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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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15 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Was someone here looking for a Paper egg? I have acquired one if it's still wanted/needed.

i mean, i WAS. i got the papers i wanted at the time, but i wouldn't mind it if you still have it? (your comment is 15 hours old when i'm replying, so it makes sense if you no longer have it.)


10 hours ago, SomeRandomCorviknight said:

i have returned.

yaay! welcome back!


re: the cakes - check out cakewrecks.com for more..... questionable cakes.  (except sundays.  sundays are Sunday Sweets days when she posts cakes that your jaw just drops open because those are works of art, not cakes!)


43 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Enjoying the new Doctor Who now. I do wish things weren't so visually dark (yet again), though.

i plan to watch it tomorrow.  as for the lighting, i watched 15 years of Supernatural,  i think i should be used to shows that are dark XD 

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I have a Magma that accidentally got abandoned 3 days ago. If anyone wants to know.

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2 hours ago, Rainn said:

I have a Magma that accidentally got abandoned 3 days ago. If anyone wants to know.

Unfortunately the egg will probably get snatched up immediately.


6 hours ago, Lagie said:

LEGO complete!


What are the scattered bits supposed to be?

Pretty cool.

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1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

What are the scattered bits supposed to be?

Pretty cool.

Not sure, maybe egg decor bits. They're the leftover coloured bits once you've finished the actual instructions. I did add some to the egg.


1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Unfortunately the egg will probably get snatched up immediately.

Yeah. Magmas go quickly.

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5 hours ago, trystan said:

i mean, i WAS. i got the papers i wanted at the time, but i wouldn't mind it if you still have it? (your comment is 15 hours old when i'm replying, so it makes sense if you no longer have it.)

I still have it! I'll pm you the transfer link

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2 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

I still have it! I'll pm you the transfer link

oh cool! thanks! :D 

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Ok so I just signed up for the 20 Week Breeding Challenge. I was thinking of doing a stair step or spiral of the alphabet. Like the base pair be 2 breeds that start with "A", breed that offspring to a "B" breed to get a "B" offspring, breed that offspring to a "C" breed, and so on. Thoughts or suggestions?

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Guys, my dog is so hesitant and afraid of my in-laws cat, Tilly. They first met last Christmas when he was a 6 month old puppy. This is him, mesmerized and afraid:



@IzzyCat91 That sounds like a very cool idea! I participated in the challenge last year and the offspring's breed does not need to exactly follow the pattern so long as you maintain the shape of the lineage (mine from last year, for example).  Purplehaze can tell you if the alphabetical breeds is okay. 

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35 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Ok so I just signed up for the 20 Week Breeding Challenge. I was thinking of doing a stair step or spiral of the alphabet. Like the base pair be 2 breeds that start with "A", breed that offspring to a "B" breed to get a "B" offspring, breed that offspring to a "C" breed, and so on. Thoughts or suggestions?

That's a pretty cool idea. I'm afraid you will have to alter the plan a little when you get to "J" though, since the Jester is the only one and it is a 2-head and a hybrid -- two strikes against it. You could just skip it and go on to K if you don't mind the gap, though. I didn't really check to see if there would be any other gaps along the way.

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1 hour ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Ok so I just signed up for the 20 Week Breeding Challenge. I was thinking of doing a stair step or spiral of the alphabet. Like the base pair be 2 breeds that start with "A", breed that offspring to a "B" breed to get a "B" offspring, breed that offspring to a "C" breed, and so on. Thoughts or suggestions?


that sounds like a cool idea. good luck with it!

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59 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

That's a pretty cool idea. I'm afraid you will have to alter the plan a little when you get to "J" though, since the Jester is the only one and it is a 2-head and a hybrid -- two strikes against it. You could just skip it and go on to K if you don't mind the gap, though. I didn't really check to see if there would be any other gaps along the way.

Well shoot. I didn't even think of that lol. I'll have to double check before I start mapping it all out lol Thank you all!

Edit: Q is also an issue, but as long as you don't mind @purplehaze, I can just skip J and Q and go to the next letter and/or breed I/K and P/R twice, idk.

Edited by IzzyCat91

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13 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Edit: Q is also an issue, but as long as you don't mind @purplehaze, I can just skip J and Q and go to the next letter and/or breed I/K and P/R twice, idk.

I guess it isn't surprising that there is no Q breed either. Anyway, as long as your lineage keeps its shape (stair or spiral) then it is up to you what dragons you use.

