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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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awww, sorry to read about Pippin {{hugs}}


i meant to post a pic of Angel with my post above, so here she is, in her crabby, resting b-face calicotude~



2 minutes ago, Lagie said:
1 hour ago, trystan said:

only prescription food is lower fat, the fancy feast isn't right" i said "i'm reading it right off the label!" they're calling back tomorrow. XD 

:blink: How bizarre.

totally agree!


Edited by trystan

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2 minutes ago, trystan said:

meant to post a pic of Angel with my post above, so here she is, in her crabby, resting b-face calicotude~


not to be dramatic but I would die for Angel! 😍😻 She's so beautiful

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That is a gorgeous cat!


Pippin is my son, and honestly, I feel so much better even if he did cost like... 600 bucks since Friday. lol

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4 minutes ago, sleepymuggle said:

not to be dramatic but I would die for Angel! 😍😻 She's so beautiful


3 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

That is a gorgeous cat!


thank you both!


Angel's vet visit was about $250, the clinic we go to is connected to the rescue we got some of our kitties through..... including Angel. :D 

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9 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Good morning, everyone! It is a cold and rainy day here. We had to turn the heat back on last night. Gone is our sunny spring weather that we got to enjoy all weekend. :(

Same, it's currently 36 F here, gray and gloomy and wet.


Pets ARE terribly expensive at times (I had to spend soooo much money when we got the kittens last year because all 3 cats kept getting sick back to back) I hope dear Pippin feels better soon!


Angel is GORGEOUS! I have always loved and wanted a calico.


I slept through my alarm and missed my therapy appointment. Here's hoping I wake up for my Psych eval tomorrow lol (it's just to check and see if the meds are still helping or if dosage needs adjusted)

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9 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Angel is GORGEOUS! I have always loved and wanted a calico.


she's our only calico, but we also have black, orange, black&white, and orange&white cats too XD 

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20 minutes ago, trystan said:


she's our only calico XD 

Are her markings really as banded looking 🌈 as they are in the photo?

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59 minutes ago, trystan said:

i meant to post a pic of Angel with my post above, so here she is, in her crabby, resting b-face calicotude~



totally agree!


She's really pretty! :)


Pets are definitely expensive, but oh so worth it!

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

awww, sorry to read about Pippin {{hugs}}


i meant to post a pic of Angel with my post above, so here she is, in her crabby, resting b-face calicotude~



haha, b-face or not, she's adorable

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she's very stripy.


here's two more pics:


with her goth kitty eyeliner:





13 minutes ago, Lagie said:

She's really pretty! :)



9 minutes ago, WaterScorpion said:

haha, b-face or not, she's adorable

thanks!  she is. :) 


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2 minutes ago, trystan said:

she's very stripy

That's unusual. Most are patchy. 

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Glad there was nothing serious with Pippin @AsymDoll13.


Angel is a real beauty, Trystan. Another person here who has always wished for a calico. My aunt had one years ago named Miss Kitty -- came to her as a stray, probably dumped "out in the country" by some fool who didn't want her. She was too tame to be a feral and when they took her to the vet they found out she had already been spayed. Anyway, she was a lovely lady and lived to a good old age.

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she has some patches and some stripes.  cats are weird. XD 

7 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Angel is a real beauty, Trystan. Another person here who has always wished for a calico. My aunt had one years ago named Miss Kitty -- came to her as a stray, probably dumped "out in the country" by some fool who didn't want her. She was too tame to be a feral and when they took her to the vet they found out she had already been spayed. Anyway, she was a lovely lady and lived to a good old age.

aww, thanks!

Angel was left in a carrier at the rescue one day in september of 2020.  hubby first saw her in december 2020 on petfinder (probably), and we were already familiar with the rescue where she was, so we went to visit.  after bringing home a grey tabby who had been there for 2 years (!!), (and then adopting another kitty through another shelter), we came back for Angel on Jan 1, 2021. :) 


Edited by trystan

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I am so happy! I thought I was going to have to re-start my Cosmic Castaway Lyrical Lineage, but I was just looking at it wrong, I DID map it out correctly and am on track (as long as things breed and/or gender/color correctly)

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1 hour ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I am so happy! I thought I was going to have to re-start my Cosmic Castaway Lyrical Lineage, but I was just looking at it wrong, I DID map it out correctly and am on track (as long as things breed and/or gender/color correctly)

That's good!

