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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((anyone's welcome to control both Draith and Zailik or someone can with one of each....if I do happen to come back then I'd like to come back fully....but go ahead 'cause I don't think I'd be on for a while....not supposed to be on now either, oops.))


((just thought I'd put this for your reference if you need it. click here to see a few helpful (maybe) things... ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(Sorry for the short post)


"Yes," Saphira replied. "But are any of you strong enough to defeat the magician?" She questioned. "And, do I just wait until you attack or should me and eragon attack first?"

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[sorry I haven’t bin on… my computer broke down]


"thank you Zephyr" raven said to him "so what is the plan" she asked Kianna.


(so sorry for the short post)

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((Huh what? Wait...I'm around for a bit? Yes. A very small bit...just imagine what would happen if I got caught...well then you'd be stuck now wouldn't you? Hello and oh, don't tell anyone I'm here...I logged into a guest account I had set up...mom won't check this. Least that's my hope anyway, if I get caught my cousin will be around to 'annoy' me...more like kill me without killing me...hurtful little wretch! er...I'll post.))


Draith watched Zailik from her tree. She noticed that off to the side was another girl who seemed almost familiar but she couldn't think of who it was. She knew that the girl was new to her but then why did the girl seem familiar? You have other company. Draith thought to Zailik, turning the knife over in her hands. Maybe she should pay the girl a visit, then again maybe not. Another came soon after, one less familiar to Draith. Why are they even here? She thought, also thinking of getting out of the tree. A soldier began sorting the weapons again, closer to her than the others. Draith sighed and muttered a word to kill him, thinking it'd give both parties a warning. The soldier fell dead in a matter of seconds and with that Draith mocked the call of a bird she'd heard before, suspecting one of these men had used it.


What do you mean, other company? Are they here to help? Thought Zailik to Draith, relaxing once the man let go of him. He could tell from the fast release something was wrong. What'd you do? He asked Draith telepathically. Getting no answer, Zailik pulled his blindfold up a little, relieved no one there noticed that the ropes were off him. One man lay dead by the weapons he heard being sorted. Draith, He thought, looking around for the shade. Where the hell are you anyway!?


((won't be on tomorrow until later probably...dance tomorrow...and I doubt I'll have homework to sneak on, so if someone wants control of Eragon and/or such, just take 'em until I can come back....left eragon out on purpose.)) ((no seriously, instead of waiting around for me just post something for all three and do your best not to make it as long as I do without trying, keyword without. Trust me, I can make 'em a lot longer and once I get to a point where someone really can get hurt, I myself run for fear of going on too much...no I don't make it graphic...just detailed and dragged out....reminds me of something.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((The other company is us, right? :3 *is a little off*))

Kianna focused on the consciousnesses of her friends, carefully receiving their messages as soon as they were sent. I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to keep this magician busy, as he hasn’t even noticed me or even you yet, she replied to Saphira. You’re not the only one who can fight. I should be able to take care of myself, I think. Her new weapon ought to be enough to engage the soldiers until Eragon and Saphira came, or at least she thought. The last time she'd used it had been the first time as well. It would be best if you and Eragon came down after we’ve already distracted them, as I’m not entirely sure how discrete your landing can be, not that I doubt your skills,

She gently brushed the minds of her teammates, hoping that her explanation was clear enough. As she did so, she noticed the presence of another mind. When she attempted to focus in on it, the consciousness disappeared, as if the person were attempting to conceal their being there. Whoever it is, if it’s anyone at all, must be very skilled. She thought. Her senses told her to put the strange new appearance out of her mind. She had a battle to fight here. We three will hold the soldier’s attention until Eragon can come down and take care of the magician. Kianna told the group. We can go as soon as you’re all ready.


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((yes...and since I'm somewhat busy with homework/being 'watched' which really in cases I am, I'll ask this and edit this very soon. The magician is whom? and fun comes up next....you'll see, even though I don't find this next part fun yet.))

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((I believe the magician is just some magician accompanying the soldiers in order to prevent them from being utterly obliterated by another magical attack. He's no one special.))

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((you got the question right. another something Draith nor Zailik know about....now I'll post the 'not fun' stuff.))


