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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Morning peeps!


Wyvern, don't feel bad about slow RPing. Real life comes first. I've had enough RPs die on me due to inactivity and I've recently had to quit someone else's because real life issues are getting in the way. It can be frustrating and sad, but take care of yourself first.


They still don't know if yesterday's attacker in London was a Terrorist or not. Either way, they had to be pretty twisted to do what they did.

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What a bad day.

No it's not a bad day xd.png

Today is a peaceful day. No tests when there is supposed to be a test

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Hi everyone




I did't draw for a long time.


Recommend me what I'll draw (Dragon Cave draons only, Will be headshot.)




Ah... I'm sorry for hear that...

Edited by kjym16

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Can you draw Bolz?

Remember that he also has white markings xd.png

I really need an accurate picture of him so..

Please read his description before you draw

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I saw there was an attack. Haven't read all the news to know what's actually going on!


Hi there Rainbow!

Hi there kjym16!

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I haven't caught up yet this morning, but last I heard no one was 100% sure about all the details yet. All we know is some nutter plowed down a bunch of people, including school kids, and tried to attack Parliment with a knife. He was shot down.

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Wow I was late to find out about the London attack o-o that's scary. To think I'm here getting nervous about traveling several kilometres by myself on the train to get to volunteer work, while that's going on. Kinda puts stuff into perspective.

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Fortune keep me informed on what's going on.

Seems like my local news site is on the fritz again!


Hi there Wyvern.

Sadly there are dangers around every corner these days. No matter if you just go for a walk around the block or visiting another country.

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Unfortunately Spirit is right. Nowhere is 100% safe these days. Parliment is supposed to be one of the most secure places in the UK, but this guy still managed to get inside.


We've even had people breaking into Buckingham Palace. One guy got as far as the Queen's bedroom. Sat and chatted with her for ten minutes.

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We also had problems with our parliament recently.

Some one threw teargas in one of the meetings. And there have been complaints that the security is just normal police but it should be special guards or something.

But it doesn't help much when one idiot breaks the whole session each time he enters

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Well, we'll try to move onto less depressing topics.


Did you get to try Brothers least night?

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Only for a little bit.

I took a nap when I got home. The nap was longer than what it should have been xd.png

Only played till the part where I saw bunnies and sheep.

The controls is a bit challenging I have to say!

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Oh yay! You started!


Yeah it took me a while to get into the swing of controlling two characters at once. I kept focusing on one and getting the other stuck in walls xd.png

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I'm trying to keep the older brother on the right hand side cause his control keys are W, A, S, D and spacebar for action controls.

The little brothers controls are the arrow buttons and the right ctrl button for actions. I try to keep him on the left side the whole time.


The little brother got chowed by a dog a couple of times

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lol I did the same.


I didn't realize the dog was a danger at first. Sent little brother over to pet him. D:

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Lol... I got my controls confused and he ran right into the dog. xd.png

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So far but it's still a bit to early to tell.

I just want to make sure... The language. It's not meant to to be understandable right?

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It's all babble.


'Naiee' may be the name of the younger brother though. 'Naia' is the older one. No one is quite sure lol.

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