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Ryu smiled gratefully at Faeyth and Kit, and nodded once to Cryptic. "Let's go, then."


He led the way out of the cave, taking to the skies for a few minutes after exiting the cave, using the wind to direct the sound (or lack there of) towards him again. He heard nothing but the squeal of a rabbit, hunted down. "Let's go this way~" he called down to the others, circling above them, pointing a claw in the direction of the sound of the rabbit. If nothing else, they might find a small bit of breakfast for him...


He landed then, not wanting to alienate Faeyth, who seems to be somewhat sad or wistful whenever he was able to use his wings.




Kit trotted happily beside Cryptic, watching Ryu fly over them. She gently contracted and relaxed the muscles in her back, as she had seen Ryu do. It wasn't perfect, of course, but the tiny little wings began to move a little. Certainly not enough for flight, but at least it was a start. She smiled to herself and giggled a little as she turned her head around to watch the little wings flutter gently.

Edited by Katzyn

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(Here it is:





Bio:(You don't need to do this, just put 'Doesn't talk about it' it you don't want to do it)

Apperance:(Pics accepted)

Other:(Somthing that I forgot... Mabye a lot of stuff, I am just making this up as fast as I can...)

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Bio:dont know what this is

Apperance:Blue sweat pants and blue t shirt silk back pack medium long brown hair blue eyes

Personality:Very curious and friendly, absulutly loves dragons

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(The Bio is the Biogrophy. Don't worry about it though.)

Edited by rainface

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(Well, I play two dragons. One is named Sakka, and is a white dragon ((Like my avatar, but without the horns)), And the other, Shiel. She is missing right now, but Sakka and shiel are Brother and sister. Shiel is also like my avatar but with silver eyes and no horns. Sakka is the one I'm playing, but he is lost with another dragon near a bears cave.)


The bear came into his cave. He saw another dragon, but did not worry about it. He saw sakka out of the pit. He charged after the weak Sakka, chasing him around the cave.

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(Sure, you can say you went exploring in the forest, and you see Shiel hurt badly by a mountain lion. A gash reopened on her belly, pretty deep; and her wings are unable to help her up, but either way they won't work scince she is knocked out. You can find her by a tree on the ground.((If you would like to do that. Its your way to find her. Not mine.)))

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Nick went exploring in the forest, and saw a dragon ((Shiel)) hurt badly by a mountain lion. A gash reopened on her belly, pretty deep; and her wings are unable to help her up, but either way they won't work scince she is knocked out. Nick ran up to the dragon and started bandgeing its belly

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Shiel woke up, and soon a horror expression came over her face. She barley managed to say, "Let me go! Your just one of those other humans! You hurt us and our forest!" Then she couldn't do anything more, she just plumped back down, panting. Her stomache growled, making her gash hurt her even more.


(I am so sorry, I have to go. Mabye later.)

Edited by rainface

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"I promise i dont want to hurt you" Nick said " please trust me"

Edited by picknick10

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Shiel thought a moment. Then she agreed to let the human help her. She just did a breif nod, then plopped her head onto the earth.

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"Mountain lion...It nearly ate me but I flew away. I couldn't find any food or good water. I have been here for days..." She replied weakly.

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((YAAAAAAAY!!!*hugs rainface* ITS REVIVED!!!!!))


fae looked at sakka"i think we should find other dragons."

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"Thank you. But I can't really move by myself anymore. You might just want to move on by yourself and let me die." She said to the human.((P.s, there are other rpers on here of course, picknick. And More about my dragon, She is extremly small. And light.)



Sakka agreed with fae. "But where are they?" He asked.

Edited by rainface

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"i can smell some over here."she pointed to the west, she picked him up and put him on her back, she headed that way

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