Draith returned the knife to her belt and knelt on the tree branch. She wasn't going to show Zailik where she was just yet, at least not up here. Carefully, Draith made her way down the tree. She landed quietly on the ground and skirted around the area where the soldiers crowded around their fallen brotheren. Idiots! She thought, spotting the two girls that were now closer to her. Hope you weren't like this when I was away Zailik. Draith telepathed to him, watching both the soldiers and the two girls. Why were they here again came to her mind. One of the soldiers she could see, looked around shortly before looking back at the dead man. Draith hid from their sight as well as the two girl's sights. Then, once she was sure no one would spot her, Draith reached out with her mind, attempting to see who these two really were. She found Zailik's presence again, but also found one more pressing than another nearby. This new presence seemed to be the girl first spotted. And you may be? She asked telepathically, keeping her end of the line shut to intruders but not caring to press further than just brushing the girl's mind.

((that girl is pugglemuggle's kianna....and yes I'll reply when I can other posts following....which someone else will do, at least that's what I recomend. and I can't spell! Gah!))



Zailik noticed a soldier look around which caught him as odd. He pulled the blindfold over his eyes again when the gaze came in his direction. If you're making them look around, quit it! He thought to Draith, lifting the blindfold once more. He dared not to move for fear of being tackled again and outnumbered. How about instead of messing around, get me out of this mess!? He telepathed when Draith's mind brushed his again. This was getting odd for him, not only because he'd been tied up here so easily, or because of the dead body that now lay in this area but because he didn't know of Draith's reaction. Was she angry with him and punishing him this way? Or was this a freak event and she just happened to care? Zailik chose the second answer, moving left ever so slightly in a few steps.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Zephyr cocked his head to the side as the presence lightly touched his mind, understanding what Kianna said. But there were two magicians here, he thought, keeping his thoughts hidden from Raven. His nostrils flared, and he picked up the scent of another individual, hidden close by in a tree. Curiousity filled him, and he lightly hopped off of Raven's shoulder, wings tucked in tightly, and landed silently on the ground. He headed towards the scent, carful to keep himself hidden. His silver scales would shine and give away his position if he wasn't careful.


He got closer and closer to the tree, using his size to help keep him hidden. He was very small, about the size of a adult cat, and there were all sorts of hiding places for him to use. The soldiers wouldn't be able to smell nor hear him. It was almost like a game. Finally, he reached the tree, but it's occupant was hidden by the shadows of the giant leaves. A very good hiding spot. Zephyr got on his hind legs, wiggled his rump a bit, and leapt five feet up the tree, gripping with his front and hind legs digging into the bark. He was on the side of the tree facing away from the soldiers, so he was safe. As he progressed, Zephyr's giant silver eyes adjusted to the light, and he saw someone there, a female.

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Emily ran up to Raven a Kianna "sorry.... I got stuck in one of the thorn bushes" she panted as she dusted some leaves from cloak.

Raven nodded to Emily as she ran up to them. she shivered as she felt something brush past her mind “did you feal that" she asked with another shiver.

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((just giving a heads up, I probably won't be on Saturday since it's a family member's birthday and I've got stuff (including homework) to do...Sunday, Sunday is a maybe, that is if my mother lets me off this 'grounded' kick. Not posting for Draith or I'll get you all hung up...so no. And why do they call it Grounded? We can't fly! xd.png ))


Zailik didn't like getting the silent treatment from Draith. He also took into account that being around her changed him a little, no longer was he the silent, dark type but one progressing into actually talking to others instead of giving threats. He sighed, stopping his feet from moving left then. Should he just run or stay and see what the shade had in store? The second option seemed a good one. Since I get no answer from you I'm planning a small surprise of my own. He telepathed to Draith, starting a small fireball in his hand. This one would stay there though, another fire would be better suited for a distraction. He mouthed 'brisingr' and directed it at a small area of dried grass by a soldier's foot. It caught fire quite well, also setting the boot on fire that was nearby. The soldier yelped in pain and Zailik took this chance to bolt. He headed in the direction a larger bushes, hoping to find cover before the group of soldiers noticed their captive was gone.

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((Sorry for taking so long to reply. :/ Hope I haven't made you all wait for me...))

Kianna felt the strange mind brush hers, the same odd presence as before. It seemed… almost familiar, somehow. She jumped as the mysterious magician, or whoever it was, spoke. And who may you be?

