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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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I love Donna. She made me laugh so hard. The entire exchange between the two and the windows was the funniest thing I've ever seen, even if the 10th doc is my least favorite of the ones I've seen. lol. Just not the biggest fan of Tennet, even though he's absolutely fantastic as Crowley in Good Omens. My god is that show good... lol

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3 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

absolutely fantastic as Crowley in Good Omens. My god is that show good... lol

completely agree with that!!

i heard there's a season 2 of Good Omens.....

i also need to reread the book :) 

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Reading the book right now! Got it for my birthday, and so far, I'm in love. 

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i'm pretty sure i read it before i started keeping track 

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*rules the night*


Yeah, nothing's happening. It's like people have gone to bed.

Your shoeslaces might be tied together in the morning.

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9 hours ago, trystan said:

Four was my first Doctor, and still my fave.  my favorite all-time companion is K9, Jamie is my favorite human companion. :) 

Four, Ten, Thirteen for me. Sarah Jane and K9 for companions.


8 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

The entire exchange between the two and the windows was the funniest thing I've ever seen,

That was a great scene!


4 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Your shoeslaces might be tied together in the morning.

XD No laces on flip flops, thank goodness. Love the pony image. :)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


The sky is clearing! I am hopeful we might have a somewhat sunny day.

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49 minutes ago, Lagie said:

XD No laces on flip flops, thank goodness. Love the pony image. :)

The sky is clearing! I am hopeful we might have a somewhat sunny day.

Never could tolerate flip-flops with that thong that goes between the toes.

Your clouds are over here, ready to ruin the weekend for children. 

Huh, my Royal Eminence has an Etsy code.

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My puppy had his first trip to the farmers market today! He is not quite 2 years old yet. He did really well, especially considering that we are still trying to break his habit of jumping on people. We also stumbled across a doggy Easter egg hunt that the shop next door to the farmers market was hosting. It was super fun and we found and we got a coupon for $50 credit for anything in the store.

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Good afternoon, CPA!

Lazy day today, though I did wake up way too early!

Bought one of each of the new Gemshards from the market this week. I still look for them in the cave, but have had no luck.

I'm off to try to breed Aeons for my lyrical lineage. Not very hopeful. :(

Edit: One Chrono and one Aquilo. No Aeon. *sigh*

Edited by purplehaze

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Cookie had a soccer game at 10a.m (was very cold and wet, and we lost by 2 points), then we got breakfast and now we're home and warming up. I need to go clean and prep for family tomorrow (both of our mothers and brothers are coming around 5pm for Easter/My birthday)

I am tired already lol.

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7 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Your clouds are over here, ready to ruin the weekend for children. 

You sent one back! :P We got a rain storm, windy wind, etc about 1:30.


2 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

My puppy had his first trip to the farmers market today

Sounds fun! Glad he did well.


1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

No Aeon.

My aeons are lousy egg givers, too, even with fertility.


1 hour ago, IzzyCat91 said:

both of our mothers and brothers are coming around 5pm for Easter/My birthday

Have fun!


Okay shop day today. The jewellery sale didn't do so well, though, alas.

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I had all my kids on holidays. One on Halloween, one on Easter, and one on Thanksgiving. The only one that stays the same is Halloween. 

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I guess that would help with remembering the birthdays! XD

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11 hours ago, Lagie said:

Four, Ten, Thirteen for me. Sarah Jane and K9 for companions.

awesome! :) 


10 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Never could tolerate flip-flops with that thong that goes between the toes.

same as my older daughter.


2 hours ago, Rainn said:

I had all my kids on holidays. One on Halloween, one on Easter, and one on Thanksgiving. The only one that stays the same is Halloween. 

that's pretty cool!


worked 11 to 3 today. 

stopped at the Home Depot on my way home and got a few final things for that catio we made (caulk for the wood that sits along the concrete, some flashing so when it rains the water doesn't run down the screens) and i added those to the catio as well as an inside door handle that i put up.

hatched some Seawyrm eggs! i think i'll start the breeding on tuesday, when my one pair can breed again.  i have plenty of purples to use for fertility, so hopefully i don't get refusals from anyone :) 

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I was born on Thanksgiving myself.

My older brother considered this a joke made in extremely poor taste.

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My stepson was born on Mother's Day! :) He's an amazing kid, truly a great gift. (My late uncle also shared his birthday with my grandma (his mom) but it wasn't a holiday, lol.)


@Long_Before_Sunrise I take it your brother wasn't so thankful for a younger sibling? 😋


@trystan Catio! Catio! Catio! I'm excited to watch/read your progress. My partner wants to build a mini catio outside our back window this summer. 👀 My cat loves being outside but he's dead deaf and not very smart, plus we live next to major roads and a highway…

Edited by sleepymuggle

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13 minutes ago, sleepymuggle said:


@Long_Before_Sunrise I take it your brother wasn't so thankful for a younger sibling?


He wanted to be an only child. He hasn't changed his mind yet.

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I was born on a Good Friday. Lots of holiday (or near holiday) babies!


I did lots and lots of yard work this afternoon. Our house was a rental property for a LONG time before we bought it so the side of the yard is covered in English ivy and other vines. I am also desperately trying to cultivate grass where we removed the vines last fall. It was very satisfying but now I am very sore. 


As for Dr. Who, I watched all of 9th, 10th, and some of 11th Doctor. It has been a hot minute since I watched that show!

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I was born on 4/20...not technically a holiday but it can share Easter's date on Occasion and is also...well if you know, you know 😉 lol

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2 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I was born on Thanksgiving myself.

My older brother considered this a joke made in extremely poor taste.

Oh wow what date? My son is nov 23. Hey it's better than Christmas!

Edited by Rainn

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1 hour ago, sleepymuggle said:

@trystan Catio! Catio! Catio! I'm excited to watch/read your progress. My partner wants to build a mini catio outside our back window this summer. 👀 My cat loves being outside but he's dead and not very smart, plus we live next to major roads and a highway…

i have this on my amazon list, but first we'd need a longer tube/walkway to get to the big tent, and i'm thinking a bigger tent too XD 



1 hour ago, sleepymuggle said:

he's dead and not very smart,



1 hour ago, BringsTheSnow said:

As for Dr. Who, I watched all of 9th, 10th, and some of 11th Doctor. It has been a hot minute since I watched that show!

i watched it back in the 80s on my local PBS station, and liked it, but only watched sporatically. i did watch the movie with Eight.... but then just didn't watch when it started up again, until like.... 2015? :blink:


Edited by trystan

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9 minutes ago, trystan said:

i have this on my amazon list, but first we'd need a longer tube/walkway to get to the big tent, and i'm thinking a bigger tent too XD 





That's so neat!!! The tent does look a little small for cats but they shouldn't complain 😒 since you've gone through all the work to build them a nice catio lol.


also, I meant DEAF. 😳😳😳 He's deaf, and neither him nor I are very smart.

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