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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Work? Oh no! And I fear I am too late to save you! :o

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I'm doing ok. Feel a bit odd though. I had a very realistic dream last night where a video game character told me off for not having eaten a proper breakfast in years. 


How's you?

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I agree with that character XD


I'm exhausted. Visited a friend after work yesterday and she has a three year old. She was very demanding that I should play with her XD

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Haha oh I know those dreams. I usually get them when I need to wake up and go to the bathroom XD


Yeah her little girl really like me. But she is extremely exhausting.

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Oh another thing that happened.


Remember we were talking about that I should draw a T-Rex next. Well I just gotten an email from a friend who wants me to illustrate a children's book about two T-Rex friends XD

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I'm watching a guy get vegemite smeared on his bald head so they can imitate hair with it.


I previously watched a guy dance around with his baby which was hilarious.

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Well now I have to go look for references for T-Rex and then try to make it kiddy-ish.

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Need a bit something simpler MP.

I can't make something with to much detail cause I will have to draw it in different angles.

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That will most likely be my go to XD

But I will only be able to work on it when get home this evening. So no gaming tonight.

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On pony town, I waited for someone that tried to kill me (played as Bolz) for two days straight so he can try and kill me again.

No signs. 

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Hi Rainbow.

That doesn't really sound good O.o


Well think about it Fortune. If they like my design then I get paid. Which means money. Which means they might use me for more illustrations. Which means I might get more money.

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