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12 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

I guess it isn't surprising that there is no Q breed either. Anyway, as long as your lineage keeps its shape (stair or spiral) then it is up to you what dragons you use.

Awesome, thank you! 

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Joined the 20 Week Breeding Challenge thing. 


I just have one question. If I were to breed say... Aster (the dragon in my group at the moment) with another dragon, and then kept that going, would that work? I'm not great at lineages. 

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@Lagie Sorry! I didn't mean to hijack this thread. Any more questions about the 20 Week should probably be asked in that thread. ;)

With that said, I will answer one more here:

30 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I just have one question. If I were to breed say... Aster (the dragon in my group at the moment) with another dragon, and then kept that going, would that work? I'm not great at lineages. 

The Challenge is set up to start with a breeding pair of CB dragons, so Aster won't work. Sorry about that.

One of the dragons must be a CB that is stolen the day the Challenge starts (May 1) or later. The other can be a dragon that is already on your scroll (or could also be freshly caught), but must be CB also. So you will be starting a totally new lineage with them. You can use any breed/s you wish.

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I should read. lol. Thanks so much! Guess I have to wait. Hmm... We'll see what sort of dragon I get that day! ^^ 

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7 hours ago, purplehaze said:

@Lagie Sorry! I didn't mean to hijack this thread. Any more questions about the 20 Week should probably be asked in that thread. ;)

No worries! I'm happy to have discussion here, too.


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


It's Easter Monday here, an official holiday. I will also have tomorrow off. I head home this afternoon so I get a full day at home before I go back to work.


Sunny and bright!

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Good morning, everyone! It is a cold and rainy day here. We had to turn the heat back on last night. Gone is our sunny spring weather that we got to enjoy all weekend. :(


I've been enjoying the egg hunt though! Fun, as always, and I am blown away by the creativity of all the artists. 

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Brrr. That sounds chilly. Stay warm!


The eggs are lovely! I just snagged the last one.

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It's chilly out there here too! We're taking Pippin to the vet at 4 est. I'm excited that he'll get some sort of workup, even if he seems to be doing much better. He is due a rabies shot though, so... that's something. ❤️ 

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morning all.... err, evening, i should say!

i was off today, since we used to be off for Good Friday,  but then our office closed on Fridays, so our easter holiday is monday now.

got a call from the vet about Angel - she's got a few health issues - cause she's an old lady - 14? 16, the vet thought..... we don't know.  so i had to get the thyroid meds and take a look at lower fat food (2-3% crude fat).  turns out. the stuff we got for her sensititve stomach is like 7%.  the fancy feast we've been giving the cats? 2%. when i called the vet to clear up some other questions, the vet had called back with the message of "only prescription food is lower fat, the fancy feast isn't right" i said "i'm reading it right off the label!" they're calling back tomorrow. XD 


anyway. i'm still collecting my FoE eggs.  there's always something to frell up the number, isn't there? there's 49 now, yes?


Edited by trystan

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:

anyway. i'm still collecting my FoE eggs.  there's always something to frell up the number, isn't there? there's 49 now, yes?


Yes. One egg had copyright issues and was removed so 49 now.


I just caught my last 2022 egg and am working backwards now! Last year I caught all of the eggs from 2021-2019 and about 10 from 2018. Now I am working on the rest of 2018 and prior!

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1 minute ago, BringsTheSnow said:

so 49 now.


like i said, there's always something every year. XD 

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Alright. Back with Pippin. He got a full work up, like the senior panel for bloodwork. Cost a fair penny to find out that he has... a tummyache. But at least we know it's not anything super serious. He's unable to eat until later tonight, so he's having a day, the poor fool of a Took (I couldn't help myself). Two hours in a car though, so long... Ugh. I worked on a bee, and dropped my crochet hook in the last like 20 minutes, but... now I'm back and eating some dinner. 


Good to know that there are 49 eggs, since I'm only on like... 30 something. lol. I'm working on it! 

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

only prescription food is lower fat, the fancy feast isn't right" i said "i'm reading it right off the label!" they're calling back tomorrow. XD 

:blink: How bizarre.


8 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Cost a fair penny to find out that he has... a tummyache

Eeps. But at least nothing more serious and I'm sure it sets your mind at rest to know.


We're beginning to have parking issues here regularly now. 402 (?) has two cars so uses 401's spot as no one lived there for a long while. Now, however, someone does, and I met his car in my spot today as 402's is still in his. :rolleyes: For now he's moved to 303's spot since that unit is vacant, but that won't last forever.

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