The question shouldn’t have been difficult to answer, but for whatever reason, it was. Her name was easy enough, but the “who” question was very different. Who was she? Or better: What was she? Several answers to the simple query flew around in her head. My name is Kianna, if that’s what you were asking. My brother is Brom, and I’m… I’m not sure what I am, exactly, but it’s probably something close to a shade, she replied. Who are you?

Angela’s words played back in her head. “Nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of Alagaesia,” had been her exact words. Perhaps that was true, but she would change that. There would be history about people like her by the time she was done in this war with the Empire. There was no doubt in her mind about that.

Suddenly, the grass beneath one of the soldier’s feet burst into flame. While the soldier danced about in an attempt to stamp out the fire, his prisoner took the chance to escape. This is my opportunity too! She thought.

As soon as the escapee has taken cover in the bushes, she stepped out into the open, carefully removing her wooden rod from the leather pack. “I believe you have been careless enough to allow your captive to flee. It appears as though you shall have to fight me and my companions now,” announced Kianna, finally allowing herself contact with her new shaft. The initial shock of electricity was closely followed by the warm, familiar presence of the spirits; her spirits. The battle had begun.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Raven and Emily stepped out of the trees after Kianna. Emily took out her two daggers, Raven lifted her curved elven sword and started to put protectiv spells around herself and her companions.


((sorry for the short post I have a mind block again))

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((oooh fun... but on until 7:30 est...not sure about Sunday still.))


Draith watched from her hiding place as Zailik ran. She sighed and smiled, standing up. The girl, she saw, had also stood, holding some sort of staff in her hand. Draith calmly walked out of the bushes and out into the open. Zailik. Either you're also helping or I suppose I could leave you here. She telepathed, raising the flame he had created further. My name is Draith, Kianna. The rest you should actually be able to figure out for yourself as to what I may be. She thought, answering Kianna with her mind. Draith also took this chance to create her own flame, a different one, darker and more damaging. A few of the soldiers near her drew their swords, acting on the rule Galbatorix had set- attack a shade on sight. Draith knew of this rule but it never applied to her until now. "I wouldn't." She simply said, sending a smaller black flame after one of the soldiers.



Zailik smiled and jumped from the bush he was in. He didn't have a weapon but he did have magic. "Istalrí!" He yelled, his hand outstretched, aiming at one of the charging soldiers. A ball of flame shot out and collided into the soldier, singeing him well enough through his cloths. "Draith, what exactly would you have me do that wouldn't put me useless later!?" He asked, picking up a stone to throw.

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My name is Draith, Kianna. The rest you should actually be able to figure out for yourself as to what I may be, was the strange magician’s answer. She had come out of hiding, and her appearance made her words true; she was most obviously a shade with her red hair and maroon colored eyes. But Kianna could tell that Draith was more than that. She seemed to be a shade who did what she wanted, not what the spirits commanded her to do. It was altogether relieving to see someone with such a strong sense of domination over their inner daemons.

Before she could puzzle any more over the perplexing shade, the spirits within her began to cloud her mind, literally. The same hazy mist as before covered her entire body, making it look as if she was wearing some sort of transparent, lavender cloak. Without even thinking, she advanced toward the nearest soldier and delivering a powerful roundhouse kick. As he fell to the ground, surprised, Kianna whacked the man in the throat, leaving him unconscious. The girl felt as though she were watching the brawl happen rather than actually performing the movements herself. It was a little creepy, but not necessarily uncomfortable.

Eragon? Saphira? She said with her mind. You may not need to come afterall. It appears we’ve come across some people who are helping us defeat the soldiers. One of them is a shade.

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((last one and I am going to do some homework...might be on later, depends))


Eragon looked over Saphira's shoulder. He could see fighting below and wasn't surprised that it wasn't going well for either of the sides. A shade? He asked Kianna, just making sure he understood correctly. He tapped Saphira on her shoulder, leaning over to get a better look before deciding anything.



