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And you're blond, so once you gel your hair into antenna, I'm not gonna stop poking them. >3

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I wonder if Larx has a bug obsession or something? Or else aliens. There must be a reason.


Maybe they help her sense things? Or are musical instruments..

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And you're blond, so once you gel your hair into antenna, I'm not gonna stop poking them. >3

Try it and I'll zap you into next week =D

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:< shadooooow halp.


I, er, freeze you before you can. And then play with your hair. So nyeh.

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I wish I could but 1. I have no skills 2. I am short, fat, and ugly

none of which gives me very many cosplay options.

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Aww, surely there is someone?


I've seen people cosplaying people that are entirely different from them. Like an Axel wearing super high heeled boots. xd.png


@Nix: Urm..What if I put Fortune in a head lock? I don't want to get in trouble with her.. she might time warp me too.

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Yeah I have that problem too. Not enough video games. xd.png Although book and TV (especially anime) characters are good too. But nobody makes characters with curly hair. T.T


That is one reason I liked Cissnei, but that would be FF not KH.


Anyone have any favorite original costume designs for Org 13? Especially Zexion?

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Nope. The KHverse is a bit too complicated for my limited fashion sense. <_>


But I enjoy fanart/official artwork.


What about the clothes from their Somebodies in BBS?

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Nice find shadow. I want that belt buckle, even though I never ever wear a belt.

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i only have one really old KH game for a Gameboy Advance Sp (which i still own and operate)


and i have never ever beaten it.


it is KH Chain of Memories


very hard.

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Hah, I still have TWO GBAs. No SP, no Micro. They both work great.


I like to show off my older systems. >o< Though I don't actually have that many. xd.png


I've heard CoM is harder than Re:Com, is this true?

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Iunno, but if so, TG for Re:CoM.


/still hates the card system though

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I've heard CoM is harder than Re:Com, is this true?

I have yet to play either yet, but I hear it is because Re:CoM was "tweaked" to fix things (like in one level, a boss' attack was unstoppable or something) and those tweaks effectively got rid of some of the overbearing challenge. However, I heard the new system they put into Riku's story can be frustrating at times...



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Riku's story wasn't bad (difficulty wise). Just spam sleights on bosses, and shuffle a lot while fighting normal enemies and you are set.



Did any one actually run out of cards completely? Because of sleights? Except maybe Marl, since he scattered them.

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I hate Re:COM... My ex gave it to me for my birthday and I loved it...until I played it... The card system is just...UGH!!!!

And, um, let's see, what else have I missed?


Zexion in glasses = win... (Actually, I may be able to find a picture of that... definitely a video...)


Also, here's another epic video from the Demyx Time makers! (I love everything they do, so expect things like this a lot...)


It's epic because they do four different costumes each and their regular clothes selves... and green screen! It's long, though, nearly 10 minutes...

Edited by nekoinu525

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I pray BBS wont have a card system.

I know you want to avoid spoilers, but it's completely possible to research a game without finding spoilers. BBS has been out for, like, five months in Japan.

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Yeah well I never have any luck finding what I am looking for without getting what I want to avoid.

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Yeah well I never have any luck finding what I am looking for without getting what I want to avoid.


So, I don't really try anymore...

but I'll join you in hoping there's no card system in BBS...

I don't think there would be, though, because, did anyone even like the card system? I doubt SquareEnix would do something that bad again...

Then again, what do I know...?

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