I am very frustrated with my dragons right now! Not only do they refuse to give me the Aeons that I need for my lyrical lineage, but my Z'dragons are refusing to give me Z'babies and now it looks like my Nebbie has hatched the wrong color (sorts below the red/green ones) -- second one from that pair to fail me! :(


Edited by purplehaze

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Aww. You guys talking about calicos reminds me of my old kitty, Peaches. She was very stripey but also had patches. She was our cat when I was growing up and she made it to the ripe old age of 22. I miss you peachey girl.



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27 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Aww. You guys talking about calicos reminds me of my old kitty, Peaches. She was very stripey but also had patches. She was our cat when I was growing up and she made it to the ripe old age of 22. I miss you peachey girl.

aww, she was a pretty kitty too!

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1 hour ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Aww. You guys talking about calicos reminds me of my old kitty, Peaches. She was very stripey but also had patches. She was our cat when I was growing up and she made it to the ripe old age of 22. I miss you peachey girl.

She is beautiful! 22 is pretty long life for a cat as well, whew!

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9 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Aww. You guys talking about calicos reminds me of my old kitty, Peaches. 

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Ooh, another pretty kitty! And a good age, too.


I had another tabby show up for breakfast today, but the snipped ear means he's not 'new' but returned. I think, in fact, he might be the original Ghost which means he'll need a new name as the mega-chunky tabby has been Ghost for a while now.



Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny, with nothing on my to-do list but to pick up a paper once the morning traffic dies down.

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5 minutes ago, Lagie said:

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny, with nothing on my to-do list but to pick up a paper once the morning traffic dies down.

Good morning *steals most of the brownies*



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2 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Good morning *steals most of the brownies*




*goes back to bed*

That sounds a good way to spend the day. ;)

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Good morning, CPA! We had heavy rain all evening yesterday. At least it is not raining today. Still quite chilly, though, and no sun yet.


I need to hijack hubby's computer this morning before he gets up. Need to try to edit the bingo post that keeps crashing my computer. I don't know what that's all about, but I hope his will be able to handle it. Edit: It was.

Edited by purplehaze

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Morning all. 

I just looked out the window and it's **** snowing! 🤬

Other than that, good morning here thus far, playing some new to me Steam games and continuing the hunt for FoE eggs.

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purple - loving the new userpic!


cold and windy here today. why does it have to be windy?


so thursday i started feeling stuffy and congested, and a cough that sounds awful sometimes.  now that it's tuesday, i think most of it was (still is?) allergies, as my antihistamine works.  if it was a cold, the antihistamine would do nothing.  but last night i kept wondering, should i take one of the those covid tests we have? (i got my 8 allotment from the government, so might as well, right?) but i didn't want to, because i didn't want to be positive. ugh.

in the end, last light at like a quarter of 1 in the morning, i take the darn thing. 20 minute later, it's negative. *whew*

so i get into work today, and need to call our other office.  she asks me if it's a cold.  i kinda explain about the antihistamine working, and then i tell her, "well, i know what it's NOT!" and she laughs.

Boss comes in a little bit later, and i have almost a repeat convo.  when i tell her i know what it's not, she asks how do i know? so i tell her i took a test, you can get 'em for free.  she's all "oh! okay." and i'm thinking i'll bet she didn't get hers. yeesh.

anyway, i am feeling better than i was over the weekend.  when i blow my nose, my head gets clogged, like i stuffed it with cotton balls instead of blowing my nose. XD


my last 4 CB seawyrms grow up this evening.  i might do some breeding this afternoon, and then the new adults i can breed tomorrow.


i have a hilarious story about two of my cats, Harvey and Molly, from last night, i'll type it up and post it later..... XD XD

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2 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I just looked out the window and it's **** snowing! 🤬


Though a friend in Windsor, Ontario, who loves snow, was thrilled when it snowed there Easter Sunday, which happened to also be her birthday. XD


4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

I hope his will be able to handle it. Edit: It was.



1 hour ago, trystan said:

i got my 8 allotment from the government, so might as well, right?

They gave you free Covid tests? Nice!

Our positivity rate and numbers are creeping back up.

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