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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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14 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Better than having the house to yourself for a day?

Good luck with the car shopping. That is a process that I truly, genuinely hate! It will be good for you to have your own car, though.

I mean more productive, I guess? Would have REALLY enjoyed a day to myself though.

Thanks :3


4 hours ago, Lagie said:

Oops. XD


Why am I not hungry this evening?

Ya know, I'm not either for some reason. weird.


39 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

6,986! It's going well too, or so I think. 

Yay proud of you!

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I just finished the last Harry Potter book for the billionth time...



When Lupin comes out of that stone, I fall to pieces every time. Even tonight, it's just... I didn't full out cry, but my eyes did well up a little bit. lol


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Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


Sorry I'm late. I headed to work early.


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The AP has gotten to the October 31st eggs. I saw 2 Crypt eggs although I'm too slow to catch them.

I'm lagging pretty bad.

Just one Crypt to complete my pairing, please.

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Looong day. 1500. We're only open four hours so these numbers are impressive!

Our shed has a roof now!

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5 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Looong day. 1500. We're only open four hours so these numbers are impressive!

Our shed has a roof now!

Very impressive!

And yay for progress on the shed.

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Thanks! :)

I'm ready to go home and collapse now. ;)

Haven't left work yet as I had to hang around and wait for two vans full of donations!

(This is why we need the shed...)

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18 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

6,986! It's going well too, or so I think. 

go you! :D 


worked 10 to 2 today.  got home and started to hang up some pictures on the wall.  got 'round to my corner where my table is, and decided first to try to clean all the hair out of the wheels/casters on my chair.  kinda gave up and called staples to see if they had replacement casters, which they did.  so i went back to almost where my new michael's is - the staples is in the shopping center across the street - and got 'em.  now my chair is rolly again. XD   and i'm going to attempt to finish hemming the second curtain panel for the living room - i kept falling asleep last night.  also only got 4 of my Crypt dragons named, so now i have four more adults to name. *goes back to my wiki page of Death deities*

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


It's too early. :P

I have to go to work today to feed my shop animals as the person who usually does Sundays for me is on vacation.

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Good morning, CPA!

*noms a waffle -- thanks Lagie*

Back to standard time this morning. Should have meant an extra hour of sleep. Instead I was awake two hours earlier. *sigh*

Still sifting through eggs in the AP looking for Halloween mates for some of my unmated holiday-kins. Not having much luck.

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2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Back to standard time this morning. Should have meant an extra hour of sleep. Instead I was awake two hours earlier. *sigh*

Still sifting through eggs in the AP looking for Halloween mates for some of my unmated holiday-kins. Not having much luck.

I got woke up by duck hunter blasting away.


When do you think the hatchling flood will begin? The event is supposed to end on the 8th, but there'll be less players online during a weekday.

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On 11/5/2022 at 1:52 PM, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Congratulations, Izzy.

Thanks :3


22 hours ago, Lagie said:

Looong day. 1500. We're only open four hours so these numbers are impressive!

Our shed has a roof now!

oof das a busy day indeed! Yayy for roof!


So in my neck of the woods:

we did not get to go look at the SUV I wanted to check out yesterday because the dealership closed at 5 and Cole was late coming home 😕 so I have to try and find time this week to do that before work or pray I get two Saturdays in a row off.


I DID get to play Sea of Thieves for hours with a friend and his buddies (was amazing and chaotic and I loved every second of it, we ended up "adopting" a four man crew of kids who were struggling lol long story but happy to tell it all if anyone is interested) and then turned around and played with Ben and Cole for a bit. Cole made pot roast for dinner, it was yummy


My brother's birthday is Sunday, so we'll be going to mom's for that.


 My reproductive organs are being dumb and I hurt


Ben and I are putting a hold on house hunting, but we MAY have found a place to rent closer to work via a co-worker.


I have most of the cleaning done, but today I need to do the bathrooms, rat cage, and laundry.

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6 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Should have meant an extra hour of sleep. Instead I was awake two hours earlier. *sigh*

Yeah, I was awake earlier, too.

The rest of the day has timed out weirdly also.


3 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I got woke up by duck hunter blasting away.



@IzzyCat91, sorry you didn't get to go SUV hunting, but fingers crossed you do find a closer place.  That would help save some time in a day, I'm sure.


*headdesks* Is it wrong of me to want our price tags to look tidy and professional???  I'm pretty sure all my volunteers learned how to use scissors in preschool or so, but man, some of them don't know how to follow lines, and we end up with price tags with extra bits off the sides and lines through the middle and the shop name sliced to pieces.  I'm really tired of having to follow up on this. ****


And... there's a kids' party at the pool complete with bouncy castle.  I'm online in my back bedroom with the fan on so as to be far away from it and to drown out the noise as much as possible.

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Just now, Lagie said:


I live uphill from a boat launch where hunting spots are rented out. And the water amplifies the sound of the shots.

There's fewer hunters this year, but most people know better than to fish during hunting season.

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Just now, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I live uphill from a boat launch where hunting spots are rented out. And the water amplifies the sound of the shots.

Ouch. Yeah, water does that.

I hear gunshots from nearby Kemp Road on a regular basis. I think I'd prefer your kind.

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At least I have one of the highest spots in the area when we get severe flooding.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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That's a good thing.

I live uphill from the water, too, so maybe I won't be covered when the ocean rises.

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Oh man. I missed Nano yesterday. Oops. Been crazy busy. Store, sleep, store, sit, relax, play games, deal with people. I'm tired. lol

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!@#$%^&* clock change. *sigh*

but i think we got all the clocks except my car.


saw the show that younger daughter stage managed.  interesting, that's for sure.


hung some things up on the wall so now the floor looks less cluttered.  i do have four plates with kitties on them that i want to hang up in the kitchen, but no idea how i want to actually put them up.  also have the various graduation pics of the girls, might hang them going up the steps again, like i did in the previous house.

maybe this week i'll finally get to the book and yarn boxes XD 

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yeah, idk. I woke up the "usual" time, but I've been nursing this slight headache for most of the day; felt like I didn't get much sleep (though I'm sure being close to TOM isn't helping as well). feel this is better though than the spring one when we "lose" an hour.

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4 hours ago, trystan said:

saw the show that younger daughter stage managed.  interesting, that's for sure.

XD "Interesting" isn't exactly a ringing acclamation.

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on the surface, it was about a pre-teens girls dance competition and the girls' coach pushing them to win the competitions leading up to the Nationals, and picking one of the girls for a solo, who froze, and another girl stepped in to take her place.  the new girls sounded unsure of herself, but then finally admitted she was the better dancer.  but the other themes of pre-teen girls discovering things about their bodies and sexuality - there was a huge overtone of feminism. :D it debuted in 2018, but it was probably written in 2017 or even 2018, so that explains the world the show was born into.

like i said - interesting. XD 

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Out and about. No data.

See you later!

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