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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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See? Bribery works every time xd.png


I'll be able to let you know this afternoon.


Anyhoos, did you play Brothers last night?

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Don't get me started on that game dry.gif

Finished it last night. At 1am in the morning!

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To much feels!

Nearly cried the whole freaking night!

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*hugs Spirit better*


I know right?


I was convinced it was all going to be ok. It was just another dream right? But nooooo, the game had to go and make you bury them. I sat there and pretty much cried my way through the rest of the game.


And that final bit in the water damn near killed me. And the bit where the dad breaks down and cries.


It wasn't all sad though. I think the part with the snow monster was the most scared I've ever been playing a game xd.png

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Oh my word that last scene with the dad just broke me into little bits.

Mostly because I actually know how it feel!

The scary part for me was that spider.


Hi there Rainbow!

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Hey Rainbow.


I really want to replay Brothers now but I can't because I have to befriend Nick xd.png

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Who's Nick?


Will have a look at it a bit later Rainbow.

A bit busy at work to read long text at the moment


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Nick is a companion in Fallout 4. He has a loyalty quest which is basically me searching across the entire map for ten tapes.


I've found one.

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Oh my! Well good luck with the search.

I need to replay Brothers cause I've missed some of the trophies

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There should be a quest marker but I think the quest has glitched on me so I'm basically running around trying to remember where I last found them two years ago xd.png


Good luck with the replay!


It's a shame you can't leave the woman in the cave D:

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Google is a friend tongue.gif


Thanks... but luckily I can only reply certain chapters. I doubt I'll survive that again!

Yeah I kinda wish there was like two different endings

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I know but I'm too lazy xd.png


Knowing the writers, the other ending would be about the other brother D:

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When all is said, I really love that game.


I just dread ever playing anything by that developer ever again xd.png

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Yeah it's a really good game I have to say.

It captures a persons emotions well!

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Good morning Spirit and Fortune!


Other than sobbing over video games, how goes it? wink.gif

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I have a tiny, tiny, tiny chance to win some money.


If I get it, I'll buy you a PS4.


Or at least send you the money for it xd.png

Something I can rig for you?


*waves sonic screwdriver*

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Kestra! Purple!


*hugs and mooches both* (Hooches? Mugs?...wait....)


A little late I'm afraid Kestra. Thanks for the offer.

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