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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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*descends upon chips*


Lagie, that's so great! =o

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Good morning peeps!


God I hate bugs.


Ghoul zerg rush? No problem.


Super Mutant Suicider? I laugh.


Legendary Deathclaw? Bring it.


Radroach? Scream like a little girl and book it in the other direction.

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Still Fallout xd.png


I was randomly roaming last night and just kinda gunning down anything in my path (looking for things to lock pick or hack so that Deacon would like me) and ended up burning though a lot of ammo. Of course, I then ran into a Legendary Albino Deathclaw with all of two bullets on me. Deacon got stuck behind a tree so I ended up taking it on with a knife.


Took a while to kill it, but I felt pretty badass when I did. Then I got ambused by a Radroach and I fled screaming xd.png


I did consider a video, but it was all during the night cycle and you couldn't really see anything. wink.gif

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Haha I would have ran way screaming as well xd.png


Finally they are done working on my PC!

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Hi there Rainbow!


I hate that I have a bunch of work on days I'm not suppose to have work

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Cause everyone wants to impress their managers then I end up with the designing of the stuff!

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Nope... Cause I'm contracted by this company they can ask me to design anything without even getting anything out of it.

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I get paid just like you, month to month on a fixed salary.

I don't get commission out of the work I do

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Unless we have no choice. Like when a public holiday interferes with our work.

What I meant was that today was suppose to be a slow day at work but now I have a ton of work to do.

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Ooooooh! I get it now. I thought you meant you had to come in and do work on an off day or something.


I am slow today xd.png

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Haha no xd.png

If I take off days I make sure it will end in a long weekend xd.png

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Jip and the month of April has many long weekends!

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We have Easter weekend and then at the end of the month we have another long weekend.

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