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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Nice! I hope you get into somewhere good Spirit! I bet a few people will have the same idea XD


Grit? :o You eat grit? 

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Yeah I'm hoping that to.


Grit over there is something like a cornflour porridge

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We've made the grit thing here once. Not sure if we did it right.

But it tasted like corn but in a porridge form

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morning all.  back at the office job.


figured out why the eggs i got from the one person were getting sick - they went right into three hatcheries right away.  i usually wait until there's 5d 23h left on the egg or hatchie before putting it in hatcheries.  so, mystery solved.  but i still have two fog balls on my scroll right now. i'll unfog the hatchie tomorrow night when there's like 4d 1h left or something.  the egg still needs to wait - it's at 6d 4h, so probably wednesday i can unfog that one.

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Well, I'm in my new apartment.  I won't have internet access again till Wednesday.

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1 minute ago, Classycal said:

Well, I'm in my new apartment.

congrats!  but boo on the no internet til wednesday :(

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10 hours ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

Grit over there is something like a cornflour porridge


10 hours ago, Fortune86 said:

So...tuna and porridge?


Ok then XD

Yep. Grits, it's always plural. Tuna and grits, sausage and grits, just grits on their own. It's ground corn, cooked exactly like porridge..


Yay for apartment!

Boo for no internet.


I spent an hour today in line for the food store, and was out in about thirty minutes. The PM is speaking in two minutes, and rumour has it he will be announcing a full - no stores of any kind - lockdown for seven days (or fourteen, depending who you hear it from).

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36 minutes ago, Lagie said:

The PM is speaking in two minutes, and rumour has it he will be announcing a full - no stores of any kind - lockdown for seven days (or fourteen, depending who you hear it from).

wow.  so what did he end up saying?


here in the US we need a mask mandate, and for people not to be stupid about it.

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On this island, we are in FULL lockdown for seven days. No nothing unless you are pre-approved to go to work (my shelter, hotel, govt workers). Nothing is open except medical facilities. The police will be stopping ALL vehicles, and if you did not preclear, you will be fined.


Good thing I made it to the food store today.

Edited by Lagie

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oh wow.


good thing you did make it to the food store.  i go tomorrow.

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See longer version in the Covid thread!

I did very well at the food store, in fact. I had left my list at home but when I checked later the one 'must get' item that I didn't get was the limp broccoli. The other 'didn't get' items were all non-crucial and were not in stock anyway. I'll be fine!

I hope you have success tomorrow!

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*goes over to other thread to read*


well, i have to go in the store anyway for a few things, so i should be fine. :) 

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Very good!


Now, what to do with enforced home time... ? :P

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8 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Now, what to do with enforced home time... ? :P



errm.... i mean.... you'll figure something out, right?

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23 minutes ago, trystan said:



errm.... i mean.... you'll figure something out, right?

Totally! :)


Hi MP!

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6 minutes ago, Lagie said:
31 minutes ago, trystan said:



errm.... i mean.... you'll figure something out, right?

Totally! :)

i'm stalking the cave for the Vremya that will become the 9th Doctor.  don't skip Nine! ;) 

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:

i'm stalking the cave for the Vremya that will become the 9th Doctor.  don't skip Nine! ;) 

Good luck!

My second black attempt for you was unsuccessful.


Heading to bed now. Good night, all!


*poofs in a cloud of brownies*

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sorry about that, but thank you for trying! i'll breed my blacks again in a little bit.



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@Marcus Pheonix Yeah, Edelgard's stats are amazing! I'm not really a fan of her, but now I must consider getting her over Claude... They really made this one tough.

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yeah the only one I don't want is Lysithea.

Claude has utility (though i don't really run great flyer utility), Dimitri is a damn good unit save the **** res (though I could probably give him some things to help offset it) and Edelgard has Stonks.

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Quick hello peeps!


I was up until 2am this morning looking for a beetle in Animal Crossing. Still no luck. 

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