falling in the water he shook his head watching Clara who was now sleeping. I CANT lose her, you know how that is, ill give my life to pretect her, she doesn't know that if she dies I die as well he said glancing at Draith with narrowed red eyes. Her life was full of pain before she met me, her WHOLE family is gone, and everything she had known was ruined he said resting his head near her.[/i]


((G2G for now!!!))

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OOC: Time for meh post.


Nick stepped out of the tent and walked up to Rein, jumping on top of her, she was still sleeping. He shook her, but she wouldn't get up. He got an idea and imidiatly pulled out his special food bag, pulling out some of his specially seasoned meat, it was still moist and fresh, preserved by the bags enchantments. He slid off her back, a big chuck of meat in his hand. He sat down and put her massive head in his lap, trying to pry her mouth open, he finialy succeeded and got it open, he stuck his hand into her mouth, dropping the meat onto her tongue and then quickly pulled his arm out of her mouth.


Rein shot her eyes open and raised her head, and closed her mouth, chewing on the meat slowly, it was very rare that Nick would eat, or give anyone his special seasoned meat, the herbs he used to season it where EXTREAMLY rare and held super healing properties. He only had a full bag of the crushed and dried herb, and that took him around 8 years to fill. He once found a lot of the herbs in one spot, and made a huge batch of his special seasoned meat, and now only give it out on special occasions. He keeps it in an enchanted bag, made to preserve food. Rein smiled, still chewing, savoring the flavor. She affectionatly nuzzled his face.

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Draith looked into Ketu's eyes. I know exactly what you mean. My life before the change happened was like her's. My family was killed when I was about 7 years old. I lived with a friend then named Mait. He taught me everything I know about spirits and magic, even how to use a sword then. I killed him on accident sort-of. We were playing around and he wanted to see me summon a spirit, well that didn't go to well as you see. Ketu if she doesn't know that if she dies, you will too- tell her, she has that right. Think about what would happen if she lost you, her life would be back where she started again.


Her maroon eyes shown with a little bit of light on them. Just tell her Ketu, my family had secrets they didn't tell me, like how they were gifted with magic and I found that out from Mait and his mom. When they died well I didn't know what I'd do. When i lost him and realized I caused it I felt like dieing myself but I pushed on because I knew I'd find someone out there that would help me live my life again.


She looked to Clara. She needs to know everything about what you know of your race and how it works when bonded. It will make you both stronger and both more wise. You can't protect her all the time Ketu, sometimes someone else with have to step in and when she knows your there for her- everything will turn out fine.She closed her eyes.


((meh long.....never posted that long before....I can wait sinder I'm busy myself.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Gayle was leaving her tent when she heard something call to her in the back of her mind. Gayle knew that sometimes it is good to lisen so she slowly lowered her shilds and the voice got louder. The voice said" Gayle do not be scared it is me fire your dragon. I just figuerd how to talk to you. I will be with you in the back of your mind even if I am not talking to you. I can speak to others to but you are the first I have talked to."

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((Sorry I had to go swimming that is why I didn't post between you guys.))


Ayleth walked around, with Kadaen in her hands. "Think you would fly soon, Kadaen??? " Ayleth asked her gold dragon.

Kadaen nodded and Ayleth ran. Kadaen caught the wind and he began to fly.

Ayleth saw Kadaen flying. She is glade that he is flying around and she wanders when Kadaen will be ready for her to ride. She knows she would love it.

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Nick hugged Rein's head as she nuzzled his face and let go after a little while before looking around the Varden. He searched for something to eat as his belly rumbled. He turned his head, watching Rein sun bath and walked over to her, sitting in front of her, leaning against her chest.


Rein smiled down at Nick and put her head in his lap.


Nick smiled back and started scratching under one of her scales.

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Ketu listened to Draith closly his eyes set on Clara the whole time. He sighed once, I understand...ill tell her in her dreams it might be simpler than just doing when she is awake... he looked at Draith with pain in his eyes. Ill still love her and I know there might be a time when I wont be there for her, but I know someone will. She really is a loner, she doesn't depend on me to help her, she doesn't normaly ask for help unless she needs it he said. He closed his eyes as he sent the dream to Clara he told Draith about and opened his eyes again, [] That should help, hey thanks for the advice...[/i] he said arching his neck over to her and putting his nose on her head.


Clara shivered in her sleep and woke up her eyes wide. "Ok...that was weird!" she looked at Draith, "You should have saw it! My dream! It was weird I was riding on the back of Ketu and then something struck me in the back killing me! Ketu I heard you cry out in pain as you died also...but you had no cuts...I also saw lots of dragons...an...an..." She told the whole dream to Ketu who already knew. "Is any of that stuff true...?" she asked. Ketu nodded lightly and Clara sighed shivering again, "Wow...thats just...wow" she said looking up at Draith, "I never knew that stuff."

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Ayleth kept walking then Kadaen got a idea.

(Oh what is it Kadaen??

Kadaen: You will see) He grabbed on to Ayleth's hands and he pulled. But he wasn't strong enough to pull her in to the air.

(Kadaen: DANG IT ALL) Ayleth saw how Kadaen was trying to get her in to the air. She knows that Kadaen is trying to get her in the air, so she grabbed Kadaen and hugged him.

