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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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2 minutes ago, Lagie said:

The Haunting of Villa Diodati

oh but that's a good one :)

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9 minutes ago, trystan said:

oh but that's a good one :)

I find they're better the second time around. There are a lot of 'preachy' episodes in this season, but I do like 13! :)





The guy is actually meant to be slaying the dragon, not sitting on it, but I like this better. I used a piece from another set to make the seat. That little purple dot on its chest is a bolt that shoots out.

Edited by Lagie

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12 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I find they're better the second time around.

for as much as i say i should watch the episodes again, i don't. maybe in a few years i'll do an entire rewatch, and start all over again with An Unearthly Child and watch Doctors One through Thirteen, and any other new ones that happen along the way!


14 minutes ago, Lagie said:

The guy is actually meant to be slaying the dragon, not sitting on it, but I like this better.

oh yes, dragon riding is much better than dragon slaying! :D

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20 hours ago, Lagie said:

Hang in there, @purplehaze. *Zen hugs* Do you have someone nearby you can video chat with or at least call? The not knowing how long it will be has to be the worst part of all this.

Thanks. I feel better today. I think the thing that really finally got me down yesterday was that I was looking forward to seeing my daughter. I had arranged to take her a plant and borrow her crockpot. I went over there and found she had to work late and wasn't home. I got the items exchanged with her hubby, but just a quick interaction at the front door -- not what I had hoped for. I did talk to her on the phone later, which helped a little, but still left me feeling sad.


I really liked Barak Obama's speech last night. So far the Obamas have been the stars of the show!

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1 minute ago, purplehaze said:

Thanks. I feel better today. I think the thing that really finally got me down yesterday was that I was looking forward to seeing my daughter. I had arranged to take her a plant and borrow her crockpot. I went over there and found she had to work late and wasn't home. I got the items exchanged with her hubby, but just a quick interaction at the front door -- not what I had hoped for. I did talk to her on the phone later, which helped a little, but still left me feeling sad.


I really liked Barak Obama's speech last night. So far the Obamas have been the stars of the show!

Glad you're doing better today, though sorry you didn't get to see your daughter. *hugs*


Michelle Obama was awesome. I will track down Barack Obama's speech later, but I look forward to hearing it.

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5 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

I really liked Barak Obama's speech last night. So far the Obamas have been the stars of the show!


3 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Michelle Obama was awesome.

yes and yes! :D


sorry you didn't get to see your daughter, purple. {{hugs}}

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Hope you get to see your daughter soon Purple.


I'd like to watch all the Dr Who eps.  Where are you guys getting them?

Edited by Classycal

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I was sent the DVDs from a friend in the US. I've always avoided the online streaming services. Unfortunately, most of my David Tennant DVDs have suffered in the heat and are no longer playable.

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Oh, my.  That's awful.


Okay, I just tried shopping online with Krogers.  Can't say that I think much of it.  I can get it done faster in the store.  

Edited by Classycal

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i have a link to a sketchy website... and my county library has lots on DVD too.

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Libraries here... are kind of pointless. And I don't think any have DVDs.


You were right. That speech was awesome.

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Everything is covered in ash. On my walk yesterday, the sky was orange and the sun was red. It was otherworldly. California hasn't seen fires this widespread in a while, I reckon. Refugees started pouring into my town earlier today, since we're at sea level and probably won't get burned.

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Libraries here... are kind of pointless. And I don't think any have DVDs.

booo! that's rude of them.  i love my county library system.


7 minutes ago, Sesshomaru said:

Everything is covered in ash. On my walk yesterday, the sky was orange and the sun was red. It was otherworldly. California hasn't seen fires this widespread in a while, I reckon. Refugees started pouring into my town earlier today, since we're at sea level and probably won't get burned.

oh wow!  stay safe Sesshomaru!

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14 minutes ago, Sesshomaru said:

Everything is covered in ash. On my walk yesterday, the sky was orange and the sun was red. It was otherworldly. California hasn't seen fires this widespread in a while, I reckon. Refugees started pouring into my town earlier today, since we're at sea level and probably won't get burned.

It is scary enough just seeing the images on TV, I can't imagine being there. Hopefully they will be able to gain some control soon.


Our county libraries tried re-opening. Ended up closing again because of too many incidents of people refusing to wear masks and being belligerent about it. What is wrong with people???? Now they are back to having people order books online with curbside pickup, although at some branches you can make an appointment for inside service (presumably if you promise to wear a mask!)

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our county libraries opened near the end of June for curbside pickup, and then opened up to come inside at the beginning of July. i'm glad it's still open to go in, even though i just go right to the hold shelf.

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15 hours ago, Lagie said:

I find they're better the second time around. There are a lot of 'preachy' episodes in this season, but I do like 13! :)





The guy is actually meant to be slaying the dragon, not sitting on it, but I like this better. I used a piece from another set to make the seat. That little purple dot on its chest is a bolt that shoots out.


I love this!!!!

And thanks for the code

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10 hours ago, Sesshomaru said:

Everything is covered in ash. On my walk yesterday, the sky was orange and the sun was red. It was otherworldly. California hasn't seen fires this widespread in a while, I reckon. Refugees started pouring into my town earlier today, since we're at sea level and probably won't get burned.

That's scary! And the last thing you need now with everything else going on. Stay safe! *hugs*


2 hours ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

I love this!!!!

And thanks for the code

:D Cool, isn't he? And you're welcome!


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Hot and sunny already. I hope I don't have too many things to haul over to my shop today. We are already overwhelmed with donations and still don't know when we will be able to reopen.

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Good morning!  


Cool Dragon Lagie.  

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nice out today. I promised younger daughter I would paint the second coat of her ceiling today, so I'll be on again later to drop my 3 black hatchies that did NOT alt, the little buggers. none of them alted, but i'm keeping the palindrome coded one!

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Do you usually have luck getting alts?  I used to but not anymore.  

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I haven't. I've tried five now for trystan (or is it six?) and none have worked.


I'm glad my work day is done today. We are still watching Tropical Storm Laura and hoping she stays on the southerly course she appears to be on.

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hmm.... last time i bred 4, this time was 4 - and only one alt.  but this is the first time i actually WANT an alt.

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And that's when they don't appear! XD


I'm hatching AP eggies.

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30 minutes ago, Lagie said:

And that's when they don't appear! XD

exactly! :) 


also, Ash is a mini-Max =^..^=

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