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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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I'm disappointed at the lack of stapler eating gifs on the internet.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Have you checked how many staples you have, Fortune? Mine tends to jam when it's low on staples.


Good morning, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Day off, yay, and nowhere to go, double yay.


*crawls back under the covers*

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Good afternoon all.

*takes some toast and jam*


Do any of you have that one friend who just talks over all your quieter friends? :u

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Yes. I have one who talks over me all the time. rolleyes.gif


Toppage, page 75! cool.gif

Edited by Lagie

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God... I'm wrack with nerves, hanging out at uni with the girl I asked out, before we actually go out just seems strange.


Also my dog is a ninja.

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Morning Spirit!


Or evening, in my case.


Nothing greater than signal issues when you're on your second train home after a day's work and you get delayed by quarter of an hour because the train had to stop at three different spots on the tracks because of said signal issues

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I was real lucky the train got back to normal the day I headed into uni (after all the flooding)


For some reason the one website i like to read whilst on the train doesn't load anymore with the trains wifi :/ Facebook and messenger work fine, as well as some other websites.

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Y halo thar MP


I'd imagine flooding would prove quite a threat to railways. Definitely lucky.


Trains have wifi? Are these future trains or something? I have to use my mobile data :C

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Our trains have wifi, though not all just the more recent ones, certainly not "future" trains but more modern than the old ones. Our last Premier really liked trains so he spent a tonne of money building railways which were ultimately pointless.


And the flooding was only really a trouble for the parking (which was completely underwater, like the water was nearly 2 meters above ground at the carpark) and at the point the train crossed over the river, which was flooded.


Apart from that it was fine.

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That's what happens with RP rainbow, they die.



Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Hi Rainbow! Let's just say it's dormant for now.


I've really got my fingers crossed for nabbing this apprentice position that's gonna be available soon. I struggle with work, but this would be both a subject I love and I can help support the family ovo


Also today I skinned a bilby.

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Uhhhh that I did not need to hear, please tell me it was a chocolate bilby you got early for easter sad.gif


Today I mixed plasma with stuff, it was really stupid cause you were meant to look for a slight colour change in less than 5milimeters of liquid that you're constantly moving.


Still don't have a job but I've hopefully got one for the next election (worked on the federal). Fortunate that the day you can start applying was the day my mums friend (who works for the election) came into her gym biggrin.gif

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>calls skinning gross but eats deer legs


Nahp, naturally deceased individual being prepared for research. Somebody's gotta do the work that goes into making pretty and useful museum displays. I'm one of those people.


And the variety of reactions I get when I announce my latest activity never falls short of entertaining.


Plasma, huh? Blood or gas type?


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Good morning, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Good evening, MP and Wyvern!


Glad to hear it died of natural causes, that bilby.

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Lagie's famous brownies :0


Yeah, it's always a shame to find out something was hit by a car, poisoned or so on and so forth. Double shame for me because it provides me with less or nothing to preserve the animal D:


I see, Rainbow! xd.png Some people call me morbid, weird, etcetera for enjoying my hobby. They may be right.

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Blood, the current course for the labs is cardiovascular.


Next week we're gonna be putting chemicals on bugs to watch their hearts beat faster and slower.

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Wow, that sounds quite intriguing! One of these days I gotta preserve myself a heart so I can study/explain the thing without relying on pictures.


Pictures as references are too dang two dimensional. I like 3D stuff.

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*casually goes over and check in the fridge*

Hmm.. There is a piece of pork, beef and a chicken. I will take the chicken.

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