Kadaen gave Ayleth a "I hate it when you do that" look.

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Draith opened her eyes again listening to what Clara told her. It's no laughing matter either. Ketu finally got the courage to show you that. She added to Ketu with her mind. Your welcome for that advice, I'm happy to give you. She smiled and shut her eyes again.


((......writer's block and I'm going to be on/off for now.))

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Clara looked at Draith with worried eyes, she finally understood how serious this really was. If she lost her life Ketu lost his...and if he lost his she would loose the most important thing in the world to her. She cuddled closer to Ketu letting the wamrth inside him heat her up, "Thank Ketu..." she whispered. Ketu hummed to her while she drifted to sleep once again this time what her imagination brought her not Ketu. Ketu put his head down between the two girls and watched what went on around them.


(( K ))

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Angela looked up from her book as the Ra'zac girl stirred in her sleep, clenching her fist and muttering some foreign word under her breath. Her hand relaxed after a moment, then she was still.

The herbalist sighed. The hybrid had been sleeping restlessly ever since she came into Angela's care, and anything Angela had done to calm her had failed. She was healing nicely. The cracks in the exoskeleton were hardly visible, though it was obvious that they still hurt. Whenever Angela touched the girl's arm close to the wound, she would either whimper or hiss, or make some other, very threatening noise.

That was one thing that fascinated the herbalist. The hybrid made a wide variety of noises in her sleep that exceeded human vocals. Occasionally she would mutter what sounded like a word. Well, Angela thought they were words, at least. They sounded more like hisses or clicks than anything else, but they had certain pattern to them that suggested a language.

So far, the girl didn't show any signs of waking up, so Angela got to her feet, closed her book, and walked out of the tent.

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OOC:I do believe that if the rider dies, the dragon can continue to live on.


Pierce, are you done with that picture? An also can u have whats her face,,,, leader of the varden speak to Nick?

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OOC: I'm at my grandparents, and to be quite honest, I'm not sure I'm capable of drawing that pose. ^.^;

And what to you want Nasuada to say?

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(( hmm...I thought it was that when the Rider dies so does his dragon, thats how Morzan's dragon died and how he died, Brom killed Morzan and then so killing his dragon ))

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(( hmm...I thought it was that when the Rider dies so does his dragon, thats how Morzan's dragon died and how he died, Brom killed Morzan and then so killing his dragon ))

OOC: Yeah, that sounds about right.

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OOC: The dragon is likely to die from shock, as the same goes for the rider, but there is a chance they can live

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(That was what the movie said [i hated that movie, by the way ¬¬] The books didn't clarified it... it said something like no matter who died, it's pair will likely follow, as it was like loosing half of your soul. If a dragon/rider could stay alive after loosing the other, they probably went mad. That was what happened to Galbatorix, for ex.)



Tired of waiting for everyone, and watching them come and go across the camp, Wyrda decided to go hunting. A dragon her size could spend much time without eating, and she had had a big meal prior leaving her home, but she was bored. And didn’t wanted to stay earth bounded for longer, so she just jumped into the air and took off.


About an hour later, after eating a soft meal of about three bucks, she decided to stop. Should she have been hungry, and the dragoness would have probably hunted down an entire herd, but she wasn’t. The purple decided to look for a lake to bathe herself instead. After finding a decent sized one, she dived down and cleaned her scales in the clear, cold water. And then finally headed back to camp.


Her body was still dripping water when she finally spotted Draith, Clara and Ketu from above, and started to descend in big and swiftly made spirals. She landed gracefully, making a soft noise as her hind paws touched the ground, and restrained herself from shaking her body, not wanting to make the others wet. That was fun. She commented, while stretching her body, and accidentally stomping over a tent. Oooops! You didn’t saw anything! Wyrda said, smiling innocently, and sitting down in front of the group. She tilted her head, as if asking what they were doing.


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Draith opened her eyes again as Wyrda came down. Wet? What have you been up to? She said getting to her feet. She noticed the squashed tent and smiled at Wyrda. Hope no one was in that. She walked over to it and started to put the tent back up. Once that was done she sat back down. Did you have fun wherever you went? Draith said closing her eyes again but still listening.


((didn't Brom go mad from loosing his dragon too?))

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Nsuada walked out of her pavilion, Elva at her heels, followed by the usual troop of urgals. She nodded a greeting to Angela, Draith, and the Riders, then walked over to Nick. The Varden's leader smiled. "So, is Stronghammer doing a good job getting you lot settled in?"

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((didn't Brom go mad from loosing his dragon too?))


(As fare as I know, yes he did. I only saw the movie it was some what good.)


Ayleth only walked and she wanders what in the world had happened.

She and Kadaen looked around but saw no one.

Kadaen yawned.

He looked around longer then Ayleth.


(Now that is what I call fallowing the rules.)

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Draith opened her eyes once more to see Nasuada. I think he is, where is he anyway? She got back up careful not to wake Clara. I haven't seen him in days, although that's probably my fault. She smiled at Nasuada before noticing an odd looking girl with her. Hello, haven't seen you around either. Mind if I ask your name? She said to the girl smiling.

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No he is a horible, smelly man and I want him disposed of at once


Nick looked up at

her smiling "Yes" He said

blinking in the bright



OOC: that means I can do it too!

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((I only did that cause I got writers block))

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