Draith watched Kianna for a moment. Something was odd about that girl that didn't set straight with her. Another soldier charged but was stabbed in the neck with Draith's knife. "You idiots listened before, now you seem you've never known me." She said, yanking the knife out. "Zailik, if you'd like to use my sword instead of your magic you may. She said to him with her mind. She dodged two soldiers who worked simultaneously to hit her. She cursed quietly when one of their swords swiped her ribs, leaving a medium but shall cut. Draith returned the attack with a few quick steps and swipes of her own, taking one of the soldiers out and wounding the other. Two more rushed at her though, swords raised and yelling. Draith smiled and raised both hands, muttering a long string of words. One of the soldiers turned to run but was slammed into the other that wasn't paying attention. Black fire sprouted in a circled around the men, rising higher until they could no longer be seen. Screaming was heard from inside, only making Draith smile even though the spell took a lot out of her.



Zailik backed up when the girl in front of him moved forward, attacking a soldier. He nodded to her slightly and rushed around her, now seeing what Draith had actually been up to. He ran over by her, starring at the fire-ring, awestruck. "Alright, now I see why you said not to make you mad." He said, taking the sword that was handed to him.

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Raven finished her protective spells and charged a soldier swinging her sword two handed. anyone who was watching her would have seen her elven grace and speed as she cut down the soldier and trend to the next one Zephyr where are you she thought to him as she blocked a blow.

Emily stood behind her ducking and swiping at the soldiers in front of her. "this is fun" she laughed as the soldier she was fighting stepped into the flames and started hopping about on one foot cursing.

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((there's eight originally...low now...shall more soldiers come? *switches to homework page before she's caught*))

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((yay! now how to do that while not being watched by parents....hold on, I'll post what's needed in a few.))


Draith smiled at Zailik, a cruel smile that revealed how much enjoyment she was truly having. "They learn fast when the viewers see how much pain one can get from a simple burn." With that Draith let the fire-ring fall, showing the two were dead and scorched heavily. "Although that's still way to fast for my taste." She muttered, noticing more soldiers coming around on horse-back and through the woods. Another bird call sounded through the air. "Great, we get the whole army here I'll be set for at least five days!" Draith yelled, setting a trap ward where a few soldiers would run into it.



Zailik didn't like the way Draith was talking but he didn't let it bother him at the moment. So far he could see forty soldiers coming on horse-back and dismounting when they got close enough to fight. Probably another twenty were in the forest from the looks of the numbers trudging through. "Hey, you think they found our camp?" Zailik asked Draith, testing her sword's feel in his hands with a few quick strikes. "Now where the hell did you get such a well balanced sword!"


((And I think I'm off....if you kill 'em all before I see one of them again....I don't think someone will be happy. I hate being in a different time zone, being grounded and having way too much homework for my imaginative/crazy brain... there's way more than 60 showing up, just saying biggrin.gif ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(holy cow that's a lot of bad guys)


"the fun just stopped" Emily growled as she saw the new soldiers

"agreed" Raven muttered as she stringed her bow and drew an arrow.


(mind block is back)

Edited by dragonsword

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((when you said you wanted more I took you seriously, I wasn't just going to add ten onto the mess already created, there'd be no fun left for anyone that way))


((....bad time zone bad! *kicks 11:09pm hard*))

((and I don't have a clue what to say atm...probably due to three nights without sleep (don't ask why) ....I hate writers-block!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(wow you do have a bad time zone it's still only 8:26 over here)

(g2g sorry)

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Yes, she’s a shade, but she’s helping us. Kianna responded to Eragon’s message. Suddenly, a group of forty or so soldiers appeared on horseback. Despite her own gentle personality, a crooked grin spread across her face. This wasn’t Kianna anymore. This was someone else, someone who enjoyed fighting and ripping peoples’ heads off. It wasn’t exactly what she’d expected from her hidden power, but if she could attack with the power, then attack she would.

The girl raced inhumanly fast toward the advancing cavalry, her skirts flying, her bright silver hair whipping back wildly in the wind. Upon reaching the soldiers on horseback, she stopped, head bent in concentration. “Deloi, aurboda,” she muttered, causing the earth beneath the oncoming warriors to scatter in all directions, acting like quicksand for the poor horses and the combatants who rode them. Kianna drew her dagger from the folds of her clothing, holding the small knife in one hand, her wooden rod in the other. Many of the soldiers were still struggling to escape the continually expanding crater she had made. They were easy pickings.

