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When does a dragon become healthy again?

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Scratch that one just got sick

Could someone change the name of this thread to “Fuecoco’s Infinite Well of Curiosity” because that’s what it is just me being stupid and smart people answering my many questions and querys

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3 hours ago, FuecocoBoi09 said:

uhh one of my hatchlings got sick it’s weird because I got 2 at the same time and it got 600+ more views then the other


If they're different breeds that might explain it!  Some dragons get sick more easily than others do.


Also, it's unfortunate but also possible somebody besides you is putting the dragons in sites to get them views.  Sometimes this is well-meaning, sometimes its malicious.  That's another reason leaving things fogged for 24+ hours (or until they can hatch/mature, if that's less than 24) can help--they can't just put stuff back in immediately.  A good thing to do is, when they're unfogged, check through the various fan sites and take them out of any you didn't put them in if you find them there.


Oh!  Also!  While it hasn't started yet, once the Halloween event starts you should be extra careful about your dragons--during new releases and holidays the various fan sites often get more traffic than usual so things can get sick easier.  That's good to be aware of ahead of time.


As for hatchlings specifically, though, they also tend to be hardier and don't die from sickness as often.  I've never had it happen personally, and I've had them get sick plenty.  Fogging is still good to do because it's not impossible, they just seem a bit more resilient than eggs are.


This is just what usually works well for me, personally and others play different but what I do is this:


●Wait until eggs have 4 days or less (if using Incubate, 5 days or less then use Incubate to bring it down)

●Stick them in a bunch of sites to hatch, come back a while later

●Remove them from sites

●Fog them if needed, if not wait until they have under 6 days left

●Put them back in sites to gain some views until they reach stage 2 (where gender is displayed for gendered breeds)

●Remove them and just ignore them until they grow up (fog if sick, or otherwise worried about them)

●If they get to 4 days or less without growing stick them in another site or two to give them the last boost they need


If eggs are especially valuable to me I fog them as soon as I get them just to be safe.


Doing it this way I haven't accidentally lost a dragon in ages, even when they get sick.  (The current dead things on my scroll are intentional--fodder for zombie attempts on Halloween)


Obviously you don't have to do that set of steps, but it's one way that works well for me personally.

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