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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Ah good... Just making sure I didn't download some foreign language thing xd.png

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So I'm doing a rather intense budget and my money matters ain't looking good.

On the one side if I busy some of the specials, then I don't need to buy some of those stuff for a few months. Which means I kinda save a bit of money.

But if I spend that money now on all those things then I'm going to be pretty broke this month!

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Oh dear. That doesn't sound good.


I can't really suggest anything. You know what a complete lack of willpower I have.

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Lol I know.

If it wasn't for the credit card I would be fine. But I need to pay it off.

And sadly that parking fine I ignored last year came and nipped me in the butt... So good bye R500... Hello higher amount to pay off on credit card.

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I hate bills D:


You know, most people dream of travelling to other countries, or being famous or doing some kind of wild sporty thing.


I just want to be mortgage free. It would free up so much money.

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Same here!


If I didn't have to pay rent then life would have been so much better!

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We should all be allocated free houses at birth. You're not allowed to sell them (maybe you can rent them out if you're living with someone else and another needs the space) and you can swap with other people if you need to move, but we shouldn't have to pay for having a roof over our heads.

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Yeah that would be awesome.

I see a lot of people rather moving back with their parents cause they can't afford a place to live.

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Same here. A good chunk of people I know still live with their folks, mostly because they don't earn enough to afford a place of their own.

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Very sad thing indeed. Knowing that one day, if we have kids, that they will struggle as well with getting a house one day.

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I am the CPA GMT Daytime Guardian. I catch all the lurkers o3o

*runs through the thread unmolested*


Gastroscopy for me in a few hours. And thank you for your posts of support everyone *mooches*

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Kestra, good luck with that. Hope all goes well.


Good morning, CPA! biggrin.gif

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Thanks, Rainbow. smile.gif Is KFC good for breakfast? I haven't had breakfast, yet.

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Purple you know full well the official CPA breakfast is pancakes and chocolate brownies. Shame on you.


*runs after Kestra*

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That's okay, Rainbow. Enough. I can't eat all this!

*passes hamburger to hubby, and tries to explain where it came from laugh.gif "It's okay. Honey, it was just tossed to me by an albino serval from the internet!" *

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Riding without stirrups at a trot and weaving poles is a lotta fun. Too bad I failed yet again to manage a canter.


How's everyone doing? Lagie, sorry to hear you're having things a bit rough D:

I loved cantering! Much better than trotting. Hope you work it out soon!

And thanks. I'm staying home today to make sure I'm over it before going back to work tomorrow.


Good morning, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Fortune, I'm glad you're not in London.

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Meow ok

And there is still the giant cat fish

*casually goes to the animal jam word and roast it over the "random campfire"*

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Fortune! *snugs back*

I'd be enjoying it more if I didn't feel about to fall asleep at any mome...zzzzzzz

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Hi there Purple!


Aw no... art class got canceled T.T





Edited by DragonSpirit009

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G'morning, Lagie! Still feeling unwell, I see. *Hugs Lagie better*

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