With one leap, she cleared two horses and landed on the rear of a third, scaring the unfortunate creature out of his mind. Her fist connected with the mounted soldier’s nose, causing it to bleed profusely. The man clutched his face and looked up at the girl in utter bewilderment. He didn’t expect the kick she landed in the center of his chest, or the punch that knocked him off his horse and into the deep pit that was still digging itself. Behind edge of the abyss, thirty or so warriors stared with confused expressions at the scene before them. Another jump brought Kianna just in front of them, prepared for another round of battling. Two men dived at her, but fell a few feet short; the girl was able to slide out of the way with ease. Everyone seemed to be moving in slow-motion, her sight as sharp and clear as if she was viewing it through a magnifying glass, except nothing was blurry. The whole experience was fantastic.

Soldier after Soldier fell before her, until she must have knocked out at least eleven or twelve out of the mass. Another warrior headed in her direction appeared to be merely strolling toward her, not running. She clenched her hand into a fist and struck the man in the stomach, sending him sprawling on the ground. She held her dagger up to his neck, and nearly cut off his head. But she couldn’t. Her hand stopped, frozen with fear at what she had almost done. Her whole body was petrified. She couldn’t move away. The spirits egged her on, willing her to slit the man’s throat, but her own moral forbid it. There was no way she could take this soldier’s life, no matter how many crimes he had committed, or how many people he had killed.

A hand grabbed her neck from behind, holding her in the air for a few moments. She felt a kick land in the middle of her back, making her to writhe in pain. The wooden rod was knocked from her hand by another malicious character, and her dagger confiscated by a burly man with a short beard. Her power was washing away like paint in the rain, leaving a rather drained feeling behind. All she could manage was a barely audible “Brisingr” before the spirit’s strength completely deserted her. Flames sprung up in a tight circle around the girl, scorching her captors. The fire followed her as she retrieved her shaft from the ground at her feet and kept the warriors at bay long enough for her to dash away from the brawl into the cover of the nearby bushes.

Now might be a good time to come, Eragon, she said via telepathy. I need a little help.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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((New York for you dragonsword, always stuck in a spot where you get lake effect snow (which I like) and really hot summers (which I hate) plus the est time zone crud...but, my town's worse than all those due to my neighbor brainwashing the idiots who live here. which can be very fun sometimes, scaring people out of their wits just by walking to a store, quite fun to see the reaction if I may say so.))


Draith watched Zailik cast the water spell and waited until it drenched the ground ahead of the soldiers in the forest. She smiled as the water froze with her aid, surely this would be fun later when they started to slip. The girl Kianna seemed to be taking after her own ambitions which made the shade all the more happy. "Just don't get to far going with wasting your energy Zailik, we might need you later. Not to say we don't now though." That was the closest to a compliment she would go. When Kianna froze for a moment, not going for the killing blow, Draith watched quietly, holding a soldier at knife point herself. "That one's lucky. You, not so much." Draith said, slitting the man's throat before throwing her knife at another soldier. "Better get moving Zailik! They won't wait, at least not when I'm around. Perhaps they'll let up for you but don't count on it." Draith leapt into the air, jumping over a runaway horse and two men. She landed behind, grabbing her knife from the soldier's back and smiled. "Slytha" she muttered, watching the two men fall to the ground asleep. "They're worthless! No wonder Galbatorix always sends me to grab more, they're weak cowards!" She yelled, casting two 'death' spells on the two sleeping men.


Zailik, meanwhile, was slashing away with Draith's sword, rooted to his spot as more soldiers came. He was half surprised at how the girl, Kianna, acted right now. When Draith left her spot though he was sure she was going to get in on the mess Kianna created. When the shade didn't and took two men out, Zailik rushed a few more near her, his sword parallel to the ground as he ran. That took care of the few who managed to get in his way. "I am seriously beginning to think this was because we ran from them before." He said, cutting into another man. Draith's sword worked wonders for him, it was light and easy to use but also very deadly. He figured it could cut right through bone with no resistance at all but he wasn't going to try that yet. "Come on! I'll go easy on you lot!" He yelled, egging on a group of soldiers trying to take out Draith.


Eragon watched from the air, wondering why so little soldiers had come in the first movement. He received Kianna's message and tapped Saphira on the should. Just hold on, we'll be there soon. He sent back to Kianna, linking it with Saphira as well. We need to get down there Saphira, but not so we get attack right away. He told her, looking for a good place to land without swashing anyone.


((...my neighbor's actually useful for something...great, just great /sarcasm\ well he helped figure out a song I couldn't think of the name for...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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